PD Outcome

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Vianney Truong

Investigative Labs: PD Reflection

PD Outcome:
To gain information about the advantages of investigative labs and how to design one.
Summary of PD:
The PD introduced the advantages of investigative labs and gave some advice on how to design one. An
investigative lab is an experiment that allows students to make mistakes, creatively discover, and experience
new learning. An investigative lab is supposed to have students answer a question without giving students strict
procedures on how to find the answer. Through this approach, an investigative lab is able to hook students, use
their prior knowledge, and employ their abilities to result in a deep understanding of the lab concepts. The PD
advised teachers to begin training students on asking questions. The PD then advised teachers to slowly release
students towards independent discovery.
Reflection on Investigative Labs
I enjoyed the professional development as it shook me from my established way of doing labs. All
throughout high school and college, my experience of laboratory experiments was structured and procedurebased. By having students take charge of their discovery, I could anticipate the increased amount of meaningful
learning. At the same time though, I felt a little lost in how to design and implement an investigative lab. The
myriad of options presented to students could result of paralysis and dangerous experimentation. I also didnt
feel comfortable with my ability to guide students through their creative discovery. So while I was excited about
investigative labs, I felt a little apprehensive about my inexperience in the area.
From the professional development, I have begun training my students to ask questions. Before my labs,
I ask students to really ponder the purpose of the lab. While my labs are still procedure based, I give students
options about what lab questions they want to offer. I also have my students reflect on their actions and suggest
creative improvements.
In conclusion, the investigative lab PD shook my understanding of a traditional experiment. As I have
been frustrated with the low amount of understanding that takes place in a traditional, procedure-based lab, I
was attracted to the concept of the investigative lab. I will continue experimenting on my own to bring this
creative way of discovery to my students.

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