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$0, ttt the proof of There 24 oan he owing eh 1 Re Ur, where cach Fe lose bt he en 08 Fe punt ote Cais ent open sabe oor n= 3,2, ‘ten FO isso emp Gay i ese a) (iis spec eae oF aie’ sere ee see 2, Chap. 3 fr he eer 3 NUMERICAL SEQUENCES AND SERIES As the le inate, hs ebapter wil eal prs wth sequences and sce, Of compen numbers The bare fats abou onveaunce,bowere, ae st ‘sip expine oa more ger seting, ‘The fist re cos wl htfore ‘econtmed wth sequences in etliden paces, or een ln mt spaces CONVERGENT SEQUENCES 31 Deflation A sequence, in 2 mete space X's sid to conerge if there ita pimp X with te following propery: For every > 0 there a nese Dasch thatn > N impli ht di, 9) =e. ered denotes the distance aX) onveree to por thatthe lit of 1p) doesnt comers, it ssi ode, "ang be elo point out that oor dfnion of “convergent sequence” \ pens no ols om (7) but also ot; fr istane, te sequene (in) cone ‘ege ia R (0) but also converge in the et ofall postive real numbers i [nit (up) (xpi Ia cates of posite ambigay, we can be more h ‘resi and spe “coaberget in 1 rater than “convergent.” f "We recl hat he se of ll point, = 12,3, the range of (,) i “The ang fa sequence my be nt et ort ay bet. The sequence ! (paid to be bounded range is bounded. "As examples, consider the fllowing reqences of compler numbers (oats, r=) \ (Mam in hen 8 ss tounded (© Teoea ny the sequence {pf unbounded, i divergent, and as i inde ane. Go Hap=1-+[(~ Off the sequence (6) comeges 1, bounded, ed bas nie ana. the ranges if and the sequence © Hh apn the sequence (is verge is bounded, and bas faite i ‘ang i (o) Wroe= 1 (= 1,2,3,..9, then (a) converes to I, Bounded, and ae Bite range ‘Wenow summirin some important properties of convergent sequences i A2 Theorem Let |p} Be esque ina mtr space. (6) (oa comerges 0p © and only (Fever egiborkoed of pconins to al bt finely any. i @ Dpe tape ke andi) comerges 0p and phen =P. \ (6) Wig) comsrge, then (pts ound (GER ond pra lint point of hn there a semen E sc hat» = i, reat (0) Seppone pep and It ¥ 86a sihbrioo of For Sone 00, te saddens dp) 2.962 imply ge Consort ingots nt Nc WW pi yp) eT miwingies pe Coon spp every eigiboriood of pants all tat fuiaty ny of i Fixe 0, a ee Y bee tof all ge sch thai eB) some, tre este Coneapenig tis) Soh tot poe wed. Thon dye) ce m= Bene PoP @) Leee>Obe given, Thee eit inegrs¥, 4” such tha F2N moles purl nN imps ay. p) <$ Hence in max (V, N, me base e050) + lo) <0 ‘ce «was abtary, we conlee htop») =0, 1) Suppose prop. Thee a integer Nsach tat n> 8 implies dp, p<. Pa re mac(hdpudh ‘Then dp. p) 2 for = 12,3, ("For each postive negra, thre a point 96 ech that pep) < fe. Given e>0, choo W 40 that Ne Is IP RDN, fellows that dip.) 0, there ext neg MN sch tat ney imples ts neM tools ntl 0 a TEN = mite Ny) hen m2 pis Nat 9) (048) < yma + [ntl 0, thee ae integers NN, soc hat nN imps [s.—al Hisl =m, “Given £> 0, there sam integer > m sac tht m2 pis lg nel

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