Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans

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Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans

1. What is the problem behavior?

Mark is acting inappropriately during class. He makes jokes that make students
laugh, but distracts them from learning. He also makes inappropriate comments to the
teacher and is disruptive to the class. He talks loudly and draws students attention to
himself instead of the instructions given by the teacher.

2. What is the responsibility of the general education teachers?

My responsibility as a general education teachers is to report Marks behavior as
it continues throughout the semester in order to plan a behavior intervention plan for
Mark. The goal is to figure out how to meet Marks need for attention while facilitating
learning for other students without the distractions for other students. My responsibility
once the plan is in place is to meet with Mark and work together to implement the plan to
establish the learning environment for the class once again. This may be tougher for
students I do not have good rapport with because the student may not be as receptive to
the new types of behavior or reinforcement.

3. How would you carry out this BIP in your classroom and content area?
I would begin by trying to catch him being good, whether that is inside the
classroom or outside the classroom at sporting events or extracurricular activities. This
way, I can begin to get to know who Mark is and what is interests are. During class, I
would try to give him verbal feedback about his performance during activities, let him
demonstrate or model the activities we are about to use in order to make him take
ownership and responsibility of his learning.

4. How will you monitor progress?

I would take a tally of the times he acts up during class to record the frequency of
the behavior. I should be able to see Marks improvement through the decrease in tallies
as the behavior plan becomes more ingrained into his class routine.

5. What other strategies may be effective for working with Mark?

I would try to challenge Marc to participate more or take a more central role in the
activities because he would feel more ownership and responsibility for his learning. The
more active Mark can be, the less time he can be focused on making rude comments or
inappropriate jokes to others.

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