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Lesson Plan Teaching on May 5, 2014

Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act 1977

John Carney and Jenn Wong





a. The importance of mining will be discussed with the students. Then the
importance of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 will
be discussed.
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to
a. Identify the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 and
explain its importance
b. Identify the purpose, benefits, and downsides of mining by simulating the
process and costs of the mining process
a. Ask students: You wake up and go to the bathroom to shower or brush
your teeth. Where does the water come from though? How does it get to
your house?
i. Anticipated answers: through the pipes, water comes from the
reservoirs or the water treatment plant
b. Ask students: okay, so think about what the pipes are made of, where
does that material come from? Now, think about trains. How are some
trains powered?
i. Anticipated answers: copper and coal, we mine for it.
Specific Teaching Strategies
a. I will then explain why we mine and other examples of minerals that we
mine for
i. Everything that we depend on is made from minerals
1. Copper: pipes and wires for electricity to run through
2. Coal: heat, electricity
b. Inform the students that they will be miners today
c. Go through the mining activity with them (attached worksheets)
d. Have students compare the land before it was mined and after it was
mined which will lead into the importance of the Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Act of 1977
e. Handout SMCRA information sheet and play video then answer discussion
Check for Understanding
a. Have a brief discussion as to what else can be done to reduce the
negative effects of mining
b. Ask students:
i. Are there any minerals that you think we could cut back on mining?
ii. How can we reduce our mining habits?
iii. What other human activities has as large of a negative impact on
the earth as much as mining does?

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