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1. (a) (b) ef ted Answer gejtles x torge inkeshing , Urge uitestng (4) small intestine / ileum tteee absorption .., (44) hepatic artery ......, hepatic. portal vein ..., (444) hepatic vein ....., (ay) . — blood leaving ¢ leaving D glucose eer low high excess glucose has | blood has absorbed been converted to | plenty of glucose explanation | glycogen from D and stored in liver W) DC sp—sa-+aoe ..., (vi) for oxidation to release energy for matabolic activities / for respiration .. for conversion into glycogen for storage ...... G@) 4) al, BL, 2... (2) Ab, BA eee, Usappear (14) (1) protein has been digested / juice A contains Protein digesting enzymes (fi. Franpl eg maltose ur ad caep teal (2)" Eeducing sugar has appeared / juice 8 contains starch digesting enzymes J.., (444) region B name of | small intestine / | buccal cavity/ region | duodenum / jejunum / | mouth, ileum name of | pancreatic juice / | saliva juice intestinal juice 1 1 1 1 1 1 it L Lloro L 1 12 Lloro Lor 0 1 1 1a +4 RESTRICTED Aabscee (444) (4v) tooth / premolar / molar ... to break food into small pieces .., increase surface area for enzyme action easier to swallow dravings_ fa8S¥FACy wees size / cJarity trees labels —_ enamel . dentine Bulp cavity | any FOUR (4 each) ...c..... .erowa, a root cement - child .., Presence of permanent teeth below milk teeth .. sre on tee demi! AD OT 7 curend |. x 2 LARGE smaller : 1 val, | thinner THICK 1 i a . (44) +X ~ vein / venule (Wor vena cava)... Dy * @ ~ artery / arteriole (WoT aorta)... 5 j (444) presence of valve in X and not z .. 1 a to prevent backward flow of blood ... a XA bert > zx Aeeep tect, 4 Gv) 2 YK on zyx os 1 ) feature importance avcrease surface | to promote fileration / lavea / increase for more efficient branching cross-sectional diffusion any TWO Jarea with pairs surrounding cells Slow down blood flow from Z to X led D bore diminished decrease blood pressure Le thin-walled easier for diffusion / ultra~filtration : : (vt) * M~ blood / plasma . % “N~ lymph /-cissue fluid / extracellular fluid / intercellular fluid / interstitial fluid», 4 (vit) RaBic, Reel ‘ Paeduin plasma protein ie blood platelets ; 13 3 RIOT Lessee eee (4a) (444) Bae (1) herbaceous stem ~ bends dounvards ed Woody stem - remains straight / unchanged (2) both stems - remain straight /unchanged, L ecau [sate solu Pot eeaaee salt solution cell sap concentration high ow : Hygeatmss Batt ove osmotic any potenciat /o lower higher fl vater : Reet lower higher (osmotic pressure high low NoT acceptable) HAtGr moves out of cells by osmosis 1 sells becone plasnolysed / flaccid /” do 1 (1) herbaceous steus ~ mainly by turgidity of cells ,, 1 (2) woody stems ~ mainly su xylem REQTRIN PE eres nt (i) +44 correct axte / at least FIV peines cor eatly plotted Agindng_iw the noince to form » stooth curve ak acupt tha guph ow single -fiine . (44) WB, Title given muse correspond to°the graph dean ia ***) the relationship between (OR the, varlacioa of) percentage change in wasc of potato stripe end concentration of j sucrose solutions ' oR 1 The percentage change in mass of potato strips against (OR versus) sucrose concentration on FR Gap ata i fers.) 4 [0 ante | (44) title marks | aie correct correct ( y against x ) a Rote correct, wrong ( e.g. x against y ) 1,0 a 13 wrong corresponds to axes in graph 1 j wrong dees not correspond to axes in graph] 0, 0 to dbase 0 met accurate aemth — not acephest (iv) shorten the time to achieve results (44) 7,52 (accept enswers within the range of 7 - 8%) becauce curface aren increased for water movement ....e00. 1 () boiling destroyed coll membrane / meubrane permeability .. 1 no osuosis ..., KO canCraLin Of Sucrose seb Liaw change in mase Concentration | 9 | 5 | a0 | as | 20 | 25 | 30 ofiucon solution (my __ {er Percentage | 420.0| +6.0|-7.0 |-200 |-33.5|~40.6 |-43.6[! (4i) (444) (iv) (v) (vi) >) (4) (44) (44) (4v) w) (vi) He (1) B (noe named or with other jetters) (2) ¢ (mot named ot with other letters) .,. GG (not named or with other letters) (4) D (noe named or with other letters) ........,, for aterattion / landing of insect (pollinator) Protection ., a) QE saicerp structure | # ‘seed * fruit wall / fruit / pod function | gives rise to [protects / helps in seed anew plane dispersal offspring from cross-fertilization shows greater genetic variation .........,,, * B~ plumule .., * ¢ ~ cotyledon * EB ~ buds (Boh, * G = stem ...,, Weta t ee eee ences B- {t develops into a new shoot Thee e ee eaeeeenee C ~ dt stores / supplies food for developing new plant ., (1) E (not named or with other letters) (2) D (not named or with other letters), aoa (Q) kg cell division | meiosis | mitosis genotype different same overcrowding / competition .. Pe 3. (e) (a) (44) qa) (444) fly 3 fly 9 fly 10 = rr: fly 12 - rr temperature has no effect on normal wings has effect on curly wings Temp Kee Reeser normal wings. eff om Woy 1) wre (b) (444) (iv) «) (4) (44) (444) (av) to ensure that the volume of air is measured at atmospheric pressure / same pressure (1) potassium hydroxide / 304 + (Solid or solution) (2) atkaline pyrogatiol / pyrogaliic acta solution . () 00, t= ax fH a ( 2) 0, t = 16x Mb (1) volume (2) composition change increase . no or little increase of CO, in blood explanation causing depth increase of breathing in rate vital capacity ....., 1700 0700 ) seeseeeeee } (# 15 minutes) (1) transpiration rate > absorption rate ... (2) water content decreases (3) Laghe temperature G07 93.19 opoqeqoosoas relative humidity condition effect (1) dpenied increase transpiration @) closing decrease transpiration (1) similar shape / same shape / both decere then level out .... (2) absorption exceeds transpiration / absorption lags behind transpiration / absorption and transpiration are interdependent... RESTRICTED PoSBScee Lo cmt anaes Wie wate~/sediien breanboode tum hydroxide / KOH ,Wa0H — acupt (4) (44) (444) Gy) ww) -10- , A ~ putrefaction/decomposition .... B- nitrification .. to release minerals to soil / to break down the proteins into simple inorganic cpds.... * organisms involved : bacteria ... ; fungi ...., PLOtedN eee ee ees eee eee denitrification/leaching by soil water /Ms protein or nitrogen absorbed is NOT recycled / returned / less available to the soil ., RESTRICTED FISbscee er 6 -te Qetlears — pat acupt j hair : 5. (a) (4) presence of { sebaceous gland feoyh TNO ance a sweat gland (aa) A= ne mark qa) part function B | by vasoditation to dissipate body ra heat through radiation weteee =a D | by sweatlndCperapirarinl! to lose Let heat through evaporation settee 5 (2) Ade sleet seseecees V a (444) touch : temperature change / heat / cold pressure any TWO . ok pain : | 10 | D wuph | (b) (4) from larva D / tadpole .. i 7 . by metamorphosis ..., 1 i (144) (1) possess vertebral column / back bone .. ee eo. (2) fish - presence of scales / fins / gills ...... 1 frog ~ possess slimy skin / limbs / lunds 1 r (444) t aerial leaves submerged leaves ' LARGE small shape BROAD C3 narrow : increase area reduce resistance : advantage| for photosynthesis to water ete (tv) 1) predation ........., 1 competition ........ fi ! (2) Z) leas food available .e.sseseeeeesseceeeeentees I i (11) mainly feed on primary consumer (lower trophic : jlevel instead of secondary consumer) ....eseve. 1 al | Teduce energy lost through respiration along i the food chain ., oo | | 13 = sya es ai ie RESTRICTED FyBscer 7 (44) (444) (iv) decrease ..... urea had diffused into solution X vesseessee to maintain normal concentration of plasma ...).... by preventing net diffusion of glucose &/or salt .. increase the efficiency of urea diffusion ......sseeeeeses by allowing greater area for diffusion . more urea will di PR Le OTD,

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