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Safe Space Common Discussion Ground Rule

Revised Rule for Brave Spaces

Agree to Disagree
encourages a shallow discussion of
the conflict that neglects to deeply and thoroughly
explore all sides of the issue.

Controversy with Civility,a term drawn from the

social change model of leadership development, is a
value whereby different views are expected and
honored with a group commitment to understand the
sources of disagreement and to work cooperatively
toward common solutions (p. 144).

Dont Take Things Personally

often requires people to
emotionally detach from their views and opinions in
order to maintain peace in the discussion.

Own Your Intentions and Your Impact

validates our
emotions, experiences, and opinions needed to engage
in honest and open discourse.

Challenge by Choice
is a guideline that was
established in adventure education and outdoor
learning, which gives people the option to approach
whichever challenges they are up for

Rather than revising this rule, Arao and Clemens

encourage facilitators to have participants reflect on
what keeps them from approaching certain topics. We
never want to force anyone to face immensely
sensitive or private topics, but acknowledging the
internal conflict is a pivotal step towards empathy and


Respect should also happen in brave spaces. Arao and

Clemens encourage facilitators to begin discussions
by prompting participants to define what respectful
discourse may look like in their group (i.e. not talking
over one another or only raising your hand to speak
when the last person has finished their comment).

No Attacks
are an extreme form of disrespect that
should be avoided in intellectual discourse,

Clarifying Conversations
require participants to
consider the difference between a personal attack and
challenging anothers ideas. Using I statements and
asking clarifying questions to ensure that everyones
intentions are clear prevents sensitivity from
inhibiting authentic discussion.

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