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Capacitor voltage transformer

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A capacitor voltage transformer (CVT), or capacitance coupled voltage transformer

(CCVT) is a transformer used in power systems to step down extra high voltage signals
and provide a low voltage signal, for measurement or to operate a protective relay. In its
most basic form the device consists of three parts: two capacitors across which the
transmission line signal is split, an inductive element to tune the device to the line
frequency, and a transformer to isolate and further step down the voltage for the
instrumentation or protective relay. The tuning of the divider to the line frequency makes
the overall division ratio less sensitive to changes in the burden of the connected metering
or protection devices. [1] The device has at least four terminals: a terminal for connection
to the high voltage signal, a ground terminal, and two secondary terminals which connect
to the instrumentation or protective relay. CVTs are typically single-phase devices used
for measuring voltages in excess of one hundred kilovolts where the use of wound
primary voltage transformers would be uneconomical. In practice, capacitor C1 is often
constructed as a stack of smaller capacitors connected in series. This provides a large
voltage drop across C1 and a relatively small voltage drop across C2.
The CVT is also useful in communication systems. CVTs in combination with wave traps
are used for filtering high frequency communication signals from power frequency. [2]
This forms a carrier communication network throughout the transmission network.


CVT means capacitive voltage transformer which is


between the lightening arrester and CT,which is used

measure the voltage in the line in higher ratings,PT
connected at the end of the bus bar system which is
used to measure the voltage.

The only difference is in its usage...

The VTs are used upto 132kV level
the CVTs usage starts from 420kV level and above..
CVT means capacitive voltage transformer
PT means potential transformer
both are same in view of votage measurment
CVT is used in the line ckt while PT is used in the
bus Ckt.
for ur kind informtion CVT may be used as PT but PT
can not
be used as CVT as per .
cvt is capacitive voltage transformer this is using
132KV level
PT potential transformer this is using upto 132KV
beyond this PT is not economical. CVT and PT both r
down transformer. both r using measuring and
purpose but CVT we can use communication
capacitor acting as a potential divider.
CVT & PT both are protection & measuring devices. CVT
used for high voltages above 132 Kv while Pt is used
this. CVT has an added advantage that it can be used
carreir communication.

We have 2 types of VT in the power systems:


Inductive Voltage Transformer (VT or PT)

Capacitive Voltage Transformer (CVT)

The main difference between VT and CVT is that the

CVT is
based on capacitive voltage divider principle which
down the high voltage to a lower voltage level that
can be
measured easier. This can make the VT much less bulky
space) and also less expensive. This is why that for
levels up to 132 kV, its common to use conventional
VTs but
at voltage levels more than 132 kV we use CVTs.

Generally the PT or CVT are used to measure voltage.

The secondary of the PT will be 110V which will
be connected for the voltage measurement. For high
voltage applications like 132 or 230 or 400kV.
Designing the PT for 132 to 110V will be very bulky
and practically leads to very big size.
Hence for high voltage applications we use CVT.
The CVT is constructed using serious of capacitors.

1. What is the difference between Capacitor Voltage Transformer, Coupling Capacitor

Voltage Transformer and Voltage Transformer?
2. Why is DC Voltage used in Testing Electrical Equipments not AC Voltage?
a PT, potential transformer, can be thought of as a pure transformer with primary and
secondary windings; PT's are sometimes referred to as magnetic transformers due to the
fact that their mode of operation is purely magnetic. It is used to step-down the input
voltage from a power line to a voltage level that can be processed by metering devices
and protection relays in a substation. CVT or CCVT, capacitor-coupled voltage
transformer, is made with two capacitor sets acting as a voltage divider that brings the
line (actually the phase) voltage down to around 12Kv then this voltage is fed to a
relatively small transformer for the voltage signal to be processed. CVT is rated for
extremely high voltage levels above 230KV, while PT's aren't designed for such large
values. CVT's offer the advantage that the voltage divider capacitor, being itself relatively
smaller and lighter, configuration makes the transformer's iron core much smaller in size,
and hence more economical, versus what it would be if a pure magnetic transformer
would be used. Also the CVT's can be tuned to the fundamental frequency of the line, and
the capacitance prevents the inductive "fire-back" of the coils in the transformer when a
breaker trips. PT's can't provide such advantage. some CVT's are also used to tune to
PLCC, Programmable Logic Controller Carrier frequency, which is a signal transmitted
over power lines providing inter-PLC communication.

Well a PT uses windings to drop voltage step down transformer high voltage to lower
voltage just a transformer only !!! next CVT uses two capacitors in series to drop voltage
or split ac like a filter circuit its a tuned 60 cycle resonant cap & coil circuit on primary
side . and like a voltage divider circuit but uses capacitors . combined for protection
relaying work fault trip zone portection function circuit its also for phase shift ,there
really a coupling capacitor voltage splitter circuit centered tap to a reactor coil on primary
side input of trans CCVT which is dropped to around 6kv pri input , the center tap of
these series caps feed coil and coil feeds trans pri one cap is connected to ground one cap
gos to hv line. But multi caps are used in series for the incoming hv line 165kv
transmission line , not just two caps by example to make it simple and theres a iron choke
coil called a reactor coil it cancels out the caps at 60 cycles for phase shift on output from
primary to secondary of CVT transformer theres also a supression circuit on CVT
secondary side thats what electricians call it but its just a old snubber circuit for discharge
of a potential high voltage spike or back feed kick protection when a major fault occurs
on hv transmision line voltage drops off sharply. But the whole circuit works in a delay of
false tripping by capacitance stored energy in the caps to hold voltage on primary this
controls the tripping time in seconds before a trip of deff relay coils circuits on secondary
side which is 115 volts to supply differ relay coils as stated and to control all this with
total CVT package circuit and must be included in explaining the difference of both PT
and CVT . if you need a full detailed run down how it works just ask? best to ya

Transfomer overfluxing can be result of

1. Overvoltage
2. Low system frequency

A transformer is designed to operate at or below a

magnetic flux density in the transformer core. Above
design limit the eddy current in the core and nearby
conductive components cause overheating which within
a very
short time may cause severe damage.The magnetice flux
the core is proportional to the voltage applied to
winding divided by thhe impedence of the winding.The
in the core increase with either increasing voltage
decreasing frequency.During starrtup or stardown of
generator connected transformers, o following a
loadrejection, the transformer may exeperience an
ratio of volts to hertz, that is, become overexcited.

What is overfluxing relay?

A transformer is designed to operate at or below a maximum
magnetic flux density in the transformer core. Above this design
limit the eddy currents in the core and nearby conductive
components cause overheating which within a very short time
may cause severe damage. The magnetic flux in the core is
proportional to the voltage applied to the winding divided by
the impedance of the winding. The flux in the core increases
with either increasing voltage or decreasing frequency. During
startup or shutdown of generator-connected transformers, or
following a load rejection, the transformer may experience an

excessive ratio of volts to hertz, that is, become overexcited.

When a transformer core is overexcited, the core is operating
in a non-linear magnetic region, and creates harmonic
components in the exciting current. A significant amount of
current at the 5th harmonic is characteristic of overexcitation.

difference between over current and over load protection?

Over current:
The full load current capacity, if it exceeds the
rated full
load current it is over current.
Over Load Protection:
Protection given to the electrical equipment to
safeguard it
from buring during the fault level or overloading.By
performing tripping action.
EMVT- for protection only(accuracy is very high)
CVT- both metering and protection
P.T- both
P.T uses winding for step down the voltage
CVT- uses two capacitor in series(capacitor coupling)
step down the voltage

CVT which is also called (CCVT) capacitor coupled

transformer which is used to reduce the voltage from
400 KV
and higher to 110 volts for the purpose of deriving
metering, relaying and protection signals. Here the
voltage is applied across two capacitors in series
with an
inductor in parallel of these capacitors which form
primary winding of CVT. The secondary winding
terminals at
different tapping points are brought out to a small
box mounted on the base of the equipment from where
it is
wired for different functions

What is the relationship between a current transformer

and a voltage transformer?
A transformer is a device that steps up, or steps down voltage. During this process current
is also stepped up or down:however, voltage and current are inversely proportional
( meaning an increase in voltage results in a decrease in current and vice versa ) As an
example: A step up transformer of 10:1 ratio with 12 volts and 10 amper of current
applied to the primary will have ten times the voltage ( 120 volts ) and ten times less
current ( 1 amrere ) at the secondary...and a step down transformer with the same turns
ratio with 120 volts and 1 ampere applied to the primary will have 12 volts and ten
ampere available at the secondary. The electricity supplied into homes and business uses
wires carrying very high voltage and low current over long distances, then uses step down
transformers to step down the voltage and step up the current.
However, in power engineering and protective relaying applications, there are what are
called "instrument transformers" which have the specific purpose of providing
information to devices (such as relays or meters) about the voltages or currents in the
power system. Therefore, there are some differences in construction and connectivity

between a Current Transformer (CT) and a Voltage (or Potential) Transformer (PT).
A CT will typically have a toroidal core and evenly distributed secondary windings so as
to minimize leakage reactance. The primary is typically the main power line conductor,
which passes directly through the toroidal core. This type of transformer is specifically
for the purpose of measuring current values, and the secondary windings cannot be left
open-circuited, or a large voltage will be produce, resulting in dielectric failure (and often
an explosion). If a device is not connected to the CT, its secondary must be shortcircuited.
A PT is connected between the main conductor and ground and can be either wound in
the normal way, or the voltage can be taken from a subsection of a string of capacitors
(this is called a Capacitive Voltage Tansformer or CVT, and is usually cheaper than the
wound type, but is typically not as accurate). This type of transformer measures voltage
values, and the secondary winding cannot be short-circuited, as this will produce
excessively high currents, resulting in the failure of the PT or the wires it is connected to.
A PT can be left open-circuited.

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