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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 30, 2016

What is the barometer of a true divine life? Bhagawan explains to us in crystal

clear terms to us today.

Righteousness (Dharma) is the basis for the entire Universe. A

true human being is one who practices the principle
of dharma. Burning is the dharma of fire. Many often use the word
dharma without knowing its true nature and majesty. Coolness is
the dharma of ice. Fire is no fire without burning. Ice is no ice
without coolness. Similarly, thedharma of a human lies in
performing actions with the body and following the commands of
the heart. Every act performed with thought, word, and deed in
harmony is a dharmic act! A dharmic life is a divine life!
This dharma of the heart is supreme and verily thedharma of life.
You must achieve unity in thought, word, and deed at all costs.
- Summer Showers Ch2, May 20, 1996.

Never get inflated when praised or deflated when blamed. Be a spiritual lion! Baba

30 ApRYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:s`cy A`iDAwqimk jIvn dw kI pYmwnw hY?Bgvwn, A`j swnUM,swP-swP
smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: swry bRhmMf dw AwDwr,Drm hI hY[ie`k s`cw ienswn auh hY
ijhVw,Drm dI pwlxw krdw hY[A`g dw Drm,jlxw hY[keI lok,Drm dw
svrUp Aqy pRqwp jwxy ibnW,Drm Sbd dw pRXog krdy hn[brP dw

Drm,TMfk dyxw hY[jy A`g,iksy cIz nUM nhIN jlwauNdI qW auh A`g,A`g nhIN
hY[auh brP,brP nhIN hY ijhVI,TMfk pYdw nhIN krdI[ausy qrHW,mnu`K dw ieh
Drm hY ik auh, SrIr qoN kMMm lvy Aqy idl dy kihxy muqwbk cly[mn,vcn
Aqy krm dI iekswrqw nwl kIqw krm, Drm-krm hY[iek Dwrimk jIvn,
idvX jIvn hY[idl dw Drm,srv-au`qm hY Aqy inScy hI, jIvn dw Drm
hY[quhwnUM,hr kImq iv`c mn,vcn Aqy krm iv`c ,iekswrqw ilAwauxI
cwhIdI hY[(smr Swvrz AiD`Awey do,20 meI,1996)[
jd koeI quhwfI vifAweI krdw hY qW bhuq KuS nw hovo Aqy jd koeI quhwfI
bdKoeI krdw hY qW mwXUs nw hovo[iek A`iDAwqimk Syr bxo[(bwbw)[

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