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EDUC 5312/3315-Curriculum and Instructional Design

Classroom Observation Assignment

Observation Form 2
Observation Date: __3/8/2016______ Observation Time:____45'______
Teacher Observed:__Marisol Ortiz__ Subject/Grade Level: Spanish/ 4 th Grade
School Observed: Harmony School of Exploration Observer: Medine Soylemez
For the things you observed, place a check. Please explain further about the checked item
directly below the particular section. Provide overall comments and reflections at the end.
__X___ On Task _____ Off Task __X___ Engaged __X_ Learning Successfully
Explain: Student kept busy with activities such as songs, games, groups works, worksheets etc.
They were both educational and let the students have fun.
_X__ Modeling

__X__ Question/Answer

_____ Lecture

__X_ Monitoring Groups

__X__ Listening

__X__ Problem Solving

____ Modifying

__X__ Integrating Content __X__ Guiding Cooperative Groups

___X__ Evaluating _____ Reading To Students

___ Other _ _____________________

Explain: She used various techniques all together. For examples she used a game to evaluate
includes both individual and group work and competition among the student and the groups.
The game was consist of filling out a puzzle on a work sheet and then helping the group
members to find a word which can only be found if all the puzzles were done correctly and put
together. So the student in the group who finishes first help the other one, then they put their
worksheets together and look for the needed letters to find the unknown word. The group who
finished the task first got rewarded.


_X___ Manipulatives

____ Workbooks

___ Overhead Projector

____ Smart Board

__X___ whiteboard

____ Maps

___X_ Computer

__X__ Projector

_____ Books

__X__ Other Audio Visuals

____ None

_____ Other __________________________________________________________________

Explain: The classroom is full with materials to be used for the subject. They help the students
to recall easily. She can use whatever she wants when needed as they are all under her hand
use. She sometimes uses them off their purposes. For example she wrote some words on the
white board while lecturing at the time she gave worksheets to fill in she covered the board with
the projectors screen so students couldn't see them.


__X__ Small Groups

___X__ Whole Group _____ Pairs

__X___ Individuals

Explain: She used variety of grouping accordingly to the activity needed. But students were
sitting in group during the whole lesson as the classroom were designed that way.


_X_ Worksheet

_X___ Listening

__X__ Writing

___ Reading

__X___ Performing

___ Journaling

__X_ Discussing

_____ Centers

_____ Homework _____ Research

___ Investigation

_____ Laboratory

__X___ Using Technology

___ Other ______________________________________________________________

Explain: From the very beginning of the lesson till the end students were active in their own
learning. They listened to a song and then sang it afterwards, they were given worksheets to fill
in and help each other to solve a puzzle, etc. Normally they were given kinda project homework
but it was the week just before the spring break so no homework was given. I I had the chance
to see their previous homework which were hanged on the wall as they cut clothes from
magazines, glue on a stick man they draw on a poster and write the colors on them.

_X___ Stated Expectations for Behavior

___X__ Positive Reinforcement

__X__ Redirection of Inappropriate Behavior

___X_ Encouragement of Students

__X___ Self-disciplined Students

___X__ Effective Time Management


Materials Ready


Enthusiasm for Teaching/Learning


Objectives of the day were written on the board and read by the teacher to the students
at the beginning of the lesson. All rules or warning were also written on hanged on the
walls she used them when needed. The good thing is she has a settled classroom
management she established at the very beginning of the school year that students
easily understand the signals given by the teacher whether she is satisfied with their
attitude or not.
The first thing I realized in her classroom the friendly environment she set up for the
students for them to feel comfortable and relaxed. The strategies and materials she
used was all suitable and well designed according to students' needs, grade level, ages,
etc. Her relationship with the students was so sincere that they don't feel they are in a

lesson but having rest in a peaceful environment. I had the chance to observe her out of
the classroom. She is so close to the students and is very friendly to them. This really
reflects the attitude of the students in her classroom.

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