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Meera Khalifa Ali



Lessons Reflections

Reflection ( letter y) lesson.

On 8th of March I taught literacy lesson to KG1B students. I did my routine with
students, I explained the lesson, and I evaluated the students while they were doing the
activities. Ill be reflecting on the lesson that I taught, on the things that I will do again, and the
things that I will do differently next time. My overall feelings about the lesson and the level of
success that I had for the lesson.
There are things that I would like to use again when I teach this lesson. Displaying videos
about the letters it helps a lot for the visual learners and the students enjoy videos. When the
students looked for the letter flashcards is a fun activity students were involve and they lived
the role of looking for the flashcards. I would play the missing words with the students again,
as it helps me in accessing the students understanding and knowledge. It also, creates an
atmosphere of challenge between the students as they will think hard to remember the word.
There is one thing that I would teach when I taught this lesson. When I asked the students
to give me examples for the words that has the letter (y). They had problems in remember some
words and that wasted the class time. Next time, I can improve that by providing more
flashcards, giving the students more games that has the letter shape or sound, or by telling
stories to the students about the letter.
In this lesson, I was able to achieve my aims and learning outcomes with the students.
The students were able to identify the letter sound. Because, they would say the letter sound
and use their hands and move them to represent the word (yo-yo). They were able to list words
that has the letter when they played the missing word they listed words of 5. They also were
able to recognize the letter between the other alphabet letters. Because, all the students with
their different levels they were able to point out to the letter (y) between the other alphabets
letter that where under the white board.
I think that the lesson was successful, the students were involve with me and when I ask
them questions they would respond with me and they answer to my questions quickly. In the
activities, they finished them on time and with the whole class activity which is creating a yoyo they were excited and engage and they were able to write their names that made me feel
satisfy about the lesson.

Meera Khalifa Ali



Reflection (letter e) lesson.

On the first of March I taught literacy lesson which is letter (e) to KG1B students. I did
my routine with students, I explained the lesson, and I evaluated the students while they were
doing the activities. Ill be reflecting on the lesson that I taught, on the things that I will do
again, and the things that I will do differently next time. My overall feelings about the lesson
and the level of success that I had for the lesson.
In this English lesson that I taught I would use some activities that I had again when I teach
this lesson again. Displaying a video about the letter and stop the video on the letter shape and
let one of students look for the letter on the classroom I think it helps a lot in letting the students
recognize the letter. I would let the students use their fingers to write the letter as helps their
physical motor skills. Since the students like playing games in my classroom I would play the
missing word game as its more of fun and teaching method to apply in the classroom. I would
let the students to go out of the classroom and count until 10 and to come back again to
recognize the letter as it helps me in accessing the students and to summarize the lesson. There
is nothing that I would like to do differently as the lesson was very smooth and went out easily.
There is one thing that I should pay more attention to it when I teach this lesson. The
students were able to list some words that has the letter. However, when I taught them the word
(envelope) they had problems in pronouncing the word. I think next time I teach this lesson I
need to look for words that suits them more.
I was capable to achieve my learning outcomes with the students in this lesson. They were
able to identify the letter sound, list words that has the letter, and recognize the letter between
the other letters. They understanding the lesson, because, they pointed to the letter shape. The
learned the letter sound as they were linked to one of the words. For the word (Elephant) they
used their both hands to represent the word.
I am satisfy with my effort about this lesson. I felt that I explained the lesson very well to
the way that the students were involve with me. I think that the way that I explained the lesson
was very smooth. I was happy with the activities that I had for the students, they were fun and
enjoyable. The students enjoyed creating their own elephant and showing their word to others.

Meera Khalifa Ali



Reflection (number 15) lesson.

On 9th of March I taught my first math lesson which is number 15 to KG1B students. I
did my routine with students, I explained the lesson, and I evaluated the students while they
were doing the activities. Ill be reflecting on the lesson that I taught, on the things that I will
do again, and the things that I will do differently next time. My overall feelings about the lesson
and the level of success that I had for the lesson.
In this lesson I used some methods in teaching that I would like to use next time I teach
number 15. Firstly, displaying video and letting them do movements I would like to use it
again, as it help the students in reviewing the numbers and linking the number to a move.
Secondly, using plastic objects to teach students concrete and doing this method several time
as it promote the students understanding. Thirdly, When I summarize the lesson the students
like to play and since playing helps in learning I would apply the strategy of letting one of
students collect objects that stand for the number 15 as it helps in evaluate the students
There are few things that I would like to change when I teach this lesson again. When the
students use their fingers to write the number I would change that by letting them come in front
of their peers and write the number on the board. When I showed them the number flashcard I
didnt tell them the instructions of the number writing like (start from the top and go down).
Next time I need to give instructions, because, if I didnt the students will be confuse in writing
I achieved my learning outcomes successfully. The students were able to describe the
number. For example, when they wrote the number shape they said that number 5 has a tummy.
They were able to write the number and the objects that represent it. They developed an
understanding of numbers and quantities as they had the capacity to collect 15 objects to stand
for the number.
I think that the lesson was successful, however, am not satisfy with my efforts this time. I
think that the students were less involve with me, because, it the first time that I teach them
math. For the activities made me satisfy as they finished them correctly and they share their
work with others.

Meera Khalifa Ali



Reflection (number 16 and 17) lesson.

On 13th of April I taught my second math lesson which is number 16 and 17 to KG1B
students. I did my routine with students, I explained the lesson, and I evaluated the students
while they were doing the activities. Ill be reflecting on the lesson that I taught, on the things
that I will do again, and the things that I will do differently next time. My overall feelings
about the lesson and the level of success that I had for the lesson.
There are things that am going to use next time I teach number 16 and 17 lesson. Firstly,
the movements video, the students like this activity as it includes a lot of physical
movements and it helps them in linking the number with a movement. Secondly, using balls
to count the concrete, because, students like balls and that support other math lesson like
shapes and colours. Thirdly, is letting the students look for the numbers flashcards as it helps
me in accessing the students understanding. Fourthly, in one of the activities the students had
to colour the number 17 only between the other boxes that has other numbers. When the
students colour number 17 when the students finish colouring they will see the final result
which is the number 17 abstract.
There is one thing that I would like to change when I teach this lesson again. When the
students use their fingers to write the number I would change that by letting them come in
front of their peers and write the number on the board and give each student that chance to
write on the board.
I think that I was successful in this lesson comparing it to the other math lesson which is
number 15. I was satisfy with my effort I was able to reduce the negatives to only when thing.
The lesson when very smooth and the supervisor comments were very positive and helpful.
The students were engage and involve with me and they responded nicely to my questions.

Meera Khalifa Ali



Reflection (number 18) lesson

On 18th of April I taught math lesson to KG1B students and my college mentor where
in the school to observe me. I did my routine with students, I explained the lesson, and I
evaluated the students while they were doing the activities. Ill be reflecting on the lesson that
I taught, on the things that I will do again, and the things that I will do differently next time.
My overall feelings about the lesson and the level of success that I had for the lesson.
There are different things that I would like to apply again when I teach number 18 starting
from the way that I explained the lesson to the activities that I set up for students. Firstly, the
movements video, the students enjoyed this video and its good to start the lesson with physical
activity to make the students ready to inquire new knowledge. Secondly, Ill use objects to
introduce the lesson as showing the concrete first is a must. Thirdly, letting the students trace
the numbers flashcards, because, it help the students in writing, develop their fine motor skills,
and it teaches the students sharing others. Fourthly, should the students the final result of the
activities, because, it helps the students to understand what to do and the teacher to avoid
repeating the instructions over and over. Fifthly, looking for the number flashcards in the
classroom, to evaluate students understanding.
There are things that I would like to change when I teach this lesson again. The flashcard
that I made for the students was small, next time I need to make the flashcard big to link that
when the number card is big that means the value of the number is big as well. I need to pay
more attention to the low-level students. For the activities, the medium level students had to
add 18 rings to the strew the students finished the activity in 2 minutes. As a result, next time
I can ask the students to write the number on the strew stand to make it more useful where they
can do the concrete and the abstract together.
I was able to achieve my learning outcomes with the students. Through the activities that
I had, they were able to identify the number in the classroom when I played the game with
them where that had to look for the number flashcards. Each student, were able to writing the
number correctly when they write on the white board. They were able to understand the
relationship between numbers and quantities. As each activity that I had for the students had
both concrete and abstract.
The lesson was successful, and I was happy with the activities that I had and students
involvement. Even though, I had problem with one of the students as he didnt wanted to
engage and participate in the lesson. However, I overcome this as he accept the chance of
writing the number on the board. That made me feel like a true teacher as in the end I was able
to solve the problems.

Meera Khalifa Ali



Reflection (pull and push) lesson.

On 17th of April I taught science lesson to KG1B students. I did my routine with
students, I explained the lesson, and I evaluated the students while they were doing the
activities. Ill be reflecting on the lesson that I taught, on the things that I will do again, and
the things that I will do differently next time. My overall feelings about the lesson and the
level of success that I had for the lesson.
There are methods that I followed in the lesson that I liked and I would like to use next
time I teach this lesson. The movement video, because, students like this video and it has a
part that I used in my lesson. Brainstorming, as it helps in collecting ideas and it helps the
teacher in knowing the students pervious knowledge. Letting the students experimenting the
concept themselves help the students in growing their own knowledge by pushing and pulling
the objects that are in the class and even the door. For the activities, where the students
looked for things that can be pull and push in the playground and the cafeteria and draw them
down on a paper. Because, students can play the role of adventurer or explorer.
There is one thing that I would like to change next time, which is being more specific
about the time and the areas that the students need to look in. because, some of the students
went to the hell area and they took extra 5 minutes and that affected the activity time as I had
15 minutes for the whole activity.
The learning outcomes were successfully achieved, the students identified the push and
pull concepts. They were able to describe the motions. For example, some students used the
drawers to describe that as they said push is for in and pull is for out. Students tried several
things that they are interested in to apply the concepts of push and pull by. The students were
engage in applying their understanding and knowledge.
I am happy with my efforts that lesson went very well and smooth. The students
understood the lesson and their application was the evidence for that as they tried many
things to push and pull. I know that the students understood the lesson. As when the students
were in the playground one student showed me how he pushed and pulled the swing.

Meera Khalifa Ali



Reflection (Summer) lesson.

On 4th of March I taught science lesson to KG1B students. I did my routine with
students, I explained the lesson, and I evaluated the students while they were doing the
activities. Ill be reflecting on the lesson that I taught, on the things that I will do again, and
the things that I will do differently next time. My overall feelings about the lesson and the
level of success that I had for the lesson.
In this lesson I used methods that I liked and I would like to apply for the next time I
teach this lesson. Doing movements, since the students are used to do movements video and
it impact the students positively as it get them ready for the lesson. Taking the students near
the window to see the weather, because, its important to let the students understand the
world around them and to identify the characteristics for the seasons. Using objects and
materials that represent the season and letting the students divide them helps in evaluating the
students understanding and access their pervious knowledge as well.
There are few things that I would like to do it differently when I teach this lesson again.
First, I need to be more aware of the class time as the Arabic teacher entered the class and the
students didnt finish their activities. Secondly, I need to be more clear with my activity
instructions. As each time the students would ask me about what they need to do. Third, some
students misbehaved when they saw the materials that I had for them as they wouldnt pass
the materials for their peers to try them and explore the tools.
I think the lesson was successful, because, I achieved my learning outcomes with the
students. While I was observing the students, I knew as a teacher that the students understood
the lesson, because, they were engaged and enjoying the activities. They give me good
respond and fast answers when I was asking them some questions about the lesson.

I feel more satisfied with my effort about this lesson, I feel that I explained the lesson
very well and the way that I explained the lesson was smooth. I was happy with the activities
that I had for the students. I made sure that they are fun and enjoyable for all the levels. I like
that I had a worksheet for all the students in case they finished the activities quickly and
before the time of their meal.

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