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Subject: AP Environmental Science

Grade Level: 12th
Date: 2/17/16
Time Estimate: 50 minutes
Unit: Energy
Topic: Hydroelectricity
Goal(s): TLW learn about hydroelectricity as a renewable resource
TLW list what they know about hydroelectricity
TLW give examples of evidence for their topic
TLW show their findings to the class
TEKS: 5 (C) document the use and conservation of both renewable and non-renewable resources as they pertain to sustainability
5(D) identify renewable and non-renewable resources that must come from outside an ecosystem such as food, water, lumber, and energy;
6(B) describe and compare renewable and non-renewable energy derived from natural and alternative sources such as oil, natural gas, coal,
nuclear, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and wind
Materials/Resources/Technology Needs: Computer, Whiteboards, Markers
Instructional Procedures
Focusing Event: Separated in groups, students will first spend about 3 minutes to elicit any prior knowledge regarding to hydroelectricity.
Teacher will circulate around the classroom to collect data (formatively) to assess students' preconceptions and, possibly, misconceptions. (5
Teaching/ Learning Procedures:
Teacher will provide each student with a handout for the task of the lesson. Each group will receive a statement from the teacher and
students will verify if it is a true statement or a myth. Students will need to find three difference sources of information from news
articles or scholarly articles to determine if it is a truth or myth. If it is a truth, students will condense the information from the
sources to enrich and support the statement. If it is a myth, explains why there is a myth and how they prove that it is a myth. Each
group should assign a person to present their findings. Teacher will roam around the classroom to keep track of students' progress. (20
Each group will have 1 to 2 minutes to explain their findings. Students will write down other groups' finding as they are listening from
other groups.
Teacher will briefly talk about the Three Gorges Dam in China. Show some pictures and graphs to apply what each group has shared
on this case study. Due to time limitation, this part will be led by teachers.

Formative Check (ongoing or specific): prior knowledge check at the beginning of class and student presentations.
Reteach (alternative used as needed): if by the end of class the students do not understand, use the beginning of the next class period to review
what we have learned.
Closure: Discuss self-assessment activity on Canvas. Students will have until Thursday night to finish it. It will serve as an evaluation for their
Assessment/Summative Evaluation: Energy Project and Energy Test 2/19

ESL: Printed notes, simplified instructions, eDictionary
SPED: Printed notes, close proximity to instructor, additional assignment time.
GT: Show additional videos on hydroelectricity and its effects

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