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[Mock Test#4] NCERT Class 11 (All Subjects) 100 MCQs from History, Geography, Science, Environment

for UPSC Prelims [ # 4] 11 ( (prelims

, , 100 MCQs

[Mock Test#4] NCERT Class 11 (All Subjects) 100 MCQs from History, Geography, Science, Environment

for UPSC Prelims [ # 4] 11 ( (prelims

, , , 100 MCQs
Question-Papers - 1 month Ago 1 45 Comments 45
Q1 to 25 25 1
Q25 to 50 50 Q25
Q51 to 75 75 Q51
Q76 to 100 100 Q76
Answerkey for NCERT Test#3: # 3 Answerkey:
NCERT Test No. 3 by Venkat Sir of Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) UPSC Study centre,

Gandhinagar, Gujarat. ()
, , 3
100 questions from NCERT Class 11 (All subjects) 11 100 ( )
Previous two tests, covered NCERT Class 7, 8, 9 and 10 all subjects. , 7,
8, 9 10 They're available at
Upcoming tests: NCERT Class 12 (all subjects) and India Yearbook: Chapter 12 onwards :
12 ( : (12
Q1 to 25 25 1
1. Consider the following about Hominids 1. hominids
The earliest hominid fossils belong to the genus Australopithecus

They have been found in East Africa

They have a smaller brain than Hominoids Hominoids
They have an upright posture and bipedal locomotion

Which is/are CORRECT? /?
1 Only 1
2 & 3 Only 2 3
3 Only 3
1, 2 & 4 1, 2 4
2. Consider the following about Mesopotamia 2.
A Land between the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers
Mesopotamian Gilgamesh epic stands as the oldest piece of epic in western literature

Uruk was one of the most important cities of Mesopotamia

In Mesopotamian society the nuclear family was the norm

Which is/are CORRECT? /?
1, 2 & 3 Only 1, 2 3
1 & 3 Only 1 3
2 & 4 Only 2 4
All the above

3. An empire could be maintained by pastoral people for a long time and with success. 3.
This was
established by
Answer choices
Genghis Khan
Constantine Constantine
Julius Caesar
4. A peptide hormone called Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF) is important for 4. Natriuretic
Answer choices
Stimulation of secretion of water
Stimulation of formation of RBC
Decreasing blood pressure
Growth of tissues
5. Consider the following 5.
The central neural system (CNS) includes the brain and the spinal cord and is the site of information
processing and control


The afferent nerve fibres transmit regulatory impulses from the CNS to the concerned peripheral

Which is/are CORRECT? /?
1 Only 1

2 Only 2
1 & 2 1 2
None of the above
6. Consider the following about Structure/parts of a neuron 6.
Nissl's granules Nissl
Henle's loop
Nodes of Ranvier
Schwann cells
Which is/are INCORRECT? /?
1 & 4 Only 1 4
2 Only 2
2 & 3 Only 2 3
1, 3 & 4 1, 3 4
7. The earliest universities in Europe had been set up in 7.

Answer choices
Italian towns
French towns
English towns
German towns

8. In the composition of cells, which one is higher in percentage of the total cellular mass
, 8.
Answer choices
Nucleic acids
9.Match 9.Match
1. Indian Botanical Garden 1.

a- Howrah -

2. National Botanical Research Institute 2.

b- Lucknow


3. Ovules 3.

c Fruits

4. Ovary 4.

d- Seeds

Answer choices




10. Consider the following about Bacteria 10

Structure is very complex; ; but they are very simple in behaviour

They live in extreme habitats such as hot springs, deserts, snow and deep oceans
, ,
Many of them live in or on other organisms as parasites

They are the most abundant micro-organisms
Which is/are CORRECT? /?
1 Only 1
2 Only 2
2, 3 & 4 Only 2, 3 4
1, 3 & 4 1, 3 4
11. The thickness of windowpanes of old buildings becomes thicker at the bottom than at the top. 11.
Answer choices
Glass is an extremely viscous solid
Glass is an extremely viscous liquid
Glass is a supercooled gas
None of the above

12. Which element in percentage weight highest in human body

Answer choices
13.Match 13.Match
1. The Pineal Gland 1.

a- Sleep-wake cycle -

2. Thyroid Gland 2.

b- Intelligence quotient B-

3. Parathyroid Gland 3. parathyroid

c- Calcium balance

4. Adrenal Gland 4.

d- Sweating

Answer choices





A. .


C. .


14. Consider the following sources of business finance 14.

Retained earnings
Commercial Papers
Equity shares
Which is not provided by the owners of an enterprise?
1, 3 & 4 only 1, 3 4
2 & 3 Only 2 3
1 & 3 Only 1 3
2 Only 2
15. Consider the following statements about Joint Hindu family business 15.

This form of business organization found only in India and Nepal

It is governed by the Hindu Law and only for Hindu

The basis of membership in the business is birth in a particular family

Three successive generations can be members in the business

Which is/are CORRECT? /?

1 only 1
1 & 2 Only 1 2
1, 3 & 4 Only 1, 3 4
2, 3 & 4 2, 3 4
16. Consider the following statements about Limited Liability Partnership 16.

In limited partnership, the liability of at least one partner is unlimited whereas the rest may have limited
liability , ,

Registration of such partnership is compulsory
Partnership get terminated with the death, lunacy or insolvency of the limited partners
LLP contains elements of both a corporate structure as well as a partnership firm
Which is/are INCORRECT? /?
3 only 3
1, 2 & 4 Only 1, 2 4
3 & 4 Only 3 4
None of the above
17. Consider the following statements about Certificate of Origin 17.

Acts as a proof from where the export is taking place

Schemes like Generalised System of Preferences has dispensation with Certificate of origin

This certificate can be obtained from the trade consulate located in the exporter's country

Which is/are INCORRECT? /?
All the above
1 & 2 Only 1 2
2 Only 2
None of the above
18. Consider the following sources of business finance 18.
Equity Shares
Commercial Papers
Preference Shares Which is/are Short-term funds? /?
All the above
3 Only 3
1 & 3 Only 1 3
None of the above
19. Match 19.

1. Taxol 1. Taxol

a Cancer therapy -

2. Azidothymidine 2.

b Alternatives to CFCs B-

3. Cisplatin 3. Cisplatin

4. HFC blend 4.

c Drug used to delay development of AIDS

d Chemotherapy Drug

Answer choices





A. .


C. .


20. Hydrogen as a fuel 20.

Can release more energy than petrol ie about three times

Pollutants in combustion of hydrogen will be less than petrol

The only pollutant will be the oxides of nitrogen and that is due to the presence of nitrogen as impurity
with hydrogen

A cylinder of compressed hydrogen weighs about 30 times as less as a tank of petrol containing the

same amount of energy

Which is/are Not Correct? / ?
All the above
3 & 4 Only 3 4
4 Only 4
1, 2, & 3 1, 2, 3
21. Match 21.
1.Lithium 1.Lithium

a- soft soap -

2. Sodium 2.

b-photoelectric cells -photoelectric

3. Potassium 3.

c- electrochemical cells

4. Caesium 4.

d- coolant

Answer choices





A. .


C. .


22. A typical 70 kg man contains about 22. 70

1. Potassium 1.

a- 170 g -170

2. Sodium 2.

b- 90 g B- 90

3 Iron 3

c-0.5 g -0.5

4. Copper 4.

d- 0.06 g 0.06

Answer choices





A. .


C. .


23. Consider the following statements 23.

The introduction of universal suffrage had created huge debate with the members of the Constituent

Assembly of India

First past the post, institution of the Speaker and his role, lawmaking procedure are the three provisions
borrowed from the British Constitution ,
Unlike the constitutional symmetry of American federalism, Indian federalism has been constitutionally
asymmetric ,

Which is/are Correct? /?
1 Only 1
2 &3 Only 2 3
1 & 2 Only 1 2
1, 2 & 3 1, 2 3
24. Our Constitution has given institutional expression to which of the following fundamental

commitments 24.

Equality and Liberty
Democracy and Sovereignty
Cosmopolitan Identity
Which is/are correct? /?
1 Only 1
1 & 2 Only 1 2
3 Only 3

All the above

Q25 to 50 50 Q25
25. Which of the following is a good reason to conclude that the authority of the constitution is higher
than that of the parliament? 25.
The constitution was framed before the parliament came into being

The constitution makers were more eminent leaders than the members of the parliament

The constitution specifies how parliament is to be formed and what are its powers

The constitution cannot be amended by the parliament

Which is/are correct? /?

1 Only 1
2 & 3 Only 2 3
3 Only 3
All the above
26. What do the Directive Principles of the Constitution of India contain? 26.
The goals and objectives that we as a society should adopt

Certain rights that individuals should enjoy apart from the Fundamental Rights

Certain policies that the government should adopt

Which is/are correct?

/ ?

1 & 2 Only 1 2
1 & 3 Only 1 3
3 Only 3
All the above
27. Consider the following statements about Nuclear-weapons-free zones 27.

The use, development or deployment of nuclear weapons is banned through an internationally

recognized treaty in several zones ,

Antarctic, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle-East Asia, Africa, South Pacific, and Mongolia are
these zones , , -, , ,

Which is/are INCORRECT? /?
1 Only 1
2 Only 2
1 & 2 1 2
None of the above
28. Diastrophism includes 28. Diastrophism
Orogenic processes
Epeirogenic processes Epeirogenic
Denudational processes Denudational

Plate tectonics processes

Which is/are correct? /?
1, 2 & 3 Only 1, 2 3
2 & 4 Only 2 4
1, 2 & 4 Only 1, 2 4
All of the above
29. Consider the following statements about structure of atmosphere 29.

Thickness of the troposphere is greatest at the equator than poles

In Mesosphere, like Tropsophere temperature starts increasing with the increase in altitude Mesosphere
, Tropsophere

Radio waves transmitted from the earth are reflected back to the earth by ionosphere

Hygroscopic particles are limited to stratosphere

Which is/are CORRECT? /?
1 & 2 Only 1 2
2 & 4 Only 2 4
3 & 4 Only 3 4
1 & 3 Only 1 3
30. The following are the factors that cause the variations in insolation 30.

The rotation of earth on its axis

The transparency of the atmosphere
The revolution of earth on its orbit

The configuration of land in terms of its aspect
Which has/have less influence? /?
2 Only 2
2 & 4 Only 2 4
4 Only 4
1 & 3 Only 1 3
31. Agriculture during British India 31.
Agricultural productivity became incrementally low
Sector experienced some growth

Some evidence of a relatively higher yield of cash crops in certain areas of the country

Which is/are TRUE? / ?
1 Only 1
1& 3 Only 1 3
3 Only 3
1, 2 & 3 1, 2 3
32. Which is/are TRUE about Socialist society? / -32. ?

Government decides what goods are to be produced in accordance with the needs of society

Government decides how goods are to be produced and how they should be distributed

If labour is cheaper than capital more labour-intensive methods of production will be used and vice-


Which is/are correct? /?
1 Only 1
1& 2 Only 1 2
3 Only 3
1, 2 & 3 1, 2 3
33. India agreed to the conditionality of whom and announced the New Economic Policy 33.

Answer choices
A & B
34. In pre-independent India, who was the first to discuss the concept of a Poverty Line
Answer choices
William Digby


Dadabhai Naoroji
Findlay Shirras Findlay Shirras
35. Tapas Majumdar Committee 35.
Answer choices
Estimated health expenditure for rural areas
Estimated higher level educational expenditure
Estimated health expenditure for urban areas

Estimated primary level educational expenditure

36. Consider the following statements 36.
The chapters on Election, Executive and Judiciary have provisions that require special majority in

Parliament ,

The voting in favour of the constitutional amendment bill should constitute two-thirds of that House

The supporters of the constitutional amendment bill must constitute at least half of the total strength of
those who actually take part in voting

Which is/are Correct? /?
All the above
1 Only 1
2 & 3 Only 2 3
None of the above

37. A: More amendments took place between a short span of three years between 1974 and 1976 and

again from 2001 to 2003 in India 37. :2001-2003 1974 1976

R: In the political history of country, these two periods are remarkably dissimilar in the parties'

representation in Parliament :,

A & R are correct; ; R is correct explanation for A
A & R are correct; ; But, R is not-correct explanation for A ,
A is Correct; ; But not R
R is Correct; , But not A
38. Match [Nature of Amendment- Number] 38. [ ]
a 52nd amendment [Anti-Defection] -52 ]

1. Technical or administrative 1.

b 25th amendment [Property Rights] -25

2. Explanation 2.

[ ]

3. Differing Interpretations 3.

c 42nd amendment [Advice of the Council of Ministers]

42 [ ]

4. Political Consensus 4.

d- 95th amendment [Reservation of seats] 95

[ ]

Answer choices





A. .


C. .


39. PKThungon Committee 39. PKThungon

Answer choices
Rejected constitutional recognition for the local government bodies

Recommended constitutional recognition for the local government bodies

Recommended constitutional recognition for the boundaries of states

Rejected constitutional recognition for the boundaries of states

40. Match [Subject List] 40. [ - ]
1. Adulteration 1.

a Union

2. Cyber Laws 2.

b Concurrent B-

3. Liquor 3.

c State

4. Adoption and Succession 4.

d- Concurrent

Answer choices





A. .


C. .


41. Nebular Hypothesis 41. nebular

This Popular argument was by German philosopher Immanuel Kant

Hypothesis considered that the planets were formed out of a cloud of material through the process of


Hypothesis is associated with a youthful sun which was quickly rotating

It considered of a companion to the sun to have been coexisting
Which is/are CORRECT? /?
All the above
1 & 2 Only 1 2
3 & 4 Only 3 4

None of the above

42. Consider the following statements 42.
The mean thickness of oceanic crust is lesser than that of the continental crust

Asthenosphere, the lower portion of the mantle, is the main source of magma that finds its way to the
surface during volcanic eruptions Asthenosphere, ,

The density of material at the mantle core boundary is getting increased towards the centre of the earth

There is a system of mid-ocean ridges more than 70,000 km long experiences frequent volcanic

eruptions 70,000

Which is/are INCORRECT? /?
1 & 3 Only 1 3
2 Only 2
2 & 4 Only 2 4
1, 3 & 4 Only 1, 3 4
43. Evidences in Support of the Continental Drift 43.
Identical species of human fossils in both sides of North Atlantic

The belt of ancient rocks of 2,000 million years from Brazil coast matches with those from western Africa

Tillite found in different landmasses of the Southern Hemisphere

Identical species of plants and animals observed on India, Madagascar and Africa ,

Which is/are INCORRECT? /?
1 & 3 Only 1 3
3 Only 3
1 Only 1
2, 3 & 4 Only 2, 3 4
44. Match 44.
1. Pegmatite 1. pegmatite

a Metamorphic Rock -

2. Geyserite 2. Geyserite

b Igneous Rock B-

3. Marble 3.

c Sedimentary Rock

4. Solidified from magma 4.

Answer choices





A. .


C. .


45. In order to address which major environmental concern/s in India the government was set up the

Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) /

Answer choices
Water pollution

Air pollution

Both A & B
Climate Change
46. Assertion (A): A major change occurred after 1969 when India adopted social banking and

multiagency approach to adequately meet the needs of rural credit 46. )A):

Reason (R): National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NBARD) was set up in 1969 as an apex
body to coordinate the activities of all institutions involved in the rural financing system )R):

A & R are correct; ; R is correct explanation for A
A & R are correct; ; But, R is not-correct explanation for A ,
A is Correct; ; But not R
R is Correct; , But not A
47. Which country initiated The Great Leap Forward (GLF) campaign in 1958 aimed at industrializing the
country on a massive scale 47. 1958


Answer choices
48. The machines, such as steam engine and the automobile engine, etc., that produce rotational
motion have a disc called a flywheel
, 48. ,

Answer choices
It is used to sudden increase in speed

It is used to sudden decrease in speed
Resists the sudden increase or decrease of the speed

Both A & B
49. Conservation of angular momentum example/s /s 49.
Dancers performing a pirouette on the toes of one foot

A girl sits on a swivel chair and stretches her arms/ brings her arms closer to the body to change speed

A circus acrobat
Which is/are correct? /?
1 & 3 Only 1 3

3 Only 3
2 Only 2
1, 2 & 3 1, 2 3
50. Planets appear to move slower when they are farther from the sun than when they are nearer. 50.
, This
observation is from
Answer choices
Law of orbits Kepler I Law

Law of areas Kepler II Law

Law of periods Kepler III Law
None of the above
Q51 to 75 75 Q51
51. Which place is nearest to Kolkata 51.
Answer choices
52. Arrange the passes from South to North: 52.
Zoji la Zoji La
Lipulek la Lipulek La
Shipki la
Bara Lacha la Lacha La

Which is/are correct? /?

1234 1234
4321 4321
2341 2341
2134 2134
53. Match 53.
1. The Chambal 1.

Malwa plateau -

2. Godavari 2.

Brahmagiri hills -

3. Krishna 3.

-Mahabaleshwar -Mahabaleshwar

4. Vaitarna 4. Vaitarna

Trimbak hills - Trimbak

Which is/are INCORRECT? /?

1 & 3 Only 1 3
3 Only 3
2 Only 2
1, 3 & 4 Only 1, 3 4
54. Which is/are INCORRECT about Indian Monsoon? -54. /
Trade winds of the southern hemisphere cross the equator between 40 and 60E longitudes and start
blowing from southwest as South West monsoon 40 60

Easterly jet stream is held responsible for the burst of the North-East monsoon in India
By mid-August southwest monsoon engulfs the entire India
Which is/are INCORRECT? /?
1, 2 & 3 1, 2 3
1 Only 1
1 & 2 Only 1 2
2 & 3 Only 2 3
55. Which is/are CORRECT about India's natural vegetation? -55. /

The temperate forests are called Sholas in the Anaimalai and Palani hills
Deodar a highly valued endemic species grows mainly in the western part of the Himalayan range

Parkland landscape is a feature of tropical evergreen forest areas in India Parkland

Which is/are INCORRECT? /?
1 & 3 Only 1 3
3 Only 3
1 & 2 Only 1 2
2 & 3 Only 2 3

56. Consider the following about Soils of India 56.

Red laterite soils are more suitable for tree crops like cashew nut

The Black soils are rich in lime, iron, magnesia and alumina , ,

Peaty soils at many places are alkaline in nature
Which is/are CORRECT? /?
1, 2 & 3 1, 2 3
1 Only 1
1 & 2 Only 1 2
2 & 3 Only 2 3
57. Which is/are CORRECT? -57. / ?
The metric system which has originated in France in late eighteenth century
General Conference on Weights and Measures is an inter governmental treaty organization created by a
diplomatic treaty known as Meter Convention which was signed in Paris in 1875

National Physical Laboratory establishes experiments to realize the base units and derived units of

measurement and maintains National Standards of Measurement in India

International Bureau of Standards in Paris the intergovernmental organization through which Member
States act together on matters related to measurement science and measurement standards

Which is/are INCORRECT? /?
1, 2 & 3 Only 1, 2 3
1, 3 & 4 Only 1, 3 4
2, 3 & 4Only 2, 3 4Only
1, 2, 3 & 4 1, 2, 3 4
58. Marie Sklodowska Curie discovery was related to 58. Sklodowska
Answer choices
Ultra short radio waves
Natural radioactivity
Wave theory of light
Laws of electromagnetic induction

59. Magnetic confinement of plasma principle is used in 59.

Answer choices
Bose-Einstein condensate
Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Metrewave
Fusion test reactor

Particle accelerators
60. Abdus Salam well known scientist of Pakistan had contributed for 60

Answer choices

Cascade process of cosmic radiation

Structure and evolution of stars
Quantum statistics
Weak nuclear force
61. Which is/are CORRECT? -61. / ?
For the same weight, rolling friction is much greater in magnitude than static or sliding friction
Brakes in machines and automobiles are based on friction which is important for quickly stopping

relative motion

Answer choices
1 Only 1
2 Only 2
1 & 2 1 2
62. The amount of final mass is less than the initial mass in which of the following 62.

Answer choices
In fission
In fusion
Sometimes in fusion and sometimes in fission
Both in fission and fusion

63. 'Freedom is an ideal which may appear Utopian to hard-headed men and women, but this ideal

alone can appease the hunger in the soul'- by 63. '

, soul'-
Answer choices
Netaji SC Bose
Mahatma Gandhi
G. Tilak
Nelson Mandela

64. Consider the following statements about Liberalism 64.

Promotes free market

Agree to measures to reduce both social and economic inequalities

Family, society & community have no value in themselves ,

Trusted political authority
Which is/are CORRECT? /?
2, 3 & 4 Only 2, 3 4
1, 2 & 3 Only 1, 2 3
4 Only 4
1 & 3 Only 1 3
65. Consider the following statements 65.

Scheduled Tribes are better in higher education than Muslims in urban India

Scheduled Tribes are better in higher education than Scheduled Castes in urban India

Muslims are better in higher education than Scheduled Castes in urban India

Which are CORRECT? ?
1 & 2 Only 1 2
2 & 3 Only 2 3
1 & 3 Only 1 3
All of the above
66. Correct chronology of economic reforms started in the following countries[earlier to recent]

[ ]
China-Pakistan-India -China- India- Pakistan
India China Pakistan - Pakistan- China- India
67. The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of

Human Rights on

Answer choices
26 Dec 1950 26 1950
26 Jan 1950 26 1950

10 Dec 1948 10 1948

10 Jan 1950 10 1950
68. Which is/are Correct? -68. / ?
Palaeolithic age in India is divided into three phases based on tools

Attirampakkam is an important lower palaeolithic site Attirampakkam

In lower palaeolithic phase tools were made on flakes

Answer choices
2 Only 2
2 & 3 Only 2 3
1 & 2 Only 1 2
1 & 3 Only 1 3
69. The Peninsula of India 69
Formed essentially by a great complex of very ancient gneisses and granites gneisses

Standing like a rigid block with the exception of some of its eastern coast which is submerged beneath

the sea

Mostly consists of relict and residual mountains

Which is/are CORRECT? /?
2 Only 2

2 & 3 Only 2 3
1 & 2 Only 1 2
1 & 3 Only 1 3
70. The Neolithic age earliest evidence for the domesticated variety of Rice found in
Answer choices
Burzahom Burzahom
Chirand Chirand
Koldihwa Koldihwa
Gufkral Gufkral
71. Match 71.
Brahmanas prose commentaries attached to the Vedas Aranyakas expositions of the Vedas Aranyakas -
Upanishads concluding portions of the Vedas -
Which are correct? ?
All the above
1 Only 1
2 Only 2
None of the above
72. Charvaka system 72. Charvaka
Accepted the authority of the sacred scriptures the Vedas

Believes in soul, god and other life beyond the present one ,

Rejected Materialism
Which is/are Correct? /?
All the above
1 & 2 Only 1 2
3 Only 3
None of the above
73. Which is/are Correct? -73. / ?
Jains did not deny the existence of God, they simply ignored
The world for Jains is not created, maintained or destroyed by a God but functions through a universal
or eternal law

Nirvana is a stage where soul has finally set itself free, rises at once to the top of the universe, above the
highest heaven, where it remains in an inactive omniscient bliss ,

, , ,

Answer choices
All the above
1 & 2 Only 1 2
3 Only 3
2 & 3 Only 2 3

74. Which one of the Mahajanapadas between the rivers Narmada and Godavari
Answer choices
Chedi Chedi
75. Which is/are Correct? -75. / ?
The founder of Satavahanas dynasty is known as Simuka Simuka

Gautamiputra Satakarni was one of the powerful kings of the Satavahanas dynasty Gautamiputra

Vasisthiputra Sri Pulmavi perhaps the last of the great Satavahana rulers
Vasisthiputra Pulmavi
Answer choices
All the above
1 & 2 Only 1 2
3 Only 3
2 & 3 Only 2 3
Q76 to 100 100 Q76

76. In the given part of map C & D are 76.

Chambal & Sind

Sind & Betwa
Betwa & Ken
Ken & Sone

77. The monsoon arrival date in the given map 'Xs' 77. 'Xs'

Answer choices
May 5th to 10th 05-10
June 5th to 10th 05-10
July 5th to 10th 05-10

August 5th to 10th 05-10
78. Moderate damage risk earthquake zone in India 78
Himachal Pradesh
Kashmir Valley

Answer choices
2 Only 2
1 & 3 Only 1 3
1 & 2 Only 1 2
None of the above
79. Khadar and Bhangar are associated with 79. Bhangar
Answer choices
Alluvial Soil
Black Soil
Laterite Soil
Red Soil
80. Mesolithic communities were in touch with people of the Harappa Culture. 80.
Which site is evidence for this?


Answer choices
Bagor in Rajasthan Bagor
Langhnaj in Gujarat Langhnaj
Both A & B
81. Nedunjeliyan who defeated the combined forces of many South Indian kingdoms was a 81.
Nedunjeliyan -
Answer choices
Chera king

Chola King
Kadamba King
Pandya King
82. Match(Literary work Language) 82. ( - )
1. Gathasaptasati 1. Gathasaptasati

-Prakrit -Prakrit

2. Milindapanho 2. Milindapanho

-Pali -Pali

3. Silappadikaram 3. Silappadikaram

Telugu -

4. Svapnavasavadatta 4. Svapnavasavadatta

-Pali -Pali

Which are correct? ?

3 & 4 Only 3 4
1 & 3 Only 1 3
1 & 2 Only 1 2
All of the above
83. Which is/are Correct? -83. / ?
Dionysius was an ambassador of Egyptian king Ptolemy Philadelphus to Mauryan court Dionysius

Fa-Hien, the Chinese Buddhist pilgrim visited India during the period of Samudragupta Hien,

Answer choices
1 Only 1

2 Only 2
All the above
None of the above
84. Mayursarman 84. Mayursarman
The Kadamba dynasty was founded by him
A learned brahman took up military profession to defeat Pallavas

He ruled from Banavasi
Which is/are Correct? /?
1 & 2 Only 1 2
1 & 3 Only 1 3
2 & 3 Only 2 3
All of the above
85. Who provided a landmark in the history of the administration of law and justice in early India?
Answer choices

86. Surface Tension explains which of these events 86.

Small drops of mercury form spherical bead instead of spreading on the surface

A liquid rise or fall in a thin capillary as soon as the capillary touches the surface of the liquid

Soil at the bottom of river remain separated but they stick together when taken out
Answer choices
None of the above
1 & 2 Only 1 2
1 & 3 Only 1 3
All the above
87. Match 87.
1. Silicones 1.

Electrical insulators & surgical and cosmetic plants - insulators

2. Kieselguhr 2.

an amorphous form of silica -

3. Zeolites 3.

catalyst in petrochemical industries -

4. Silica 4.

Silicon dioxide -

Answer choices
All the above
1, 2 & 3 Only 1, 2 3

2, 3 & 4 Only 2, 3 4
1, 3 & 4 Only 1, 3 4
88. When the animals' body can be divided into identical left and right halves in only one plane then that
can be categorized as bilateral symmetry. 88. '

Example for this
Arthropods Arthropods
Ctenophores Ctenophores
Which is/are Correct? / ?
All the above
1 Only 1
2 Only 2
None of the above
89. Which is/are Correct? -89. / ?
Aryabhata was an outstanding scholar of the Mauryan age

Nagarjuna the great Mahayanist is reputed to have distinguished himself also in chemistry


Answer choices
1 Only 1
2 Only 2

All the above

None of the above
90. Yashovarman 90. Yashovarman
As a predecessor of Harshavardhana he made Kanauj as the centre of power

He had a victory over Bengal
Famous dramatist Bhavabhuti adorned his court Bhavabhuti
Which is/are Correct? /?
1 Only 1
1 & 3 Only 1 3
2 & 3 Only 2 3
All the above
91. Which Kamarupa king a contemporary of Samudragupta 91. Kamarupa

Answer choices
Pushyavarma Pushyavarma
Samudravarma Samudravarma
Balavarma Balavarma
Kalyanavarma Kalyanavarma
92. Bhaskaravarma was an ally of king Harshavardhana. 92. Bhaskaravarma
This alliance was against
Answer choices
Kamarupa Kamarupa
Gauda Gauda

Pushyabhuti Pushyabhuti
Karkota Karkota
93. Devices such as hydraulic lift and hydraulic brakes are based on the
Answer choices
Pascal's law
Archimedes' principle
Ampere's law
Coulomb's law Coulomb

94. The common examples of forced convection systems are 94.

Forced-air heating systems in home
The human circulatory system
The cooling system of an automobile engine
Answer choices
1 Only 1
1 & 3 Only 1 3
2 & 3 Only 2 3
All the above
95. A special type of photosynthesis called C4 pathway is a feature of 4
Answer choices
Temperate Plants

Tropical Plants
Polar Vegetation
All the above
96. Which is/are Correct? -96. / ?
In India highest Percentage of area is occupied by Inceptisols
In India least Percentage of area is occupied by Alfisols
Inceptisols and Entisols both having weak horizons and occupy top two positions in the Percentage of

area in India Inceptisols Entisols

Answer choices
1 Only 1
1 & 3 Only 1 3
2 & 3 Only 2 3
All the above
97. Ancient Indian scholars divided the known world into 97.

Answer choices
Three dwipas dwipas
Five dwipas dwipas
Seven dwipas dwipas
For them only one Continent

98. Which is/are Correct? -98 / ?

The distance between two latitudes is approximately 111 km 111

The distance between two longitudes at 450 of latitude, it is 79 km 450
, 79
The sun traverses 15 of longitudes per hour 15
The Standard Meridian is selected in a manner that it is only divisible by 15 15

Answer choices
1, 2 & 3 Only 1, 2 3
1 & 3 Only 1 3
2 & 4 Only 2 4
All the above
99. Which of the following organization/s officially authorized to take aerial photographs in India? 99.
/ ?
Indian Air Force
Air Survey Company, Kolkata ,
National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad ,
Answer choices
1 & 3 Only 1 3
3 Only 3
2 & 3 Only 2 3

All the above

100. Electromagnetic Spectrum 100.

Answer choices
Gamma- X-rays-ultraviolet-infrared Gamma- - X-rays-ultraviolet-infrared-Microwave - X-rays-ultraviolet-infrared-Radio wave - X-rays-Visible- Microwave- Radio wave - -Visible- Microwave-
Answerkey for NCERT Test#3: # 3 Answerkey:

Selected Hints
Selected Hints: :
1. Larger Brain 1.
5. Carry nerve impulses from receptors or sense organs toward the central nervous system

6. The loop of Henle in the kidney 6.

10. Structure simple; 10 ; behavior complex
15. Not in Nepal 15.
16. Partnership not get terminated 16.
20. Weighs higher than petrol 20.
27. No treaty in Middle East 27.

32. Profit thinking part of Capitalism 32.
36. for voting: of total strength & for support: 2/3 rd present & voting 36:

41. Slowly rotating Sun & No companion to Sun 41.

42. Asthenosphere: Upper Mantle 42. Asthenosphere:
46. NABARD: 1982 46. :1982
53. Godavari: Trimbak Hills (But here also one Brahmagiri!) 53. :Trimbak
54. Easterly for SW monsoon & Mid July 54.
55. Deciduous 55.
69. Western coast 69.
83. The reign of Chandragupta II 83.
89. Gupta dynasty 89.
90. Yashovarman rule after Harshavardhana 90 Yashovarman
96. Mollisols 96. Mollisols

98. 15 or 7 30' 98. 15 7 30 '

Tags: Venkat :
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So far 45 Comments posted 45

vinay kumar
thanks a lot sir for your invaluable & selfless contribution for aspirant.

thanks a lot sir.
osheen osheen
i was reading types of vegetation.,..and i am totally confused because different authors have different

classifications.and some are totally differentso, atlasti am totally confused!! .. ...,

. ..., Atlast ... !! even,
ms. , rajtanil's videos are not clear,,,IN NCERT, they are not given in

detailhence, worsening the condition! rajtanil


, ....................., !
CAN SOMEONE HELP ME.from where to study them!! . ...from
Sir these answers are for this test of test no 3 ie previous test?
3 ?

tests are very difficult ...

Rd's more than upsc .........


Thanx sir Thanx
sir, in ques 55 and 57 the statement says find correct as well as find incorrect. , 55
57 kindly rectify
sir, 14th question the commercial papers can be issued by financial inst , manufacturesand there is
doubt that debentures can also be issued by corporates so please explain little detailed. ,

14 , ...

thank you sir.

mrunal sir ap bhi venkat sir ke jaise economics ke mcq practice papers bhi bnaeye na apke lecture to bht
ache hai ye aor bhi help karenge plz
bnaeye Bht AOR karenge plz apke NA

@Mrunal SirBy the way, RBI has finally issued the notification for RBI Assistants Thought you may like
to update it on the website Mrunal ...,


vishal Vishal
sir please give some imp tips for 23 aug prel for studnts from rural areas. studnts
23 prel

mohammed ismail
Q no 55, answer is not correct 55,

What is a good score in thi paper sir? ?
nihal kumar
Hello dear sir, ,
I want to relate to history upsc based question more.
If u can then please suggest me and please clear me about in pre
exam of upsc what will come more question in history branch like modern ,midieval , anicient. U
, midieval, anicient

One question
which should branch of history more considerable for pre exam of upsc.
Thanking you
1.c 2.d 3.d 1.c 2.d 3.d
jinita jinita
sir please explain me what is intellectual property right

abhiram abhiram
Anyone giving SBI PO at Raj kumar geol institute in Ghaziabad? Geol

any one giving SBI po exam at iimt college of engineering knowledge park III, III
Plz tell how to reach there from nearest metro station Plz

its easy, Botanical garden metrostation, get a local bus from there and reach Pari chowk main entering
point of greater noida, there you can get any public conveyanceor else if you're driving by your own

vehicle then try expressway to greater noida, , metrostation,


its really helpful
Abinash Abinash

Well,,my test was shockingly bad!! ,, !!

Ankur Kalra

Need to Pool car for Bank PO Exam at Shree Ganpati Institute Of Technology,Jindal Nagar,

Kakrana,Ghaziabad. , , Kakrana,

Ankur Kalra
At 20 June
Abinash Abinash
I scored a meagre 41!! 41 !! What are ur results?? ?? Sir n
mam plz do reply!! MAM plz !!
sayandeep sayandeep
Can anyone say what is per capita forest land value in India?
Nobita Nobita
APFC notification has been released . APFC guys go for it..
Raman Singh
thnx for the info buddy thnx

I totally appreciate your effort Mr. Venkat for this selfless service. :
but sir it seems your questions are designed to confuse
the candidates rather than to check what they know (the way UPSC does).
( )

puja karan

In q 16 the incorrect one is optionregistration is compulsory in LLP but came across books and net that
registration is compulsory.. Kindly confirm 16 "

" , ..

it,s so difficult sir ...
aamrpali pancholi aamrpali
sir you are doing a great job please upload more mock test they are really very helpful for people those
who can not go to coaching classes thanks alot sir

Sir Hindi medium material provided plz plz ...

Rajat Agrawal
sir ji plz provied about Greec probalm plz greec probalm provied
Munirathnamma LM Munirathnamma
This free mock test series is important for IAS exam .
please continue it sir and increase the number of questions with answers

Amit kumar
Thanks a lot dear sir

I am so happy to find this site to study.

..I was upset but now I have found the way through which I can get my destination. ..I ,
Thanks to help us sir

teeru teeru
thanx sir thanx

khamaruddin khamaruddin
sir, in 14 question why don't we consider commercial paper,they were issued by enterprises for short

term finance. , 14 ,

plz provide the answers alsothen it would be really beneficialty plz Ty ...

hai amit your collection is good Hai
nice questions
i have seen your blog also your tests are too good.

24.ans is b 24.ans
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Gaurav Mishra { short conversations can barely replace deep discussions that should be a routine

exercise intended to deepen our understanding. {

idea of social networking as on... } [UPSC-2014] Prelim and Mains Marksheet of all candidates

uploaded,... ...} - [-2014]

, ...
Gaurav Mishra { New ones should not waste time and old ones would not waste time. {
} [UPSC-2014]
Prelim and Mains Marksheet of all candidates uploaded,... } - [-2014]
, ...
VIVEK YADAV { ok,ok 2014 gone,now 2015 here only 40 days, no csat,so anyone guess what will be cut
off...hummm 65 or 70.keep it up meghna.just look at... } [UPSC-2014] Prelim and Mains Marksheet of

all candidates uploaded,... { , 2014 , 2015 40 ,

csat, hummm ... 65 ...meghna.just
70.keep} - [ -2014] , ...
@sak { Rajesh ji gs me extra question kaise taiyar kiye ? sak { kaise taiyar
? Upsc k questions is baar jo books etc hm sab log padhtey h unke aas... } [UPSC2014] Prelim and Mains Marksheet of all candidates uploaded,...

...SAB padhtey unke Baar } - [-2014]

, ...
Gaurav Mishra { really?? { ?? barely!! !! } [UPSC-2014] Prelim and
Mains Marksheet of all candidates uploaded,... } - [
, ...
Meghna { I have seen n heard many to benefit from discussions as it increases one's analytical power
required these days in mains a lot..provided discussion is... } [UPSC-2014] Prelim and Mains Marksheet
of all candidates uploaded,... { n ... lot..provided

} - -]2014] ,. ..
Gaurav Mishra { But isn't P-II supposed to be only a qualifying one?? { ?? or is it for 2015 onwards? 2015 ? }

[UPSC-2014] Prelim and Mains Marksheet of all candidates uploaded,... } - [-2014]

, ...
Meghna { Wanted to form discussion group as I reside in remotest area of west idea what
sort of discussion etc goes in delhi n other... } [UPSC-2014] Prelim and Mains Marksheet of all

candidates uploaded,... { N ... } -
-]2014] ,. ..
Abhijit { I am not on watsapp. { watsapp Can we discuss here or on

Same thing happened with me.
good marks in essay but horrible marks in... } [UPSC-2014] Prelim and Mains Marksheet of all
candidates uploaded,... , ...} - [-2014]
, ...
Meghna { Thnx Ankit.. Mains marks..607..scored merely 275 in Gs..any idea how to improve } [UPSC2014] Prelim and Mains Marksheet of all candidates uploaded,... {Thnx ..

Gs..any 275 marks..607..scored} - [

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IES: 7 Feb :7
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: /??

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