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What is the maximum VF tone that may be fed to a voice signal

What is the maximum power of the Class 1 analog mobile phone

The average voltage value of the 3.58MHz modulated chrominance signal in TV receivers
How many lines does a standard NTSC has?
F3 emission means carrier frequency is modulated by _______
The aeronautical radio navigation land station that provides direct bearing on that station
from an aircraft is known as _____________
What is the frequency tolerance for aircraft station employing SSB transmission?
The range of the human hearing can form how many octaves
What results in the luminance components interfering in the color signal, it occurs
whenever there is diagonal detail on that picture and gets worse with motion
How many horizontal lines are blanked out in the frame of TV receivers by V blanking
What would be the bandwidth of an AF filter for CW
A superjumbo group has how many voice band channel
A characteristic of the modulating signal that is proportional with the amount of frequency
deviation from the carrier center frequency in FM
? requires that the amplitude of each sample be converted into ______
In the single tube class C amplifier why is the ? modulated envelop that made up of
varying amplitude dc pulses
What is the data transmission rate of the North American AMPS
The split pair is used by IBM token ring network that operates at either
In acoustics, what do you call the present combination of interval
What is a system where cables and wires are placed within the ceiling and poked up in the
resistance floor structured to office or the room above
3G wireless system was introduced in what year
In telephone system, what traffic model is based on the assumption that calls are not
immediately satisfied that the first attempt are held in the system until it is satisfied
What is the maximum VF tone that may be fed in the telephone line
What type of modulation is produced by sampling an analog signal
What is the number of lines scan per frame in the raster on the picture tube
What is the velocity of the geostationary satellite in orbit
Which navigation does not have global range
What refers to the system where an aircrafts navigation aid measures the time interval
between an interrogatory pulse and the reply from the radar from a radar beacon
What is the accuracy of LORAN C long range hyberbolic radio navigation system
What is the main advantage of GPRS
How many TV fields are recorded on one slant track of tape
What frequency sharing technique uses highly directional spot beam antennas to prevent
interference between stations of the same freq.
What is used to produce low power microwave oscillators
What is the variation of the discriminator which greatly reduces sensitivity to amplitude
variations and causes a 50% reduction in output voltage
Under the revised regulation governing cable TV systems in the Philippines regular
duplicated by the network programming by one or more station in a week during the hours
of 6 to 11 PM local time to a total of how many hours or more?
What is the minimum rejection of a CATV system
In CATV system what is sound section isolation
In CATV system what is the RF output terminal match
In the NTSC regulation, how much is the fine for the MPSC operating without valid NTC
What is the term for the ratio for the luminous power to the radiant power in the sample of
light and expressed in lumens per watt of gradient energy
What do you call a special microwave coaxial cable which is made of hard tubing rather that
wire with an insulating cover that can be used on the lower microwave band
Which of the following are antennas made with micro strip on PCBs
Which coaxial connector is of more complex and expensive that do a better job in
maintaining the electrical char of the cable through interconnection
What is the dielectric constant of polyethylene insulator

The brightness of
the color
range station
20 ppm
Cross luminance
500 to 1000 Hz
Binary number
Because of flywheel
10 kbps
4 or 16 Mbps
Consonant interval
Poke probe
0 VU
6879 statute mph
DME (Distance
of a mile absolute
& >100ft
It doesnt require a
Spatial isolation
Tunnel diode
Radio detector
14 hours
60 dB
40 dB
16 dB
Hard line
Patch antenna
n-type connector

How is tapped single button microphone cleared?

What helps protect fiber against degradation cause by moisture
For an angle of incidence = to the critical angle the light will be refracted
How much more feed point Z does a folded dipole have than normal dipole
What filter may be connected between a CB transmitter and its antenna
When real time communication is required the only way to address the second fragment is
to use a ____ containing more that 1 satellite
What is the common usage of single button microphones
What is the advantage of using hub over direct interconnection to all the terminals

Along the normal
4 times
Low pass filter
In telephones
Its easy to move

A broadcast station is transmitting but not modulating, what is heard in a receiver tuned to
its frequency


A network using microwave for two way transmission of telephony and in high speed data

Local Multipoint
Distribution System

In TV system, if the 3.58MHz C amp in the receiver does not operate, the result will be
What refers to the emphasizing low level signals and compressing high level signals
A system that allows user to access documents from widely separated sources of the
internet using a common interface
What is the max efficiency of class C amp?
What is the max recommended cable length of RS232C cable?
What is the typical value of line turn around?
Which pulse in the V blanking corresponds to 3H lines wide?
What refers to the nonlinear effect that occurs at low power as low as 3mw in single mode
fiber and takes the form of a light shifter slightly in freq from the original light wave
In wide area networks what routing technique requires each node to take the incoming
packet and retransmit it onto every outgoing line?
For analog dram scanners what type of modulation is used after the receive light has been
converted into electrical energy?
What is the most commonly used transmission line?
In what 2 systems in the voice transmitter can speech processing be used?
What can be determined about a transformer by an ohmmeter?

Why is a matched line indistinguishable from an infinitely long line as seen from the

What type of circuit produces even order harmonics?

What is the designation of SSB with full carrier?
What is the achievable data rate of the 3G cellular system?
What is the time period for a single time slot in GSM TDMA structure?
What packets switch data technique is used with the GSM systems?
What do you call the process by analog signal are transmitted by converting them into a
series of pulses whose amplitude is approximately the shape of the analog signal
In Ethernet LAN, what situation arises when two or more terminals try to transmit in the
network at the same time?
What do you call the interval which its an integer or whole fraction ratio
What is defined as the ratio of freq of two pure tones?
What do you call the first note of the musical scale?
In what year will the FCC face the analog broadcasting?
Which of the following is or are parts of the network interface card?
Which of the ff wavelengths where absorption of electromagnetic waves becomes peak due
to vibrational resonance in the water vapor molecule
What class of mobile phone has a maximum power level specified as ERP of -2dBW or

No color
50 feet
1.5 ms
V sync
Bruilloin scattering
Coax cable or line
AF and RF
Winding continuity,
shorts to case and
interwinding shorts
Since no energy is
reflected from the
match load, so for
the source it
appears as if energy
is put into the line
continuous to move
down the line
More than 2Mbps
Octave interval
Root note
Both BNC and RJ49
1.35cm and 1.7mm
Class III (mobile

What refers to a series of tones that sounds good when used in combination
An MPD shop properly identifies its business and location by posting conspicuously at the
entrance of its premises a sign board, what are the dimensions of the sign board?
Electronic technician as defined by the MPSCP implementing guidelines should be a
graduate of an electronic technician course and should have completed a formal training
course in the repairs, servicing and maintenance of mobile phones conducted by mobile
phone manufacturers and or training service center duly accredited by _________
Under RA 9292, one qualification to be a member of the board is being a citizen and
resident in the Philippines for at least how many years?
What technique is employed by the transmitter to avoid accidental flags
If two signal are in quadrature, what tie the phase relation
What do you call a type of communications by propagation is primarily by the direct or
space wave which travels in straight line at freq above 30Mhz
What feature of SONET allows data spin with different paths to be sync
What is a specialized transformer that allows telephone voice signals to travel in both
directions simultaneously in a single twisted pair loop
Cable TV companies collect signals and programs from many sources in a facility called
Refers to the transmission of multiple TV signals which are freq multiplexed on a single
cable to be used in lieu of over the air signal trans
What is the other name of super refraction
What is the reason why tropospheric ducting not used very much in practical
communication systems?
What is the function of a hybrid in the telephone handset
When the called telephone is ringing, the CO sends a pulse AC voltage to the calling
telephone. What is that signal called?
What unit refers to radiation other than x-rays which will have an absorption equal to 1
Different sources of radiation have different effect which are related to x-rays by a number
which is referred to as the ______
In TV, the picture information is transmitted on a separate carrier that is located _____
lower in frequency that the sound carrier
Which of the standards given below is a terrestrial digital TV transmission
What is the main accelerating element in the CRT
What is the combined mixer and LO that uses 1 transistor of tube or both
Lossless compression scheme generally look for redundancies in the data for instance the
string of zeroes can be replaced with a code that tells the receivers the length of the string.
What do you call this technique?
Which ground based navigation system has a center freq of 108-118MHz
All colors on the color test signal are modulated at 75% except what color?
In analog cellular system, the interfering signal strength remains approx less than ____ of
desired signal strength to assure negligible interference
What is the approximate critical frequency of E layer?
The 10 base T Ethernet system is restricted only to ______
What code is used in 100 days Tx Ethernet standard?
What is the carrier frequency of supergroup 10?
What frequency is used to signal handoffs to another cell and the termination of the cell in
cellular communications
Which of the following principle musical intervals is considered desonant?
What is essentially a cell site shelter that is mounted on flat bed tractor trailer used for
emergency purposes
In cellular system what defines the geographic distance that is required between cells used
in identical frequencies in order to avoid interference between the radio transmissions of
this cells?
RA 9292 was approved by Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on what date?
Which of the following is considered the first instance of government regulation of radio
What do you call the random data send continuously by the NIC that disrupts the whole

Musical scale
50cm x 100cm
5 years
Bit stuffing
90 degrees
LOS communication
Payload pointer
Hybrid coil
Head end
Cable TV
Because it is not
Decrease mic signal
in phones
Ringback signal
Rep - roentgen
equivalent physical
Rbe roentgen
Antodyne converter
Run length encoding
3 level Manchester
ratio (D/R)
April 17, 2004
Radio act of 1910

area network?
What law regulates the operation of cable antenna system in the Phil?
Which of the following is the nearest star to the solar system?
What is the shifting of antenna pattern so that the major lobe is at an angle below the
What allows one antenna to be used for reception and transmission without mutual
What is the term used to describe an ordinary voice telephony?
What do you call the call that cannot be completed because of the central office or PBX
switching capacity is full at the time the call attempted?
Why does an FM antenna ammeter not change with modulation?
What is meant by peak white?
In color CRT, what refers to adjustment of the three electron beam so that each lens can
phosper dots on the appropriate color?
In a satellite system, what do you call the focus beam of energy that covers a relatively
small area on the earth produced by high gain antenna on the satellite?
What radio system was developed to provide high speed packet data access for the GSM
How wide are the GSM channels?
What type of radar is used for speed measurements such as the one used by the police or
the police radar?
With what type of emission does this tuning by 200Hz materially degrade the received
Why does a high Q circuit discriminate against harmonics?
What will you change in order that gain of transistor amplifier can vary?
What are 2 function of a buffer amplifier?
How much of the emission must be within the bandwidth of the transmitter
What type of 2nd detector is used for SSB and CW
In FM broadcasting, what is the lowest used modulating frequency?
What is the emission designation for VHF FM?
Why does a higher impedance line have lower copper loss than a lower impedance line?
What is considered as the simplest transmitter keyed on and off to produce CW Morse
Occasionally rockets will contain more than one satellite, what do you call the main satellite
to be launched?
What are the 2 basic types of radar?
How many orbital plans which are equally spaced around the equator in GPS operational
What is the popular fiber optics cable with the glass core and plastic cladding called?
What is a FM receiver that causes a stronger signal to dominate the weaker signal in the
same frequency?
What is the advantage of using SSB suppressed carrier AM as the modulation scheme for
FDM telephony?
What may cause ionic disturbance characterized by rapid cluttering sound hence voice
communication is poor?
What is used to convert the scene or object nearest to view the electrical signal which can
be used to modulate the carrier?
What is the advantage of toroid inductors over air core inductors?
The mandatory 24 ship-to-shore communications from 1910-1912 was established by the
US, Great Britain and other maritime nation as the direct result of the sinking of the 2
famous ships, which are?
How much is the filling fee for application of MDSCP or MPDP
The frequency tolerance of FM broadcast stations is _____ above or below the assigned

EO 205
Proxima Centauri
Down tilt
Block call
No power added
with modulation
The video signal
represents max
Spot beam
CW Doppler radar
Because of purer
sine wave AC
The collector current
Amplify and isolate
Because higher
impedance line has
lower current for a
given power level
The oscillator
Initial payload
Pulse and CW
PCS (plastic clad
Capture effect
It has the least
Aurora borealis
Television camera
High permeability of
the core
The Republic and
The Titanic

What layer of the OSI model handles the transmission of bites over a communications
What is the next to higher level of the multi-level activities of communications which
defines how the initial data is sent and transformed into the symbols that represent it
before being actually transmitted with this specific signal value?
Which of the ff. coaxial cable connectors is called the UHF connector?
What satellite subsystem monitors on board conditions such as temperature and battery
voltage and transmits this data back to a ground station for analysis?
What expresses the steepness of the skirts of the skirts selectivity of a radio receiver?
In SSB, the transmitter output is expressed in terms of _________?
Which of the ff. is the policy guidelines to govern the operation of cable TV in the
What is the standard signal format of a numeric paging receiver?
What is the critical capacitance variation of most varactors used in frequency modulators?
Helical antennas are often used for satellite tracking VHF because of?
What traffic model is based on the assumption that calls not immediately satisfied at the
first attempt are held in the system until satisfied?
What does ICT mean?
What is the typical noise figure of metals, semiconductors, FET or MOSFET used at
microwave frequency?
What is the 3rd layer of the OSI protocol model which sets up the path to transmit data
between terminals and modulation is used?
What system specification for 3G wireless system uses as a wide rf channel efficient coding
and multiple channels to provide for both low speed circuit and high speed packet services?
If the antenna current increases 3.3 times how much is the field strength increase?
What is the term used to describe a computer operating system allows multiple program to
run simultaneously without interfering with each other
What is the 1st type of modulation using an SB microphone called?
What are used to allow fiber optics to operate at much higher data rates and over longer
distances with the use of range and resist abrasion?
If the satellite is lunched at the speed exceeding 25000mph, the satellite will not go in orbit
and will break away from the gravitational pull of the earth and go out in deep space what
do you call this satellite?
What is used to improve the signal to noise ratio for either PCM or delta modulation
In a system, if the system to have a net gain there would be a possibility of oscillation due
to feedback from this reflection, what is this called?
What is the voltage of the local loop on hook?
In a propagation medium such in the glass of an optical fiber ____ is the scattering of an
electromagnetic wave by particles with the size about equal or greater than the
What is the ratio of speed of light in air to the speed of light in another medium?
What LED is usual signal source for plastic fiber?
Why is pulse code modulation preferred over PAM?
What carrier shift results with insufficient grid excitation to a grid modulated stage?
Why are printed circuit board such as stripline and microstrip implemented on transmission
In satellite communication system, _______ is the satellite component that senses the
time or the incidence angle of solar radiation and provides electrical signal that may be
used to compute the satellite orientation?
A few centimeters long solid insulated hook-up wire that provides small capacitance to the
ground that is adjusted during circuit alignment by bending slightly in one direction or
another, what do you call this wire?
What is the acronym GMDSS stand for?
What is the main disadvantage of fiber optic cable made of glass?

Physical layer
PL 259
Shape factor
Peak envelop power
PO 436
NEC B3 standard
12 to 1
Faradays effect
Erlang C
Information and
2 dB or less
3.3 times
Absorption or loop
Space probe
MIE scattering
Index of refraction
Because of its
superior noise
To create resonance
circuits and filters
Sun sensor
Global maritime
distress and safety

In TV system, the color level control is in the ______?

The max. radiation for electronic equipment must not exceed ___ mr/week
What refers to any sonic, infrasonic, or ultrasonic wave which is emitted from electronic
product as a result of the operation of its electronic circuit
What is the formula for REM?
Radiation exposure rates produced by a TV receiver shall not exceed ____ milli roentgens
per hour at the distance of 5cm from any point on external surface of the receiver?

Why are larger antennas receive stronger signals than smaller antenna?

What is the advantage of Dougherty linear?

What vacuum tube is used for microwave amplification and oscillation?
What is the advantage of using variable and balance T-type attenuator pass as gain
What refers to the sampling of analog signal used in a sample and hold circuit such that the
sample will have the same amplitude for its whole duration
Which of the ff. identifies the maximum transmitted power level of a mobile phone?
Which of the ff. is not a supervisory tone?
If the distance between the sound source and the listener is changing, the freq. heard will
defer from the freq. emitted, this phenomenon is called?
One document required for application of MPDP is a list of stock of spare parts and
accessories sufficient enough to cover the warranty of mobile phone units for at least how
many months?
How much is the inspection fee for application of MPDP or MPCP?
Which NTC memorandum circular provides for the additional rules and regulations on the
purchase, sale, lease and retail of mobile phones?
What protocol is used in the check sum method of error detection?
In cellular system, typically how many cells in the freq. reuse plan format?

Rbe x rad
Because they have
greater effective
area or greater
proportion of
radiated energy
High efficiency
Maintain small
constant z
Flat top sampling
Station class mark
Doppler effect
6 months
MC 08-08-2004
X modem

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