Top Ten Teaching Skills 1

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To be a successf ul

t eacher you need t he

f ol l owing t en skil l s...

Top Ten
Kayla Lorance
Mackenzi May
Mayra Escobedo

Top Ten
EDUC 4322

4. Organized Lessons:
1. Fl exibil it y:
To be f l exibl e and
know t hat t hings
won't al ways go as
pl anned, but make
t he best of it and
al ways have a pl an b.

That st at e a
measurabl e
object ive, have
everyt hing needed t o
ensure st udent
l earning.

7. High Expect at ions

f or St udent Success:
The higher, t he
bet t er so t hat
st udent s can be
encouraged and aim
t o do t heir best t o
8. Probl em Sol ving
Skil l s:

2. Great Cl assroom
Management :
discipl ine, rul es and
rout ines t hat hel p
keep t he cl assroom
organized and
f ocused.

5. Reasonabl e Rul es:

No more t han f ive,
t hat are st at ed t o
hel p promot e
posit ive st udent

Be abl e t o work
t hrough probl ems or
chal l enges and be
abl e t o f ind a
sol ut ion f or t hem.
9. Checks f or St udent
Underst anding:
Quest ioning st udent s
t o make sure t hey
underst and what
t hey have l earned.

6. Consist ent and Fair

Treat ment of
St udent s:
3. Leadership:
Guiding and direct ing
st udent s t o success.

Treat al l st udent s wit h

respect and dignit y,
rewards and
appl icabl e t o al l .

10. Fost ers Cul t ural

Diversit y in t he
Cl assroom:
Ful l accept ance of
diversit y by l earning
about cul t ures and
dif f erent

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