Research Paper 2-4 Draft 2 - Edited PG 1 New PG 2

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Andrew Dickerson

Professor Nikki Harken

Cornerstone 11:00 am 11:50 am
January 31, 2016
Research Project: Page 1 Edited - 1-31
Draft #2
The increasing demand for oil and natural gas to power our modern society grows with
each passing day. The population grows each year; and with more people the demand for natural
resources increases in order to power our industries, automobiles, and basic economy. With all
this demand from the human race, the environment will not last long. Keeping areas of the world
wild is important not only to the organisms that live there, but also to the overall wellbeing of the
planets health. People also need these places as a place to relax and reconnect, a place to get
away from the concrete jungle.
Drilling for oil, natural gas, and other resources should never be moved into public lands.
These lands were designated to be put under protection for a reason. We need to keep these
places free from the toxic effects of drilling and mining. If we do not save the environment now,
it will be much harder to reverse the effects later on. Preserving the environment for future
generations is one of the most important things we can do. Do we really want to leave a decrepit,
polluted world for our children where every breath is a toxic mix of chemicals? This is why we
need to protect what we have, and prevent drilling for oil and natural gases in public lands.

Pg. 2 New 2-4

Granted we would not be where we are today without drilling and mining in natural
areas. Oil that is pumped from the ground or ocean floor can be processed into many useful
things such as kerosene for lighter fluid, gasoline and diesel to power our automobiles, jet fuel
for planes, and various plastics that make up almost every item. We need all of these products
from crude oil to power our everyday lives. Gas in the car to go to work and the ability to heat
our homes. Items such as trash bags, cell phones, clothing, and computers all use plastics derived
from the refinement and manufacturing of oil. The act of drilling for oil is essential for modern
life to occur and continue. But it should be taken into account the fact that specific areas of land
have been put aside to help preserve a habitat or species of organism and to these areas should
not be drilled.
Preventing drilling from occurring in public and natural lands is very important because
these lands were designated under this title for a reason. 1) Whether it be to protect a unique
habitat or organism the area was clearly put aside to preserve an aspect of our world that we may
lose. Drilling for oil tears up the land when all the machines need to be brought in as well as the
ongoing process of drilling. 2) These areas are also very enjoyable for people to visit and explore
offering many recreational opportunities. The fact that drilling for oil requires large towers,
machines, and increased traffic to an area make these protected areas very unappealing to visit.
They towers break the view and the drilling machines produce large amounts to pollutants in the
immediate area. An increase in traffic can also produce large amounts of noise and take away
from the peacefully serenity that people come to enjoy. 3) Keeping these places wild is also very
important for the organisms that live there and even migrate through an area. Because of the
fences that oil companies put around their large tracks of land animals may not be able to migrate

through that specific area. If an animal cannot migrate it may die due to the changing seasons or
starve to death, therefore reducing the population of that animal. Drilling for oil in public lands
should be prevented because it tears up the land, takes away the overall appear to visit that land,
and prevents certain species from migrating in order to survive.

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