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Periodization for the Tactical Athlete

Periodization for the Tactical Athlete

How to develop a high level of tactical-specific fitness through appropriate planning

CAPT Mike Prevost, USN

Its easy to be hard,

but its hard to be smart

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Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Do not copy or redistribute without permission of
the author.
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all individuals. Therefore, the author, employees, company, affiliates, or any other parties
involved in the creation or promotion of our products are not responsible for any injuries or
health conditions that may result from advice, opinions, and programs represented in this
program or any of our training programs or other products. The information on this website and
in the training program are the opinions of the author and are not a replacement for medical
advice. You should consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise program. If you
choose to follow the program without consulting your physician, you are doing so at your own
risk. We claim no responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. The opinions and assertions
contained herein are the private opinions of the author and are not to be construed as official or
reflecting the views of the Department of Defense.

Periodization for the Tactical Athlete

Periodization is often described as the process of moving from less specific general training, often called
general physical preparation (GPP) or base fitness, to more event or sport specific training over a series
of training blocks. People often ask, Why do GPP or base training at all? Why not do only sport/event
specific training all the time? There are specific reasons for a periodized approach, especially for
tactical athletes. This document will explain each of the phases of periodization for the tactical athlete
and discuss considerations and provide recommendations for each phase. This work is an expansion
and modification of an online lecture by Rob Shaul of Rob is one of the best
at tactical program design. Do yourself a favor and spend a little time browsing his site.

Tactical Athlete Periodization Model

Tactical Specific in the Field

2-5 Weeks

More strength variety

Functional strength
More work capacity
More specificity

Tactical Specific in the Gym

Tactical Base Fitness

gear, tactics



6-8 Weeks


6+ Weeks

Above is the Tactical Athlete Periodization Model. This is classic periodization model that progresses
from base training or general physical preparation (GPP) to more specific training, and finally peaking for
performance. A classic periodization model is appropriate if you are training for optimum performance
at a specific date in the future. For example, you may be training for a deployment, school, or selection
test on a specified date. In this case, classic periodization would provide the most effective path to
reaching your goal. In this case, you should plan at least 2-3 weeks of tactical specific in the field
training, 6-8 weeks of tactical specific in the gym training, and 6 weeks or more of tactical base training.
Many tactical athletes are not training for performance on a specific date. They are training for a high
level of day-to-day performance. In that case a different periodization model is more appropriate. This
model is called non-linear periodization. Non-linear periodization involves training all of the capabilities
in the pyramid above, simultaneously, rather than sequentially. That way you get a bit of tactical base,
tactical specific in the gym, and tactical specific in the field each week. A non-linear periodization model
is presented in the Tactical Training Template document and will not be discussed in this document.

Tactical Base Fitness

The Tactical Base Fitness or GPP phase is too important to minimize. There are some fitness abilities
that are much better built during this phase than during any subsequent phase. This phase is not about
developing nonspecific fitness as many believe. It is about developing a deep base in specific fitness
attributes. Lets start by discussing the 4 components of the Tactical Base Fitness phase.
Strength: Strength is loaded movement. In this case, we are interested in increasing the amount of
weight we can lift with proper movement. We never sacrifice movement quality for more loading. As
the well-known physical therapist and movement specialist Grey Cook likes to say, Never put loading or
speed on top of dysfunctional movement. That is a recipe for injury. When we are building base
strength, we are trying to increase force production in the 5 basic human movements:
1. Upper body push
2. Upper body pull
3. Squat
4. Hip hinge
5. Core
During the base phase, we want to increase strength until we meet certain threshold goals, or until it is
time to move to the next training phase. If you are already very strong, great! You get to spend more
time in tactical specific phases. Your base phase can be very short. For everyone else, spending
significant time in the base phase, getting strong, is vital. The threshold goals are strength benchmarks
that ensure that we are strong enough that tactical performance is not going to be limited by strength.
There is quite a bit of debate about how strong is strong enough. Many will argue that you can never be
strong enough. The reality is that training for the tactical athlete is about compromises. When you are
maximizing one fitness element (i.e., strength), you are compromising another (i.e., endurance). The
fact is, that at some point, you are going to be strong enough that more strength is not going to
appreciably improve your tactical performance, especially considering the fact that it will come at the
expense of other qualities. Fitness is a means to an end. That end is better tactical performance. If you
always keep that in mind, it will help you make more rational decisions about your training. Strength is
the foundation for athletic prowess. In this phase, our goal is to get "strong enough." How strong is
"strong enough?" Table 1 provides a couple of points of view from two very smart strength and
conditioning coaches.

Table 1. Strong Enough

Dan Johns List:

Rob Shauls List:

Upper Push:
Expected = Bodyweight bench press
Game-changer = Bodyweight bench press for 15 reps

Front Squat 1.5x BW 1.0x BW

Upper Pull:
Expected = 5 pullups
Game-changer = 15 pullups

Bench Press 1.5x BW 1.0x BW

Hip Hinge:
Expected = Bodyweight to 150% bodyweight deadlift
Game-changer = Double-bodyweight deadlift

Squat Clean 1.25x BW

Expected = Bodyweight squat
Game-changer = Bodyweight (on bar) squat for 15

"BW" = body weight

Dead Lift 2.0x BW 1.5x BW

Push Press 1.1x BW .7x BW

Squat Clean+ Push Press 1.1x BW

Expected = Farmer walk with total bodyweight (half
per hand)
Game-changer =Bodyweight per hand

As you can see, there is some disagreement among coaches on this subject. There is no right answer.
However, somewhere in this ballpark is where we should set our benchmark goals. Base strength
training is simply a phase in which we are striving to achieve these benchmarks. Base strength training
looks a lot like a simple powerlifting program. That is because a simple powerlifting program is the most
effective way to build strength in the 5 basic movements. During base phase strength training, the goal
is to find those exercises that allow you to move big weights. Below is a list of the best candidates:
1. Upper body push: Standing barbell overhead press, bench press
2. Upper body pull: Barbell rows, pull-ups or chin-ups
3. Squat: Barbell back squat
4. Hip hinge: Deadlift
5. Core: Beginner level - planks, bridges, bird dog, superman etc..., Advanced level - Ab wheel, loaded
carries, chops, land mines, Turkish getups, windmills etc...
These are big, dynamic, whole body exercises that allow you to move lots of weight. They are the best
tools for the job. You could get strong using other exercises but why not use the best tool for the job?
Sure, you could get stronger using kettlebells, TRX, gymnastics rings, or bodyweight exercises. However,
they would not be as effective or fast at building the kind of whole body strength we are looking for in
the base phase. Notice that there are no sledge hammers, big tires, sandbags, kettlebells, TRX or other
tools. Later, in the "tactical specific in the gym" phase, you will get much more exercise variety,
including some of these tools. In the base phase we are focusing on pure strength in the basic 5
movements. Yes, it can be a bit repetitive and boring, but building "foundation" strength in the basics
takes some time focusing on the basics. There is no getting around that issue.

Detailed programming is beyond the scope of this document but there are plenty of good powerlifting
programs available. Some good choices are Starting Strength, 5 X 5, the Texas method, Wendlers 5,3,1,
and Westside Barbell. You will find plenty of information about all of these programs on the internet.
Any of these would be an excellent choice for a basic strength building powerlifting program. There is
not a ton of variety in this strength phase. In this case, the lack of variety is an advantage. Consistency
and progressive overload are the keys to strength development. Contrary to popular opinion, muscle
confusion can be counterproductive in this phase. There must be enough repeatability of the basic
movements in order to progress. A basic powerlifting program is best for achieving that goal.
You should remain in the tactical base strength phase until you have reached your strong enough
goals, or until it is time to move to the tactical specific in the gym phase.
Endurance: For the tactical athlete, endurance generally means moving on foot. This can be either
loaded or unloaded. In a tactical environment, movement is almost always loaded. At a minimum, a
bullet proof vest and weapons (plus some gear) will be carried for a minimum load of 20-35 pounds.
Combat loads are much higher. Unloaded endurance movement (running) is generally used for testing
(i.e., physical screening tests) or during tactical course training. As a result, endurance training involves
either training to pass a run test or multiple runs during a course, or moving distances under light loads,
or rucking heavy loads. Fortunately, for all of these tactical goals, tactical base fitness begins with the
same type of training.
The base fitness for all of these endurance tasks is a moderate volume (20-50 miles per week) of steady
paced running (not loaded). Steady pace is at about 75% of your maximum heart rate. If you use heart
rate to gauge intensity, make sure that you are using a measured maximum heart rate and not a
calculated maximum heart rate. The max heart rate prediction equations are notoriously inaccurate.
This is a comfortable pace. There are no hard runs performed during this phase. The reason that run
intensity is kept low is so that you can add more volume. Any intensity that we would add would take
away from our ability to add volume. Volume = miles per week. In this phase, we are striving for a
volume overload. We are looking for specific physiological adaptations that tend to take more time to
develop like increased capillary and mitochondrial density, as well as leg durability. You cannot shortcut
these adaptations with intensity. For some tactical training courses (i.e., BUD/S) you may need to run
10+ miles per day. In these cases, spending time building leg durability is a necessity if you want to
The structure of the run program during this phase is simple. Start with a conservative weekly mileage
and increase by about 10% per week. If you are a novice runner, take a back off week (reduced
mileage) every 4 weeks. The types of adaptations we are trying to achieve depend primarily on the total
mileage per week and not on how that mileage is structured. However, recovery is easier if the mileage
is spread out, rather than concentrated in a few runs. For example, 5 X 6 miles is easier to recover from
than 3 X 10 miles. If you need to train for load carriage, you can substitute one run per week for a ruck.
Keep the load light for now (15% - 25% of bodyweight) and gradually increase the distance of the ruck.
Count ruck mileage like run mileage. There is no strong enough endurance equivalent in this case but

certainly you do not need to exceed 50 miles per week. Stay in this endurance phase until it is time to
move to the tactical specific in the gym phase.
Durability: Strong + good endurance base = durable. A big part of durability is already covered with the
strength and endurance parts of tactical base training. However, there are other considerations:
1. Current injuries. This is the #1 durability priority during tactical base training. Get some professional
help if available. Have your injury evaluated by a physical therapist and follow the therapeutic
recommendations. The therapeutic exercises or stretches can be incorporated into the strength training
program and done as either a warm up, between sets, or afterward. For example if you have a tight
hamstring, you can stretch it thoroughly between sets of squats or after the workout. This is the time
to aggressively deal with any mobility (flexibility) and stability (strength) issues. It may require
additional exercises to be added to your program. Try to add them in to your program in a way that
does not interfere with your overall goal (getting stronger in the basic lifts).
2. Injury history: If you have a history of a particular type of injury, you will want to address this
proactively during tactical base training. For example, if you have a shoulder that is prone to popping
out of socket, some kettlebell windmills and get ups with light weight can be done as part of your warm
up prior to your strength training session. If you have a tendency to develop hamstring strains, you
would want to include some hamstring strengthening as part of your strength training program.
3. Tactical Injury potential: This consideration is a lower priority than the first two but it is still
important. If you can identify the common types of injuries experienced during the tactical training,
test, deployment, or event that you are training for, now is the time to start addressing those injuries
through proactive training.
There are way too many injury possibilities to make specific recommendations in this document but we
can provide some general guidance in terms of what to address and when.
Faulty movement patterns: These are best addressed during a warm up. Exercises like goblet squats or
Turkish get ups that are designed to train you to move better under load are best done as a warm up.
Stability or strengthening: This is best addressed during the strength training session. Place the
exercises so that they do not detract from the performance of your basic lifts.
Mobility or flexibility: This is best addressed after your strength training session. Flexibility training is
more productive when the muscles and joints are warm.
Summary: Tactical base fitness is the simplest phase. Drive up strength in the basic lifts until you are
either strong enough or until it is time to move on to the tactical fitness in the gym phase. Do an
increasing amount of steady paced running, including a once per week ruck if applicable. Add in any
special strength or mobility exercises to address injury concerns. That is it. No fancy stuff yet.

Tactical Specific in the Gym

The tactical base fitness phase builds a foundation of basic fitness but does not address specific tactical
fitness needs. In the real world you will never lift anything as balanced and stable as a barbell. The real
world is unstable and unpredictable. There are also considerable metabolic conditioning demands that
have not been addressed yet. In the tactical specific in the gym phase we will start to fill in these tactical
gaps. Tactical specific in the gym fitness is best laid on a foundation of tactical base training. Six to eight
weeks is just about enough time for this phase. Most tactical athletes will shell themselves if they
extend this phase any longer.
Strength: In the real world the body is used as one piece and not segmented into body parts. If you are
stacking sand bags, carrying a casualty or climbing a wall with a pack on, you are not thinking about
which specific muscles you are using. The weight room is well controlled with safe, balanced, easy to
use machines and barbells that are designed to minimize the involvement of stabilizer muscles and to
target specific muscle groups. This is the opposite of what we want to employ in the tactical specific in
the gym phase. This phase is about getting you stronger while moving in as many different planes,
directions and movements as possible and ensuring that there are no weak links in the chain. This is the
time to explore a variety of movements and to try unconventional strength implements (i.e., kettlebells,
tires, TRX, sandbags, atlas stones, sledgehammers). The possibilities during this phase are endless.
Consideration needs to be given to specific tactical needs (i.e., mountainous terrain, carrying heavy
loads). Each program is going to look different due to the fact that each situation and each individual
are different. However, we can provide some basic considerations. Below are some tactical
considerations that should guide you in preparing your strength training program:
Strength Session Tactical Considerations
1. Include single arm and single leg work, for example, single arm bench presses or split squats. The
single limb versions are inherently less stable and force your whole body to engage to control the
2. Include loaded carries. Carry heavy objects (dumbbells, sand bags, stones, logs, workout partners) in
a variety of positions. Nothing engages whole body strength and balance like loaded carries. This is
perhaps the most tactically specific strength move available in the gym, but it is often the most ignored.
3. Include neck bridges. Wrestlers have figured out that without a strong neck, you are much more
vulnerable to injury.
4. Grip strength cannot be over emphasized. Your body will not allow you to pull what your grip cannot
handle. Many people will be able to increase their pull-up strength by increasing grip strength. Grip
strength is much more tactically relevant than bench press, but it is often prioritized inversely.
5. Train your hamstrings. Forget about lying hamstring curls. Use good mornings, stiff legged deadlifts,
glute-ham machine, hyper-extensions or hill sprints. Hamstrings are a common site of injury, especially
when sprinting under load.
6. The most important pressing ability is overhead pressing, not bench pressing. Overhead pressing is
balanced about the shoulder and promotes shoulder health, mobility and balance. The same cannot be
said for bench presses.

7. Do not load bad movement, and never, ever put speed or explosiveness on top of dysfunctional
movement. Strength coach Dan John likes to say, "Fundamental movements are well.....fundamental.
Strength training is loaded movement and the movement should be graceful."
8. You should consider including the basic barbell lifts at least once per week each, especially if you
have not achieved your "strong enough" goals. If you are plenty strong, you can emphasize this less.
The bottom line is that until you are "strong enough," strength trumps everything else.
9. Loading is important. You will not achieve meaningful loading with burpees and air squats alone.
Load like you mean it. This is especially true of the "odd" lifts (i.e., lifting stones or sand bags).
10. Some cross body loading is useful. Exercises like cross body chops, land mines, and heavy sledge
hammer work are good choices.
11. Do some sprinting, loaded and unloaded. Include some agility drills. Hill sprints are also a good
choice. Sprints make a great metabolic conditioning finisher.
12. Pick things up off the ground. Try sand bags, logs, atlas stones, rocks, dumbbells, kettlebells or any
odd object. Variety is the key here.
Tactical in the gym strength session design
1. Start each strength session with a mobility warm up. Consider moves like lunges, goblet squats,
overhead squats, shoulder dislocates, Turkish get ups, windmills etc. The warm up should take 5-15
minutes. Focus on any problem areas. Some of the movements in the strength training tactical
considerations list can be included here.
2. Spend no more than 40 minutes on your strength portion. If you are going longer than that you are
probably doing body part training or sacrificing quality for quantity. Incorporate one of the basic barbell
lifts and as many of the considerations from the tactical considerations list above as you can within 40
minutes. The session should be more of a steady grind than an "as many rounds as possible" approach.
3. Add a 5-10 minute metabolic conditioning finisher to the end of the workout. The purpose of the
finisher is not strength, but conditioning. Push it hard and drive your heart rate up. Some of the
movements from the strength training tactical considerations can be accomplished here.
4. Perform a little flexibility work at the end. Focus on pecs, shoulders, hips, hamstrings and calves.
Endurance: After building a good base of endurance fitness in the "tactical base phase," it is now time
to get more specific. The adjustments that you make to your endurance program in this phase depend
on your specific tactical goals. Some specific considerations are discussed below.
Rucking: Rucking once per week is plenty if supplemented with a running and strength training
program. The Army has done a considerable amount of research on rucking. It turns out that heavyshort rucks transfer well to light-long rucks but the opposite is not true. Therefore, time constrained
athletes can get away with just heavy-short rucks. When they have to go light-long, it will be no
problem. However, the best solution is to do both and to alternate weekly. As with all fitness programs,
progressive overload is important. The pace is generally the same for all rucks (4 miles per hour .5
miles per hour). For the light-long rucks, keep a fixed weight and increase the distance over time. For
the heavy-short rucks, keep a fixed time (i.e., 40-60 minutes) and increase the load over time. Never run
with a ruck in training. You may need to do so as part of a selection course, or in a real tactical situation,
but running with a ruck in training is way too risky. If you are training with a heavy ruck, when you need

to run, you will be ready. The exceptions are a very light ruck (25 pounds or less) or short sprints (< 50
yards). For a more detailed discussion of rucking, as well as a detailed program, refer to the rucking
Run testing: The most common run testing distances are 1.5 miles, 2 miles and 3 miles. Some programs
use 6 miles or a 10K. Fortunately, there is not much difference in training for these varied distances. All
of these distances would be run at a pace that exceeds the lactate threshold. During this phase, 3 runs
plus a ruck are recommended. Good runners could get away with 2 runs plus a ruck. Two weekly run
structures are proposed below based on run test distance.
Endurance Training for 1.5 - 2 Mile Run Test
First 2 Weeks
VO2 Max Intervals
Last 6 Weeks
VO2 Max Intervals Tempo

VO2 Max Intervals


Endurance Training for 3-6 (or 10K) Run Test

All 8 Weeks
VO2 Max Intervals



See the "Endurance Training Programming" document for more information on how to structure tempo
and VO2 max runs. VO2 max intervals (typically 800 yd or meter intervals) are run at your best mile
pace. Tempo intervals are run at your 10K race pace. As with all fitness programming, include
progressive overload in your plan. Increase the amount of tempo and the number of VO2 max intervals
during your run sessions. Most people should top out at 40 minutes of tempo and 6-8 VO2 max
Run intensive school or training: If you are going to participate in a run intensive selection or course, it
is vital that you maintain excellent run leg durability. A small adjustment to the run plan above should
be more than adequate. Good runners, who are not worried about their run test times, should replace
one of the runs above with a long run (up to 2.5 hours max). Those who still have some work to do on
the run should ideally find time in their schedule to add in a longer run (up to 2 hours) to the program
above. Again, progressive overload should apply. Gradually increase the length of the long run. The
long run can be split (i.e., 1 hour in the morning, and 1 hour in the afternoon). The long run is done at a
"steady" pace (see the "Endurance Training Programming" document).

Tactical Specific in the Field

This is the phase that is going to be most variable. The idea is to move towards real world, in the
environment, tactical training, using real equipment and tactics. Presumably during this phase you are
doing something looks quite a bit like your real world tactical job. If this phase is a selection course,
hang in there and enjoy the ride. If you were smart and planned well in the last two phases, you showed
up in shape, with a durable body. If this phase is just a bit of top off training (i.e. pre-deployment work
ups), then there are a couple of considerations to think about.
1. It takes much more work to gain fitness than it does to maintain it. You can afford to cut way back on
your training while you focus on sharpening your tactical skills. All of that hard work over the last few
months built quite a bit of fitness and it is not going to disappear easily.
2. Let the course or training take care of whatever fitness components it will and focus on maintaining
what it does not. For example, if you are practicing patrols in the mountains, you probably don't have to
worry about any extra endurance training. You might consider adding a bit of strength training (a scaled
down version) twice per week. If your course involves rock climbing, rappelling and rucks, you might not
need to supplement at all. Spend a bit of time looking at the demands of this phase and consider
carefully before you supplement with additional physical training. Remember, you don't need as much
to maintain fitness that you have already built.
To quote strength coach Dan John, "Remember to keep the goal the goal.. The goal." Building fitness
for a tactical athlete is a means to an end. The end is tactical performance. Fitness is just one piece.
During this phase maintain what fitness is necessary but don't let fitness training interfere with acquiring
tactical skills.
Conclusions: There are a lot of details left to fill in and the devil is in the details. What I have attempted
to do here is to give you a basic framework for setting up a tactical periodization plan. If you follow the
framework, you are unlikely to mess up the details too badly. In general, motivated tactical athletes are
almost always going to try to do too much. When you write out you plan, do it in pencil, and then use
your eraser liberally. Just know in advance that whatever you plan, it is probably too much and will
need to be cut back a bit. I did not mention anything at all about the other half of this program,
recovery. If you are trying to manage your energy ups and downs with sugar and caffeine, it is a recipe
for disaster. If you feel like you need a stimulant to work out, you are not managing your energy
properly. Half of your success will depend on getting enough sleep and eating well.

About the Author

Mike Prevost earned a PhD in exercise physiology from Louisiana State University in
1995. He specialized in muscle physiology and metabolism. Throughout his college
years (10 years total) he worked as a personal trainer in various gyms and fitness
centers. He has trained athletes for many different sports including triathlon, ultra
running, surfing, power lifting, bodybuilding, mixed martial arts, football, basketball and
more. After finishing his PhD, he took a commission in the U. S. Navy as an Aerospace
Physiologist in the Navy Medical Service Corps. While serving in the Navy he
developed human performance training material for the U. S. Special Operations
Command. He developed new fitness standards for Navy rescue swimmers. He
served as a consultant to the USMC in evaluating the safety of the USMC Combat
Fitness Test. He also served on a Navy committee tasked with proposing alternatives
to the Navy physical fitness test. He trained thousands of aviators and aircrew on
survival techniques, physiology, and human performance. He also served as the
Director of the Human Performance Laboratory at the U. S. Naval Academy, where he
performed physiological testing of athletes to improve performance, developed the
Principles of Strength and Conditioning Course for all Midshipmen, and served as the
director of remedial fitness training programs. He has over 25 years of experience in
working with athletes.

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