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‘There are $5 questions in this paper. Directions: Questions 1 to 3 refer to the diagram below which shows a certain type of nuclear division fn @ Bae 1. The type of nuclear division shown above is ‘A. meiosis taking place in an anther B. mitosis taking place in animal cell meiosis taking place in an ovary. D. mitosis taking place in plant eels, e. meiosis taking place in a tests. 2. The correct sequence of the stages is A 1234 B2341 24h Dd. 1324 E4321 3. The result of such a division is that ‘A. the number of chromosomes will be halved in the daughter cells. each cell will give rise to four daughter cells. the number of chromosomes will be the same in the daughter cells. B. c. D. gametes may be formed in the sex organs. E, the number of chromosomes will be doubled in the daughter cells. e4.c€.9101 88 Directions Questions 4 and 5 refer to the diagram below which shows 2 variety of plant and animal cells (The cells are not drawn to the same scale.) "BG (OD ‘6 ‘@) 4, Which cell may possess all the following structures? '® cell wall cell membrane nucleus _chloroplasts__vacuole P mooee sare 5, Which of the following sets indicates the correct identity of the cells? P Q R s Tr a. [cheek | red blood [white blood | mesophyll | pollen cells cells cells cells srains . | white blood | mesophyll | cheek pollen | ted blood cells cells cells grains cells cc. [ownite blood] pollen | mesophyll | red blood | cheek calls grains cells cells cells D. pollen cheek | red blood | mesophyll |white blood grains cells cells alls calls E. ‘check | white blood | pollen | red blood | mesophyll cells cells grains cells cells 84.CE-810 1-3 89 6, Growth is a result of m poe cell multiplication. the assimilation of nutrients ‘an increase in complexity. I only It only Land 11 only Land Il only 1, U1 and It 7. During photosynthesis of green leaf cells, the oxygen comes from poof water. cytoplasm. carbon dioxide. chlorophyil. glucose. 8. Which of the following statements is true? sacesion—« ‘The ear-drum can amplify sound waves, In an aeroplane, we should close our mouths during takeoff. ‘The eardrum is essential for preventing dust from entering the ‘buccal cavity. In an aeroplane, we should swallow frequently during takeoff. ‘The eardrum can resist high pressures without rupturing. 90 9. Leaves are mostly green in colour because sunlight is mainly composed of green light. green is easily seen by us. green light is more useful for photosynthesis, ‘green absorbs heat efficiently. moo pe chlorophylls do not absorb green light. 10. Which of the following is NOT true for green plants? ‘They convert solar energy into chemical energy. ‘They must take in oxygen in the night. ‘They can liberate oxygen in the daytime. ‘They are the producers within an ecosystem. moope ‘They cannot survive in an ecosystem without animals. 11. The diagram below shows a human arm holding a load:in the hand &® Which of the following types of lever best represents the action ? (L= toad, F = fulerum, E = effort) A B c mT 4 cr LE F Le ELF D. gE bel sacesion-s ot 12. If there ate only green algae living in a freshwater pond, the change in carbon dioxide concentration in the water may best be represented by : t Ag Bs = 3 =z € $ + é ah Shes g eats 000 woo 1300 1800 2400 ooo 0600. 1360 18002400 time of the day time of the day thy c. at! 5 ¢ g 000 time of the day : : Ds B§ é é 8 g ‘0000 0600 1200 1800 2400 time of the day (00000600 time of the day 84.CE-810 1-6 92 Questions 13 and 14 refer to the diagram below which shows the appearance of a plant cell before and after immersion in a certain liquid X. Directions : liquid X cell sap space Y before immersion after immersion 13, Liquid X is ‘A. a hypotonic solution. distilled water. ‘an isotonic solution. the cell sap. mooe 1 hypertonic solution. 14, After immersion, space ¥ contains water. liquid x. diluted cell sap. moo > concentrated cell sap. BAcE-BI0 1-7 ea ACEBIO II-B ‘The table below shows methods of reproduction adopted by different ‘organism method ‘Amoeba inary fission ‘Spirogyra ‘conjugation bread mould spore formation [LHtowering plants | seed production Meiosis will take place in the methods of reproduction shown in Directions: Questions 15 and 16 refer to the diagram below which shows a V. hhuman brain and part of the spinal cord organisms 1 1 u m1. V. 4 2 A 3 B 15. Which of the following sets shows the correct number for the named c regions? D spinal | a cttum | medulla E. Pinal | cerebrum | cerebellum | Pioneata A 3 7 ? 7 Directions B 4 2 3 7 c. 2 3 4 i D - 3 2 1 4 1. E 4 1 2 3 A 16, ‘The table below shows certain features of the regions 1, 2 and 3 A yarface [wey | white c region | folding | matter | matter D 1 more | outside | inside E 2 Tess | inside | outside o d no inside _|_ ouside } shows that Which of the regions is/are correctly described? A AL Lonly B. BL 2 only c Cc. 3 only 4 D, D. J and 2 only 1 E. E, 1 and 3 only 94 B4CE-BI0 11-9 [and II only, I and IV only. MI and Ml only. Il and IV only. UL and IV only. Questions 18 and 19 refer to an experiment in which 50 em? of water were added to a measuring cylinder containing $0 em? of a sample of garden soil. The mixture was thoroughly stirred and was then allowed to settle. Which of the following shows the resulting sequence of the different components of the soil from top to bottom? silt, sand, clay, humus, gravel gravel, sand, silt, clay, humus humus, silt, clay, sand, gravel clay, humus, sand, gravel, silt , clay humus, sand, gravel, ‘The volume of the mixture in the cylinder was found to be 90 em’. This some water evaporated during stirring. some water was absorbed by the humus. the soil sample was dried before mixing. the soil sample contained a lot of air some water was absorbed by the clay. 95 Directions Questions 20 and 21 refer to the diagram below, which shows the inheritance of the ability to roll the tongue in two families. Tongue-rolling is a dominant character, father —7— mother father mother (roller) (roller) (non-oller) (roller) w @) —_— a! female female male female (collet) (non-roller) (roller) (roller) @) ——_-—1 male female female (roller) (roller) (non-roller) a 6) ©) 20. If R and r represent the genes for 21. If the wife of individual (4) is tongue-rolling and non-tongue-rolling respectively, which of the following individuals may NOT possess the assigned genotype? individual | genotype A @ Rr B. @ RR c. @ RR D. 6 Rr E. G) a B4CE-B10 I-10 a non-roller, what is the pro- bability that they may have a child who is a roller? A 0 Bw c 4 Dd % BE 1 96 22. 23, 24, Which of the following food chains is best represented by the above pyramid of numbers ? grass + rabbits + fox tree > insects + birds mooapp grass > insects + birds unicellular algae + microscopic animals > fish tree * monkeys + fleas on monkeys For a healthy mammal, which of the following comparisons is WRONG? red blood cells white blood cells A. numerous few B. definite shape invegular shape C. no nucleus large nucleus D. smaller size larger size E, camry oxygen carry carbon dioxide Which of the following pairs is NOT true’? tapeworm endoparasite infects human beings absorbs food through suckers pope testes and ovaries are found in the same worm E, produces numerous zygotes dodder ectoparasite infects flowering plants absorbs food through haustoria stamens and pistil are found in the same flower produces numerous seeds 97 25. Nerve cells which detect external stimuli are called pooS sensory neurons. anglia association neurons. efferent neurons. motor neurons. 26. Within any ecosystem the non-green bacteria are always regarded as A moos camivores. decomposers. herbivores. producers. scavengers. 27. More and more people are against smoking because A moos the price of cigarettes is too expensive, advertisements about cigarettes are disgusting. smoking is now known to be hazardous to health. the smoke may contain DDT sprayed on the tobacco leaves. non-smokers dislike the odour of the smoke. 28. All the following processes requires enzymes EXCEPT the pos aace-B1on-12 hydrolysis of fat to form fatty acids. conversion of starch to form maltose. breakdown of protein to form amino acids fermentation of sugar to form alcohol. emulsification of oil to form globules. 29. All the following organs can serve more than one type of biological function EXCEPT the AL eye. BL ear Cc. skin, D. tongue. E. pancreas. 30. Which of the following is the LEAST important factor affecting transpiration? A moo humidity light temperature wind soil 31, Blood flowing from the intestine to the heart returns by way of the A. B. c. D. E. pancreas. spleen Kidneys, liver. lungs. 32. A blood transfusion will have an adverse effect if A B @ D. E. BAce-B10 1-13 people of group A receive blood from people of group O. people of group B donate blood to people of group B. people of group AB receive blood from people of group 0. people of group A donate blood to people of group A. people of group B donate blood to people of group 0. Directions: Questions 33 and 34 refer to the diagram below which shows the ventral view of the longitudinal section of a mammalian hheart and its associated blood vessels 33, The correct names for the vessels P, @Q, V and W are respectively A. moos 34. The correct route for the bl. pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, vena cava, aortic arch. aortic arch, pulmonary vein, vena cava, pulmonary aitery. pulmonary vein, vena cava, pulmonary artery, aortic arch, vena cava, pulmonary artery, aortic arch, pulmonary vein. pulmonary artery, aortic arch, pulmonary vein, vena cava the lungs is A pase R7QeV TUT Om RB Q7R7S7P7Wr TOU Cc VeurTs We PRP eS TROD D @rR7S7PtV eur T ow EB weTrurVr7QrRrsrPr 2A.CE-BIO N14 ood flowing from the lungs and then back to 100 35, The diagram below shows the different parts of a certain flower (The parts are not drawn to the same scale.) \ Pf @ R s T large and small and large and small and tall and colourful green bulbous numerous. few Which of the following shows their positions in the correct sequence starting from the outside? A PQ Rk S T BQ PTR S c oR TP S QO ps P QTR BT SR QP 36. The blinking of an eye normally differs from the jerking of a knee in that it is not a reflex action. it does not involve the spinal cord. A B. C. it does not require a stimulus. D. it can be acquired through leaming. E, it is a voluntary action. 37. When a thin slice of bone is immersed in dilute acid, it becomes softer after a long period of time, This is due to the removal of A, living cells B. water. CC. mineral salts D. vitamins. E, organic substances. BA-CE-BION-15 108 Directions: Questions 38 and 39 refer to the diagram below which shows 2 40. sealed flask containing freshwater organisms: Responses of Root and Stem to the Applied Auxin seen plant growth response 0 38. The ultimate source of energy which enables the fish to swim is derived from A. the green plants. 10° 10° 10 107 1 10? 10* B. micro-organisms in the water. concentration of auxin (ppm) + C. minerals dissolved in the water. D. the oxygen dissolved in the water. E, sunlight reaching the green plants. Which of the following gives the correct interpretation of the above graph? 39. Which of the following may happen in the absence of micro-organisms? increse in effect on growth of concentration 1. Organic wastes will increase. ‘of auxin (ppm) from root stem The oxygen content will decrease sharply. an IIL, The mineral supply will increase. A lot wo Promoted | promoted ‘AL Tonly B 10% to 10? | promoted sil B. I only ¢ 10 to 107 inhibited promoted c. l only —; 5 D. Tand Il only D. 10? to 10? nil promoted E, 1, Wand It E. 107 to 108 inhibited promoted eAcE810 1-16 102 |, © ece.8101-17 103 Directions: Questions 41 to 43 refer to an experiment carried out in a dark ‘A student mounted a seedling with a straight plumule and radicle fon a clinostat which was illuminated by a bulb as shown in the diagram below moist cotton wool 41. When the clinostat was kept stationary, the plumule was found to bend towards the light after a period of growth. This shows that the effect of ‘A. positive phototropism is greater than negative geotropism. B. positive geotropism is greater than negative phototropism, C. positive hydrotropism is greater than negative phototropism. D. negative geotropism is greater than positive phototropism. E. negative hydrotropism is greater than positive phototropism. s4ce-B10 11-18 104 42. The experiment was repeated using a similar seedling after the light was switched off and the clinostat was set to revolve at 4 revolutions per hour. ‘The appearance of the seedling after a certain period of growth would be “OQ. LQ c. 43. When the clinostat was kept stationary and the light was switched off, the student repeated the experiment again with another ‘similar seedling, whose tadicle had been marked with ink as shown below: ee Which of the following would most likely resemble the appearance of the seedling after a certain period of growth? BACE-BIO N19 105 Directions Questions 44 to 46 refer to the diagram below which shows the microscopic structures of @ certain part of the mammalian alimentary canal 6 44. Part X is most probably 45. Y and Z are respectively found in the ‘A. artery and salivary duct. A. tongue B. facteal and capillary. B. oesophagus. C. blood vessel and C. stomach, pancreatic duct. D. ileum. D. capillary and tacteal. E, rectum, E. vein and bile duct. 46. Which of the following are the substances transported in Y and Z ? xX amino acids and glucose fatty acids and glycerol fatty acids and glucose amino acids and glycerol amino acids and fatty acids glucose and glycerol amino acids and glucose fatty acids and glucose fatty acids and glycerol moopp amino acids and glycerol 4.CE-810 1-20 106 47, The diagram below shows the life cycle of an insect where the letters , X, ¥ and Z represent some of the processes involved : male insect —+ sperm female insect eng y Zz pupa. large larva Which of the following is correct? fertilization __mating metamorphosis moulting A. w x Y Zz B. x y Zz w c. y Zz w x D, z w x Y E. x w Zz Y 48, Which of the following is due to lack of a hormone? ‘A, anaemia B, colour blindness C. diabetes D. night blindness E. scury s4ce-a10 1-21 107 Directions Each question below (Questions Nos. 49 to 55) consists of two separate statements, Decide whether each of the two statements is true or false; if both are true, then decide whether Ist statement fr not the second statement is a cortect explanation of the first 53. The cockroach belongs to the Statement, Then select one option from A to E according to sect the following table: $4. The breathing rate increases as the concentsation of carbon dioxide in Ist statement 2nd statement the blood decrees A Tre True 2nd statement is a correct explanation of the Ist statement 55, Respiration in a green plant will Bo Tne True 2nd statement is NOT a correct stop when it is not undergoing explanation of the Ist statement photosynthesis, c Tue False = D. Fale True = FE Fabe False _ Ist statement And statement END OF 49, The alimentary canal is not the Nearly all chemical reactions in conly place where enzymes are the body require the presence of present. enzymes, 50. Ringing the stem will prevent Organic substances are translocated the conduction of food from through the phloem in flowering leaves to roots. plants SI, Enzymes in saliva and gastric juice Salivary enzyme and gastric enzyme perform their functions in different can digest starch and protein parts of the alimentary canal respectively 52. We always see things upside-down, Inverted images are formed on the retina ascesion 108 cea 2nd statement Only insects possess both legs and wings. ‘The concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood is very effective in controlling the breathing rate, Respiration in a green plant always requires the oxygen which it produces during photosynthesis. PAPER 1984 HKCE Biology It 10, ML 12, 13. 14, 15. 16. 7. 18. 19. 20. mob om a. 2. 2. 4, 25. 26. 27. 28, 29. 30, 31. 32, 33, 34, 35. 36. 31. 38. 39. 40. ai. 42. 43. 45. 46. 41. 48. 49. 50. si. 52. 53, 34, 55. > > 0 9 10

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