Kindness Challenge Lesson Plan

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Kindness Challenge Lesson Plan

School Counselor:

Dayna Koshar

Date: March 2016

Activity: Kindness challenge paper chain

Grade(s): 2nd grade 5th grade
ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors (Domain/Standard/):

PS:A2.8 Learn how to make and keep friends

PS:B1.7 Demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences
Learning Objective(s):

Students will be able to identify ways in which their classmates are demonstrating

2. Students will work toward going above and beyond as it relates to doing kind things
for others.
Materials: Construction paper cut into thin strips, enough for all classes
1. Activity: Kindness Challenge
a. Introduce kindness challenge
i. WHO: all lower school 2nd-5th grade: broken down by class
ii. WHAT: creating chains of kindness throughout the lower school
iii. HOW: Someone is kind to you, or a staff member catches someone
being kind. When either of these happen, a paper strip will be taken
and filled out by person reporting the kindness. If you are a student,
show it to your teacher and link it up to the chain hanging in your
iv. WHEN: Starting Monday, 2/29. Will continue for the whole Month of
v. WHERE: In your classroom, and throughout the day at school
b. The actual challenge
i. Each class will be a team in this challenge.
ii. The GOAL is to be the class with the longest Kindness Chain.

iii. At the end of the challenge, March 31, the chains will be collected, and
links will be counted. The winning class will be announced on Friday
April 1 at lower school assembly.
iv. There WILL be a prize for the winning class.
c. How this relates to Leading the Bullis Way notes
i. If you are writing a note for leading the Bullis way, and the note has to
do with kindness, I would encourage you to ALSO fill out a kindness
d. Supplies
i. Each class will have a specific color paper (or 2) that ONLY is for
students in that class. There will be a stack of paper strips given to
each class. Please let Mrs. Keller know if you run out of strips, and we
will get you more.
Plan for Evaluation:
Follow Up: At the end of the month, count up amount of links in each chain to
determine winning class. Announce winner at lower school assembly, and read some of
the acts of kindness links out loud.

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