CHPT 4 and 6 Digital Arts Alannah Palmer

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Alannah Palmer
ART 3389.001
Written Assignment: Chapters 4 and 6
What is the difference between a photographer artist and photojournalists? Present artist
examples to support your views.
Photos taken by an artist have multiples meanings to why the subject was photographed;
the artist thinks about the subject matter, the lighting, the colors, the composition, etc.
Photojournalists on the other hand only take a picture of the subject matter to capture a moment
in history. The subject matter can be of human events, natural
disasters, the stock market, terrorist attacks, scandals, murders
nothing is off limits for a photojournalist to take pictures of. I feel that
a photographer artist does have moral boundaries that they dont
cross. Also, photography artists are generally known for the major
manipulation of their photographs. I havent heard that many
photojournalists really tampering with their images to make them
prettier or more glamourous except for maybe those taken in New
York City on the day of 9/11.
One very famous example of a photojournalist is Alfred
Eisenstaedt with his image (top right) of the sailor kissing a woman in
the middle of New York during the celebration of the U.S. and its
allies winning WWII. This image captures the raw emotion of two
individuals on a street corner during one of the most trying times in
the history of the world. This image is one of the most iconic images
of all time and Eisenstaedt captured the real emotions of those around
him during the greatest celebration the world has ever known.
Photographer artists on the other hand take pictures of
ordinary, common household items and give them a purpose for others
to see. Jennifer Bolandes image Globe, St. Marks Place, NYC
(bottom right) tells the viewer that there is more to the world just
beyond your window. The light gives the feeling of that ah ha
moment when someone has decided to do something bold for once in
their life. This image captures the idea of someones imagination that
there are better things out in the world than where they live, that there
is a happier place in the world. This image represents photographic art
in the sense that the lighting, and the globe were manipulated to have

a uniqueness in the image and they help enhance the possibility of something more than just
being stuck in that one room for the rest of somebodys life.
What are the conceptual connections between the work of Paul Graham and Martin Parrs work?

The image on the left is one of Paul Grahams photos and the right is a representation of
Martin Parrs work. Both images are a representation of the effects of materialism and
consumerism in the world during the mid to late 20th century. The photos capture the sense of
worry for the future of the planet and what kind of world they are forming for future generations.
Grahams photo on the left shows the quality of life for those with a low socioeconomic status
(or an interpretation of this working class). These people are in worn down clothing in front of a
section of town that looks just as weathered as the people, and the only sign that they are
attached to a higher economic class in the Pepsi delivery truck in the background. Everyone
drinks soda, so having a brand name company truck like Pepsi in the background shows that this
community still has a connection to a greater good, but the community may not have the
financial opportunities or means to help out the people living here. Also this photo only shows
African Americans who are stereotyped as being of low socioeconomic citizens. This gives the
sense of detachment from the modern world, or a world where money is abundant and people are
On the other hand, Martin Parrs image of the grandparents eating on a boardwalk shares
a different side to the wealthier socioeconomic status of the worlds people. These Caucasian
individuals are neatly dressed, enjoying a meal near an overflowing trashcan full of uneaten food
and garbage with a couple of shopping bags on the end of the baby stroller. The women in the
image are husky and all of the food is fast food products (fries, burgers). This image relays the
mentality of wealth: the couple can afford to buy things, they eat fast food instead of eating a
well-balanced meal at home (even the baby is eating the fatty, greasy burger bun), and there are
several cars in the background that people drove to the location with. These factors provide a
solid description of the privileged wealthy people in the world who dont care about anything or
anyone except themselves through self-fulfillment.

Both images give a sense of detachment from the real world as we see both ends of the
socioeconomic status of the world through the eyes of each artist; these photographers wanted to
bring awareness to the community about how money changes the mentality of a society.

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