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Charlie Monaghan

St. Dominic School

Grade 5
Wind Energy
I think that wind energy is a great way to produce and make energy, because it isnt
dangerous and it doesnt give off carbon. Also, wind turbines can be installed in the ocean and in
fields. They produce electricity.
A wind turbine has blades that spin from the wind, because they are at an angle. Inside of
it, a post like thing spins that is connected to the generator that creates electricity. It is basically
the opposite of a fan. A fan uses electricity to make wind, but a turbine uses wind to make
electricity. Since wind isnt a fossil fuel, making wind energy doesnt give off carbon.
These are some pros about wind energy/turbines: wind turbines can be installed in the
ocean, wind energy is sustainable and wind energy is a type of solar energy. A single turbine can
work for 20-25 years or 120,000 hours. Wind energy also uses renewable resources.
I realize that turbines can take up a lot of space, but they can be installed in places that
other forms or equipment cant be (like the ocean). Due to the possibility that the wind may
slowed or if there is severe weather, the turbines might not produce electricity some days. That is
why some people may say that it takes longer to make electricity than fossil fuels; however, it
doesnt give off any carbon in the process. Some people say that wind turbines make lots of
noise, but people are starting to put them in the ocean away from the homes and people. I
understand others may say that wind turbines cost a lot, but the price has decreased 80% in the
last 30-35 years, partially due to price reduction and cheaper materials to make the turbines.
Even though people say that you may have to cut down trees to make space for the turbines, you
now can install them in the sea.

I believe that wind energy is a great way to produce energy because it doesnt give off
carbon and it isnt dangerous. Every year, the percentage of it producing energy in the world is
getting larger because of people are trying to put a stop to air pollution and the various problems
that it causes. Wind turbines can be installed in the ocean to save space on land. An average wind
turbine can produce 6,000,000 kWh a year and last for 20-25 years, which would be about
120,000,000 kWh in its span. (kWh stands for kilowatt hours) .

Gabe Sawyer
St. Dominic School
Grade 5
Wind Energy
There are many ways to collect energy, but wind energy is my favorite. Wind energy is
better than other types of energy, because it doesnt burn fossil fuel so its safer for the Earth. Its
less expensive so you save money. Wind energy doesnt produce nuclear waste so its safer.
The way wind energy works is people have a wind turbine. The turbine has long blades
(some can be as long as football fields) to catch the wind blowing at them. The blades are pushed
by the wind, when the blades are pushed they move a shaft. The shaft is connected to a generator,
which converts the wind into energy. The energy goes to your house through the power lines
once you need it.
Wind energy is good in many ways. Wind energy doesnt burn fossil fuel therefore helps
stop global warming. Its less expensive so you dont waste your money. It doesnt produce
nuclear waste. All the energy turbines get is 20 times more than the earth needs. Wind energy
does not cause pollution to keep the Earth healthy. For the people who are afraid of the way
turbines look, theyre usually found on private property, so it doesnt concern them.
Wind energy isnt always the best source of energy. Wind energy is a fluctuating source
of energy. The manufacturing and installation of wind turbines requires heavy upfront
investments. Wind turbines can be a threat to wildlife. Noise is regularly reported as a problem
by neighboring homes. How wind turbines look is a legitimate concern for some people because
they think its ugly and ruins the appearance of the area.
Wind energy is still the best way to get energy in my opinion because you can get more
energy than you need. It doesnt burn carbon therefore it stops global warming. Its less

expensive than some types of energy sources like nuclear energy so youll save money. It doesnt
produce nuclear waste so its safer to be around. Its also cleaner than other forms of energy
because it doesnt cause pollution.

Isaac Charlton
St. Dominic School
Grade 5
Wind Energy
I think that wind energy is useful and efficient. I also think that wind energy will lead the
United States to help stop climate change by switching to a renewable source of energy. Wind
energy is renewable, in addition it is also pollution and carbon free. I strongly believe that Wind
energy will help conserve and preserve our energy.
Wind comes from atmosphere changes, changes in climate and pressure makes the air
move around the Earth, all of which is caused by the sun. So in a way, wind energy is another
form of solar power. A wind turbine captures the wind to produce energy. The wind makes the
rotor spin; as the rotor spins, the movement of the blades spinning gives power to a generator,
which makes energy. The motion of the wind turbine turning is called, kinetic energy, and this
power is converted into electricity.
I think that wind energy is useful and efficient. Currently building a wind turbine per
megawatt of electrical power is cheaper than building a coal fired power plant. Wind energy
avoids 95.9 million tons of carbon dioxide, or about 4.2 percent of the carbon dioxide a fraction
of the entire power sector, a comparison to fossil fuels. This carbon dioxide prevention is the
same as taking 17.5 million cars off the road. Wind energy in the United States is already a $10
billion industry. Wind energy represents $120 billion of investment in the United States. Unlike
other forms of electrical generation where fuel is delivered to a processing plant, wind energy
generates electricity using moving air to push the turbines, which is absolutely free.
Some people believe that wind energy is not useful and definitely wont work for the
United States. Wind farms cant be by cities because some people may not like the look of the

wind turbine and/or they do not like it messing with their television reception. Wind farms are
not by cities, which need electricity. Wind energy has to be carried through transmission lines
and poles from the farms, which cost a lot of money and time to build transmission lines and
poles. Wind is unpredictable and the availability of wind energy is not consistent. I can see that
people think that birds, bats, and other flying animals will not probably die if they were to
directly hit the turbine or the blades but I think opposite. 140,000 to 328,000 birds die collisions
to wind turbines per year, comparison to 100 million to 1billion die per year collisions to
Wind energy is renewable, and it is also pollution and carbon free. And wind energy is
the fastest growing source of electricity currently. As I have shown wind energy will be cheap
and reliable for the United States of America. With this in mind I believe that wind energy is
better than nonrenewable source of energy.
Below are 35 Facts About Wind Energy. March 30th, 2016.
Wind Energy Facts. March 30th, 2016.
Interesting Wind Energy Facts. March 30th, 2016
How many birds die in collisions with buildings each year? April 20th, 2016
How Many Birds Do Wind Turbines Really Kill?
April 20th, 2016

Roman Erstad
St. Dominic School
Grade 5
Wind Energy
Have you ever gone by a wind turbines? I believe that wind energy is good source of
energy. It is low cost, sustainable, and easy to get.
The turbine is pointed into the wind. The wind goes through the turbine, which spins
faster and faster. Then the energy goes into the transformer. Next it goes in the generator. It goes
through the power lines, and then it moves into to your home.
Wind energy is reliable and renewable, because the wind will always blow. It is a clean
source, because its not putting carbon into the atmosphere. The cost is effective, because once
its built, the wind is free and it can be stored. It can be built on farms, which is good because its
away from the city.
Turbines can be unsafe for birds and planes, because they can hit it and be killed. Wind
turbines have a 30% capacity factor, which means it produces that much energy or electricity.
Thats not very efficient, but technology of building the turbines is getting better. Also, turbines
are very expensive to build, but they arent as expensive after you build them to get energy.
Building turbines can affect the environment by cutting down trees, but overall, wind
energy is a clean source. It can cause visual pollution, which means it doesnt look good to your
eyes, but its not that bad in my opinion. It can cause an illness called flicker vertigo, which is
an effect of staring at the turbine. Be careful not to stare at them.
I believe that wind energy is a good renewable resource. It can be safe, its renewable,
and the wind is free.
Rinkesh ,7 Pros and Cons of Wind Energy. 2009.
Wind101: the basics of wind energy. 2015., Feb. 29,
Wind energy facts. 2015.

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