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April 25, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing in regards to Miss Yilan Li. This winter and spring I had the pleasure of having
Yilan in my classroom as my student teacher. In addition to working with me and my students,
she worked with four other 7th grade teachers as we collaborated on curriculum. She participated
in scheduling of events and sharing of duties.
Yilan is a very responsible and reliable worker. She always puts forth her best effort to achieve
her potential. She has a great work ethic that follows her in everything she does. In my
classroom, she taught 7th Grade Literacy which covered all areas of the language arts. She did an
excellent job of introducing concepts by using technology. Yilan is very familiar with great
teaching resources on the Internet, and she was able to incorporate those into her lessons. The
students found that very motivating. She is also a great artist, and she was able to use her art
skills in some of her lessons as she focused on teaching to different learning styles. She built
great rapport with the students as she worked to know them individually, which could be a
challenge when working with 86 different students. She formed bonds with students who now
miss her since she is gone.
Yilan is a very reflective person. She journaled and reflected on her teaching on a daily basis.
She asked for suggestions and readily used them to improve her instruction. It is great that she
has the ability to ask for help when she needs input. Yilan put extra time and effort into preparing
the lessons she taught. She is bilingual, with Chinese as her first language. Before every lesson,
she studied and prepared for vocabulary that wasnt familiar to her. She is well prepared to
handle situations that may arise because of the practice she had during her student teaching
experience. I feel that Yilan has the proper knowledge, character, and enthusiasm that will help
her to become a great teacher.
Please consider Yilan as a worthy applicant for this position. I know she will go the extra mile to
do the best job possible.

Lisa A. Reimer
Seventh Grade Literacy Teacher
Laurel Middle School, Laurel, MT

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