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Ashlin Rohbock

American Civilization
Is it better to Work inside, or Outside the System to affect change?
In politics, its obvious that the answer is neither inside the system, nor outside. Like how
being 100% Republican or 100% Democratic doesnt work quite so well either. In comparison to
the electoral process that is happening as we speak, it has become quite apparent that both parties
are pushing their beliefs to either extreme. The Republican isnt just Republican, rather, their
ideas and beliefs are losing all ties that would be considered remotely Liberal, or even moderate
for that matter. The same thing is occurring for the Democratic side, and we as a people are
seeing how this division of parties is not only NOT helping our issues, but its making these
problems much worse. What Americans are lacking to see (or the political frontrunners in this
instance) is that moderation is the obvious answer. Its time for these leaders to set aside their
pride, and recognize when the time calls for more liberal/conservative action to be taken (even if
it opposes their official political title.)
Yes, working inside the system is great. Its a good way to go about things, because its
often legal, and backed by surrounding government officiants, who have the power and authority
to help promote change. But as a common citizen, it oftentimes feels that the hierarchy of
supremacy, doesnt look at these societal issues, the same way we common folk do. Sometimes it
feels as if these powerful and influential people, are on a pedestal, and they do not understand the
needs and wants of the average American. This lack of understanding is where working outside
of the system comes into play, despite the fact that this act can be illegal, lack sufficient media,
support etc.

Ashlin Rohbock
American Civilization
Its crucial to recognize that it takes support from both sides in order to promote change.
Weve seen time and time again, that in history, it has taken all sorts of people to see societal
reform. Racial inequality was a battle fought by people from all walks of life, and two more
highly recognized were Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcom X. It not only took Kings
nonviolent approach to change the heart of the white man, but it took some of the aggression and
violence to kick racial equality into gear. This issue goes even further than the acts of these two
brave men, and sought help from white men and women across the nation. This single issue goes
to show that it obviously takes every angle of approach, to seek and attain this change that we
want so badly.
When comparing my American Civilization class (to my Dance and Cultures class), its
safe to say that change again, will be promoted within and also outside of the system (the system
being the Professors mind.) In our class, if we as students saw a problem with the way Quizs
worked, we brought the issue to hand, and discussed it with our professor. It took this outside
protest to address concern with the professor, when without this disagreement, there could
have never been a change. But in comparison to my Dance and Culture professor, who was
unwilling to listen to a single opposing thought or opinion that was shared by a student. Rather,
in this instance, if a student sought change, they had to approach this issue through the eyes of
this super dictatorship (aka our professor.) This again is just another instance where it takes work
in and outside the system, in order to see this change.

Ashlin Rohbock
American Civilization

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