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MODULE ge cme ams Cel, (CLASSES VI - VIII) FOR MASTER TRAINERS Uy IN SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAMME DIRECTORATE OF CURRICULUM AND TEACHER EDUCATION NWFP ABBOTTABAD LEN Ae eae Patron-in-Chief -~ Compilation ... Edition Place of Publication .. Publisher ... Date of Publication ... Pages - Number of Copies - Composing & Printing....... . Module Teaching of English for Classes VI - VIII for Master Trainers of In-Service Training Programme - UMMAR FAROOQ Director NASEEB-UN-NISA ALVI Subject Specialist - FIRST . ABBOTTABAD . Directorate of Curriculum & Teacher Education NWFP, Abbottabad . May - June, 2002 ~ 43 - 500 Government Printing & Stationery Department, NWFP Peshawar. CONTENTS SUBJECT Forward Introduction Importance of English Major Objectives of Teaching English (Class 7" to 8" General Objectives of Teaching English (Class 7" to 8" Objectives Class 6" Objectives Class 7" Objectives Class 8" Use of Audio Visual Aids: Black-Board. Pictures, Maps, Charts and Diagrams, Flash Cards, Radio — Tape Recorder and Television & Apparatus Method of Teaching English Lesson Planning (Preparation, Presentation, Practice, Production (UPs) Evaluation, Assignments The Aims of Lesson Plans Class 6" Lesson Alphabets A to Z Lesson Plan Format for Class 6" (Use of This and That) Lesson Plan Format for Class 7” “Change of Voice", trom Active into Passive Lesson Plan Format for Class 8" Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) the Prophet of Mercy 3 5 Co 3 1 FOREWORD For the last couple of years, the Reorientation Courses (ROCS} both for Middle : teachers could not be conducted by this organization due to financial and Secondary sta erunel at large. The National Fducation policy (1998-2010) vis-a-vis Education Sector Reforms. stresses the need and execution of Inservice Teachers Training programme across the Jevel and subjects, Myriad of vertical and horizontal textual and curricula changes have been taken place during the course of time, Given the situation, the Govt, of NWEP School and Literacy Department embarks upon a crash ROC programme through this Directorate and Executive District Offices Yeu the challenging task tain Master Trainers in the subjects of English (VI ~ X). Mathematies Phy sies (VI~ X. IX X) and Biology.’ Chemistry /Seience (IX ~ X. IXeX. VI Vilt) is assigned 10 this Directorate, Whereas Held teachers training programme ‘iven to EDOs concerned. Etraordinary requirements demand extraordinary actions, Despite realization that time is short, intellectual resources ate limited. production of innovative plus creative teaching Modules is not t game of chance. we designed. prepared and dralted “Dralt Modules” and handed over to all Resource Persons or Lead Trainers involved in workshops W.e.f. 15.5.02 to 26.5.02 to study and give professional expertise if any so that we could proceed! /urther accordingly. Thanks to them for appreciating the work. Iso. grateful to all writers, reviewers. course coordinators (subject specialists). officers and officials engaged in this crash training programme and in particular to Arbub Shahzad Khan. Secretary to Education and Literacy. Govt. of NWEP fir his continuous support and encouragement to enable us to render teaching savvy ROCS. Tam Ido hope that 630 Master Trainers trained in aforementioned subjects would disseminate their Knowledge. information and life as well as pedagogical skills gained in 12 days five workshops, In that they understand ""when one is good to others she/he is best to her/himself™. Consequently. effective, meaningful and result-oriented education is possible. An obligation of all concerned. Act right now and stand in the vallery of greats UMMAR FAROOQ DIRECTOR CURRICULUM AND TFACHERS EDUCATION, NWEP. ABBOTTABAD. INTRODUCTION Module system is such a method of teaching in which a teacher has to prepare his Jesson on scientific lines. It has four main parts: (ay) (B) ) (Dy OBJECTIVES: First of all the teacher has to determine the particular and general aims of his lesson. By claborating these aims. a student gets help in preparing his lesson in accordance with these aims and thus the direction of his study is set COMPLETE SUBJCT .TTE! Alier preparing the subject matter. it is presented in such manner that a student could achieve the pre-determined obje PRACTICAL WORK (SELF-ASSESSMEN: By bringing these aims in mind, questions are prepared, These questions help in understanding the lesson. Through these questions. itis also ascertained as to ‘what estent the students ean understand the lesson. KEY Through this. answers of the questions are provided. so that students could themselves know about their ability, In fact “Module System of teaching’ is such a method of sellearning, which a teacher uses according to his own abilities. In this method importance is laid not on teaching but learning. By determining the aims before-hand, there is created continuity and coordination in the lesson, In this way the teacher acquires an opportunity to know whether the students can underst tand the lesson properly or not. Besides. through training of this method of teaching less time is required as compared to the other method. 3 IMPORTANCE The place of English Ianguage in our Educational System and curriculum has been a controversial issue since independence. In Pakistan, we have inherited the English onguage as the language of education. business and administration fron. our former British rulers. We are well aware of that due fo failure in English language. a great majority of our stadents fail in various examinations in this subject. Almost all the competitive Examinations both for the Civil and Military Superior Services are conducted in Lnglish language. The success of the candidates depends upon their proficiency in English, A person speaking good and accurate English is considered an intelligent one, ‘Thus, the knowledge of English language apparently is considered to be the only eriteria of” prestige. honour and greatness, This Language has gained and is continuing to gain the position of importance in our cwriculum instead the recent trend of public, to send their children to English Medium (Publiey Schools because of the language holds its proud position as the only which ean be taught with great benefit to the younger generation in the Education Department of N.W.E.P, has started it trom primary forign kinguag Pakistan, Eve classes, «i cit ain 4 CLASS VI- VU The major objectives of teaching English in Pakistan are Linguistic Objectives: Which comprise of four basic skills ix. listening, reading. speaking and writing Cultural Objectives: To wach English in order t enable the students to read about different cultures of the world and thus broaden their knowledge and outlook Good International Relationship: In the world of today, no country can exist without depending upon others, As an international language. English helps in link between nations, estublishis Lrehicle of transmitting: English is an intemational language. through which we ean contact with world family of nation, Itis a vehicle of transmitting a great store oF knowledge and a source of communication of world culture -nglish is a source for the study of science and technology It lacilitates our people in international trade and commerce and helps when secking job abroad Fnglish literature has a humanistic aspect and as such. English should continue to nL in our country Better understanding: the study of this tanguage affords better understanding between different countries of the wortd. Better knowledge: \ts study provides better knowledge in field of arts. science and technology and even in computer technology and thus serves as a base for scicutitic and advancement of a country 5 RAL OBJECTIVES OF TECHING ENG (CLASS VI-VU According to National Bureau of Curriculum and Textbooks. Ministry of Education and Provincial Coordination, 6. Teaching of Lnglish aims at the achievement of essential aspects of languaye listening. speaking. reading and writing. (a) Listening: ‘To help pupils to listen attentively to conversation. class discussion and reports of aetivities (b) Speaking: Yo cnable the learners to speak English with correct pronupeiation and accent (ce) Reading: Yo enable the pupils to read English with correct pronunciation and intonation and with sufficient fluency (d) Writing: To enable pupils to write English correctly with corre: punctuation To dissiminate Pakistani culture through medium of textbooks in English. To assist pupils to develop powers of observation through teaching of English words by associating objects and illustrative material To familiarize the pupils with the customs, habits and social traits of foreign countries with the idea of widening their general outlook about the world around them. . To enable the pupils to be broad-minded. To enable the pupils to be aware of the world around them, At the reading stage, the teaching of English would consist of prose. rhymes und (a) Objectives of teaching children's rhymes and songs: (i) To enable pupils terenjoy the music and rythme rhyme. iii) To enable the pupils to develop a linking for the rhyme and rythem of English language (iii) Lo infase a sense of nationhood. dignity of labour. seli-saerifice. bravery and patriotism: 6. “IAL AIMS OF TEACHING ENGLISH IN CLA: (vE- VI) Jo by able to listen attentively to conversation, elass discussion and reports of activities, Jo be abl to understand simple spoken language. 1 speak clearly and distinctly with correct pronunciation, Ju have practical command of words and phrases adequate for children’s daily needs Fo have fluent conversation with teacher and class-mat Jo be able to tell a story or deseribe an incident Jo express children’s activities in simple language. Yo tell meaningful stories about pets. birds. Mowers. ele fo speak continuously for one or two minutes on a given topic Jo give answers to questions about known things and people. To be able to dramatize storie to recognize sounds of initial words. long and short, vowels. consonant, consonant clusters, ete, To loam and enjoy poems, 1o read silently simple written passages with reasonable comprehension and enjoyment Lo read orally simple written passages with reasonable speed and with correct pronunciation and intonation, ish. Yo read and understand words of simple Eny Lo read habit of reading for information and pleasure To be able to read sign-boards. advertisements and simple instructions. Yo read light literature with interest and confidence. 2 Lo be able to use a students dictionary {io acquire a test for reading books and magazines. To write legibly and neatly Lo write corrvetly and with reasonable speed. a letter. an invitation and a leave application. To make story pictures. To take dictation correctly Jo develop a positive attitude for learning a foreign language. 8 CLASS VI OBJECTIVES: wy Th Iv. To give the students practice in basie four skills: Listening: (a) To listen attentively: (b) To recognize basic sounds: (c) To help children to understand simple spoken English. Speaking: (a) To give answers to simple questions. (b) To have practical command of words and phrases for children daily need. {c) To speak clearly with correct pronunciation, (d) To produce English sounds Reading and Recitation: should be based on a combination of look and say method and sentence method. supplemented by the phonetic or alphabetic method: (a) Yo enable the students to read simple language and recite rhymes and simple verses. (>) To be able to read and understand basic vocabulary (©) To be able to read with correct pronunciation and intonation. Writing: (a) To be able to write legibly and neatly within four lines, (b) Tobe able to write in printed letters. (©) To beable to write capital and small letters. () To beable to write simple sentences about pictures. fe) Lo beable to write their own names, (To be able to make sentences using simple words. (2) To be able to use full stops and question marks. OB. (ty ay ay) —Vu To give the students practice in basic four skills: Listening: \n addition to the objectives of Class-VI : fo be able to recognize long and short vowels, consonants and consonant clusters. Speaking: All the objectives for Class-VI and: ta) to be able to have conversation with teachers and class-mates in simple sentences, (>) to express their actions in simple language (c) to be able to recite poems with action. Reading: All the objectives for Class-VI and: (a) To read orally and silently. simple written passages with reasonable speed and comprehension (>) To be able to read distinctly and audibility with correct pronunciation and intonation (c) To be able to use a glossary at the end of the book. (d) To be able to use dictionary Writing: : (a) To write correctly with reasonable speed. (b) To be able to write invitation to their friends. (©) To give them practice in cursive letters. (e) To be able to write a few sentences of their own about birds, animals, flowers, ete. (4) To be able to know the use of capital letters. mark of interrogation and exclamation. 10. CLASS VII Listening: All the objectives for classes VI and VII and : (a) ‘To be able to listen to directions and instructions: (b) To be able to listen to the Radia lessor (c) To be able to listen Radio and TV news, Speaking: All the objectives for classes VI and VII and: (a) To be able to tell a story or describe about pets. birds and festivals. (b) To be able to dramatize simple short stories, Reading: All the objectives for classes VI and VII and: (a) To be able to read fluently (b) To develop ability of reading for information and enjoyment: (©) To be able to read sign-boards. advertisement, simple instructions and notices (ch To read the material with confidence: {e) To develop taste for reading children books and magazines (1) To be able to use dictionary. Writing: Ail the objectives for classes VI and VI and (To be able to write letters and applications to the teacher and headmaster/mistress; (b) To write simple paragraph/composition on school/classtoom. qn THE USE OF AUDIO ~ VISUAL AIL Whatever the wacher employs for making his lesson lively and realistic. effective and interesting. is an aid. Some aids employed by the teacher in the elass duri course of his teaching may work either on the ears or ey These aids present the actual picture of the object to the minds of the pupifs. $6 the horizon of their knowledge becomes widened and well established, Both the vocabulary and the stibjeet matter urasped better with the use of auctio-vistal aids we the called audio-visual aids Some of the audio-visual aids that ean be used during lesson are as under 1. Bluch-Board: Black-boatd is the most easily available teaching aid in classroom 1d yet itis the one Which is seldom used for language teaching. Black-hoard is as usclial in writing as it is for drawing. It is used for vocabulary when teacher illustrate the name of the things by drawing their sketehes, Students can also pr by simple iHustration tice them by drawing and 1: colouring these objects. Prepositinn cans be tang The use of in, on, under, out, aeross can he taught by draw ing such boxes in out ,e, e Lk Yenses. verbs, nouns and other grammar, work ean be easily taught with the help of Black-board. $ which students can learn casi stitutions tables are such Kind of evercises. through: Me [runs | fast She writes a letter | fu eet [reads a book 7 | nace aoe | fast alewer a book ile Vis fui She | writing” | ma i tt | | reading cricket 1 | am | playing av letter You { | a book | We jar \ | They ’ : Present Perfect Tense: _ Ea He | Has written a fetter letters. She | played mangoes. a real cricket l eaten) a book book. You i | We ' | They | the black-board. followi and so on Tor other sentences ats needed while using things should be kept in mind! Start with a elean board. have plenty of chalk and a duster reading. Make it sure that you are writing or drawing for everyone in the elass including those, at the back. so you stand slightly to ong side while writing and from time to tine step right away from the board so that every student ean sve, Do not mak fora long time with your back to the class. talking © the a nuistake of standi board. This will leave the students without feast interest itt the fesson. umes crowded or shen you start anew ct Clean the board when it b activity. otherwise Lopies will become mixed-up and the students will contiased. Pictures, Maps, Charts and Diagrams: These aids are usually used whenever cities. countries. rivers and mountains, ete, are referred to, in the textbook. These are usefiel to make the idea oF location in the minds of pupils, Charts are used in teaching vocabulary as well srummar Pictures and charts can be used in teaching alt linguistic features for witlerence between many objects. the use. of pictures reduces the need of yanskation. il in teaching In teaching vocabular Pictures and charts a also us ‘grammar and constriction sh Card: A preat variety: of activities can be done with Mash cards. ‘They especially usefial in teaching readit Charts and diagrams can be used for developing eral exercises cnmposition and reading. ciples of a language teaching is that new language should come by the ear first and then the eye, A teacher using a number of senses can make sense impression stronger and learner greater. The teacher is therefore, advised to use as many visual impressions as possible. so -that story One of the fundamental pr 13 sense impressions may help in reinforcing what is learnt. An able teacher eit make his lesson interesting by using aids with the use of simple materials available to him. His main objective is to create interest in what he is teaching Radio, Tupe-Recorder and Television Ratio broadcasts For pupils helps them to inerease their knowledge, Lape: vod media of tinguage learning and can be aequired for use in the school in addition t the dissemination of authentic knowledge by well-re scholars, Pronuneiation ean best be Iearnt by hearing speeches. poems. plays. songs anal news on radio and tape-reconder recorders are Appratus Apparatus is (hat material whi Vor vocabulary work and drill in phrases and sentence patterns. the leacher aust have a collection of stories and sticks of different sizes and colours, strings balls. spoon and ig necessary for the conduct of the lesson papers of different shapes. colours and sizes. tins. cups, bottles Anives. Fhe usual equipments of schools such as books. coloured chalks and peneils ais provide him additional useful material, in addition wo these node! toys ean be of great help if teacher can easily get them. The teacher can himsell make siniple models with empty match boxes. Trains, houses, fumiture ean be made out of this material. ‘The children can participate in making these things, All such kins! of things are helpful in teaching vocabulary METHODS OF TEACHING ENGLISH ANTRODUCITON \ teacher of English afways has a question in anind how t teach English fully? When we talk of the way of teaching, we mean the method or method of teaching ofa kingutye. New methods emphasize teaching oF practival ability in language skills and to pay more attention to spoken languave suvee it \ method means a complete set of ways that we use in teaching. Here are s prethods communly used in teaching: Grammar — Transition Method (GTM): This method is the oldest method of teaching a forcign language. It is being. used iy our schools all over the country, Those who use it. believe that to leam a foreign ta like English, the best way is to first memorize the rules of its grammar, The rest of the wisk becomes easier, Under this method.-the main source of learning the target wee fs the reader of the textbook used in class. ‘The teacher helps the students by the passage word by word. At the end of the lesson. the teacher asks a translatin: questions to list their understanding of the lesson. story. poem or ess Finally the teacher may Write a model grammatica! construction on the black- board aunt ask the students to learn it by heart, He also explains bow “yes-No™ questions sae formed How does helping verb move to the beginning of the sentence? At the end of the lesson the students learn: (3) wlarge nuriber of unrelated words. idioms and phrases: (hy rules of English grammar: (c) patterns of English structure The textbooks for schools. were written by scholars. who were not familiar with teaching methods, now being developed. The lachers who were taught by grammar translation method and who have not had training in modcay language teaching tethodolugy continue to use this method The aims of this method are to fa) develop understanding of grammar (hb) provide a wide literary vocabulary: fe) extract meaning trom textbooks by ganskung inte aa wage: and (dh atadvance stage appreciate the titerary value of these aims are achieved in the class-roam by (a) Tong and detaited vraminarica! eaplanation 1s rules in constructing sentences: ative two foreign language: uage orally and in writin applyiny translating of passages from ating text from foreign to native I Jang om except to answer stereats ped faye is not used in the class questions. Not much attention is paid to pronunciation and attention, “a in) ¢ through his mother tongue. the kinguase he knows. This is leaming the unknown through the known (iii) It saves times of the teacher and the students learn foreign words and phrases in their own language direetly {iv) This method is useful when teachers have to teach large classes (8) Most of our teachers are not trained and familiar with modern techniques They have simply to be sure that they themselves know the vocabulary and understand rules of grammar. (vi) This method is simple and cheaper. Teachers do not require expensive AV. aids, Abstract and difficult terms can be explained in the mother tongue of the students, (vii) Students vet plenty of practice in “reading” and “writing! (viii) Students can apply rules of grammar which they have learnt by heart (ix) -Fhey get enough experience of translation. (3) Teacher reads the text and translates it word by word and makes the lessua interesting because the language used is usefal to them to lean how t communicate with other people. Disadvantges: (iy A student taught by the GTM loses touch with the real fife situation au What he learns in the classroom is high form of titerature which dees not help him to express himsell in speeeh, (iii) He gets Tite opportunity to speak in Fnglish 16 ‘a Chis method is of not much help to communieate with others (4) Students learn the fanguage passively. They study textbook only top: nations. They are unable to read or understand extra material on the esa their own (i) Since the target kangu: ght through the medium of mother tongue of thy students, (sii) All activity of speech depends on the mother tongue, henee. inferiority compley develops in the learners, (siti) Teaching becomes dull and uninteresting 1g lo communicate with others, fix) The learners cannot use the Janguag (x) Students cannot use the language in day-to-day’ life (xi) Communication skills are negh one’s own ideas in speaking or even in writing, DIRECT METHOD (D' This method is the method of teaching the target language (TL) directly, Students are taught from the beginning to answer in complete sentences and hear complete sentences, This method uses question answer wehnique, The course starts with learning, foreign words and phrases tor objects and actions in chtss-room. Then the common situations and activities of every day life are used for developing lessons. ‘Ihe study of momar is Keptal a functional level. In reading also, the stents read about things they have already discussed orally. The correct pronunciation is considered important. The lenis are taught the sound system and in the beginning. the students only concentrate i producing the right sounds. ected and less training is given to express The DM is an effective way of learning is an effective way of learning a foreign through activities. It also encourages the students to start speaking the language fram the beginning. The main aim of this method ist teach the studenis to learn, how to the tiget language. Students and teachers share the experience of ake meanings oF Hew words and phiase® clea to students. the Feacher uses objgets er relates it to the words star le is not used Hor the purpose commuinicdte 19 Jouning as porters and both remain aetive, In order ictures. rea icy already huiow. Me With: when students are able te speak sand understand the TT ty some estat, Mother is taught at us w is never used and is completely banned in and out of class radually in any possible way. Grammar rules are inicoduced, Nove plinaises anal words at ot tt 7 1 and drilled into the minds of students, They are supposed to learn understand them during the process of using the TL for communication, Correct proninciation of words is taught with care and understanding, Students are given enough practice in pronunciation the words correctly opportunity to practice speak Feaching of communication, being the main aim, students are given plenty ef 2 in aind out oF class, Use of proper intonation is stressed The suecess of the method depends upon how much the students could hear and practice the language outside the elass-room. Advantages or Good Points of the Direct Method: Lisa natural way of teaching @ foreign kinguage students have direct contact with the target kanguage, They lear its use in real Lile situation Stexicnts are given plenty of practice in the basie four skills. Use of correet pronunciation. stress and intonation in real lite conversation gives: confidence to the learner Since teacher and student are actively involved in the process of leaming. the tire experienee becomes interesting, active. alive and motivating has enough opportunities to use A.V. aids like. radio, tape-recorder anil effective The teach models, charts, ete, The use a.\. aids makes the teaching interesting Weuk Point of DM Allis not well with the Direet Method, It has certain weak points also: higher classes. tive This method is usefiel at early stages. but not ef Functional and abstract words are not easy to explain, Absence of clear and defined grammar rules causes problems to learners. This method requires skilful handling by an experienced teacher. A less qualified teacher may fail to do justice to the class. Iemay prove useful in a small clays. Overcrowded classes are not easy to handle swith this method, Most of our schools cannot afford 1 have A.Y. aids hence turns et to be less effective Is 6 Lo make this method effvetive in a country like Pakistan, we need properly prepared texthooks based on graved vocabulary and practical exercises Skilled teachers are requtited to teach with the help of this method. HE AUDIO sUA ETHOD (ALM. \s need developed tor fearing of a foreign language. experts felt that these two methods eoukd not meet the requirements. GTM emphasized reading and writing but ignored speaking of TL, While under DM. speaking got priority: but was not effective in teaching other skills. The word audio means listening and Fingual means speaking. This emphasize was kad on listening and speaking: 1 Language is speech not merely writing: 2 is a set of linguistic habits 3 jaye is pot Kart by talking about the language, 4 uuage is what the native speaker say's, not what someone thinks, he ought to Languages are different in structure and habits, In tudierLingual Method. the most useful and common and similar structures of he lorvivn Luiguage and the other tongue are presented first with continuous drilling and revision. Unlike Direct Method the native I nieeessary is used to explain meaning where Ar the first level. learning is based on dialogues containing common everyday expressions, The vocabulary learning is minimum. The dialogues are learnt by mimic nwmorizition, The students repeat the dialogues after the teacher and practice among themselves, After a dialogue has been learnt adaptations of the dialogues are practived. Mier several sections of the work have been feat orally, the student is introduced to the prinied material, After the student has gained confidence, he may be encouraged fo write original sentenee AL the elementary Ievel all oral and written practice is kept within the limits of what has been iearnt thoroughly. The emphasis is on structures and situational dialogues. AC advance fevel attention is paid more and more on reading material, Passages of iverary quality. carefully related according to difficult level are introduced. Leaming of @ foreign language is just a matter of habit formation through repeated drills. By repetition the learner goes to know this use of the TI. 19 Audio Lingua! Method work by Prownting the dialogue: Repetition of dialogue Presenting new words Silent readin 5. Presenting new struct 6. Drilling the new structure: 7. Written exercise and homework. J. tn this method target kinguage is used most of the time, Students cchanee to speak in class 2. The teacher used mother tongue where necessary. This saves time 3. there is also a balanee between learning concepts of grammar direetly and tearing the working of grammar in system of the foreign language throw practive in written and ora exercises, 4. Teaching is carricd out through graded exercises, Teacher starts with simple ant usclul evereises ind gradually move on to the difficult ones, 5, This method offers a lot of practice in all the four skills, 6, The dialogues are based on every day life situations, Students get involved in the process and learn how to react to a real life situation verbally. Weak Puints of the ALM: 1. Constant drilling of a pattem becomes boring for the class. Students lose interest because of repetition. 2. Atwacher has to be very experienced and skilful in handling his class 3 Language drills of unrelated structures dialogues do not give the learners the lity to communicate effectively. He may memorize them but may tail to use them when required. 4. This method emphasizes “form” rather than “use” of a structure through drilling, A leamer may know. how to transform a statement into questions bul may never be able to use the “form” when needed. 20 LESSON PLANNI it role while teaching. in classroom. His fiest takes place and secondly to plan \ teacher al job is to create conditions for learn be ber lesson lor effective leamin avs plays an inspo so that learning \ gocst teacher needs to remember the four Ps (PPP) Prepaestion hetiore go 1 class. Presemation: when introduces something new (0 the leaner s paicliew when allow the sttdents to work under bis‘her direetion. + Production When he/she ees thent opportunities 16 work on their own, ! PREPARATION Preparthon or planni takes place before a teacher goes to class. A teacher have to decide carefully. how to present his‘her topic and what is tv be done before going tw ckass: Hh) Identify how mich tw teach in one lessen? 12) What are the posstite questions that ean be asked (3) What teaching stil « teacher needs? Oh) low will a teacher display the visual aids? (5) ow isa teacher going to use the black-bourd? {6} What kind of activities does a teacher plan t do with the whole class. small groups. pairs or individually? (7) Does it involve room or outdoor activity? Vine preperation and planaing activities should be listed down of the class plan uitte 7 HN PRESENTATION SLAC Mller preparation. the teacher's neat job is, how to present his/her lesson with the heip of those materials/activities that he/she has prepared for he/she presents the nin such a way that the meaning of the new language is as clear and jicimorable as possible. ‘The students listen and try to understand, At this stage shey will probably say very tittle. except shen a teacher invites them to join In, At this size. Keeping the time lintit, the teacier should give the students enough witty the fanguage themselves bang H PRACTICE STAC ACthis stige. itis the students turn to do most of the talking working. The teacher tole of this stage is to skillfully conduet the practice exercise and monitor the porformutice of the students to see that itis satisfactory 4 TIE PRODUCTION STAGE: No leatning should be assumed to have taken piace until the stu 2 fdr Themselves. Mistakes are not unimportant but free expression portant. Providing free-expression opportunities will not only encourage the studleats, but will also make them avware that they have learnt something usefial. If the students are making progress with the help of activities for free expression. homework activities can be given as actis ities outside the classroom, It does not necessarily have to be written. I can be oral practice, its are able te use the bmgai is. more listening practice. writing and reading lesson and these ate ecathey Stages also used! for plannin EVALUATION: To eval to plan evs ea teacher will have je means fo find out oF to decive about, At this st Juation questions before hand on cards for many pairs or groups ay it can, For the purpose of classroom evaluation, the following techniques may by found uselu! hy the teacher 1 \sking questions on the subject matter taught in the classroom, 7 Answer should be elicited trom pupils in complete sentences and not in isolated words, Correet answers should be repeated by sec etal pupils, 3 Asking pupils to use. words. phrases snd structures. 4. Giving dictation to the pupils to test their speed in writing and correctness of spell 5 AsKing pupils questions on the pictures given at the head af cach Lessin. in order 10 develop their power of observation and expression, 6 Asking pupils fo pick up the objects mentioned in the lesson. out of a collection of varives objects. 7. Asking pupils to develop a readable story from given outlines or a set of picture N Asking pupias to fl on the blanks with suitable words. phrases and Mi hinds of the above aetiv ities help the students in improving their hasie skills 6. FOLLOW UP ST Inthe following stage, the teacher assigns such tasks to his‘her students that the contin to use whait they’ have learnt both from the particuktr lesson and previous lessons. Very offen. the shortage of time affect this stage in class-room. ‘Teacher is allowed t over-come this difficulty by giving the student sssignments as their hing task, THE AIMS OF A LESSON PLAN: ihe most important part of the twacher’s work is bis control in ektssroom situation The preparation of a lesson plan is one of the most important parts of teacher's work. \ lesson plan guides his activities in the classroom and also pives him a sense of direction, With the help of his planning he/she achieves the aims of the course, The essentist| parts of the lesson plan are: The Cignicrad dines Ihe general aims are broader that it cannot be covered, 0 teacher hs wvcll plan them before presenting the lesson. He shoutd divide lis her period time in sucli sty that he can acquire and succeed in his teaching. one period. Some of the general aims are: (i) to improve the basic four skill Gi) to improve the pronunciation and intonation: iiiy the correct use of tenses. Cy) corteet use of grammar i.e.. noun, pronouns, verbs. ¢ Pawnnentans vio, Pasticular aims are related to the subject or to the fessor ne days ' Asking questions on the subject matter. Giught in the classroom, > Answers should be elicited trom pupils in complete semiences and not isolated words. Correct answers should be repeated by several pupils. Pupils may be asked to reproduce or capitulate in caeir own words the janation or the safient eatures of the topic dae 1 he elas 1 Asking pupils to use words. phrases and structure rorrectness 3. Giving dictation to the pupils to test their spe of spelling yer ate Boed of the bessom in 6 Asking pupils questions on the pictus g onder to develop their power of speaking and wiser. aio 7. Asking pupils w pick up the objects mentioned in the lesson. out of a collection of various objeets. 8. Asking pupils to develop a readable story from a given outlines or a set of pictures, 9, Asking pupils to name words rhyming with the words learnt in the lesson 10, Asking pupils to fill in the blanks with suitable words. phrases, articles. nouns and so on Tearn by them ad related to the text the teacher assigns tasks so that students will continue t0 use what they have Jearot both from the particular fesson and the previous lesson, If time available. do it in vise it should be given as their home task, cclays-room oth a4 CLASS VI LESSON ALPHABET Afier teaching 26 Alphabet Capital as well ay small, practice should be given to the children with the help of the following exercises. The teaching process ean he done individually as well as in groups: What is the First letter of the Alphabet? (nds iduially ) What is the second letter of the Alphabet? Cd What is the last letter of the Alphabet? (lo) Write first five alphabet. (Ask anvone student to write it on the blach-board) Write fast no alphabet ( ~lo- , Write the missing alphabet A, Write down the alphabets between K and O (K Which alphabet comes atier 1? Which alphabet comes before 2? Write the first five alphabet in small letter, (in groups Group Ay Write the last five alphabet in small letter. (in groups ~ Group B) Revwrite the following alphabet in order PILL ALC KED. BG. LM (Group ~ Ay Re-write the following alphabet in order: OZ. QWINLPLSSROULTVXLY (Group — B) Re-write all the alphabet from A - 7 in their order in capital letters: Reawtite all the alphabet trom A Zin small letters in groups or individually? ISS PLAN FORMATE FOR CLA AU UR MATE FOR CLASS 61TH Name Class oth Subject English Lipic The Use of This and That Period One period (40 minutes) © POPIS CONTENTS 1 B.B. WORK 1 7 Aims, : SES a Poe | (Gen) To improve the basie four skills, ie. | i listening. speaking, read | 1 writing. i | . tid To Histen attentively, ant to 1 recognize basic sounds, | (it) Lo help children io understand | | simpte spoken Engtish | (iv) To give answers to simple | duestions MI To speak clearly with correct ; i pronunciation | |i) To be able to read and understand | : basie vocabulary of the words given i in the fesson, i Particulars” ti) Can use and’ Uitte nitiate between | Specific i his” and “that : Aims | : i {G0 To know the meanings of this and | i that with the help of pictures {Gil “To improve and lear vocabulary | \ : | sith the help of pictures, LOPIS A.V Aids Method of fever Previous know ledge. Announce ment of new lesson: opts \ctivity-t CONTENTS, Book. Black-hi objects easily available in hair, table. book. pen. window. black-board ele. ele.. pointer. chart containing pictures of objects, chalk, conerewe, FOO pencil. door. 41h Question-Answer Method. iii) Look & Say Method in order to link the lesson to new one, the teacher will ask the question from previous lesson with the help of pointer and. chart containing. pictures, ‘Teacher will ask [rom a student: Rashid: Please come and name the | pictures is first fine. * Rashid names the picture as Hameed: will you please name the pictures in sceond line: Hameed names the pict ay: | Then the teacher will say going to tell you the use of ~ “Tha This” is used for the objects near to and | “That” is used for the object laying far or } at some distance, - Teacher tells the students that here isa pen in my hand and says “This isa pen” and asks the students to repeat it Students repeat in one voice: this is a pen and so as’ This is a chair. This is a table. This is a book | This i$ a peneil. a pivee of chalk. | | apple, flag. man. Appendix Lattached i | Hand. jug. dog, | Tree. lion, rose. | BB. WORK | Appended Chart-1 | Appended Chart-2 | APPENDIX - 1 EX -ERCISE NAME THE PICTURES CHARTT | This is'a ball, —-—--—--———-- -- i Nome a \ i \ } | | J This is a basket. -— ‘ | ¥ t i For “This' For “That is dy this aetinis. the twaher gives them | This sate practice “an writing, He writes few | This isa girl E sentences von’ black-board land asks any 7 jebiy is a book, tee siddonts to come one hy one’ tind fit! , in the Dtaiks. practicing. the useofthis.” | + ine, Activty-tH Practicing the tise of namgs of objects to | “Vein isa hooks provetlie writing.apid-speing skill. This is a I * Phe wachér then asks'the students t6-operi 4 +E thelr books at page No. 7. | As, with uiy help of activities, the students Phave fern the voeabulwy aad have jrecognizes: the words and thei? sounds * However. the teacher reads the lesson. with correct pronunciation and intonation | Ch then Re asks three:four students to read it, | Table He corrects'the mistakes wherever occurs | Aj e thein oa black-board ! by sain Adtivity-IV The use of “thi Fhe teacher now telly the students that | i j here are some objects [ying at some distance. We us for them “that” ! | That is a chair (Class repeat the sentence) | uf | That isa window ) i | That isa door ¢ . V ‘ ) “Phat is a pict | That isa chock ¢ a ) | practice in writing the vocabulary (they | have learnt) on black-board by filling the | blanks and give them practice, involving | | the students. Fvaluation | After teaching he uses. of “this” and] that”. the teacher will now evalusite. how | 4 suecess in his teaching, \ | Activity:V | In this activity. the teacher gives them | Activity (i) Tle shows “a chart containing | Appended chart (1) pietares “nea” yo._and asks N50 OF | wee students to mark them by this \ssighiment Ui Ale shows a eg! Apr pictures i Gun The scasher sieovs another chart of | some picture and ashs the stuslent t | pula Tine under the eight word. | 4 the eng et the Fosson the wacher will | sboigned chet exercise of the fesson as | his homme task ! Jamil! Come and fit nthe blank: il Saved! Come ancl in the blank 19 Rashid! Comic and Us tes the blank 13. Choose @ soricet opetiens aad svrite itom ! Cha pended ehart (1) Phat isa wall That is at book: That is a window, tir the Black boiest (Chae Chain, pase. raze: Rose \pte. Ap \pp Hou dhe teacher iwils the studems to open their books wh pave Ne. With the help of | we able to cUvities. dhe Students are recapnize the vocabulary a lesson with correct prone cl eas eval the | ation, However, the igucher himseli?herself will | Cha ros! the lessnn first with cormect) Labe-el dipintbetical sounds and intewstion, Then! lable hho vasks three tui stenienis tw read it He | Ap weet Ap corteets the mistakes. wherever Then the toaeher «ill rel the lesson using h ei} at" sus sianitur way That is a man. - CHART II EXERCISE Puta line under the right word. This is a boy. This is a girl. This is a pencil. This is a pen. This is a ring. This is a watch. This is a woman. This is a man. This is a flag. This is a star. is a ball, —————» is a pencil: — ‘ is a watch. ————> PLAN FORMATE FOR CLA: Name: Class: 7 Subject: English Topic. Change of Voice (Active into Passive) (Pr: dnd: “ense) Perio! One (40 minutes) Propics. oh - PICS “CON TEE bp. 1 cAims | the Students will be able: (General) (i) to recognize the new words i voeabulary (ii) improve their weiting skill ty understand the verb used in present indefinite tense. (iv) te Know about three forms: of the verb, (y) 0 know about helping verb. (Dt know about subject and object, (vii) to know about replacing of subject | and object. | viii) to add helping verb in passive | voice. 1 ‘ (ix) to.add “by” in passive voice, | AV. Aids | Black-Board, chalk. duster. chart i ‘containing diagrams about filling the | i | blanks and substitution tables, | | Method of | Question Answer method and Direct Teaching | Method, i Pre , Knowledge Question Presentation Actin ity hy link the les 36 Here. the teacher will ask few questions to| t the students pre-knowledge in order to Yon to new one: (1) How many forms a verb has? | Three forms, i | 2) Jamil! you tell me what is the Did cond form of the veth “do”? (Good) | Done (3) What is the third form? In present indefinite tense, (4) In which kind of sentence is Ist form of the verb used. (Gioed) Today Fam gomg to teach yeu about changing of voiee, There are 840 kinds of voice. Active Voice i I Active voice and Passive voive | Passive Voice. | ere is a sentence in Active Voice: ot write det t 92 3 Shis sentence has three parts. | Tis called subject subject verb object write” is called verb and ai letfer” is called object | While changing the active voice into passive voice these steps should be remembered 1 2. Object will be changed into subject, | Subject will be changed into object | i Verb willbe changed into third form. | pe ry TOPIC: CONTENTS: B.B. Work i 4. | Helping verb is added before vorb i §.| Sey" is used belore object i Before chat-ging the voice it should be kept ; Inmind that subject willbe changed into | object as t [We ime Us} jou te you | He into him She inte her They inca them Activity When the sentence is: with the write a letter, it will be changed as. help of A letter is written by me starslartows | Now, look at the black-board. i { : | | a | sie, paar i i | Activity, Here the teacher will divide the class | : wm 1 with the into three groups and ask them to change || \, | help of | the sentences into passive voice. 1 Nout write |a letter |) substitution read a book table Group " He 4 will use write as verb and | She | play | a letter as object Group “I!” will use read as verb and a book as object Group “II” will use play 2s verb and a.gime as object They 7 i { : TORIES CONTENTS Aetiviie Changing of voice when object is in plural number. Bi {i} Lwrite letters. “1 (i) She eats managoes. ult) You buy books. (iv) We boil eggs. (v) They catch birds Teacher will ask anyone student. Rashida please tell me the subject in these sentences. Hshe/ you (wes they Jamila! You tell me the verb in these write, eats, buy, boil, sentences. catch Rehana! You teltine the second and third | ate, eatin form of verb “eat”. ihe teacher incourages the students by appreciating them to say “Good”, x cellent” ‘ Changing the voice of the above sentences. passive voice. (x celient) Why do you use “are” Object “bird” is in plural number so “are” is used as helping verb. Nida! Please change scintence No.5in_ | gicdy are cought by them. i | | Teacher aiso tells the students that wel woites youihe'shelthey are called subject re pronouns and mefus/youfhinyher are | called object pronouns. When subject —_| 7 indicates noun then object as well as ! : subject will be changed as noun e.g i N. { -\ Rashida writes a ietter. Ree ana ak i op oo suri 3 TOPICS: CONTENTS Evaluation | At this stage, teacher evatuates how did students teach the lesson. Fill in the blanks with the heip of given words. | Mango. eaten by him 2. | Books are, by them. | The third form of the verb teach iS... At this stage, the teacher can evaluate the| work either individualy or in groups. Black-board and chart can also be used. A | The teacher teaches a lesson. A’ | Salma cooks meal A | They buy books. A | My brother writas letters. ep} — A | Javaid buy mangos. is, are study, studied teaching, taught. “ge PASSIVE Voice oan acti voce WE reads mong et LESSON PLAN FORMATE FOR VIII CLAS: Name: Class: Subject: Topie Period: Date: Aims, w (General) Specific Mims. | (vii) tiny _guestion. _ 40 8th English MUHAMMAD (PBUIL) THE PROPHET OF MERCY, One (40 Minutes) ___ CONT Fo be able to develop basic four skills: To be able to listen the directions and instructions. To be able to listen to the recorded lesson. To be able to read fluently fo develop ability of reading for | information. | To be ale to write short paragraph, To be able to know the Prophet of God. To be able to know the early life of the Holy Prophet(PBUID, i | Jo be able to know the Merey of | the Holy Prophet (PBUIN), 1 To be able 1 know the words having opposite meanings Fo be able to give answer to the “forics A.V Aids Method ~ Teachin \ jee knowledge | questions Presentation | 1 Activity | of Poe CONTE | A picture of Masjid-e-Nabvi, Fextbook, black-bourd. chalk. charts | | containing having blank spaces to fill with | the help of given words. Direct. Method based on Question: Answers, In order to fink the lesson to new-one. the teacher will ask some questions to the students as their previous knowledge. Who was our first Prophet? Who was our last Prophet? Today we are going to read the | lesson about last Prophet. at Pe This is our | to read, i Muhammad (PBUH) the Prophet | ! of Merey. Please open your books | son No. | The teacher read the passage with correct pronunciation and intonation and will ask the student (o listen him intentively so that con their (urn they can read the same with corte! pronunciation, "After mode! reading of the teacher, he will ask wo or three student to read passage one by one, He corrects: thei the [mistakes of pronunciation while reading und clear them by writing on black-board Teacher clears the meaning of the words by making sentences Hazrat Adam Alae-t-Salani 2 Hazrat Muhammad (PBULD Prophet A spokesman of daily Prophet | Benefit, gain bor, come by birth Consume by fire Words Sentences Prophet Hazrat Muhammad was the last Prophet of Allah Profit, He earned profit in i his business. Bor Quaid-e-Azam was bor on 25" Decem- her. 1876 Bum Hew cing fire Activity Activity HE Activity IV Activity V Activity VI By questionin Answer should be in complete sentence: 1. When (PBUTT) was born’? What was the name ofhis father? | Where did he live? What was the name of his mother? What was the name of his foster- mother? Fill in the blank with the help of given | words. i 1. His father died a few months, (before the birth of his cl fier the birth of his child). His grandfather Abdul Muuatib | named him...... (Abmad. | Muhammad). i i His foster-mother name was. (Amina. Haleema), +. His mother died when he was. years old (Six. Seven). He never told a tie and was called (Sadiq. Amin) Write Ist and third form of the verb given:- Loved. replied. took, told i Choose the correct spelling i, Enemis, Fnimes, enemies ii, Merey. murey. mirey, iii, Conkerred, conquered. konkerred. iv. City, Sity, Cety. | x. Suit, Soot, Sut The teacher can use tape-recorder for | teaching “reading” by recording his own | voice or some other, He can record the | students voice also. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) Hazrat | Muhammad | #s born (AD). 20" April $71 The name of his father was Abdullah. He lived in Makkah, Amina, the name mother was Haleema, B.Board 1 Loved Help. Take. tell Enemies by of his foster involving. the F student so that their writing } skill can improve uu loved Helped Faken Hold | The name of his mother was + Phe activity should be done at | itiy Activity F Evaluation (Group Activities) Group "A" Group “B° Assignments, HiTask 43 | Choose the correct response, 1. Where did Hazrat Abdullah live: | (In Taif. in Madina, in Makkah). 2. How thany prisoners of war were set free in the baitle of Hawazine? : (Four thousand, Five Thousand, Six i thousand), 3. When did the Holy — Prophet i (PBUH) begin to preach Islam? 60 years, at the age af 23 years), There are some adjectives in list “A°, In list’ “B” there are words having opposite | meaning of the words given in list "A". Choose the correct opposite and write it in | the spaces eft blank List A* Young Friend j Enemy old Honesty Bad | Good Weak Strong Dishonesty | The teacher will divide the | groups and give them some work in order to know how did he succeed in his | teaching i He delivers the card having questions:- 1. Why ws our Holy Prophet (PBUH) called "Sadiq"? 2. Why did people call him “Amin”? Write ten sentences about the early life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). 1. Why was the Holy Prophet (PBUH) called “Rehmat-ul-Lil-Alamin"? 2. How did Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) win the hearts of enemies and friends? Write a paragraph about the carly life of } the Holy Prophet (PBU!I). | (At the age of 40 years, at the age of ass into three | Hazrat Abdullah lived in Makkah, In the battle of Hawavine six thousand prisoners of war were set live. The Holy Prophet (PBULD began to preach Islam at the age of 40 years Opposite Old Friend Dishonesty CURRICULUM Ue amma CECT Bo eae) Bes k Teacher controls all aspect of leaming Se Sg Se ee tr ue) a Ri ceey ee ee To ea See See x DT Sc] eee] a a) Pe) IC Se crag eee %& Adults are respectable ee Ee 9 ree eT erence uae cre) ieee) Se ne ea developed by parents, students & teachers See yet End Cee aed * ore eee TCT Te Cee de eed Sey bud Emphasis upon change & the future a es 5 ey a a) See Sa ba See Seed Fe er Children are responsible Needed eee Sd CST TE Mee CLT} CoCo ee ee

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