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Journal Number 1

Journal Number 2

Journal Number 3

Using the photo of yourself as a child,

develop a piece of writing that
answers the following questions:

How has your identity changed

since then?
How have you changed?
How do people see you
Do you still see yourself this way?
Do you miss being a child?
Were they happy times or sad

Finish this thought: if I could change

one thing about myself (If you
can't think of anything, then talk
about how you got to be so

Journal Number 4

What law would you like to see

enacted which would help
people? How would it help?

Journal Number 6
Journal Number 5

Write about what you think you will be

like and what you will be doing ten
years or twenty years from now.

Journal Number 7

Imagine yourself in a different

century and describe an
average day in your life.
Journal Number 8

Youve been put in charge of

persuading the government
that homework should be
banned. Mount your case.

Create a short story that is 26

sentences long, each sentence
beginning with the next letter of the

Think about an incident that

happened to you and exaggerate in
the telling. Make it into a tall tale.
Journal Number 9

Should smoking be illegal? Why

or why not?

Journal Number 10
Who is your favourite teacher? Why?

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