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Date: June 19, 2015

To: Kieran Forde, ENG Coordinator
From: Nathan Field, ENG 124 Teacher
I would like to suggest that ENG 124 students use paper dictionaries
whenever they take a major examination.
Dictionaries are much needed by the students since this course uses a lot of
business terms that may not be familiar to them. Unlike EFL exams, ENG 124
has no vocabulary part, so it will not compromise the result of the exam.
Vocabulary has always been a huge struggle to our students. By allowing the
use of dictionaries, they can have more confidence in understanding the
whole exam. They can save time determining meanings of words and ensure
that they can provide accurate answers.
If you think that the idea is useful, I will discuss it further with the other ENG
124 teachers.

Questions about the Memo:

1) What suggestion does the writer make?
2) Why does she make the suggestion?
3) What does she think will happen if the suggestion is put into action?

4) What will she do if her suggestion is approved?


an informal letter sent between people who work for the same organization
it is for internal communication (a letter and email can be for both internal and external
looks like an email, but it is on paper
Guidelines to writing a memo:
memo covers only ONE topic
Address Line
dont use Mr. and Ms. with recipient names
dont need to include recipient job titles
write your initials after your name on the From line
Subject Line
informative but brief
dont include Salutation and Complimentary Close
full block style
memo messages are informal and concise
Suggestion Memo
Suggestion = an idea for action
Writing a Suggestion Memo

Write your suggestion

Explain why the idea would be useful
Explain what the idea will achieve
Explain what you will do if the idea is approved

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