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1922 INSTALLATION & OPERATION GUIDE PACIFIC ENERGY WOODSTOVES (1986) LTD. Mailing address: P.O. Box 29, Cobble Hill, BC VOR ILO Factory: Ball Road, Cobble Hill, BC VOR ILO STUDY CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING INSTALLATION-Mobile Home... INSTALLATION-Residential......- LIGHTING THE FIR} OPERATING.. CHIMNEY FIRES. aa SAFETY AND MAINTENANCE. BLOWER OPTION.... : TROUBLE SHOOTING. TESTED and LISTED to CSA B336.2/ULC $627/UL 1482 Design - D : SPECTRUM SUPER 27 STANDARD ‘Meets the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s July 1990 Particulate Emission Standards i rs mareaeniesoernnaneneenmemmnemeranssnnananenmranenmasdnisanitl PLEASE SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT SMOKE DETECTORS BE INSTALLED. If smoke detectors have been previously mstalled, you may notice that they are operating more frequently. This may be {due to curing of stove paint or fumes caused by accidently leaving the fire door open. Do not disconnect the detectors TFnecessary-relocate them to reduce their sensitivity. (MOBILE HOME INSTALLATION Warning: Under no circumstances is this heater to be installed in a makeshift or “temporary” manner. It may be fired only after the following conditions have been met. * DONOT CONNECT THIS UNIT TO A CHIMNEY + FLUE SERVING ANOTHER APPLIANCE. * DO NOT INSTALL IN SLEEPING ROOM * Outs ir supply must be usa for Mobue Home installauons-see Diagram #3, Page 7 © The services of a competent installer are strongly recommended CLEARANCES ‘This heater mast be installed with listed double wall connector and compatible churmney system, Clearances to combustible surfaces and material are shown on Page 7. Clearances may be reduced with various beat insulating materials. Consult local fire codes and authonties for approval, CHIMNEY AND CHIMNEY CONNECTOR ‘Must be installed with A, One of the following double-wall connector systems: 1. Security Model DP 2 Security Model DC 3, Oliver MacLeod Model PV 4. Ryder Model “E” Vent 5. Selkirk Metalbestos Model DS 6, Metal Fab Model DW 7. Amert-Tec Model DBSP B. As well as one of the following compatible chimney systems: FOR CANADA_AND USA— All parts 6". ‘Security $2100 Pro-Jet H13000 Ceiling suppoxt XSF FCS Rafter radiation shield XRST RRS 3° Chimney length x3 si3 2 Chimney length = XL2 S02, Roof lashing XFA REI? Storm collar XSC sc Spark arrestor rain cap _XCPE RCSA FORUS.A. ONLY—All paris 6” Secufly PreJet, Metter Metab Amaiveh ASHE ATSIOS SST 2100) TECHS SEF FCS_—TSFA TGCSP 6PL-cs RSMH RRS TJSMH TGRS 13 SL3.«T36TG3 S36 L2 SL2 TM TG2Hs24 Roofflsshing FA RF TSFA. TGF SRFFU ‘Storm collar SC SC TGC PL-ASCG Spank arrestor mincep CPE RCSA TCT «TGC PLMPC NOTE: Longer chimney lengths and differen pitch lashings nay be used. All other pars listed must be installed (see Diagram #3, Page 7). instal ll components to the connector chimney manufacturer's insiallation requarements. ‘Consult your chimney supplier for installation advice. PROCEDURE CAUTION: THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF ‘THE MOBILE HOME FLOOR, WALL AND CEILING/ROOF MUST BE MAINTAINED. NOTE:See “Combustion Ait” section-page 3 1. Position stove and floor protection with hole for ‘combustion air in accordance with the clearances as stated ‘on the label and on page 7 ofthis mamual 2. Mark the position forthe hole inthe ceiling and root by using a string and plumb-bob, 3.Check thatthe intended location will not nterfere with floor joists, ceiling joists or rafters before proceeding furthes. 4,Cuta hoe in the ceiling and roof to sur the chimney system and frame in the sides. The chimney suppor is, ‘mounted to the framing, 5. Assemble chimney sections (tyst lock) so the finished Heng is esting on support and pring trough he roof, Avoid having joints between ceiling and roof, Install radiation shield. Assemble flashing and storm collar and. be sure to maintain the vapour barter at this point. (Seal securely) Attach rain cap and check flashing for leaks. 6.Install connector as per manufacturer's instructions. Attach stove to floor using two 1/4” x 2” or longer iag FLOOR PROTECTOR ‘The stove may be installed on a combustible floor provided non-combustible protection is used. This protection must extend 18” tothe front of the firing door and 6” to the sides and rear of the stove. See Diagram #4, Page 7. “This protection is also required under the chimney connector and 2” beyond each side. RESIDENTIAL INSTALLATION ‘Warning: Under no circumstances is this heater to be installed in a makeshift or “temporary” manner. It may be fired only after the following conditions have been met. * DONOT ATTEMPT TO CONNECT THIS HEATER TO ANY AIR DISTRIBUTION DUCT. * The services of a competent installer are strongly ecommontied, Outside combustion air may be required in your area, ‘consult Tocal building codes. CLEARANCES 1. This heater may be installed using a single-wall connector (smoke pipe) of a listed double-wall connector (sce ‘Mobile Home installation), 2.Clearunces to combustible surfaces and materials using Single-wall connector are shown in Diagram #1, page 3. Allemately, for close clearances, one of the listed ‘connectors must be used (See Mobile Home installauon), See Diagram #2, page 7. CHIMNEY AND CONNECTOR ‘Connect 1 listed chimney (see Mobile Home Installation) ‘ora chimney suitable for use with solid fuel tat is Hined and in good condition and meets building code. Chimney flue exit is to be 3 feet (Im.) above roof and two feet (7'm.) above highest projection within 10 feet (2.5 m.). The installation must meet all local codes. Do not connect this Unit toa chumney flue serving another appliance. Minimum chimney height 1s 15 feet (measured from base of appliance), DOUBLE-WALL CONNECTOR * Use one of the listed connectors in the Mobile Home Installation section. + Insiail all components to the chimney connector manufacturer's installation requirements, SINGLE-WALL CONNECTOR ‘Smoke pipe must be: * as short and straight as possible, use six inch diameter, 24 ‘auge black pipe thar is clean and in new condition + Secured at every joint and collar with 3 sheet metal screws * installed with the crimped or male ends pointing down, + This will cary any liquid creosote or condensatton back into the stove + The chimney comector sould not pass trough atc or roof space, closet or similar concealed. space, ora floor, Ceiling, wall, or partition of combustible material. Floor protection is required under the chimney connector and 2” beyond each side, PROCEDURE 1. Ifa listed chimney and double-wall connector is to be connected to siove, sce Mobile Home installation, (Outside combustion ar may not be required, consult local building codes.) 2. IF its desirable to use smoke pipe in conjunetion withthe insulated chimnoy, soe sep + 3.1 tof or ceiling support is used in the installation you wll find the chimney manufacturer's complete instructions packed with the roof support. 4. To start installing smoke pipo (chimney connector), slip ‘timped edge othe pipe inside the stove collar Use holes provided in collar to secure pipe with two screws 5. Install the remaining lengths of pipe one oa top ofthe cher to the finished height of the chimney connector and secure to each other. Wien approaching the celling, ip ‘tho ceiling trim plate and joist shield over the chiraney so that after the chimney is éxtended through the ceiling, the teim plate can be secured to the ceiling COMBUSTION AIR Inake or combustion air can be supplied to the stove in one of two ways. 1. Outside air supply-(Necessary for mobile home installation, optional for residential installation) To draw ‘outside air through the oor, Jeave the cover on the pedestal in place, Cut or drill a4" diameter ot larger hole Jn the floor anywhere inside the perimeter ofthe pedestal This hole must get its ar from a ventilated craw space or be extended with duct o the ousdoors. Cover ole with 4” 3 G0gnm x 100m) rodent seen (aplefa, See diagram #3, Page 7. The use of outside combustion air for rebidental installation requires the unt to be secured to the stricture to prevent dislodging of tho ar due, Outsie asicaray also be ducted through the 4” diameter ole in the sear of the pedestal © "Thus unic ws not designed to be operated with the fing door open. In addition tothe obvious hazard of sparks landing on combustibles, an open fire door will cause the | heaer to draw air rom the living space and possibly cause suffocation. 2. Room air supply-Remove the cover from the rear of the pedestal. The stove will now draw its ar from the room fhrough the pedestal and ino the firebox imake. Consult ‘your local building code. ~ The living space around the heater must be ventilated with ‘good air circnlation. Anything that may cause a negative pressure can cause gases or fumes to be pulled into the living area, During exuemely cold weather, and especially when burning at very slow rates, he upper parts of the exposed chimney may ice up, partially blocking the flue gases, Wo0D SELECTION ‘This heater is designed to burn natural wood only. Higher officiency and lower emissions generally result when burning air-dried seasoned hardwoods, as compared to ‘Softwoods or to green or freshly cut hardwoods, ‘Wood should be property air dried (seasoned) for six months fot more. Wet or undried wood will cause the fite to ‘smoulder and proxiuce large amounts of creosote. Wet wood also produces very little heat and tends to go out often. DONOT BURN: Salt water wood ‘Treated wood Wot or green wood Coaljcharcoal Garbage Solvents ‘Do not burn anything but wood. Other fuels, eg. charcoal, can produce large amounts of earbon monoxide; a tasteless, ‘dourles gas that can kill. Under no cicumstances should ‘you attempt to barbecue in this heater. How To Test Your wooo Add a lage prsce of wood 19 the stove when it hasa good largo bed of coals, tis dry itis buming on more than one Side within one minuto, Itis damp if it turns black and lighis Within three minutes, It sizetes, hisses and Blackens Wwithoot igniting in five minutes itis soaked and should not be burnt OPERATING CAUTION: Never use gasoline, gasoline type lanter fuel, Kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid or similar liquids to start or “freshen up” a fire inthis heater. Keep all such liquids well away from the heater while itis in use. WARNING: Do not use grates or andirons to elevate the fuel. Burn directly on the fire bricks, Replace broken or missing bricks. Failure to do so may create a hazardous condition, Your PACIFIC ENERGY heater 1s designed for maximum overall efficiency at a moderate firing rate. Overfiing is hazardous and a waste of fuel. Too slow a burn contributes to ereosote buildup and lowers combustion efficiency. LIGHTING A FIRE YARNING: Never use chemicals or any other volatile liquid to start a fire. 1. Adjust air control to High position and open door. 2. Place crumpled newspaper in the centre of the heater and criss-cross with several pieces of dry kindling. Add a few small pieces of dry wood on top. 3 Tgnite the paper and close the door, 4, After the fire has established itself, open the door and add ‘2 few stall logs. Clase door. 5. Begin normal operation after a good coal base exists and: ‘wood has charred NORMAL OPERATION 1, Set air control to desired setting. If smoke pours down ‘crass the glass (waterfall effect) this indicates you have, shut the control dows t00 soon or you are using too low a 3 seting, The wide range control panel makes finding the desired sting for your aplicadon easy. AS every home's heating needs vary Ge. mulation, windows, climate, ct) {he prep seting can only be found by tal and ero and Should be noted fr future burs. “2. To refuel, adjust air control to high, and give the fire ume to brightenOpen door slowly, his wil prevent thckpulling 4. Use wood of diferent shapo,duameter and eng (opto 15°), Load your wood enduise and try to place the logs 50 tha’ air can ow between them, Always use dry wood. 4.Do not Load fuel to a height or ip such a manner that ‘would be hazardous when opening the door 5 For extended or ovemight burn, unsplit logs are 2 fretered. Remember fo cba te Wood completely on Pitigh sotung before adjusting air conuol for overnight bum, WARNING: Always Keep loading door closed when burnin This heater is not designed for open door ning. RESTARTING AFTER EXTENDED OR OVERNIGHT BURNS 1.Open door and rake hot embers towards the front of the heater, Add a couple of dry, split logs on top of embers, close door. 2 Adjust air control to “High” and in just a few minutes, logs should begin buming, 3. After wood has charred, reset air control to desired setting, 4;When burning at a slow rate for extended period: ‘occasionally maintain a strong fire under supervision for ‘2 couple of hours to relieve firebox and chimney deposits 288 well as any of the deposits on the glass. WARNING: This method is not a substitute for regular chimney inspections and cleaning. 5.To achieve maximum firing rate, set control to “High”. Do ‘not use this setting other than for starting or preheating fresh fucl loads. DO NOT OVERFIRE THIS HEATER:Attempts to achieve heat output rates that exceed heater design specifications can result in permanent damage to the heater and chimney. WARNING: No alferation or modification of the ‘combustion air control assembly is permitted. Any tampering will void warranty and could be very hazardous. MORE WOOD, MORE HEAT ‘Seasoned wood has approximately 7500 BTU's per pound. 1 you put 10 pounds of wood in your stove for an eight hour ‘burn the wood will be producing 9375 BTU’s per hour. (7500 BTU x 10 lbs/8 hrs. = 9375 BTU's per br) Ifyou put 0 Ibs of wood in your stove for an eight hour burn you will ‘get. 18,750 BTU’s per hr. (7500 BTU x 20 lbs/8hr=18,750 BTU’s per hr). This is only an example and is based on 100% efficiency. In reality, your stove should perform in the 70% elficiency range. Experience will give you the right seuings for proper ‘ombustion and efficient buming, Remember the air inlet seting is affected by variables such as type of wood, outside temperature, chimney size and weather conditions. With practice, you will become proficient in operating your heater and wll obtain the performance for which it was designod. PROPER DRAFT 1.Drafts the force which moves air from the appliance up through the chimney, The amount of draftin your 4 chimrey depends on the length ofthe chimney, local cography, neasby obstructions and other factors. 2. foo much draft may cause excessive temperatures in the appliznce, An uncontrollable burn or a glowing red stove pattor chimney indicates excessive drat. 3.fnadequate draft may cause backputing into the room and plugging of the chimney. Smoke leaking into the room through appliance and chimney connector joints indicates ‘inadequate draft ‘ASH REMOVAL — SUPER 27/SPECTRUM {NOT APPLICABLE TO STANDARD) Do not burn with ash dump door open. Doing so will create a hazardous condition, Caution: Ashes are to be removed only when the heater is ‘old, The ash domp handle is located under the ash lip on the lefthand side, ‘ash dump, pull handle out 1/2" ‘nd turn clockwise, This wll unlock th ash dump and allow ito open, Hold handle open while pulling ashes into the hole, Avoid large embers as these stil contain heat value. Release handle and push in to lock. Ensure ash dump door is properly engaged. Fill te cavity with remaining ash level ‘vith the firebox flor, Lift and pull out ashpan ind diseard sie into meal container. Replace ashpan and ensure itis Sed pop. Alvays leave about of ash when cleaning DISPOSAL OF ASHES ‘Ashes should be placed in a metal container with 2 ught fitting lid, The closed container of ates should be placed on 2 non-combustible floor or on the ground, well away from All combustible materials, pending final disposal, Ifthe ashes Are disposed of by burial in sol or otherwise locally ‘dispersed, they should be retained in the closed container ‘until all cinders have thoroughly cooled. Other waste should not be placed inthis container. ‘OREOSOTE FORMATION AND NEED FOR REMOVAL ‘When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar and other ‘organic vapours, which combine with expelied moisture to form creosote. The creosote vapours condense in the relatively cooi chimney flue ofa slow buming fic, As a result, ereosote residue accumulates on the flue lining. When ited, this creosote makes an extremely hot fire. The chimney connector and chimney should be inspected at least ‘once every two months during the heating season to ‘etermine ifa creosote buildup has occurred. If creosote has ‘accumulated, it should be removed to reduce the risk of a chimney fire. 1. Highest smoke densities occur when a large amount of ‘00d is added to a bed of hot coals and the air inte is Closed, ‘The heated wood generates smoke, but without ample ar, the smoke cannot burn. Smoke-free, clean ‘buming requires smal fuel loads, two oF three fogs at a time of 14 to 1/2 ofa fuel load and leaving the ar inlet relatively wide open, especially ducing the first 10 30 Tninutes after each loading, when most of the smoke ffenerating reactions are occurring. After 30 minutes Or $0, the air infet can be turned down substanually without ‘excessive smoke generation, Wood coals create very litle ‘ereasote-producing smoke. 2.The cooter the surface over which wood smoke is passing, the more creosote will be condensed, Wel or green wood contributes significantly to creosote formation as the excess moisture that is boiled off cools the fire, making it {Gifficult forthe tars and gases to ignite, thes creating ‘dense smoke and poor combustion. This moisture-laden smoke cools the chimney, compounding the problem by offering the smoke the ideal place to condense, In summary, a certain amount of creosote x inevitable and ‘must be lived with. Regular inspection and cleaning is the soluson: The use of do. seasoned wood and ample ‘combustion air will help to minimize the buildup. CHIMNEY FIRES ‘The result of excessive creosote buildup isa chimney fire Chimney fires are dangerous. Chimney inside temperatures can exceed 2000 degrees F. This causes mauch higher han ‘normal temperatures inthe chimney and on its exterior surfaces. Thus ignition of nearby of wuching combustible ‘material i more likely during a chimney fice. Proper Clearances are critical during such afte. (Chimney fires are easy to detect; they usually involve one or “more ofthe following — Flames and sparks shooting out of the tp of the chimney = Aroaring sound = Vibration ofthe chimney IW CASE OF A CHIMNEY FIRE 1 Prepare to evacuate to ensure everyone's safety. Have a well understood plan of action for evacuation. Have a place outside where everyone is to meet, 2.Close air ines on stove, 3.Call local fire department, Have a fire extinguisher handy. Contact your local municipal or provincial fire authority for further information on how to handle a chimney fire. Tt is most important that you have a clearly understood plan on how to handle a chimney fire, 4, fier the chimney fire is out, the chimney must be cleaned ‘and checked for sess and cracking before starting another fre; Also check combustibles around chimney and the rool AVOIDING A CHIMNEY FIRE ‘There are two ways to avoid chumney fires: 1,Do not let creosote build up wo a point whore a big chimney fire is possible, 2. Do not have fires in the heater that may ignite chimney fires. These are hot fires, such as when burning housshold ‘rash, cardboard, Christmas tree limbs, or even ordinary, fuel wood; (eg with a full load on a hot bed of coals and with the ar inlet excessively open.) SAFETY AND MAINTENANCE 1. Burm wood ony dry and wel seasoned The denser or heavier the wood! when dry, the greater its heat value. This 4s why hardwoods are generally preferred. Green of wet Wood will cause a rapid buildup of creosoie. Tryou fee it 4s necessary to bum wet or unscasoned wood, do 50 only ‘with the air inlet set open enough vo maintain a good strong fire and fairly high chimney vemperatuzes. Do not attempt to burn overnight using green or wet wood, Wet ‘wood can cause up 10 254 drop in heater oulput as Well as contributing significantly to ereosote buildup. « WARNING: Never use chemicals or any other volatile liquid to start.a fire. Do not burn garbage, or Aammable fluids such as gasoline, naptha, or engine oil, We strongly recommend that smoke detectors be installed. 2.Remove ashes frequently. Embers can rollout the door and create a fire hazard. Maintain aT” minimum ash base. 3.1 glass becomes darkened through slow burning or poor ‘wood, itcan readily be cleaned with any oven cleaner when stove is cold. Never scrape with an object that might scratch the glass. The type and amount of deposit on the sass is a good indication of flue pipe and chimney buildup, light brown dusty deposit that is easily wiped off usualy indicates good combustion and dry, well seasoned wood and therefore relatively cloan pipes and chimney. On the other hand, a black, greasy depasit that is Aifficult to remove isa result of wet and green wood and ‘vo slow a burning rate, This heavy deposit is building up atleast as quickly in the chimney. WARNING: ONLY USE MATERIALS SUPPLIED BY MANUFACTURER WHEN DOING MAINTENANCE OR REPLACEMENTS. 4.DOOR GASKET-The gasket used by Pacitic Energy Tequires only light pressure to seal. This will prolong seal life tis important that the door seal be maintained in 00d condition, Periodically inspect seals and replace if Necessary. Follow instructions included in the #29D kit obiainable ftom your nearest Pacific Energy dealer. 5.DOOR GLASS-Do not slam loading door or otherwise ‘impact glass. When closing door, make sure that no logs protrude to impact the glass. Ifthe glass pets cracked or broken, it must be replaced before using the stove. Replacement glass can be obtained from your dealer. The size required is 9-1/8 x_12-5/8 x 5mm Robax. Ceramic: glass must be used. Do not substitute with any other type. ‘Tosemove broken glass, undo the four retaining screws ged remove te frame noting positon fr reassembly. ‘Remove all partes cf gs, Be cael hey are very shaxp. Install new glass Complete with gasket. Replace frame and screws. CAUTION: ~ donot overighten tighten screws very carefully = donot clean glass when hot = donot use abrasive cleaners on glass 6."The area where boost combustion air enters the firebox ‘must be kept clear of excessive ash buildup which will block airflow. This area i atthe front ofthe firebox. 7.Do not store wood within heater installation clearances, or within the space required for fuel loading and ash removal. Keep the atea around the heater clean and free of all loose combustibles, furniture, newspapers, etc. 8. If gold door requires cleaning, use mild soap and water only. Use of abrasive cleaners will void warranty. 9. Establish a routine forthe fuel, woodbuming and firing technique. Check daily for creosote buildup untit experience shows how often you need to be cleaning to be safe. 10 Be auaze that tn ote the fie, the Hes creosote is leposited. Weekly cleanings may be necessary in mild weather eventhough monthly cleanings usually enough jab ies mos wen bring ais ar hgher Instruct all members of your family on the safe operation offs eater Ens te have cnough knowledge of he entire system if they are expected to operate it. Stress the section on chimney fires and the importance of following the steps outlined in “in Case of Chimney Fire”. REMOVING & RE-NSTALLING BAFFLE Chimney connector pipe should be disconnected from stove to clean and inspect. Only if this is not possible should you remove baffle assembly. | DO NOT OPERATE WITH BAFFLE ASSEMBLY OR INSULATION REMOVED. BAFFLE ASSEMBLY REMOVAL Remove eating pina the back to ofthe fiebox just under the baffle. Lif bffle up and pull forward to disconnect from the supply tube. Tilt baffle sideways to drop ‘down and remove from firebox. Remove insulation to access fe outlet. Inspect gasket bewween baffle and supply tbe. If necessary, replace with gasket #1395 available from your nearest Pacific Energy dealer. Re-install baffle assembly and insulation by roversing order. BLOWER OPTION ‘The Pacific Energy blower #F-29 can be factory or user installed. To instal, hold blower up underneath the back of stove against rear shield and line up holes(see instructions {included with fan). Insert two screws included with fan and tighten, After mounting, check for vibration noise and adjust bolt tension to eliminate. Route power supply cord away from beater. Electrical rating: 115 volt A.C.-1.02 amps, BLOWER OPERATION ‘When your Pacific Energy blower has been properly installed, operate as follows: = Aircontrol setting of 2 of less, operate optional blower speed control on"Low" = Air control greater than 2, operate optional blower speed control at desired setting. SAFETY NOTICE If this stove is not properly installed, a house fire may result. For your safety, follow the installation instructions. TROUBLESHOOTING i PROBLEM CAUSE CURE : GLASS IS DIRTY 1 Wood is wet -Use dry wood ' 2. Tuming down aircontrol ——_-Do not turn down until: | ‘or damper too soon 2) there is good bed of coals t ’) the wood is charred i 3. Draft 100 low Improper chimney height and/or diameter -Chimney plugged or restricted, check flue : -Provide outside air for combustion i 4. Door gasket leakage “Replace gasket i -Check latch i i EXCESSIVE CREOSOTE BUILDUP See 1, 2, 3above. i LOW HEAT OUTPUT 1. Wood is wet - Use dry wood | 2. Fire too small ~ Build a larger fire i 3. Draft too low - Chimney plugged or restricted, q ! Inspect and clean i WON'T BURN 1. Air control is settoo high _- Set control lower i OVERNIGHT 2, Not enough wood ~ Unsplit wood is preferred 2 for ovemight burns a STOVE WON’TBURN —_1.Combustion air supply blocked 2. Draft 00 low 5 scene - Check outside air supply for obstruction = Check that room air cover is removed ~ Chimney plugged or restricted Inspect and clean ~ Chimney oversized of otherwise unsuitable Consult Dealer sh euonsaaceemraanece mnie c ~ | Minimum Clearance | to Combustibles OC Single Wall Connector Residential — Diagram #1 U Double Wall Connector | Mobile Home and Residential — Diagram #2 G p oe ‘Acve. Min Hi? 1/2. i Bae Diagram #3 ton eee loor protector sort menace ae Diagram 9 Mime eer CF tasting \_ ere a P| | ben Cc) | ree ree ay DO NOT REMOVE THIS LABEL ‘Werack Hersey LISTED ROOM HEATER, SOLID FUEL TYPE rt ALSO FOR USE IN MOBILE HOMES Gwe TesTED TO: UL-1482 / ULC-S627 / CSA B366.2M REPORT NO. 5041 (MAY 89) MODEL SERIES D m SUPER 27 M@ SPECTRUM im STANDARD INSTALL AND USE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. oO) {CONTACT LOCAL BUILDING OR FIRE OFFICIALS ABOUT RESTRICTIONS, INSTALLATION PERMIT AND INSPECTION f « DO'NOT CONNECT THIS UNT TO A CHIMNEY FLUE SERVING ANOTHER APPLIANCE (US.A. ONL) 1 USE 6 INCH / 150 MM DIAMETER MINIMUM 24 MSG BLACK OR LISTED CONNECTOR. © CONNECT TO A LINED MASONRY CHIMNEY, OR LISTED CHIMNEY SUITABLE FOR USE WITH SOLID FUELS. ‘° SEE LOCAL BUILDING CODE AND MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRECAUTIONS REQUIRED WHEN PASSING A ‘CHIMNEY THROUGH A COMBUSTIBLE WALL OR CEILING ‘#00 NOT PASS A CHININEY CONNECTOR THROUGH A COMBUSTIBLE WALL OR CEILING. ‘} MININUM CLEARANCE BETWEEN SINGLE WALL CHIMNEY CONNECTOR AND COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS - 18 NCHES/ 455 IMM. CLEARANCE MAY BE REDUCED BY THE USE OF LISTED PIPE SHIELDS, WALL PROTECTORS OR OTHER MEANS APPROVED BY LOCAL, BUILDING OR FIRE OFFICIALS, + MINIMUM CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS ESONTAL NSTALLANONUSNG = ALOE NST ORLEWOMEORRESINTAL CDSE SELENA COMIETOR ‘anna ‘LEMKE USNGONLELEWL, Doumevatt nectar vemrentcomecton womaowanconecron] _cormecion | emrow crmecton” KOAZOWTAL oMEro 1 soewau TouNt eR pss a es vee au ven si vanes 8. Bau TOUMT reevoisis | om rome vos ssa m0 © comenToUNT nn eo van Fa wk anomie D soewarrocmecron | rmssiy | zonsseome | 28m sae sms fe eaotmuerocowecror | sam rasua | en room Tes p00 aw eo Femerroconecer | nism |! amrsowr | wa rasicveowa — | asnrercamt TORIZONTAL CONNECTION NOT PERMITTED IN MOBILE HOMES + AS TESTED - PIPE SHIELD MAY BE REQUIRED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES + COMBUSTIBLE ALCOVE SIZE - DEPTH - 4 FT / 122 ™ MAXIMUM, HEIGHT 7 1/2 FT 1 2.9.M MINIMUM ‘COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR MUST BE PROTECTED BY A CONTINUOUS NON-COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL EXTENDED ee eee ; wesc | ld i O |. GINCHES/ 150 MM feb stsal=| Lf] 8 "| a S| snowt, a 3 ‘+ COMPONENTS REGUIRED FOR MOBILE HOME AND ALCOVE INSTALLATION: OUTSIDE AIR KIT, AND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING LISTED CONNECTORS - SECURITY MODELS DF, DG - OLIVER MACLEOD MODEL PV - RYDER MODEL E VENT - SELKIRK METALBESTOS MODEL DS - METAL FAB MODEL DW - AMERI-TEC MODEL DBSP IN COMBINATION WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING COMPATIBLE CHIMNEY SYSTEMS: INUS.A. AND CANADA - SECURITY MODEL $2100 - OLIVER MACLEOD PROJET MODEL HT 3000 IN US.A. ONLY - SECURITY MODEL ASHT - OLIVER MACLEOD MODEL 3103 - SELKIRK METALBESTOS MODEL Sl - METAL. FAB MODEL 2100 - AMERITEC MODEL HS. USE COMPONENTS SPECIFIED IN PACIFIC ENERGY INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. ‘+ OPTIONAL COMPONENTS - WATER COIL (CANADA ONLY), FAN KIT, FAN ELECTRICAL RATING: 115V, 60 HZ, 80 WATTS. DONOT ROUTE POWER CORD BENEATH HEATER. ‘» CAUTION: RISK OF EXCESSIVE TEMPERATURES - KEEP ASH DUMP CLOSED DURING FIRING OF THE HEATER {S OPERATE ONLY WITH FEED DOOR CLOSED. ‘+ OPEN TO FEED FIRE OMY. ‘KEEP FURNISHINGS AND OTHER COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS WELL AWAY FROM HEATER, (© REPLACE GLASS ONLY WITH CERAMIC GLASS. CAUTION wv HOT WHILE IN OPERATION. DO NOT TOUCH. KEEP CHILDREN, =. CLOTHING AND FURNITURE AWAY. CONTACT MAY CAUSE SKIN | BURNS. SEE NAMEPLATE AND INSTRUCTIONS. U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Dare OF Menuenere | Camnee so comeny win au iso, LetHTaTwTsTelatsToTwTo] = C ) PARTICULATE EMISSION STANDARDS MADE IN CANADA PRINTED IN CANADA ovo

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