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One- Pager

Please complete a One-Pager; you may use your science

textbook, an issue of CURRENT SCIENCE/Science World magazine
or a newspaper.

Instructions for Completing a One-Pager:


Find a SCIENCE article that interests you.

Write down the articles title, author, date and source.
Read the article and summarize it in your own words (3 to 5 sentences).
Write down one observation* that is discussed in the article. Then, state an
inference* about the observation.
5. Write a response about the article. (This is your opinion about the article. 5-7
6. Ask a question about something you read in the article.
7. Draw a picture that symbolizes what the article is about..
8. Present your one-pager to the class.

Please check that you followed ALL instructions. This will be a

graded assignment.

Articles title, author, date and source
were recorded
Summary (3-5) Sentences
Observation made from the article
Inference made from the article
Response (5-7) sentences
Question posed about the article
Picture drawn about the article

Possible Points
4 points

Points Earned

5 points
3 points
3 points
5 points
2 points
2 points
25 points

*Observation- information gathered by using your five senses to describe and

measure matter
*Inferences help explain observations based on past experiences and prior

Observation: The school fire alarm is going off.

Inferences: The school is on fire. We are having a drill. A student pulled the
fire alarm.

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