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MCT Formal Lesson Observations Feedback

Student teachers name: Muna

Unit/Lesson: English 28 students

Grade Level:2
Date: &.3.16

E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal and US = Unsatisfactory

Competency Area



Planning for Learning (including Knowledge and

Understanding of Content)
Implementing and Managing Learning (including behaviour
management, language and delivery)
Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation


Critical Reflection

Strengths of the lesson:

.A commanding start to the lesson. Showing clearly you are in control. Reminding children to raise their
hands and TPR sh when calling out.
Incorporating a little physical activity after sitting for a while.
Good to see LOs for each activity in the planning. Derailed planning but last activity not on the
Visuals for visual learners- clear. Vocabulary word is large and illustrated by pictures. Also to show the
group work but rushed through this give an example, e.g. shared writing constructing a sentence
Using several strategies for behavior management, class, class, lights off, reward system, rhyme
You have differentiated the activities but you need to look at your literacy focus as 2 groups are doing a
reading activity followed by copying the writing (tiny piece of paper) and 1 group (HA) is doing a writing
activity (constructing-emergent writing).
Clear review at the end of the lesson.
Reviewing the group points at the end of the lesson .However, giving pencils to 2 groups is this too

Areas for development:

Be prepared e.g. write the LO on the board before the lesson rather than turning your back and the
children waiting in silence.
Discourage shouting (after activity at beginning) and shouting letters in the word. There are many times
when you are shouting class, class
You went straight into reading the word obey but did not talk about the LO for the lesson.
Make sure you rephrase errors e.g. My house is safety. You said well done. Another boy corrected this
but you told him to be quiet.
Make the vocabulary definitions mean something to them e.g. speech A talk that you give to group of
people. Station a work place They would police station.
Fill the planning sheet in correctly as there is a whole class activity in of the guided group work section.
Limit the whole class activities and focus more on the activity time where children are actively engaged
in their children are often just sitting and watching during the whole class activities. (25
minutes on wc activities)
Avoid the dont start every time you give an activity. They should be starting as soon as they can.
When children are working really monitor what they are doing e.g. read me the sentence rather than
just monitoring behavior. This is your assessment time. What can you find out when you are
questioning them and looking at their work
There are too many activities- you really need to focus on the LO. All children are doing the same
activity at the end (no differentiation). Again you need to monitor their ability. rather than only if they
have finished You must engage in their learning
Grammar- A pictures.

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