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Proposal for an Amendment to the Constitution to the United States.

Composed by Marcus DeMatos, 30 April 2016.

Patriot Amendment
The purpose of this Amendment is to codify some essential identifiers of being an
American, both in relation to being a citizen of the United States of America as well as
symbols that define our Nations Heritage and deserve recognition and statutory
protection. Further, it will assert the rights and obligations we as citizens have and what
we should expect from those that represent us.
Many acts of Congress have codified symbols of America. However, although the
Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and the many laws of the land are written
in American English, nowhere does it define that as our National Language. Henceforth,
we will no longer be a member of a handful of countries without a language, as all
official communications and the Lingua Franca shall be American English. Should the
government choose to accommodate other languages by translating documents or
providing translation services, this will be done in the spirit of encouraging recent
immigrants to assimilate to our countrys customs and language.
In keeping with current statutory laws, but providing additional protection from
gratuitous abuse in the guise of 1st Amendment Free Speech, the following symbols of
America are given status as official symbols of the United States of America:
The United States of America Flag, shall be afforded all courtesy as set in the Flag
The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution, The Constitutions Bill
of Rights, all shall be respected as documents of the Peoples will.
As symbol of Freedom and as a majestic animal, the Bald Eagle is the nations
official bird.
As a symbol of the Nations spirit of forward movement, the American Bison or
Buffalo is the nations official land mammal.
As a symbol of heritage, the Apple Pie is the nations official desert.
As a symbol of competitive spirit and heritage, the American Past Time or
Baseball is the nations official sporting game.
America is a Nation of openness and prosperity, welcoming all peaceful visitors and
discourse with our fellow man, however as a Nation is a home and in essence a house of
its people, we shall retain the right to close our doors for the Nations security, and that
all seeking to apply to become naturalized citizens or be lawful residents, shall enter
the country legally and with documentation. All individuals that choose to evade the
civilized means of entry, shall be considered criminals first and foremost, as if a burglar
within a home and be processed for removal from the United States by Federal Law
Enforcement, and shall have a record created stating that they are to be considered a
foreign alien of poor standing. Such individuals may thereafter only be allowed into the
United States with the legal permission of a judgment by a Court of Appeals for
Naturalization. The security of We the People also directs the Congress to undertake the
funding consideration to physically secure or provide for active monitoring of all the
borders of the United States, that our contiguous State borders shared with the current
countries of Canada and Mexico shall have a wall or similar physical structure to

Proposal for an Amendment to the Constitution to the United States.

Composed by Marcus DeMatos, 30 April 2016.
assert our Nations sovereignty. That the monitoring of such wall be within the Oath
of office to guard the Nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic and allow the
military forces (including those on compulsory domestic military service) to be used for
such task without conflict to the Posse Comitatus Act.
In keeping with respect for individual privacy and desire for promotion of commerce and
national security, a provision shall be made for a singular national Identification card.
This card shall also function as an affirmation of individual rights and privileges.
The card shall be of common size to fit a standard wallet, with both a chip and magnetic
strip on rear, and shall have on the front:
a photo of the individual as they appeared on the initial date of issue (as long as
aged 18 or older);
it will also have the individuals name as it appears on their birth certificate or
court issued name change (it shall not be updated due to marriage, as this will be
encoded information along with address, contact methods, and emergency
it will have the individuals Date of Birth;
it will have the individuals legal status [U.S. Citizen, naturalized U.S. Citizen,
permanent resident Green card, temporary resident alien (with encoded
expiration date)];
it will have the individuals national service status [Active Military (plus branch),
Military Veteran, Civil Service, First Responder (Police, Fire, Medical), Civil or
Peace Corps Veteran, Exempt, No Service];
it shall have provision to place easily visible symbols identifying Felons as
restricted rights individuals i.e. a house symbol for those that are on house
arrest, monitoring service, or other community control program, a pistol
surrounded by a red circle and banning bar for those not legally allowed to
possess a weapon, a shoulder and head outline in red circle and banning bar for
those convicted as sexual predators, those with permanent restraining orders, or
those prohibited from contact with children or persons at-risk. Only an appellate
court legal order or Gubernatorial or above order of restitution of rights may get
these symbols removed and authorize a new identification card to be issued (any
new card will have the prior status and reason for change document encoded into
the personal record section)
This document shall work in conjunction with the States (for purposes of local
administration, portability for the individual, and inter-state reciprocity) to allow
algorithm-encrypted data to be added to the card and be read in electronic devices for the
following purposes:
Identification encrypting data that may include Passport issue number and
validity dates or issued visas, PII/PID data such as address, emergency contact,
existence of a Will/Advanced Healthcare Directive/Medical DNR, etcetera
Identification for all Federal Programs common identifier being the Social
Security Number

Proposal for an Amendment to the Constitution to the United States.

Composed by Marcus DeMatos, 30 April 2016.
Identification of eligibility for Federal Aid Social Security, Medicare, Financial
Aid, etc by including enrollment confirmations such as registration for the
universal draft / male-female 18-45 years old in Selective Service
Identification of skills Drivers license(s) including vehicle endorsements,
Industrial machinery license, First Responder license(s) (including medical
degrees / nursing degrees / EMT endorsements), Outdoorsmen skills (including
concealed weapons handling, hunters safety endorsements, fishing licenses)
Encoding for Financial mediums (inclusive of Bank or Credit Union offered
accounts and credit lines)
Encoding for Health (inclusive of Health Insurance policies, as well as provisions
for a portable medical/dental/mental-health record to prevent medication and
treatment errors [similar to the U.S. Army initial purpose of the CHCS
application platform]
Encoding for Insurance (any property or life policies)
Encoding provision for non-sensitive miscellaneous items, such as corporate
paid-for-access uploading of customer rewards programs
In keeping with President John F. Kennedys speech asking, what have you done for
your country? the final year of High School (Senior year) shall be oriented to providing
life skills for adulthood. This shall be done by determining the ability of each individual
(placement preference based on ADA guidelines as either: Medically Exempt from
service, Conscientious Exemption 12-month placement with Civil Service or Peace
Corps, or (vast majority) mandatory 12-month service in domestic Military Service). In
the case of the majority assigned to domestic Military Service, the intentional shall be to
replace the repetitive nature of classroom curriculum with functional skills, including:
self discipline (to include following of directions, being at appointed tasks in a timely
manner, etc), daily life skills (ranging from personal hygiene, basic first aid skills,
clothing and bedding cleanliness, proper nutrition and health practices, attending to
personal financial obligations [balancing a checkbook / account, monitoring personal
credit, etc]), and teaching civilian transferable skills specifically in career fields such as
civil engineering and medicine. During time of service the individuals in these areas can
return useful services to the community by maintaining public works and public
roadways, or by providing community outreach medical screening services.
The final area is to affect the positive service of our public officials in service of We the
Beyond the Bill of Rights, the equalities of Citizens expanded in Amendments 13,
14, 15, 19, 24, and 26, this Amendment takes the privileges of voting and declares
that each year the Federal Election Day shall be a business holiday on which all
Citizens are urged to attend their local polling place with their national
identification card and cast their ballot as their conscience directs them for the
betterment of our Nation.
To define the Freedom of our Nation and reinforce our individual giving to the
common good, the 16th Amendment (the Income Tax) is hereby revoked and
nullified. The provision of perpetual authority to tax is contrary to our founding
fathers fight to prevent taxation without representation, as it carries forward to

Proposal for an Amendment to the Constitution to the United States.

Composed by Marcus DeMatos, 30 April 2016.



generations that did not have a voice. Henceforth, all taxation shall be done with
defined legislation and specific end dates, with strong suggestion to the States that
items not common (such as the Annual Budget) be put before the people for a
vote on revenue collection endorsement. For purposes of accounting, and
reduction in Federal government size, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Department is dissolved, and the collection of taxes shall be handled in
conjunction between the Office of Public Accountability (OPA) and Department
of Treasury. Additionally, to reduce federal redundancy and present a clear service
to the public, all former agencies and departments that were tasked with any form
of armed law / statutory / regulatory / revenue enforcement (inclusive of
Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, the
Secret Service, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives,
Environmental Protection Agency, etc) are hereby dissolved to be reorganized by
task under a single Executive Cabinet, Federal Law Enforcement and Order
Agency [Federal LEO].
Aligning the positions of the Peoples elected representatives, to apply the
premises of the 12th, 17th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 27th Amendments, all
Federally elected positions, and appointments, shall have term limits; the
Presidency and Vice Presidency shall each have a cumulative limit of two full
terms, Senators shall also be limited to two full terms, Congressmen and
Ambassadors shall be limited to three full terms, Federal Judges and Supreme
Court Justices shall be limited to 15 years of service with an additional 5 years
allowed for the Chief Justice, and all civil servants shall not be in the employ of
the people for longer than 25 years. Raises of Congress and any Executive
(cabinet level and above), or any federal judges, shall be governed by the
governments capability to provide such funds after meeting the requirements of:
1. Meeting the ability to provide a Cost-of-Living-Adjustment (COLA) to all
Social Security Retirees and Military Retirees, and 2. Passing an annual
balanced Federal Budget.
Addressing the modern concerns of the Presidency and high offices, certain points
of confidence must be addressed. The first is eligibility, and it shall henceforth be
for all positions that are eligible for succession to the Presidency, that the
candidate must be either a legally defined natural born United States Citizen, or a
naturalized Citizen who has been vetted for and affirmed their allegiance with 20
or more years of faithful citizenship without any disbarring issues under the law,
that such individuals also provide full disclosure of their birth documentation to
the public, and that for purposes of vitality and judgment enter the office between
the ages of 40 and 70. The election of the Presidency and all offices within
Congress shall also more accurately reflect the true will of the people in that the
popular vote shall decide their election, and that the system of the Electoral
College be modified to only come into play if a statistical (+/-5%) tie occur within
a State, that said State shall, use their chosen system of determining the
distribution of Electoral votes, then assign said Electoral number, as determined
by their percentage of national census population, to their Congressmen as proxy,
to cast an accountable vote within the chambers of the United States Congress as
a matter of record to all the people.

Proposal for an Amendment to the Constitution to the United States.

Composed by Marcus DeMatos, 30 April 2016.
This Amendment is made in the spirit of keeping the United States a land of prosperity in
perpetuity for We the People. That our union exists as a matter of choice from the People,
and the States that composes our union also choose to remain bound together, and not
succeed as reserved to them in the 10th Amendment. We the People, and all our elected
representatives so affirm without malice of nationalist patriotism, but with regard to our
National heritage and identity, fostered by generations of peaceful assimilation by all that
have come to help build our United States of America, that the free spirit of the United
States of America shall live on!

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