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EDC270 EEI Lesson Plan Template

Name: Sabrina Savage

Pima Course: EDC270

Instructor: Maya Eagleton

Subject: ELA

Grade Level: 6

Duration: 50 minutes

ELA Topic: Renewable Resources

List of Materials, Handouts, Rubrics, and other Documents:


Computer lab with Smart board for demonstration

Head phones
Anticipatory Set Video:
Energy benefits versus disadvantages chart
Energy data table
a. Select question 5: What are the advantages of alternative energy sources?

Purpose/Goal and/or Essential Question(s): The purpose of this lesson is for students to use given information to determine
what the best settings for renewable resources are. They will practice reading directions that lead them through a science
experiment. They will practice recording information. They will work in groups of 2-3 to discuss the importance of finding
renewable energy resources.
Content Standard
Choose ONE standard. Be sure to write
out the entire standard, not just the

Learning Objective

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Choose ONE objective that leads

toward mastery of the standard
Must be specific, measurable, and
Must have at least two parts:
learning and behavior

Anticipatory Set

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Sometimes called a "hook"

to grab the student's
Focuses student attention on
the objective and the
purpose of the lesson
Activates prior knowledge
Requires ACTIVE

Description of Plan
Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks. 6-8.RST.3
Student will be able to manipulate environmental settings to determine the
efficiency of energy production.

-Students will log into their individual computers in a lab.

-Use the Smart board to demonstrate how to load video
-Provide the link for the National Geographic Green House Effect Video
-Students will use headphones to watch the video individually
-Questions to ask after viewing the video
How did the video make you feel?
What are some of the major reasons for increases in heat on the planet?
Think, pair, share: What are possible solutions for decreasing the effects of
global warming?

Using effective and varied
strategies, the teacher provides
information and vocabulary
students will need in order to
grasp the concept, strategy, or

-Use the smart board to Instruct students to the simulation lab website. Pass out the
energy chart and data table.
-Use the smart board to demonstrate where to find key information needed for their
energy benefits versus disadvantages chart.
-As a class, read the excerpt to under the question: What are the advantages of
alternative energy resources?
-Use the Smart board to project a Venn Diagram that compares and contrasts
renewable versus nonrenewable resources based on the information presented in
the excerpt.

EDC270 EEI Lesson Plan Template

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Demonstrate and show examples
of what students are expected to
do (how to solve the problem,
answer the question, do the
activity etc.).

Checks for Understanding

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Various strategies that are ongoing

throughout the entire lesson.
Enables teacher to determine
whether ALL students have "gotten

Guided Practice
An opportunity for each student to
demonstrate new learning by
working through an activity or
exercise with the teachers

Actions or statements made by
teachers AND students that
summarize lesson objectives and
optimize transfer.

Independent Practice
AFTER proper closure, it is
important to provide time for
additional practice. It may be
group or individual work in class
or it might be homework.

Assessment Options

Formative and summative tools that

will be used as pre- and/or postassessments.
Alternative options for diverse
learners should also be provided

Differentiation Options
How you will reach diverse learners by
varying the:




-Use the Smart board to project the energy benefits versus chart, and data
-As a class, read about solar energy. Demonstrate how to fill in the examples
of advantages and disadvantages

Students give feedback about their knowledge of the topic while participating
in class discussion. The students guided sheets, and how well they are filled
out, is a good indicator of whether or not students understand the
assignment. When students choose to simulate solar panels, for example,
they should not check to see the energy efficiency by setting the amount of
light to cloudy. They should be aware, through class discussion and reading,
that solar energy must come from the sun and therefore already have a
good idea of the outcome should they take the sun out of their simulation
-Students will read the steps in the procedure to conduct an experiment to determine the effectiveness
of different renewable energy resources under carrying conditions.
-Students will choose one type of energy, and vary the conditions in two different ways to discover the
expanse and energy output.
-They will record the settings they choose and their information in the data table.
-Ask students to share what settings and type of energy produced the most efficient output.
-Think, pair, share: How does this information apply to cities/states/countries etc. when deciding how
they should incorporate more centers for generating energy from renewable resources. For example,
taking a look at your data, would you recommend an area that gets sunshine about 2 months out of
the year to invest in land filled with solar panels?
Choose from the following assignments to begin in class, and complete for homework.
-Create a poster that advertises what you found to be the most useful renewable energy resource.
Your poster should use your data to convince others that this type of energy is important.
-Write a letter to a congressperson explaining the importance of using renewable energy resources.
Use your data to discuss what the best conditions for different renewable resources would be.
-Create a public service announcement that convinces others to become more green and use
renewable resources. Use your data to discuss what the best conditions for different renewable
resources would be.
-Write a persuasive essay that discusses the importance of improving the environment. Use your data
to discuss what the best conditions for different renewable resources would be.
-Students will be assessed on their advantages/disadvantages chart, and the completion of their data
-Students will be assessed on the final product they create. They can choose the type of project they
create, which will utilize their strengths the best, and demonstrate their understanding/knowledge
gained from collecting data.

Content: Students gain knowledge of the content through videos, reading,

and simulation. They learn through think, pair, share activities both at the
beginning and end of the lesson.
Process: Students use organizers to help guide their note taking, and a data
table to guide their research process.
Product: Students have the opportunity to choose from a variety of projects
to demonstrate their understanding. They can create a poster, write a letter,
write a persuasive essay, or create a video. This will allow students to use
their strengths, and demonstrate their understanding in a way that best suits
their needs.

EDC270 EEI Lesson Plan Template

21st Century Learning
Includes technology as well as the 4 Cs:
Critical Thinking

Students show critical thinking throughout the entire lesson. They use information
theyve learned previously to begin discussions about different types of energy.
They use new information to guide their simulation. Students show understanding
of the types of renewable resources by choosing conditions that are optimal when
testing the energy meter. They will use their creativity to take the information they
learned, and convey a message to others through a project of their choice. They
must be able to communicate with others and the class during think, pair, share
activities. They must also be able to communicate a message through the project
they choose to complete.

Additional Information
Technology is constantly changing, and becoming a necessity to understand when it comes time to work in the real
world. More and more students will need to be efficient in typing, understand how to use the Internet to find credible
sources, how to create presentations, etc. Not only is it important to become savvy with technology because of its place in
the working world, but it is also an incredible tool when used properly.
Technology is a huge benefit for English Language Arts teachers. It can be used as both supplementation to text
and workbooks, and also as the main source for teaching. Online activities are available for students who need extra
practice, or daily maintenance. Computers can be used to demonstrate writing activities at a much better pace than writing
on the board or paper. Technology provides a means for visual representation of various content. Students can view videos
and pictures or listen to songs that supplement material the teacher provides. The Internet offers a means for quickly pulling
up demonstrations if further instruction is needed. For example, when reading a fictional novel that uses real places the
teacher can pull up pictures of what that place actually looks like in order to help students make real life connections to their
Books, novels, handouts, etc. are excellent sources for students to utilize when learning new information. However,
online sources also provide a vast amount of new information, and add another dimension to learning. Students can expand
their knowledge with a wider variety of sources. Technology also offers more opportunities for differentiation in the
classroom. When used properly, it can take learning and discovery to a new level.

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