Comida Basura

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Britney Salinas

Before starting on the unit ambition, I knew what it meant,

but i didn't fully understand it I never knew ambition could
blind us and drive us to do to do negative things. Ambiton
vould be used for evil is what my speech was going to be
about.I had to choose three sources of negative ambition.
When it came time to pick our position and our
thrreresources I had a bit of a struggle to choosse. Once we
read "Macbeth", I knew right away I wanteed their negaive
ambiton in my speech. After reading the famous Martin
Luther King speech I had trouble choosing negative or
postive for my postion. I finally chose negative ambiton
when I was watching the news. I was hearing about all the
attacks arouns the world, so that motivated me to lean
towrds negative ambiton. When we recieved the article
"Downsie of Ambiton" I wanted to include that in my speech.
The article talked about how we all want to be superior to
others and I thought that was a great arugument for my
Ms. Starry, my english teacher, gave us an article about
ten ways to improve our speeches. For example, it told us to
use rhetorical devices, alliteration, repition, and more. I used
all ten key points in my speech. When I began writing my
essay I wanted the auidence to know I was comftorable and
confident. I decided to ask them a question to get their
attention. Once i began writing it flowed smoothly.
In the
seventh grade I did an eight to ten minute presentation, so I
wasn't that terrifed to present. My english teacher, then, told
the class to choose a 'ground breaking' topic such as religon,
technology, obesity, animal rights, and even things like
twerking. I chose welfare and how the taxpayers shouldn't
have to pay for them. We had to give a solution to our

Before presenting my speech I heard amazing speeches
which included analogy on them. I began to feel nervous. I
felt my speech was awful compared to theirs. When it was
my time to present I messed up several times. Overall i
belive my speech and presentation deserved an 8/10. I wish I
had more time to work and improve my speech. I needed to
practice more on my speech and needed to improve my
wordchoice. This essay helped me improve the way I write.

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