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On my first day I went to the school and I attend my first class with Ms.Mona after I
meet her. She welcomed and she told me take a seat. The first class I attend was English
class and she did letter u words. She me let the students to do the activity in their
books, they wrote the sentences and they colored. The students were watching me and
they were surprised how someone wearing Abaya sat with them during their class
because their school didnt allowed anyone to go during classroom. At 9:10 again I
attended with the same MST English class but with other section (P) and they did the
same as what (Q) section did. Again the students didnt know whos Im but then
Ms.Mona told them who I am. Then they did math because they have 2 classes
together. They did the activities in their books. Then at 11:25 I finished the class and my
MST had a break too. She asked me some questions and she told me some informations
about her. We sat together till 12:05 we went again to the class with (Q) section and
they did revision for what they had in the last class. At 12:40 they finished the class and
they went back to their class and the (P) section came back to their class and I sat with
them it was bus time. At 1:00 I asked my MST to leave.
On Monday I went to the school and I attended first class with (P) section it was English
class and they did letter u words and they have to write the words with the activities in
their books and they have to match also and the teacher explain the activity for the
students the activities they have. They did the activity and they did activities in each
group (puzzles). I walked around and I saw them how they are doing the activities. Then
at 9:10 the (Q) class came to do math lesson and the (P) went to their class. The teacher
did the activity from the book on the board and she asked them to answer her question
then she gave them their books and they did the activity. After that they had English
lesson and they did the activities in their books also. At 11:25 they had again English
class and it was very short time. The teacher asked the students to tell her about the
words with letter (u) and they answered her. Then she asked each one of them to go
and write one word on the board. I feel uncomfortable with these classes because of the
wiring. They didnt have time to let the students do different activities, they have final
exams and they have to finish their books. They focus on the books. At 1:00 I leaved the
On Tuesday I attend with (P) class their first class which were math and helped the
teacher to do her lesson I gave the students their books and I explained the activity for
them. They did the activity and I walked around to see how they are doing. I felt happy
because the students were coming to me and they showed me their works. At 8:25 I
went to (Q) class and I attend the science class with them. Students took senses lesson.

At 10:45 I came back to (P) class and they had again English class. They did the activities
in their books. Also I walked around and I helped one of the students with his writing.
They play again with the puzzles and they did the (sh) activity also they match the words
and the pictures. At 12:05 (Q) section came to English and math class (P), they had math
and they did the activity in their books I took this part of the lesson to do it with the
students and I explained it for the students then I walked around and I explained it again
for the one who didnt understand, and they complete what they missed before. The
time in this class really ran and they always do the activities in their books so they didnt
have time for the other things. We finished the class at 12:40 and they went to their
class and the (P) class came back. It was bus time and they went to their busses. At
12:55 I leaved the school.
On Wednesday I attended all the math, English and science classes for both section. The
teacher let the students do the activities in their books and the science teacher did the
review for seasons for the students. In last class (Q) section had English and the teacher
brings the puppet theater in front of the class and she brings 2 puppets for the girls. She
chooses two of the students to play and use the puppet and she told the students story
about (sh) sound and the girls was (shaima and shamma) and the students were
interested with the story.

Week 2:
On Sunday I attend two English classes. They took in first class the circle time and they
did the season song. The teacher asked the students about the seasons and what they
were in these seasons. Each student have to tell the teacher one of the seasons and how
its looks like also what they have to wear in these season. For example: Batool choose
winter, he said that it is cold and we have to wear jackets and long clothes to keep us
feel comfortable. After they finish the class they went to art class and they took
activities for the coloring and they color the pictures with these colors they took. At 9:10
they went to play area and they played there for 15 minutes. Then they came back to
the class to eat their breakfast. Then they complete their classes till 12:05 they again
started with math class. They did the review for the numbers from zero to 30. At the
beginning of the lesson the teacher gave each table different puzzles and they have to
fix it with their friends (group work). After that the teacher draws a table on the paper
and she asked the students to tell her the numbers and she wrote the numbers till 30 in
this table. Last thing she gave the students their books to do the activities and count the

birds and the ice-creams and writes the numbers. They finish the activity and they went
back to their class.
On Monday, I went to the school at 7:40 and didnt have the first class. I set in waiting
room till 9:10 and it was the time for third class. They had English and the students set
on circle time to do it with the E classi took the circle time and I did it with the student, I
did simple activity for them related to what they are going to do in their books, I
explained the activity for the students then and the assistant teacher gave them their
books. I walked around the students and I set with Hussain who is one of the special
needs students. He is hyper active, And I helped him to write on his book and I asked
him questions about the activity they have. Then we finished our class and they went
back to their class. It was the time for the break for the students and the teachers but I
set with my MST to talk about the teaching and how I will apply what she wants me to
do in my teaching. She asked me that I have to teach to know how I will do it. Then at
10:45 I started with the students and I draw a table for them to write the numbers on
the table in each square of the table. Each one of them come to write and I choose
Hussain to write number 11 and he didnt focus in the numbers then I asked him again
what comes after 10 and he answer me but I hold his hand to help him with his writing.
While were doing this activity Mustafa who is the hyperactive he was disturbing his
friends and I stopped talking and I just let my eyes see him and he saw me and I asked
him to stop doing that and I changed his place. Then I told the students after they
finished the activity to set on their tables quietly and I gave table 1 a clay to do numbers
with it, table 2 a clocks and the time to match, table 3 a flash cards to identify the
numbers. After I explained each activity for each group to do, then when they finished
after I walked around them while they are doing the activities. I asked them to clean up
and they gave me the materials back and they did the line to go to their class.
On Tuesday I went to the school at 7:43. I set on waiting room till my class at 8:25 they
had science in this class. The teacher comes over to class and she started with 5 senses.
She draws the part of the body which related to these senses and he asked them about
them and she wrote the senses behind them to match the words with the pictures. She
did other activity for the students to do. She kept the pictures of part of the body and
she wrote numbers next to each picture from 1 to 5. And she draws 5 lines for the
students to write the words of the senses next to the pictures. She chooses the students
to write. When the students are making sound or they are not listening, she shout to let
the students be quite but I notice that students didnt give her that much of attention in
each day I observe in her class. She asked joody after they finish the activity to go to her
in front of the class. She told the students that they have to answer here. For example
she holds joodys hands and she told them: joody use her hands to then the

students answer her touch. Then she asked who can tell her all the 5 senses. She
chooses one of numbers of students to tell her in front of the class and they went to do
one by one. The one who can tell her all of the senses she asked the students to clap
their hands for him or her. After we finished from science class, we went back to English
class I review the 4 words for the students they had a dictation. They did the dictation
and when they finished the dictation they have given activities. For example green
group did the words with the clay. And they are really noticed the words and
understand them. Then when they finish they went back again to their class. At 12:05
we had English class again and I they started the lesson with the questions that their
teacher asked for. The teacher wrote and drew an activity they have to do on their
books. Then they asked them about it and how they will do it. Then she gave them their
books to do it and I walked around to see them. One of the students drew before he
writing and I asked him to do the writing which is the first question then he can draw.
For Maryam the teacher write the words with dots for her and she wrote the on these
dots. The one who was finished they went to do the line behind the table or the teacher.
She corrected their books and after everyone finished they put their books on the locker
and they went to play behind the class in the area.
On Wednesday, I went to the school at 7:40 I sat with my clique in the waiting room and
we discussed about the things that we have to do in the next week and we completed
one of the things we have to. At 9:10 I had a science class and ms.Tamara did the review
about the games and sports subject. She sticks on the board games word and sports
word and she draw a line between them. Then she showed the students pictures
referred to these words and they have to answer. If she asked someone about the
picture and he didnt answer she showed him the name of the picture and he have to
read. Then she stocked the pictures with their names on the board in their sections.
After that she bring the pictures of things of these games and they have to know these
pictures for which game. She chooses one student for each picture and they have to go
and take the picture on the picture relate to. When they finished matching she told
them that they have to see the pictures and the words because she will remove the
pictures and they have later to stick the pictures of the word she will ask for. For
example: she chooses Mohammed and she asked him about the picture for the name of
the one she used. He didnt know, and then she asked him to try to read. He tried and
he read the word and matches. At 10:45 we had extra class because their miss for
reading subject was absent. The teacher asked the student to set on the carpet and she
told a story for the students and they have to guess and help the girl who is in the story
and let the students to search about the question she is asking and they have to move
and show her. Then she asked them what their favorite clothes are. Then she did the
activity for the students on the board from their books and they have to answer her.

And she wrote the answer on the board. At 11:25 they finished the class and they went
to their class. At 12:05 they came again to do the math lesson and the teacher asked the
students did you do the activity in last class they answered: yes then she told them
they will go to area outside the class to do another activity. She explained the activity
for the students and they took their books and went out. She put the carpet outside
behind the class and they did the activity on the carpet. The one who is finished they
went back to their class to put their books on their bags and they came back. They were
really quite and they enjoyed too. Then after they finished the teacher bring the
buildings box to let the students do some building and play with. Also they played with
numbers game. The teacher went to the group who had numbers game and she helped
them to find out how they can do it because it was as a puzzle.

Week 3:
On Sunday, I went to the school and I had English class at 7:40 with (Q) section. They started
with circle time. The teacher set in front of the class and the students were setting on the
carpet. The teacher brings the alphabet poster and she put it beside her. She asked the students
to search about something in the class to search about. After that she asked them about the
letters and the one she chooses he have to tell her the letter, sound of this letter and word start
with this letter. Then she asked them which number start with letter N. she asked them also to
give her words start with the rest of the letters. She asked them letter by letter and they have to
give the teacher the phonics of these letters. When they finished the circle time the teacher
asked the students to go and set on the tables, the assistant teacher put the alphabet letters
(upper case) on the board and each group had cards and they have to search about the lower
case letters. At 9:15 I started the class with greeting and I asked them about the day and the
number of the students of is absent. Then I draw a table and I asked them to come and write the
numbers on the places from the table from 20 to 30. Then I wrote numbr 30 step by step and I
asked 5 of the students to come and write the number 30. When they finished I explained they=
activity for the students they have in their books. It was a table and they have to complete the
table. The assistant teacher gave the students their books and pencils to do the activity. I walked
around them and see if someone needs help. Mostafa were talking I asked him to stop talking
and do the activity but he didnt listen. Then I complete my work and the teacher went to him
and set with him. I have to know how to deal with students like Moftafa. After they finished
they went back to their class and I had break. At 12:00 I went to the class and it started at 12:05
they played with the materials they have then they watched movie and they were really quite.
After 20 minutes the class finished and they went back to their class. I sat with (P) section when
they came to their class. I went out at 1:00
On Monday I went to the school at 7:50 and I wait for my class. At 9:10 I started the class,
students had spelling and reading exam. The teacher used one group for the exam with three

students and four other groups were setting and doing other activities. Blue group did the
puzzle and they were searching about the answer. The two yellow groups did different activities,
one of them did the clay and other group did the animals play. The green group also did the
clay. I walked around the students and I saw how they were doing. The teacher asked each
three to came together and do the exam. After they finish the other three went again. I had a
break from 10:00 till 10:45 I went back to the class and the (Q) the teacher started the lesson
with telling the students who studied at home for reading exam? And the students who studied
they raise their hands. Then she asked them about the sentences. It was five sentences and the
one the teacher asked for he told her the sentence and the teacher wrote the sentences on the
boards. Then when they finished from all the sentences the teacher cleaned the board and she
draw four boxes and she asked the students what we have here. They answered boxes and
some of them said four boxes. Then she wrote number 1 for the first box, 2 for second box, 3 for
the third box and number 4 for the last box. And she told them that they have different activities
to do and each group have box. The first group have to search about word number as (three)
and they have to stick it on their box, second group have flash cards to do and stick t on their
box, third group did the words with clay and they stick it on the board, the last grou p had to
build. While they are doing the activities they were really noisy and the teacher took them one
by one while they are working, to let him do the exam in the noisy place. When they finished the
activities, the teacher asked them to clean up and they were cleaning but they were noisy too.
Then the teacher opened song for the students, it was like a movie for the students and she
asked they to set quietly and she clap her hands 6 times and she again asked them to be quit
then they were sitting quietly. I had a break from 11:25 and I talked with my MST for 20 minutes
then I sat in waiting room till 12:05 I started the last lesson. The assistant teacher draws and
wrote for the activities on the board and she gave them their books and they did the activity
after she explained it for them and we finished at 12:35 and it was bus time. At 1:00 I leaved.
On Tuesday I went to the school at 7:50 and I sat with Amna, we were waiting for our class. We
met with Ms.antonitte. At 8:25 I went to the class and I had science, the teacher started with
greeting then we went to (P) class because (P) section had Arabic. The teacher did activity first
of all; she drew a body for the boy and clothes without parts of the body or the fingers. She
asked the students one by one to do the activity; they drew eyes, nose, mouth, hair, ears, hands
and feet. Then she asked the about each part of the body and she wrote the name of each part
behind the part. Then she drew eye up of the board and under the eye she drew 3 different
pictures and she asked them: we use our eye to touch the hot cup, or taste donates or watches
the T.V? She chooses Mohammed answer her and he said: see T.V. Then she drew other three
pictures and other 3 senses to let them match. Some of the students were making noise and
others were paying attention with the teacher. She asked the one who didnt answer to answer
with her. She shouted to get the students attention because of the one who is not listening to
her. Then she drew three different pictures for boys doing different things and she asked them
to draw the part of the body is doing this like a boy in the picture, like: one boy eats apple so the
students have to draw a tong. At 9:08 she finished the class and the English teacher came to the
class. She greeted the students first of all. Then she asked them to stand up and she asked them

to clap their hands five times up of their heads then 5 times behind their legs. And the teacher
did it with them. Then she told them that they will play game then we will complete our reading
exam. She wrote on the board 10+1= and they have to answer the question. 10+7=, till plus 10
and the answer will be 20. After they finished the game, the teacher gave the students their
books and she explained the activity for the students to do it and she helped them with the
activity if they didnt understand. The teacher wanted to see how the students doing because of
the aural exam they have tomorrow. After they finished their activities the teacher opened a
song for the students about the season. At 9:47 they went back to their class by making two
lines one for boys and other for the girls. I had a break till 12:00 and I sat in waiting room, then I
went to set outside. At 12:10 we started out lesson with (Q) section. The assistant teach er did
the activity for the students on the board. The teacher said we would like to review some of the
words. She asked them about the words it was written on the board. Then she did the other
activity which was telling the students something about the thing she thinks about and they
have to tell her what it is. Then she told them that they have to do the activity in their books.
She called their names they came and took their books and went back to their tables to do the
activity. The students were talking with their friends and the teacher didnt say anything for
them. I walked around because after 5 minutes some of the students were walking around and
making noise, I asked them to set in their place and they went back to their places. Omar stand
again and he walked around again, then the teacher told him no fruit salad for you and he sat in
his place. After they finished from their books, she asked them group by group washing their
hands to take two things of the fruits she have (apple- orange and green). After they finished,
the teacher told the students that remember tomorrow is math aural exam. At 12:36 they
finished the class and they went back to their class and (P) section came back to their class.
In Wednesday, I went to the school at 7:55. I set to prepare for the materials in group because
of the lesson Im going to teach. Then I wait in waiting room till 9:00 then I went again to the
class. I started with the students with greeting and asking them about the day. Then I opened
the PowerPoint for them and the lesson was about seasons. I showed them 4 pictures and on
top of each of these pictures the name of the season relate to the seasons. Then I did activity for
the students about these seasons to let them understand the seasons. For example I wrote
winter on top of the page and picture of the winter, down of the page I put three pictures (t shirt, flowers and jacket) I asked them which picture of these three relate to the winter. They
raised their hands and some of the students were saying me, I know miss. But I choose the one
who is setting properly. The one I chooses have to come near to the smart board and show me
the picture and tell me what it is. Then I clicked on the mouse to see the write answer. The
answer was jacket so he answers the write answer and I asked the students to clap their hands
for him. When we finished from the questions I opened the light and I told the students that I
have activities for them. I explained the first one which was white paper with tree with out the
leaves and they have to stick the green leaves on the tree for summer season. And I asked them
to not start then I went back to explain the other activities. Some of the students were touching
the leaves and didnt listen to me; the MST took the materials from them. Then I explained the
other activity which was doing the same but the leaves were brown and yellow and they have to

stick the leaves not on the tree but down. Then I explained again the third activity, they have
flowers cutting before from red paper and they have to draw for the flower and glue it and draw
the tree. The last activity I explained it for them is doing the snow man from cotton. They had
orange paper and they have to glue then stick the cotton and the eyes and the nose. I gave each
group one activity and I let them to start and I walked around to help them with the glue. They
really enjoyed the lesson and they liked the activity. I asked them to take theirs with them. I
didnt have time to end my lesson and the students came to me to show me theirs. Then they
went back to the class. Then I went outside because I have a break. Two of the school stuff was
out because it was raining. Then again we came back. I set in waiting room then I went again to
the class waiting math class to start. At 11:25 we started the class. The teacher started the
lesson with greeting. Then she told them they have aural exam for math and reading exam in
next period. She asked each group for the leader to control her or his group. Then she told them
I will use my red table to do the exam and the other students have to be quite and if they have
time later they will have a game. Students were setting and talking quietly then they took their
books to do one activity on their books and they did it. When they finish they went to Ms.Aisha
(assistant teacher) to correct their books while Ms.Mona is setting with one by one student to
do the exam for them. Some of the students were talking loudly by time and the MST let them
as what they have and she just completed her work. When someone came to her telling her
something about the other students she told them Im busy draw with your paper. In this day
they finished early because it was raining. They finished the last class at 12:20.

Week 4:
On Sunday I went to the school at 7:50 and I attend the first class which was English. The
teacher did the morning lesson and she reviews for the students what they took before
the holiday such as words and letters. Then I took break with the MST and I talked with
her little bit then at 12:05 I had math class. The teacher said: good afternoon boys and
girls, students said: good afternoon Miss Mona. Then she told them they will review
tens. She did some activities on the board same the activities they have on their books.
She started with song for the numbers, they say the letters of the number then they said
the number o,n,e, 1, t,w,o, 2, till number 10 then she asked them to say the tens:
10,20,30,40, till 100. After that she asked them about the activities, some of the
students answered, they all answer together not one by one. Two of the students were
talking and she didnt ask them to be quite and she completed the other questions. Last
part of the activities she asked them one by one, she ask each one want to answer to go
to the board and write the answer on the board. After they finished from all questions
she reviewed the questions with them. She explained also the answer for the students

and how they got the answers. After they finished from the board she told them that
they have to do the activities on their books and then they have another game to play.
She asked them to come one by one to take their books and do the activities on their
books. The one who finished fast they came to the teacher and the teacher correct their
books then they did their homework on their books too. Then they gave the teacher
their books to correct it for them. Mostafa finished too then he did his homework with
help from the assistant. They did their activities then they play game (puzzle). Other
group did building activities and they like to do this activity. Hind make building from
different colors while Batool did from green only because she likes this color.
Mohammed was taking the materials from the students and he only wanted it for
himself. I told him: Mohammed could you play with your friends and share the
materials with them? he told me: Abubaker took mine, I told him: you all have to
share the materials and play with your friends and do not fight. Then they played
together. After three minutes the time for the last class finished and the teacher asked
them to clean up, they cleaned up and went back to their classroom. (P) section came
back to their class and the teacher told them: girls and boys heads down on the
tables. They were talking she asked them again and she counted from 1-3 then they
put their heads on the tables. Two minutes and they talked again but in quite voice. And
it was 12:45 after five minutes from the end of last lesson.
On Monday I went to the school at 7:38 and I set in waiting room and I waited for my
first class. At 9:10 I started my first class, the teacher said we will play, hands up and
students did same as the teacher they clapped their hands and count till number 10.
Then they went to set on the carpet. They said the date and the day also their theme
which is jobs. Miss Mona asked the students if one of their parents work, Batool
answered my father is a doctor, Ms.Mona said she is a dentist. Then the teacher
explained the jobs and the name of the jobs and what the people in each job do. Then
the students go back to their chairs. Then she told the students she saw a police officer
and I said to him alsalam alaikom, and thank for your help. Then she explained the
activity they have on their booksand she did it on the board with them and she asked
them to answer. After she finished explaining, she gave them their books one by one
and they did the activity same as what Ms.Mona did on the board. They matched the
half of the picture with other half of it for the jobs and trace the names of the jobs.
Mostafa was running around the class after he finished. Then the teacher asked him to
stop stunning and set on his place. And she gave him coloring paper and colors to color
and let him be busy because he is a hyperactive. The one who is finished went to
Ms.Mona and she corrected their books. While she was correcting she opened first a
song for their theme and she sing a song with it for the students and she asked them to
listen. After they all finished she asked the students to put their heads on the table and

close their eyes. Then she asked green table to bring their chairs on the middle and set.
After they sat she asked three of yellow group and picks one of the materials for
(dentist, nurse and doctor). Then the teacher asked green group to go back to their
place and blue group to come in the front of the class and other three students from
yellow group to be a (nurse, doctor or dentist). Then she asked blue group to go back
again to their places and the last yellow group to bring their chairs and do the same.
Some of the students were running and talking while they were moving. At the end she
asked them to set on their places and she told them the time is finished and we have
other class at the end. Then they went back by lines to their class. (P) Section came to
their class and she told them you can go outside. It was a break time for all stuff in the
school. At 10:44 I went to the class because my second class started at 10:45 and the
students came to the class at 10:46 the teacher talked with the students first then she
told them: make sure to do your homework at home. Then she said: its time to
count tens. Then she changed her mind and she gave blue group number cards and she
gave each one of the students one card, yellow group: numbers and they have to find
out the 20s, green group same as yellow group and last group: the building numbers
and they have to build. Then the teacher asked them to give the teacher the 10s they
have, she said the number and the one who have the number he gave her. The students
were playing and talking with each other. Then she asked them to clean up, Mostafa
were not put the things on proper way and the teacher shouted to him and talked to
him and put her face very close to Mostafas face. Students were talking after they
finished and she counted till 3 to get their attention. She gave Mostafa puzzle to fix a nd
let him stop disturbing his friends. While other students have to count and add tens by
using sticks on groups. After that she explained on the board the activity they have to do
on their books. While that Mustafa were talking with himself and not listening and the
teacher asked him to stop, he stopped first then he again talked. After the teacher
finished explaining the activity, the assistant give the students their books to do the
activity. Altaf and Mohammed were talking while they are doing the activity and the
teacher didnt say anything to them. The one who finished he went to Ms.Monas table
to give his book to correct it. Then they colored for the same activity after they finished
from writing. Mostafa stand behind the door waiting for the teacher to finish from the
others because he didnt want to stand on the line and wait for his time. At 11:27 they
finished the class and they gave the teacher their books and did the line to go back to
their class. I had a break in this time and I set and talked to my MST then she went to
take her break. At 12:05 we started the last lesson. Ms.Mona didnt come at the begging
the assistant opened a song for the students about shapes and the students were quiet
and Omar were singing with the song. At 12:12 Ms.Mona came to the class. When the
song finished students said: miss its finished then she answered I will open other one

for you, she opened video about the jobs. Huda and Altaf were talking while others
were paying attention on the video. The teacher and the assistant were doing some
activities for the students for other time. Then she brings the puppet show and she
asked two by two to do the show for the students. At 12:40 we finished the class and it
was bus time. I sat at the classroom till 12:55.
On Tuesday I went to the school at 7:38 and I set at waiting room because I didnt have
a class till 9:10. At 9:00 i went to the class and I prepared for the lesson I will teach. At
9:10 Ms.Maryam came to observe me. I started the lesson with a story referred to the
lesson. Then I opened a Pp for the students and I had on it words have (LL) and (CK) and
pictures. Each word in one page and under it a picture for the word. I asked the students
to repeat the word after me. I said the word and they repeated after me. I asked them
about the things for these words like for (smell) I asked them what we can smell,
Abubaker answered perfume I asked them do you like the smell of perfume? they
answered: yes. And I told them we use perfume every day. After I completed all the
words I told them that I have activities for you to do. First activity was designed the
duck. I had a picture for duck and I asked them who can help me with the activity?
Mohammed came to glue on the duck and I told them first we have to glue the duck.
Then I said: I have this, I showed them the feather and I asked them what this is, they
answered feathers. I asked Mostafa to come and stick the feathers on the duck, and
then I showed them the last show for it. I moved to next activity which was writing and
match flash cards with words and pictures. I showed them we have to stick the word on
the paper and the picture, then you have to write the word on the paper, and the last
activity was puzzle. I gave each group activity to do and I walked around them, the
group who did the puzzle for (doll picture and word) the MST gave them next colors to
color the doll. I helped the students and I asked them about their works and I praise
them. After they finished I said clean up and they cleaned up they took 5 minutes for it. I
asked them what they did and if they liked the activities they have done with and they
answered me. Ms.Maryam asked me to go out the classroom with her to talk with me. I
talked with her and she told me that I did better that last time. Then I talked with my
MST and it was break and I helped her to prepare for the activity she will do for her
class. Then I had break till 12:05 I went to the class and the MST asked me to do the
lesson for the students and explain the activity in their books and let them do it after
that. I explained the activity and I said the words for the activity. I gave them their books
and I walked around. The one who finished the activity I asked them to color for the
activity after their writing. At 12:40 I finished the lesson and they went back to their
classes. It was bus time and I sat with the students. At 12:55 I finished my day.

On Wednesday I went to the school at 7:37 and I sat at waiting room for 20 minutes
then one of the classes came there and I went out and I walked around because I cant
set on the reception. Then I sat at the end of all classes without chair. I didnt have class
till 9:10 and when I went to the class the science teacher wasnt there and the changed
the schedule then I sat till 10:00 to wait my colloquies. At 10:25 they started the class I
went to the class and I set their, then the MST came. Students were talking and the MST
was talked with the assistant, they were noisy. At 11:32 she said good afternoon boys
and girls and they answered good afternoon boys and girls. She told them we will take
math and English in same time. Then the teacher told them we will play a game called
(TV show). She had a microphone, she picked up Abubaker, she asked him hello,
Abubaker: hello to you, teacher: what is your name, Abubaker: my name is Abubaker,
teacher: how old are you? , Abubaker: Im 5 years old, teacher: when you grow up what
would you like to be? , Abubaker: I like to be an Engineer, teacher: why? , Abubaker: I
will design the buildings. Teacher: thank you, Abubaker: welcome. Then she asked them
about the day and they didnt know then she said: W they said Wednesday. She asked
them about the theme also and the subject they answered her. She gave green group
box with numbers and they have to make a circle from (10s) number, also for the blue
group she gave them numbers and they have to do the same. She helped green group
while yellow groups were talking. Then she went to the blue group. After blue group
finished she took the numbers from them and she gave it to the yellow group and from
green group to other yellow group. She talked to them also and she asked them
questions. When they finished the teacher took the numbers and she saw Patool not
setting properly on the chair and she asked her to go out of the classroom and she said I
dont want anyone didnt set properly in my classroom, Patool went out after 1secound
she asked her to come back and set with me on red table. Then she started with the
activities on the board she draw and she asked them questions and the students were
answering. Omar who is always answering the questions the teacher asked him to stop
answering questions and give chance to other students. After she finished explaining
and doing the activities she gave them their books and they did the same activity on
their books. Then the teacher asked me to help Hussain with his writing. I asked him
questions and I hold his hand to let him write and I let him to count to know the
answers. After all of the students finished the activity she opened the song for them and
she gave green group and blue group activities to do like puzzle, match while other
groups didnt have anything and they just watching other students who are busy with
the activities. The class was noisy and some of the students were walking around and
the teacher drawed for the activity on the board. She did the activity from the book on
the board while Hussain were just playing with his pencils and making sounds. The
teacher didnt say anything for him till she finished and gave them their books to do the

activities. Then I helped Hussain because my MST said race the words for Hussain and
help Mostafa too. I helped them and I sat with them. At 12:27 they gave the teacher
their books. Then she asked them if they want puppet show and they answered yes. She
asked them to set properly. But then she played with them TV show because they want
it. And she let them stand and do it with them. She played with three of them TV show
and she prepare for it and she chooses other students for it too. At 12:55 I went out.

Week 5:
On Sunday, I attend the school at 7:43 and I went to the class because I had the first
class. They started with circle time, the MST asked the students about the date and day
and the theme, and she asked the students about the words have ck and ll sound. They
told her and she stick the pictures for the words they told her. Then the MST asked the
students about the students about poor people, what they didnt have? They answered
her: they dont have clothes, they dont have food and they dont have house. Then
she asked them are we poor people or not? They answered: no, she asked why? What
we have? Abubaker answered: we have food, we have clothes. After that she asked
them about the jobs and what each one of the picture she have for job like pilot, fire
man, doctor and police man and what each one of them do? And they answered. Then
she did activities for the students on smart board, it said one name of the jobs and they
have to pick up which picture is for this word when they answered right answered the
board give sound and it said:I want to be a doctor for example. Then she opened the
sound of pictures and they have to repeat after that. Last activity was: listen and
choose. For example Brush your teeth well and the student have to choose the
picture for this sentence between the pictures they have. After they finished from all
activities with the smart board, the teacher said: I want you to go back to your chair,
they went to their places. Then the teacher gave the students their books to let them do
reading activity. They have words with pictures. The teacher asked them: are you ready
to read after me? they answered: yes. The teacher said: picture number one ad
before she read the words the student read the words before the teacher. After they
finished from the words, the teacher told the students a story from their books . And she
let the student read the sentences. If she noticed that one of them didnt pronounce
any word right, and then she told the students and they repeated after her twice. When
they finished from reading, the teacher opened a song for the students about jobs after
this song finished; she opened other song for the students. Later she gave each student
a piece of paper and water color she mixed it (blue and red) and they paint on a paper
with their finger. The one who finished he went out behind the door to wash his hand.

Students really liked it and they were interested. Some of the students did flowers,
some of them just paint with their fingers like a dots while other of them made flowers
with the sand. They did flowers because the teacher asked them to do flowers with their
fingers. After they finished the teacher asked the student: did you liked it? they
answered: yes and she opened another song about jobs also. Some of the students
were listening and other of them was just talking with their friends. Then the teacher
asked them to stand because the class finished and they went back to their class at 8:25.
Then I had a break till 12:05. Then I went to the class and the MST went out while the
assistant were here and wrote the activity on the board for the students and the
students were talking. At 12:10 the MST came back, she asked the students if they want
to play a game before bus time, they answered yes, then she told them go to your class
to bring your colors. They bring their colors and they came back, then she asked them to
line up because they have to go to nurse. I wanted to go with them but my MST said it is
ok, you dont have to come, I waited them at class and it was 12:16. Students and the
teacher came back at 12:28 and the teacher asked them if they are ready, they told her
yes. The teacher said: before we go home we need to know about mines. And she
started with the activity on the board. Mostafa were not listening and he walked around
the class, the teacher holds him from his hand and he asked him to go out to
Ms.Sheereen who is the one set on KG2 reception. Then she closed the door. After view
second she opened the door and she asked him to set behind the door and do not
move. He set quietly later while other students were writing the activities on their
books. Mostafa took his book and he went to do the activity. The one who finished he
went to the teacher to correct his book. I sat with Hussain to help him to write and
Mostafa. But Mostafa just walked around then I told the teacher, she told me it is ok. At
12:43 they went back to their class and it was bus time. I sat with (P) section and I
leaved at 12:55
On Monday I went to the school at 7:44 and I sat on waiting room till 9:10 I went to the
class. I started my first class and the teacher said: good morning KG2 (P) the students
answered: good morning Ms.Mona. Teacher said: I would like to do morning
exercise, stand up. Students stand up and the teacher asked Abubaker to do for the
students. He asked them to roll their hands. Then she asked Mozammel and he did the
same as Abubaker and the teacher asked him to do something different he just stand
and think then she asked him to go back to his place. Then the teacher asked the
students about the day, date, these, lesson and the color for this week. Then she told
them a story about colors and he had different hats with different colors. Mostafa were
touching the materials in class and moving around. Then the teacher told him to stop.
And he sat on his place. Then he again went to blue table and he sat with the assistant.
Then the teacher asked him to bring foil tomorrow to make a hat for them like a

doctors. After that the teacher told the students she will give them activities to do and
she gave them the rules for the activities and each group had activity. She gave them a
picture for the dish and spoon and frog, and two pieces for each muffin they have and
they have to fix it as a puzzle and each muffin had a word with LL or ck diagraph. They
have to put the muffins on the dish. Mostafa and Hussain were walking around and play,
then the assistant asked them to set, Hussain came to red table with me and the
assistant and he sat with us while Mostafa didnt listen and he just completed what he
were doing and he walked around again. After couple of minutes, the teacher told the
students hand up, they raise their tow hands. She told them: each group they have to
put their activities on the middle of the table and she walked around and she took the
materials from the. Then she told them they have a dictation and she practices the
words with the students. She draws a table with and each student the teacher asked to
write he went to the board and he writes the two words they have. After they finished
from the practice, the teacher opened a song about jobs and they sing a song with it. At
9:50 they finished the class and they went back to their class. I had a break till 10:45 I
went to the class and the teacher asked the students: who wants to be a little
teacher? they raised their hands. The teacher choose Imtyaz to be a little teacher and
she told him about jobs. Then she reviewed for him because he was absent a couple
days. After that the teacher asked him to go back to his place and she asked Basma to
review the words she has on the board with the pictures for the students. Basma said
the words and the students repeated after her. Basma went back to her place and the
teacher repeated the words for the students and they said the words after her again,
group by group. After they finished from reading, they started with writing. The teacher
gave the students their books one by one. They started to write and they were
interested because the teacher told them before they took their books, she has
something nice for them after they write in nice way. While they are writing, the
teacher told them that she doesnt like anyone to use eraser, and they have to rite
without it. After they finished writing, she played with the students guess game, they
were having box with different things and they have to close their eyes and pick up one
thing and guess what it is. When they finished, the teacher gave them sweats while the
song is opened. At 11:29 they finished the class and I had a break. At 12:05 we started
last class but the MST didnt come from the beginning, just the assistant came. At 12:08
the teacher came to the class with her prophesier. Couple of minute the prophesier
went out and she asked them if they want to drink water, they answered yes and she
asked them to go to their class and drink water then they came back. The teacher
opened a video about jobs for the students, they were listening. When the video
finished, the teacher opened a song about community helpers. This class was for the
smart board and again the teacher opened another video about the jobs. If they hear

any word and they repeated with wrong pronunciation, the teacher corrected it for
them. Then the teacher gave them their books to let them write their homework. At
12:28 the teacher stopped showing them videos and they sat and talked till the class
finish. At 12:35 they made a line and they went back to their class. At 12:55 I went out.
On Tuesday I went to the school at 7:40. I sat on waiting room because I didnt have a
class. At 8:25 I went to the class and the teacher told the students today we are going to
learn about water animals. She did a mind map for water animals and she asked them
about the animals lives in the see. Then she asked them which of these animals are
relevant. After that she put the pictures for the animals behind their names. When they
finished from the mind map, the teacher opened a video for the students about ocean
animals; it shows the animals and the name of the animal. Students were interested
with the video that they are seeing. I wanted to help to the teacher because students
were making noise, I asked Omar who pushing his friend to stop and the teacher called
him and told him she will call his mother today. She didnt like that and she just wanted
to do it by her and I didnt know that. I just sat then and observe her only. She did the
activity for the students, it was a pattern for pictures of sea animals and they have to
stick the picture of the animal in last line to complete the patterns. Then she showed
them the activities: shadows, counts the animals from the picture they have to stick
shell with numbers of each animal, coloring the animals and match between land
animals and sea animals. The teacher gave the students activities to do and when they
finish she shared the activity with other groups. At 9:10 we finished the science class
and we started with English class. They had a dictation and the teacher gave each group
activity to do about the words they took the same week while 3 by three came to do
their dictation. At 9:30 after they finished the activities and the dictation they had, the
teacher started with some math with subtraction. She asked them 100-90= what? They
answered 90 and she was quit then ferial answered 10. Then the teacher gave the
students activities for math, about their theme. They were discussing and answering
each other with the activity because always they work in groups. When the students
finished she took all the materials and she explained the activity in their books for them.
She were asking them questions and ferial were thinking and answering her faster than
the rest of the students. She asked the students to clap their hands for her because she
thinks always. She wrote the answers on the board while she was explaining the activity
for them, and the assistant gave the students their books to let them do the activities
they have. After they finished from their books, they gave the books for the teacher and
they sat quit on their places. At 9:50 the lesson finished and they went back to their

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