Multicultural Program Checklist

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Multiculturally Inclusive Programming

Does your program
Allow students to learn in multiple methods through multi-faceted
Conflict with any cultural and/or religious holidays?
Involve students from diverse cultural groups in university activities,
programs, and planning?
Does the planning committee have systematic, comprehensive, mandatory,
and continuing multicultural staff development programs?
Is the school staff (administrative, instructional, counseling, and supportive)
multiethnic and multicultural?
Is the total atmosphere of the university positively responsive to racial,
ethnic, cultural, and language differences?
Reflect the ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity in U.S. Society through staff
and participants?
Include various types of food that are representative of the wide range of
cultures in the U.S.?
Include food that takes into consideration students who arent able to eat
certain foods due to their cultural or religious beliefs?
Display marketing materials that reflect cultural diversity in its representation
and visual approach?
Adapted from: James A. Banks, An Introduction to Multicultural Education, Allyn and
Bacon (MA 1994), Appendix C, pages 113-115.

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