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According to Dr John Henry CLARKE.

The Animal Nosodes (18)

Ambra Grisea * Anthracinum * Aviaire * Bacillinum *Bacillinum Testium * Diphtherinum * Hippozninum
* Hydrophobinum * Malandrinum * Medorrhinum * Melitagrinum * Pestinum * Psorinum * Septicminum
* Syphilinum * Tuberculinum * Vaccininum * Variolinum

Ambra Grisea
Most probably a morbid product found in the Sperm Whale or floating in the sea.
(Not to be confounded with Amber - Succinum. )
Trituration and tincture.
Clinical (Ambra grisea)
Anus, irritation of.
Brain, softening of.
Cardiac asthma.
Face, pimples on.
Menstrual irregularity.
Music, intolerance of.
Pruritus vulv.

Puerperal convulsions.
Reaction defective.
Spleen, pain in.
Characteristics (Ambra grisea)
Ambra produces faintness (Moschus), nervousness, jerks, and twitches.
Reflex action is increased.
The patient has an embarrassed air ; the bashful state is very characteristic in certain connections.
Embarrassed in company.
Cough worse when many people are present.
As if in a dream.
There is defective reaction in nervous patients.
Sensation of icy coldness in abdomen.
The pelvic organs are painfully influenced.
There is voluptuous itching on the scrotum and some rawness below the thighs in the male.
In the female there is discharge of blood between the periods at every little accident, as straining at
stool or extra work.
Severe itching on pudenda.
During urination, itching, tickling, burning of vulva and urethra.
Nymphomania, with discharge of bluish white mucus. In childbed, obstinate constipation and tenesmus
with bashfulness ; cannot make the attempt to stool if any one is present, even the nurse.
There is a tickling, spasmodic cough.
Cough excited by speaking.
Night cough.
Cough followed by copious belching. Itching in chest.
The limbs go to sleep easily.
Finger nails are brittle.
Sweat on slightest exertion.

Sleepless from worry ; retires tired, wakeful as soon as touches pillows.

< Warmth ; > cold ; < from overlifting.
Suited to excitable, nervous children.
Nervous persons.
Lean persons.
Old persons.
Nervous bilious temperament.
"Dried-up" nervous persons.
"Thin, scrawny women. "
Relations (Ambra grisea)
Compare : Moschus (faintness ; hysteric asthma) ; Castor. , Asaf. , Pso. and Valer. (defective reaction) ;
Coca (bashfulness) ; Kali bro. , Nux v. (increased reflexes) ; Calc. , Nat. c. (coldness in abdomen) ; Act.
r. (night cough) ; Nux v. (thin, nervous persons) ; Ars. (Asthma) ; Phos. (asthma, nervous excitability ;
"irritable weakness" ; slender build) ; Bov. (flow of blood between the periods) ; Lach. and Sep. (< from
overlifting) ; Coff. , Chi. , Ign. , Sul. , Puls. , Staph. ; Sec. (scrawny women).
Antidoted by : Camph. , Coff. , Nux v. , Puls. , Staph.
Antidote to : Staph. (especially the voluptuous itching of scrotum) ; Nux v.
Mind (Ambra grisea)
Absence of ideas.
Anxiety, esp. in the evening.
Despair, and disgust of life.
Difficult conception.
Embarrassed manner in society ; bashful.
Excitement, agitation, and precipitation, chiefly during intellectual labours.
Great restlessness.
Hastiness and nervous excitement when talking.
Imagination occupied with grinning faces and wanton images.
Inconsolable sadness.
Memory impaired.

Repugnance to laughter and conversation.

Slow of comprehension, has to read a sentence over and over again, and then does not understand ;
thinking powers are quite impaired.
Head (Ambra grisea)
Acute sensation of drawing in the head, with ulcers on the scalp.
Attack of dizziness, esp. on walking in the open air.
Congestion of blood in the head, esp. on hearing music.
Dartings in the head.
In the morning, headache as after a nocturnal debauch.
Pain in the head, as if caused by a strain from lifting a weight.
Pain in the scalp on its being touched, with falling off of the hair.
Pressing pain in the forehead and vertex, with heat in the head, with pale face on alternate days, with
fear of losing his senses.
Pressive pain in the head, every two days, with heat in the head, burning in the eyes, and paleness in
the face.
Pressive squeezing, with perplexity, principally in the forehead and occiput.
Pressure in the forehead, with fear of losing one's reason.
Sensation of weakness in the head, with external shivering.
The scalp feels sore in the morning, when awaking : this is followed by a sensation of numbness,
extending over the whole body.
Vertigo, which compels the patient to lie down, with a sensation of weakness in the stomach.
Eyes (Ambra grisea)
Confusion of sight, like a mist, and obscurity before the eyes.
Inflammatory redness of the sclerotica, with injection of the vessels.
Insufferable tickling round the eyes.
Itching in the eyelid, as if a sty were being formed.
Pressure on the eyes, with heaviness, and a sensation as if the eyes were too deep in the head, with a
difficulty of opening them in the morning.
Ears (Ambra grisea)
Acute sensation of drawing in the ears.

Crawling and tickling in the interior of the ears.

Increasing deafness ; deaf in one ear, roaring and whistling in the ear.
Tension in the ears.
Tinkling and buzzing before the ears.
Nose (Ambra grisea)
Chronic suppression of the nasal mucus.
Clots or dry blood in the nose.
Dry coryza.
Dryness and stoppage of the nose, with pain, as of excoriation.
Frequent sneezing.
Nasal hmorrhage, principally in the morning.
Spasms in the al nasi.
Face (Ambra grisea)
Convulsive movements in the muscles of the face.
Cramp of the lower lip.
Hot lips.
Jaundiced face.
Red spot on the cheeks, cramps in the lips.
Redness and heat, sometimes transient, of the face.
Tickling and itching titillation in the face, with eruption of pimples ; the same in the forehead, and in the
region of the whiskers.
Teeth (Ambra grisea)
Bleeding of the gums.
Drawing toothache, sometimes on one side and then on the other.
Drawing, shooting pains, chiefly in the teeth that are carious, and esp. in the open air ; increased by
taking anything hot.
Painful swelling of the gums.
Mouth (Ambra grisea)
In the morning, on waking, dryness and sensation of numbness in the mouth, in the tongue, and in the

Itching and smarting in the mouth.

Nodosities, with pain, like excoriation, below the tongue.
Offensive smell in the mouth (in the morning).
Tongue coated white, or greyish yellow.
Vesicles in the mouth, with burning pain.
Throat (Ambra grisea)
Accumulation of greyish mucus in the throat, with inclination to vomit, and vomiting when hawking.
Asthma in lean and delicate old people.
Gnawing and scratching in the throat.
In the morning, hawking up of mucus.
Sensation as of a plug in the throat, with difficulty of swallowing.
Strangling in the pharynx on swallowing food.
Appetite (Ambra grisea)
After eating, cough and gaping, and a feeling as if food did not go down into the stomach.
After eating, pressure at the pit of the throat, as if a piece had stopped there.
Entire thirstlessness.
Insipid or rancid taste.
Sourness in the mouth after taking milk.
Want of appetite.
Stomach (Ambra grisea)
Frequent eructations, often sour, or with the taste of the food which may have been taken.
Heartburn from drinking milk.
Hiccough after having smoked tobacco.
Imperfect eructations.
Nausea and vomiting.
Pressure and cramp-like pain in the stomach.
Pyrosis principally in the evening, or on walking in the open air.

Sensation of burning in the stomach and in the precordial region.

Abdomen (Ambra grisea)
Compression in the belly, sometimes in the morning.
Cutting pains in the evening, after midnight, and in bed in the morning with diarrha.
Flatulent colic in the night.
Heaviness in the belly.
Hepatic pains, most frequently pressive.
In the evening sensation of drawing in the abdominal muscles.
Incarcerated flatus.
Pain in the spleen, as if something were torn off.
Pain, as from a wound in the abdominal muscles, on coughing and on turning the body.
Pressive pain in the epigastrium and in the abdomen.
Sensation of coldness in abdomen, sometimes on one side only.
Tension and inflation of the belly, principally after eating and drinking.
Stool and Anus (Ambra grisea)
After the stool, pressure in the abdomen.
Constipation and tardy stools.
Flowing of blood with the stool.
Fruitless desire to go to stool, with anxiety, and incapability of enduring the approach of any person.
Hmorrhoidal excrescences in the anus.
Irregular intermittent stools, often only every two days.
Itching and tingling in the anus and in the rectum.
Itching, smarting, and stinging at the anus.
Soft, loose, clear-brown stools.
Urinary Organs (Ambra grisea)
Acid smell from the urine.
Burning in the orifice of the urethra.
In the morning, after getting up, an urgent desire to make water.

Increased secretion of urine, chiefly at night and in the morning.

Increased secretion of urine, much more than the amount of the fluid drunk.
Reddish cloud in the urine.
Urine of a yellowish-brown, and turbid, with brown sediment.
Urine tinged with blood.
Male Sexual Organs (Ambra grisea)
Burning in the region of the spermatic vesicles.
Erections in the morning, with numbness of the genital parts.
Sore rawness between thighs.
Violent erections in the morning, without sexual desire, with numbness of the parts.
Voluptuous excitement of, and itching in, the genital parts, without external cause.
Female Sexual Organs (Ambra grisea)
Burning, pain of excoriation, and itching, in the sexual parts.
Discharge of blood between the periods.
During menstruation, increased swelling of varicose veins, with pressure in the legs.
Leucorrha thick, slimy, preceded by shooting pains in the vagina.
Menses too early ; and too profuse.
Running of white-bluish matter from the vagina.
The leucorrha more abundant at night.
Violent itching, with swelling of the external parts.
Respiratory Organs (Ambra grisea)
Convulsive cough, with eructations and hoarseness.
Cough < by music.
Cough, with coryza, and expectoration of a whitish and salt mucus.
Hoarseness and roughness of the voice, with accumulation of thick, tough mucus, easily thrown off by
Nocturnal cough, excited by excessive tickling in the gullet, cough in the evening, with pain in the left
side, as if something were torn away.
On coughing, pressive headache in the temples.

Spasmodic cough from tickling in the throat with expectoration of yellowish, or greyish-white mucus,
tasting salt or sour, in the morning ; with expectoration in the evening.
Voice hoarse, harsh, with an accumulation of thick mucus in the air ducts.
Chest (Ambra grisea)
Asthma of old people, and of children.
At night, trembling in the breast.
Breath fetid in the morning after waking.
Breathing short.
Itching in the chest, and in the thyroid gland.
Oppression felt in the chest, and between the scapul.
Oppression in breathing.
Painful oppression in the chest and in the back.
Palpitation of the heart, frequently when walking in the open air, with paleness of face, and pressure in
the chest as if a lump were lodged there or as if the chest were obstructed.
Pressure in the chest, chiefly in the region of the heart.
Rheumatic pain, as from a bruise in the chest.
Sensation of rawness in the chest.
Wheezing in the chest.
Neck and Back (Ambra grisea)
Heaviness in the back, with pain in the belly, as if the intestines were compressed.
Pressive drawing pain in the nape of the neck, and in the back.
Shooting pain in the loins.
Stiffness in the loins after sitting long.
Upper Limbs (Ambra grisea)
Contraction of the fingers.
Cramp in the hands on taking hold of anything.
In the evening, attack of trembling in the thumb.
In the morning, the skin at the extremity of the fingers is wrinkled.
Itching in the palms of the hands.
Itchy tetter between the fingers.

Nocturnal weakness of the fingers.

Pain in the bone of the elbow when touched.
Paralytic drawing, as from dislocation, in the shoulder-joints, in the elbows, in the fore part of the arms,
and in the hands.
Prolonged coldness of the hands.
The arms become easily numbed, whether they are leant upon or used to carry something, or even in
the night, with sensation of torpor.
Trembling of the arms.
Lower Limbs (Ambra grisea)
Acute drawing pain in the legs, from the os sacrum to the feet, with incapability of supporting the foot
on the ground : the affected leg seems shorter than the other.
Arthritic pains in the joints of the feet and in the great toes.
Burning in the soles of the feet.
Cramps in the legs, and at night in the calves of the legs.
Excoriation in the hams, with pain, principally in the evening.
Heaviness, stiffness, and weakness of the legs.
Itching of the inside of the soles of the feet.
Nervousness of the legs.
Pain, as of excoriation, in the corns.
Pain, as of ulceration, in the soles of the feet when walking.
Sensation of contraction in the (right) thigh, the limb seems to be shortened.
Sensation of torpor in the legs, with an unsteady walk.
Shooting pains in chilblains on the toes.
Swelling of the feet.
Tightness in the joints of the feet.
Tingling in the calves of the legs and in the feet.
Generalities (Ambra grisea)
After having talked much, agitation and trembling all over the body, with restlessness.
Cramps and sensation of drawing in the muscles.
Ebullitions and pulsations in the whole body, esp. after walking in the open air.

Fatigue, esp. in the morning, in bed, and at night on waking.

In the evening, and in a warm temperature, many of the symptoms are aggravated.
Incisive pain in the hands and feet.
Infantile or other spasms.
Inflation and pulsation over the whole body, with great weakness after walking in the open air.
Many of the pains are mitigated by walking in the open air, or when lying on the part affected.
Many of the symptoms appear during sleep, and diminish after rising.
Sensation of drawing throughout the body.
Sensation of numbness and of torpor over the whole surface of the body, chiefly in the morning.
Spasms and twitches in the muscular parts.
Susceptibility to numbness in various parts.
Tearing pains, chiefly in the joints, and often on one side only (from the small of the back through the
right leg).
Skin (Ambra grisea)
Burning herpes.
Burning tetters.
Dry, itching burning.
Dryness of the skin.
Itching, and sensation of burning in several parts of the skin, as from the itch.
Suppressed eruptions.
Tetters and itchy eruptions appear during the use of this medicine.
Sleep (Ambra grisea)
Inclination to sleep during the day.
Restlessness at night.
Worriment from business embarrassments.
Fever (Ambra grisea)
Chill in the forenoon, with weakness and sleepiness, better after eating.
Feverish shivering in different parts, followed by heat in the face.
Flushes of heat, returning every fifteen minutes, worse towards evening.

Nocturnal sweat, particularly on the diseased side, after midnight.

Perspiration from slight exertion, esp. on the abdomen and on the thighs.
Pulse accelerated with ebullitions.
Transient heat, sometimes with anxiety at the heart.

An alcoholic extract of the anthrax poison prepared from the spleens of affected sheep.
Clinical (Anthracinum)
Cynanche cellularis.
Malignant pustule.
Parotitis gangrenosa.
Phlegmonous inflammation and ulceration.
Splenic fever.
Characteristics (Anthracinum)
Anthracinum is indicated in all conditions of boils and boil-like eruptions (as acne in some forms, and
in carbuncles).
It was introduced into homopathic practice by Lux the veterinarian long before the experiments of
The keynote for its employment is "succession of boils" or carbuncles, but it is also of the greatest use
in other cases.
"Terrible burning" with carbuncle.

The potentised virus is the best remedy for the disease from which it is obtained "Splenic fever" in
animals, and "Malignant pustule" in human beings.
"Hard, stony" swelling in region of right lower jaw and submaxillary gland.
Black or blue blisters.
Erysipelas of a foul kind, and gangrenous erysipelas ; cellulitis.
Glands painfully swollen.
Horribly offensive gangrenous ulcers.
Induration of cellular tissue.
Whitlow and sloughing.
A number of symptoms have been recorded from human patients affected with the anthrax disease.
Relations (Anthracinum)
Compare : Anthracinum bovum, Anthracinum suum, Laches. , Tarent. c. , Arsen. , Carb. v.
It follows well : Arsen. (burning and ulceration), Phos. ac.
Is followed well by : Aur. mur. nat. (periosteal swelling of lower jaw), Silic. (cellulitis).
Antidoted by : Camph. , Ars. , Rhus, Silic. , Laches. , Carb. v. , Puls. , Kreos. , Carbol. ac. , Salicyl. ac. ,
Head (Anthracinum)
Headache with chill.
Headache, as if a smoke with a heating pain was passing through the head.
Swelling of head.
Face (Anthracinum)
Gland under chin painfully swollen.
Parotitis gangrenosa.
Stony swelling around lower jaw.
Abdomen (Anthracinum)
Bellyache with chill.
Enlargement of spleen.
Sensation as if diaphragm were pushed forward.

Stool and Anus (Anthracinum)

Cholera-like collapse.
Diarrha with fever.
Vomiting followed by a painless, often bloody diarrha.
Heart and Circulation (Anthracinum)
Blood does not coagulate.
Heart-beats frequent but weak.
Back and Limbs (Anthracinum)
Axillary glands swollen.
dema ; ulcers ; gangrene ; sloughing whitlows.
Severe pains in limbs and joints with the fever.
Generalities (Anthracinum)
Clonic and tetanic spasms (marked rigor mortis after death).
Exhaustion and collapse.
Terrible burning pains.
Skin (Anthracinum)
Black or blue blisters.
Crusty oozing eruption.
Itching with dry skin.
Sloughing ulcers.

A preparation of chicken-tuberculosis introduced by Dr. Cartier and other homopaths of Paris.

Clinical (Aviaire)
Characteristics (Aviaire)
Dr. Cartier gave an account of this nosode in his paper read at the International Homopathic
Congress, 1896 (Transactions, Part "Essays and Communications," p. 187).
Aviaire acts most prominently on the apices of the lungs, and it corresponds most closely to the
bronchitis of influenza, which simulates tuberculosis, having cured several hopeless-looking cases.
It has also done excellently in some cases of bronchitis following measles.
The bacillus of avian tuberculosis has been identified with that of human tuberculosis, but the clinical
properties of the two nosodes are not identical.
Relations (Aviaire)
Compare : Bacil. , Bacil. t. , Tuberc. , Ars. i.

A nosode of tuberculosis named and first described by Dr. Burnett, for whom it was prepared from
tuberculous sputum by Dr. Heath.
As this preparation has been experimented with separately, I think it, on the whole, advisable to give its
symptoms apart from the other nosodes of phthisis.
Clinical (Bacillinum)
Addison's disease.
Consumptiveness Growth, defective.
Joints, affections of.

Scrofulous glands.
Teeth, defective ; pitted.
Characteristics (Bacillinum)
This remedy has been used largely in infrequent doses (at intervals of a week or more) of the 30th and
upwards chiefly on diathetic indications in the affections named above.
In acute affections it has been found useful to dissolve a few globules in a wineglassful of water and
administer a teaspoonful every four hours. In the provings, a severe headache, deep in, < by motion,
was a constant symptom ; also a slight cough with easy expectoration of phlegm.
In cases of acute tuberculosis it has not done so well as in mote chronic cases. Dr. Cartier has found it
particularly useful in cases where there was excessive muco-purulent bronchial secretion threatening
to occlude the lungs.
It must be compared with Bacillinum testium, Tuberculinum of Swan, Aviaire and Tuberculinum of
Koch. Dr. Burnett has shown that ringworm of the scalp and pityriasis versicolor on the body are
indications of tubercular diathesis, and they respond to this remedy. Also they are leading indications
for it when present in combination with other affections.
A case of insanity with pityriasis yielded rapidly to the remedy. Phthiriasis has been cured by it when all
attempts to kill the body-lice by parasiticides were useless. Dr. Young has recorded the cure of several
cretinous idiots.
An intercurrent course of Bacillinum will often make a wonderful change in patients who have a
personal or family history of chest affections. I have found an eczematous condition of the margins of
the eyelids a strong indication for it.
< Night and early morning ;
< cold air.
It is a diathetic remedy of vast importance.
The symptoms of the schema are taken from the provings by Burnett and myself recorded in the last
edition of Burnett's The Cure of Consumption by its own Virus, together with some cured symptoms,
and some from a proving by R. Boocock.
Relations (Bacillinum)
Calc. phos. goes with this remedy very well. So do Lach. and Kali c.
I know of no antidote.
Mind (Bacillinum)
Fretful ailing, whines and complains ; mind given to be frightened, particularly by dogs.
Taciturn, sulky, snappish, fretty, irritable, morose, depressed and melancholic even to insanity.

Head (Bacillinum)
Alopecia areata.
Severe headache, deep in, recurring from time to time, compelling quiet fixedness ; < shaking head.
Terrible pain in head as if he had a tight hoop of iron round it ; trembling of hands ; sensation of damp
clothes on spine ; absolute sleeplessness.
Eyes (Bacillinum)
Eczematous condition of eyelids.
Face (Bacillinum)
Indolent, angry pimple on left cheek, breaking out from time to time and persisting for many weeks.
Teeth (Bacillinum)
Aching in teeth, esp. lower incisors (all sound), felt at the roots esp. on raising or projecting lower lip ;
very sensitive to air.
Grinds teeth in sleep.
Imperfectly developed teeth.
Throat (Bacillinum)
Tickling in fauces, compelling cough.
Stomach (Bacillinum)
Windy dyspepsia, with pinching pains under ribs of right side in mammary line.
Abdomen (Bacillinum)
Fever, emaciation, abdominal pains and discomfort restless at night, glands of both groins enlarged
and indurated ; cries out in sleep ; strawberry tongue.
Inguinal glands indurated and visible ; excessive sweats ; chronic diarrha.
Tabes mesenterica ; talks in sleep ; grinds teeth ; appetite poor ; hands blue ; indurated and palpable
glands everywhere ; drum belly ; spleen region bulging out.
Stool and Anus (Bacillinum)
Obstinate constipation.
Passes much ill-smelling flatus.
Severe hmorrhages from bowels, cough.
Stitch-like pain through piles.

Sudden diarrha before breakfast, with nausea.

Urinary Organs (Bacillinum)
Has to rise several times in night to urinate.
Increased quantity of urine, pale, with white sediment.
Respiratory Organs (Bacillinum)
Cough waking him in night ; easy expectoration.
Expectoration of non-viscid easily detached, thick phlegm from air passages, followed after a day or
two by a very clear ring of voice.
Hard cough, shaking patient, more during sleep but it did not waken him.
Pricking in larynx with sudden cough.
Sharp pain in precordial region arresting breathing.
Single cough on rising from bed in morning.
Slight, tedious, hacking cough.
Very sharp pain in left scapula, < lying down in bed at night, > by warmth.
Neck and Back (Bacillinum)
Glands of neck enlarged and tender.
Lower Limbs (Bacillinum)
Pain in left knee whilst walking ; passed off after persevering in walking for a short distance.
Tubercular inflammation of knee.
Generalities (Bacillinum)
Great weakness, did not want to be disturbed.
Sleep (Bacillinum)
Drowsy during day ; restless at night ; many dreams.
Fever (Bacillinum)
Flush of heat (soon after the dose), some perspiration, severe headache deep in.

Bacillinum Testium.
A nosode prepared from tuberculous testicle.
Clinical (Bacillinum testium)

Inguinal glands, disease of.

Mesenteric glands, disease of.
Testicles, tubercle of.
Characteristics (Bacillinum testium)
This preparation has been used by Burnett as having a more direct relation to the lower half of the body
than the pulmonary Bacillinum.
My own experience confirms the correctness of this inference ; but it must not be supposed that
Bacillinum Testium does not act in pulmonary cases, or vice versa.

A nosode.
Dilutions of diphtheria toxin.
Diphtheritic paralysis.
Characteristics (Diphtherinum)
The well-known features of the disease of which this nosode is a product must be the guide to its use.
It should be more efficacious in the potencies against diphtheria, both as prophylactic and cure, than
the serum injections.
In all probability it will be found useful in the paralysis of diphtheria and other like kinds of spinal
It needs clinical development and a proving in the potencies.

Mallein, Glanderin, Farcin.
The nosode of glanders or farcy.
(The disease is called "Glanders" when the catarrhal symptoms are pronounced ; "Farcy," when these
are not noticeable, the skin being chiefly affected, with deposits in the lungs.

Homopathic preparations of both have been made.

Triturations of sugar of milk saturated with the virus.
Clinical (Hippozninum)
Catarrh, chronic.
Colds, chronic.
Glands, inflamed.
Liver, enlarged.
Lupus excedens.
Nasal cartilages, ulceration of.
Phlegmasia alba dolens.

Putrid fever.
Small-pox, confluent.
Characteristics (Hippozninum)
Of recent years Mallein, a toxin prepared from glanders, has taken an important place in veterinary
practice of the old school as a test injection for deciding whether a horse suspected of glanders
actually has the disease or not.
If the horse reacts it is concluded there is glanders. In a number of cases in which animals have reacted
to the first injections, a repetition of the "test" has failed to elicit reaction, thus proving that Mallein is
curative as well as diagnostic (H. W. , XXXV. 149).
The nosode has been used by homopaths, at the suggestion of Garth Wilkinson, on the phenomena
of the disease as guides, and in a large number of cases involving low forms of suppuration and
catarrh, malignant ulcerations and swellings, abscesses and enlarged glands ; and also in conditions
similar in kind, but less in severity.
I have used it with excellent effect in cases of inveterate nasal catarrh and of glandular enlargement.
The nasal affection may go on to ozna, ulceration of nasal cartilages and bones.
Glanders in the horse affects the lungs no less than the upper respiratory tract, causing coughs and
disseminated ulcerations and deposits throughout the lungs.
It has cured papules and ulcerations in frontal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, and tracha ; hoarseness ; old
cases of bronchitis, especially in old persons where suffocation from excessive secretion seemed
Bronchial asthma. Whooping-cough. A cough commencing at Christmas and lasting till June has been
cured by it.
Relations (Hippozninum)
Compare : Bacillinum, Aviaire, Luesinum, Variolinum.
The serpent poisons, Aurum, Cadmium s. , Kali b. , Hepar, Psorinum.
Head (Hippozninum)
A diffused myelitis malleosa, attributable to infiltration.
Bones of skull and face (frontal most) necrosed.

Fainting turns with headache.

Hair loses its glisten.
Inflammation of membranes of brain.
Purulent collections between bones of skull and dura mater.
Scattered abscesses in brain substance.
Tubercles may appear in periosteum of skull, in dura mater, in plexus choroides.
Eyes (Hippozninum)
Eyes full of tears or slime.
Papules on choroid coat of eye.
Pupils dilated, with collapse.
Ears (Hippozninum)
Hoarse and deaf before fatal termination.
Inflammation of parotid gland.
Tinkling sounds in ears.
Nose (Hippozninum)
Caries of nasal bones.
Cartilages of nose become exposed and necrosed, septum, vomer, and palate bone disorganised.
Catarrh : nose inflamed with thick and tinged defluxion ; tonsils swollen, fauces gorged.
Checks the liability to catarrhal affection.
Chronic ozna.
Discharge : often one-sided, albuminous, tough, viscous, discoloured, grey, greenish, even bloody and
offensive ; acrid, corroding.
Nose and mouth ulcerated.
Obstinate catarrh.
Swelling and redness of nose and adjacent parts, with severe pain.
Face (Hippozninum)
Maxillary gland swollen, like a distinct ball of sausage, firmly attached to the maxilla, uneven, rugged,
tuberculated, mostly painless, burning only at times.
Submaxillary and sublingual glands swollen and painful at times, abscesses are formed which open

Teeth and Gums (Hippozninum)

Gums covered with a black, sooty deposit.
Gums show a tendency to bleed.
Mouth (Hippozninum)
Act of speaking difficult.
Buccal passages filled with tenacious lymph and mucus.
Odour of breath putrid.
Scrofulous swelling of left parotid gland in a child.
Tongue dry, thickly covered with a black, sooty deposit.
Ulcers appear in mouth.
Throat (Hippozninum)
Swollen tonsils closing posterior channels.
Ulcerations upon velum of palate.
Upon mucous membrane of pharynx ecchymoses, redness, swelling, eruptions, and foul ulcers.
Appetite and Stomach (Hippozninum)
Gastro-intestinal catarrh ; loss of appetite, indigestion, constipation ; in later stage, diarrha.
Thirst excessive, esp. with diarrha.
Abdomen (Hippozninum)
Hepatitis with gangrenous and ulcerative inflammation of gall-ducts.
Inguinal glands swollen.
Liver greatly enlarged, often showing signs of fatty degeneration.
Spleen enlarged, filled with blood ; softened and liquefied, of a greyish or dark colour ; wedge-shaped
abscess in spleen.
Stool (Hippozninum)
Colliquative diarrha with a general cachexia and exhaustion precede the fatal termination.
Urinary Organs (Hippozninum)
Albumen in urine, also leucine and tyrosine.
Tubercles and abscesses in kidneys.

Male Sexual Organs (Hippozninum)

Tubercles and abscesses : of glans penis ; of testicles ; in kidneys.
Female Sexual Organs (Hippozninum)
Slimy discharge from vagina.
Uterine phlebitis.
Respiratory Organs (Hippozninum)
Bronchitis : in the worst forms ; esp. in elderly persons ; where suffocation from excessive secretion is
Cough and obstructed respiration, resulting from cicatricial contraction of mucous membrane of nose
and larynx ; had lasted eleven years ; patient presented picture of decided cachexia.
Cough commenced at Christmas and lasted till June.
Given in phthisis, it diminishes expectoration, abates constantly recurring aggravations of
inflammation, and checks liability to catarrhal affections.
Hoarseness from the altered condition of larynx.
Lung disease of cattle (Farcy).
Noisy breathing ; loud snoring respiration before fatal termination ; breath fetid.
Papules and ulcerations in frontal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, and trachea.
Patients cough severely and expectorate profusely, sputa usually bearing a strong resemblance to the
discharge from the nostrils.
Respiration at first partially impeded.
Tubercles, size of millet seed to a pea, of a grey, yellowish, or reddish colour.
Pulse (Hippozninum)
Pulse very frequent and small in volume, 110 to 120 ; in some cases retarded.
Limbs (Hippozninum)
Obscure pain in limbs, most in muscles and joints.
Upper Limbs (Hippozninum)
With sore finger, swelling of arm, phlegmonous and erysipelatous with pustules and ulcers.
Lower Limbs (Hippozninum)
Anasarca of lower limbs (Farcy).

Old bad legs (ulcers).
Psoas and lumbar abscesses (Farcy).
Generalities (Hippozninum)
General prostration with considerable emaciation.
Tissues : Numerous ecchymoses in internal organs ; inflammation of lymphatic vessels and swelling of
glands ; phlegmasia alba dolens.
Weakness, fatigue, general discomfort ; they give up their business.
Skin (Hippozninum)
Confluent small-pox.
Erythema, erysipelatous or phlegmonous processes, abscesses, pustules, and ulcers are spread so
extensively over surface of body that hardly any part remains free.
Malignant erysipelas, particularly if attended by large formations of pus, and destruction of parts.
Ulcers have no disposition to heal, livid appearance.
Sleep (Hippozninum)
Insomnia and great restlessness.
Nocturnal delirium.
Fever (Hippozninum)
Chills and fever in cases of abscesses and ulcers.
Fever when a series of abscesses follow in rapid succession.
Frequent chilliness.
May be tried in scarlatina, where odour of breath is putrid, buccal passages filled with tenacious lymph
and mucus, tonsils greatly swollen.
Putrid fever.
Skin becomes cool with collapse.

The nosode of rabies.

Trituration of sugar of milk saturated with the saliva of a rabid dog.

Triturations might also be made of Pasteur's strongest virus.
Clinical (Hydrophobinum)
Corns, pains in.
Hair, oiliness of.
Landry's paralysis.
sophagus, stricture of.
Pregnancy, convulsions of ; toothache of.
Respiratory paralysis.

Uterus, prolapse of.
Wounds, too rapid healing of.

Characteristics (Hydrophobinum)
Hering was the first (1833) to prove, and to suggest the employment of this nosode in medicine ; and of
late years it has become notorious through the experiments of Pasteur. Pasteur's method of
administration is very different from that employed by homopaths, but he is working on homopathic
lines in seeking to neutralise a virus in the system by introducing a modification of the same virus.
His experiments led him to produce the rabic poison in a highly intensified form in the spinal cords of
rabbits. He then modified its intensity in different degrees by exposure to air for a longer or shorter
period. Patients who come to the Institute are inoculated first with the least potent, and later with the
most potent "vaccin," after which they are pronounced "cured. "
The "cure" is, however, extremely uncertain, as the degree of susceptibility to the poison is unknown in
any case, and many hundreds of the patients subjected to the inoculations have died of the disease.
Pasteur's first method was admitted to be too strong, and was soon modified ; a number of patients
having died from the inoculations. One of these cases I investigated, and the symptoms were
sufficiently striking to deserve recording.
The patient was Arthur Wilde, of Rotherham, aged 29, and I received the account from his mother, who
nursed him through his illness. He had been bitten severely by a man suffering from hydrophobia, and
was persuaded, much against his wish, to go to Pasteur. This he did a few days after the bite, returning
on October 19, 1886, after undergoing the course.
On Saturday, October 30, he complained of a pricking sensation below the ribs in the right side, in the
part where the injections had been made. Pressure relieved the pain somewhat. That evening he
vomited, and the vomiting continued, and he became very prostrate.
On Monday the prostration was intense, vomiting continued ; restless ; skin cool, perspiring ; quite
conscious. The spots where the inoculations were made were dark and livid. Twitching occurred every
few hours, sometimes more violently than others ; most marked on the abdomen.
From Monday through Tuesday he was making a peculiar loud noise, something like a waggoner
driving horses, "bis" "whoo," though he had never had to do with horses. He seemed completely
helpless. On Tuesday night vomiting ceased and he began to froth a great deal. Early on Wednesday
morning he began to talk thick. His breathing, which had been peculiar all through he would hold his
breath for a long time when making the noise and then breathe rapidly for a few breaths became very
bad at 3 a. m. on Wednesday. He died shortly after 12, having been apparently conscious to the end
though unable to speak for the last hour.
The frothing had increased up to the time of his death and he seemed to choke with it. This case was
paralleled by that of Goffi, an attendant at St. Thomas' Hospital, who was bitten by a cat and sent to
Pasteur. On his return he was taken ill, and his case was at first diagnosed as Landry's paralysis, but
finally proved (by experiments made with his spinal cord) to be "paralytic rabies," the result of
inoculation. It was after the occurrence of these and similar "accidents" that the intensity of the
"vaccins" was reduced.

It would be well to have as an alternative preparation, Hydrophobinum Pasteurianum, obtained from

Pasteur's vaccin, to meet conditions similar to these. The pathogenesis of Hydrob. is made up partly of
symptoms observed in rabid animals and human patients, but chiefly of symptoms developed in the
provings. The remedy has been pretty extensively used in practice, not only in cases of hydrophobia,
but in many disorders in which the keynote symptoms have been present.
These are : Exquisite sensitiveness to breath of air ; to bright objects, especially the surface of water ;
to sounds, and most of all to the sound of running water. Even the thought of it is enough to bring on
an aggravation or a convulsion. Cases of dysentery with pain and tenesmus on hearing water running
from a tap have been cured with Hydrob. Cannot bear heat of sun. Thirst, with inability to swallow.
Copious viscid saliva. A great variety of mental disturbances occur. Rapid speech and impatience are
very noticeable. The mental irritability is as great as that of the senses and dangerously violent temper
is developed. The irritation is further shown in the sexual organs. Suffocating feelings were
experienced by several persons. Sighing, and sighing respiration.
The effects of bites of non-rabid dogs have been removed by this nosode. Hydrob. is a close analogue
of many of the animal poisons, especially Laches. , and I have no doubt when clinically developed it will
prove to be equally important. Marked symptoms appear in every part of the body and mind.
Many symptoms are < by stooping ; by motion generally.
Sensitive to any changed position.
Bending head backward > pain in neck.
Throws head back when sneezing.
Heat of sun <, it is unbearable.
Hot steam directed to bitten place > burning pain in it. > Turkish bath.
Damp warm air oppressed him.
Sensitive to least breath of air ; air of agreeable temperature feels cold.
Slightest draught < Cold air > headache.
< From slightest touch ; from riding in carriage.
Relations (Hydrophobinum)
The remedies most closely related to Hydrob. are those which have cured cases of the disease Bell. ,
Stram. , Hyo. , Fagus, Agave, Laches. , Canth. , and the animal poisons generally.
Lachesis is a very close ally (< from sun ; bluish discoloration of wounds ; irritability ; < warm, damp air
; from touch and pressure ; though the late evolution of the symptoms of Hdphb. contrasts with the
lightning-like rapidity of snake-venom effects).
Compare also : in ascending paralysis, Gels. , Con. ; in respiratory paralysis, Solania, Bell. , Dulc. ; in
sexual excitement, Canth. , Pic. ac. , Graph. ; in intolerance of sun, Gels. , Glon. , Nat. , Lach. , Apis ; in
effects of carriage-riding, Coccul. ; desire to urinate on seeing running water, Canth. , Sul. ; convulsions
from dazzling light, Stram. ; consciousness of womb, Helon. ; viscid saliva, Epipheg. , Hydras. ; hurried
speech, Hyo. ; in coldness, Helod.
It follows well : Tabac. (headache) ; Arg. n. (uterine disease) ; Stram. (neuralgia).
Is followed well by : Nat. m.

Causation (Hydrophobinum)
Mind (Hydrophobinum)
(Mania spermatica in stallions. ).
A strong and uncontrollable impulse to do certain acts ; to spring at and bite any moving object that
came within reach ; dog (Rage).
Attacks of nervous headache become awful and insupportable if he hears water run out of a hydrant.
Break out of their stables furiously and run or jump over ditches and fences (sheep).
Copper, if in his room, makes him restless and full of pains (Rage).
Does not hear or see persons around him (Rage).
During convulsions, mental illusions and hallucinations ; in intervals of consciousness mental faculties
are retained (Rage).
During the tranquil intervals, responded correctly to questions put to him, recognised those around
him, and with a presentiment of impending death, begged them to pray for him and not leave him alone
Exhilarated, felt as if he had received joyful intelligence.
Fancies he is blown at by several persons, some of whom are not present (Rage).
He could hear what was spoken in next room, and counted coppers in a room below him (Rage).
He says he can see hands on dial plate of church clock (Rage).
Hypersensitiveness of all the senses.
Imagine that they are abused, and energetically defend themselves against attacks and insults, which in
reality are products of their own fancy (Rage).
Inclination to be rude and abusive, to bite and strike.
Insane ideas enter his head ; for instance, to throw a glass of water, which he is carrying in his hand,
into some one's face, or to stab his flesh with the knife he is holding, and the like.
It seems to her as if two entirely different trains of thought influenced her at the same time.
Lament with great anxiety their inability to relieve thirst which afflicts, and by various contrivances
endeavour eagerly to drink (Rage).
Linen dipped in sugar water, put on pit of stomach, gives a sweet taste in mouth (Rage).
Loss of consciousness sometimes at an early stage, but not generally until a short time before death

Memory for single words much improved.

Most commonly the mental faculties are in a superior state of excitement, shown by quick perception,
amazing acuteness of understanding and rapidity with which they answer questions (Rage).
Not afraid of dogs, but dislikes to see them because their sight renews her fear (Lyssophobia, after bite
by non-rabid dog).
On a watch held to scrobiculum he sees the hour and minute hands (Rage).
Sometimes he would control inclination to stool by a strong effort of will, but effort caused much
nervous irritation.
Strange notions and apprehensions during pregnancy.
The mere sight of a drinking vessel containing water is intolerable ; they turn away their faces, shriek
out loud, beckon anxiously with hands to have water removed, for voice and breath fail (Rage).
They appreciate the formidable character of the disease and speak frequently with a remarkably quick
and sharp articulation of the impending fatal results (Rage).
Thinking of fluids of any kind, even of blood, brings on convulsions.
Thinks he is a dog or a bird, and runs up and down, chirping and twittering, until he falls down fainting
Thoughts of something terrible going to happen come into his mind against his will ; feels impelled to
do reckless things, such as throwing a child, which he carries in his arms, through the window.
When he hears water poured out, or if he hears it run, or if he sees it, he becomes very irritable, nervous
; it causes desire for stool and other ailments.
Head (Hydrophobinum)
A slow vacillation or wavering of the head, from something being loose in upper part of head.
At noon slight headache, lasting all day.
Beating, throbbing headache ; most severe in right temple and above right eye ; each bone feels
shattered and sore ; from temple to temple.
Burning aching from left side of occiput down neck.
Frequent pressure on vertex, as if a cast, which fitted top of head, was pressing it down.
Hair which is usually dry has become very oily.
Headaches from bites of dogs, rabid or not.
In rare cases serous effusion in opaque sub-arachnoid tissue and lateral ventricle, and also increased
adherence of membranes of brain to convolutions (Rage).
Irritable headache, touching head makes it ache ; very sensitive scalp.
Maddening outward pressing pain in forehead ; he presses his head against the wall.
Peculiar lightness in head ; lightness after nausea.

Rush of blood to head : while lying down ; from chest upward, with toothache ; during pregnancy ;
when rising.
Scalp feels contracted and pinched.
Violent headache and backache.
Violent headache, most in temples and forehead, < during day and from stooping and stirring about.
Eyes (Hydrophobinum)
Extreme ulceration of eye, lids closed and puffed up by pus (in sheep).
Eyes are wild, rolling, staring and livid (Rage).
False vision, dullness of sight, together with dilatation of pupils, sometimes actual blindness.
Pain in small spot over right eyebrow, < writing.
Sensitive to light.
Sight of water-agitation ; renews idea of pain ; causes convulsions (pregnancy).
Swelling of eyelids after bite of dogs (cured in sheep).
Vision much impaired or absent ; lasts twelve hours.
Ears (Hydrophobinum)
Conversation in vicinity of patient may throw him into a most violent agitation (Rage).
Hearing water poured out in next room makes him very irritable and nervous.
Nose (Hydrophobinum)
Frequent sneezing, mostly early in morning or late in evening, as if a coryza would begin ; also when
looking at something bright, and from every little dust.
Strong odours may start spasms.
The greatest sensibility to smell of tobacco ; tastes snuff while box is one foot distant.
Face (Hydrophobinum)
Both jaws feel stiff ; tingling in cheek-bones.
Face sweat : with sensation of heat ; with flushes.
Facial muscles become variously contorted, countenance changes its aspect frequently.
Gnawing and crawling sensation in (right) zygoma.

Lower jaw stiff and painful ; with inclination to yawn ; with headache ; imagines he cannot open his
Masseter muscles not affected by spasms.
Spasms with froth before mouth (Rage).
The jawbones feel sore ; aching in lower jaw.
Teeth (Hydrophobinum)
Grinding of teeth.
Toothache and other complaints during pregnancy, with internal ebullition of blood from chest to head ;
head feels as if filled with air to bursting.
Mouth (Hydrophobinum)
Difficult, incorrect speech (stricture of throat).
Entire mucous membrane of mouth and pharynx was of an equally distributed pink without any
Feeling of coldness in mouth, like essence of peppermint.
Frothed at mouth, attempted to spit out with much difficulty (before death).
Pricking sensation under tongue.
Ranula returns periodically, with dryness of mouth, < in afternoon, soreness when chewing ; with
hmorrhoids and constipation.
Saliva more viscid, constant spitting, feeling of general malaise.
Severe pain passing from mouth upward through head and down into neck.
Tongue coated with foam (Rage).
Tough, short frothy phlegm in mouth (horse).
When vomiting ceased, frothing at the mouth began and was so excessive as nearly to choke him
Throat (Hydrophobinum)
Cooling sensation in sophagus.
Periodical spasm of sophagus, continual painful inclination to swallow without being able to swallow
anything ; constriction is most severe when taking water into mouth, if he tried to swallow it forcibly, he
had burning and stinging in the throat, cough and retching which forced fluid from his mouth ; difficult
Slight redness of palate and throat, with spasm of sophagus and difficult speech.
Sore throat, as after swallowing red pepper.
Sore throat, constant desire to swallow ; much saliva and feeling as if beaten.

Appetite (Hydrophobinum)
Abnormal cravings during pregnancy.
Aversion to fat food and drink ; there remains a long greasy aftertaste, < after mutton.
Excessive desire for salt.
Inability to take solid food, or else it is consumed with greatest difficulty.
Voracious appetite ; swallowed wheat without chewing.
Warm drinks, such as milk, soups and wine, are more easily taken than water.
Stomach (Hydrophobinum)
Gagging when he forcibly attempts to swallow water, forces it out of his mouth.
Great oppression in stomach, has to open her clothes.
Nausea : with giddiness, headache and pale face after diarrha ; food does not taste right ; and loss of
appetite in evening ; 10 to 11 p. m.
Nausea and vomiting after diarrha.
Vomiting of food ; of fluid while drinking, followed by faintness ; of what was eaten at supper, at night in
Vomiting throughout three days, with prostration and restlessness ; when vomiting ceased frothing
began and nearly choked him (Pasteur).
Abdomen (Hydrophobinum)
A pressing pain : in right side, near last ribs, with breathing ; in hypochondria, after quick walking.
General soreness in whole of lower abdomen.
Inguinal glands very much swollen, they pain for two hours.
Pain in both groins ; in right, two small kernels under skin, very painful.
Painful throbbing as if an abscess was forming in region of spleen, but very deep in, exact locality is
half-way between median line and outline of left side ; it lasted eight days ; with it departed remnant of a
similar affection in this locality, against which eleven years of allopathic treatment had proved of no
Rigidity of muscles of abdomen.
Tearing from left hypochondriac region to right
Stool and Anus (Hydrophobinum)
Diarrha : with much pain, most during day, eighteen hours after dose, lasting twenty-four hours, with
pain in lower part of bowels ; < in morning ; followed by nausea as if she would have to vomit ; attended
with violent pains early in morning ; after stitches in side.
Dysenteric stools with tenesmus ; renewed as soon as he hears or sees water run.

Involuntary stools.
Stools of bloody mucus.
Tenesmus during and after stool.
When in the morning some water was poured out from pitcher into basin, pain and desire to stool
Urinary Organs (Hydrophobinum)
Constant desire to urinate on seeing running water ; urinates a little at a time.
Prostatic juice passes after urinating.
Urine too scanty and high-coloured (cured in a case of camp diarrha).
Male Sexual Organs (Hydrophobinum)
Atrophy of testicles ; testicles diminish in size, first left then right
Complaints resulting from abnormal sexual desire.
Glans is dry and sticks to foreskin.
Increased sexual desire (dropsy of spine with sheep ; hydrophobia of sheep).
Lasciviousness : after eating, with feeling of weakness in parts ; with erections in afternoon.
No emission during coition, but afterwards semen escaped unconsciously in sleep.
Priapism, with frequent seminal emissions.
Satyriasis in a stallion ; hot breath streamed from nostrils.
Semen is discharged too late or not at all during coition.
Sexual indifference with erections, even during act of coition, which is perfectly performed.
Strong erections, without sexual excitement or thoughts, in evening, while undressing in a cold room.
Female Sexual Organs (Hydrophobinum)
Any change of position that would tilt or rotate os uteri would cause much pain.
Both breasts swollen when waking in morning, she can hardly get up ; three mornings in succession ;
same swelling of breasts at night when opening her dress.
During pregnancy : strange notions, desires or cravings ; rush of blood from chest upward ; toothache,
backache and other complaints ; great sense of bearing down ; intense pain from inflammation of os
and cervix (formerly treated with caustic) ; great soreness in lower part of back and bowels.
Increase of uterine sensitiveness, conscious of having a womb.
Pain in left ovarian region, uneasiness there.

Prolapsus uteri of seven years' standing.

Sensitiveness of vagina rendering coition quite painful.
Severe leucorrha, with pains in back and lower part of bowels, sore vagina.
Since cessation of lochia a severe leucorrha ; pain in back and lower part of bowels ; soreness of
Spasms excited whenever she attempts to drink water, or if she hears it poured from one vessel into
another ; sight or sound of water affects unpleasantly, even though desiring water (puerperal
Weakness in back, with copious catamenia.
With a painful sensitiveness of womb, slight degree of prolapsus, so that after any considerable
physical effort there would be a strong conviction that it was prolapsed.
Respiratory Organs (Hydrophobinum)
Breathing during paroxysm gasping, irregular and usually quite rapid, often with decided dyspna.
Breathing peculiar ; held for a time, and then a few rapid breaths (Pasteur).
Dyspna : with flatulency, cough and rattling in Chest ; with sighing, groaning respiration ; from
cardiac pain ; < lying down.
Epiglottis crisp and dry (Rage).
Frothed at the mouth very much ; almost choked with it (Pasteur).
Oppression in breathing before a severe suffocative attack, induced by spasmodic contractions of
respiratory muscles, combined with spasmodic, alarming constriction of pharynx.
Sighing, with pain in heart.
Voice altered in tone ; tones much suppressed ; hoarse ; rough ; harsh and weak (last stage) ; shrill,
inarticulate sounds ; shrill sounds of utmost despair, or occasioned by violent expirations ; very shrill
and piercing bark, changing near its termination into a distressing, continuous howl (dogs).
Chest (Hydrophobinum)
Chest and abdomen feel expanded ; expanding chest seems to invigorate him, though it usually
Heart and Pulse (Hydrophobinum)
Heart had for three months not been free from a sticking, drawing, squeezing pain, result of an attack of
rheumatism and cold, together with a palpitation and difficulty of breathing.
Heart palpitated violently and felt as if it was coming up into throat ; drank several mouthfuls of water,
which relieved.
Pain in cardiac region, to which he is subject, is < half an hour after the dose, but much > in several
Stitches in heart from ringing of church bells.

Stitches in heart, < when walking ; they would kill him if they continued.
Violent pain in heart, as if it would burst or had needles running into it.
Neck and Back (Hydrophobinum)
Backache and headache.
Considerable pain in lower part of back, with soreness felt through to pubic region.
Pressing in neck and up back of head.
Limbs (Hydrophobinum)
Severe twitching in arms and legs, much resembling chorea.
Weight and heaviness of legs and shoulders.
Upper Limbs (Hydrophobinum)
Cramp in arms.
Hand trembles so much he can scarcely write.
Hands numb, with headache.
Right arm becomes so heavy and inactive that writing is too great an exertion, and he allows arm to
The pain up arm was followed by cramps and drawing in back and limbs of bitten side.
Weakness in arms.
Lower Limbs (Hydrophobinum)
A pressive pain in right hip bone, goes from there to middle of sacral bones.
Along left sciatic nerve a dull pain, returning periodically ; < when rising from sitting.
Each dose he had taken made him feel as if he was getting corns on every toe, his real corns felt
remarkably well and did not rain him at all.
Feeling as if hip bones would slip out of their sockets, > by resting hands on hips.
Left hip aches in bone.
Twitching in legs.
Weakness in legs when going upstairs.
Generalities (Hydrophobinum)
Acute ascending paralysis (Landry's disease) diagnosed in early stage (Pasteur).
Bitten by a mad dog in sixth year in several places ; became somnambulistic ten years after.

Drawing from neck to forehead, immediately followed by sparks before eyes and vanishing of sight ;
red face ; involuntary grinding of teeth ; second attack ; the first was felt in head after washing in
morning ; seven days after bite of mad dog (Bellad. , three doses, Hyos. interpolated once a day).
Makes a peculiar noise like a waggoner driving horses (Pasteur).
Prostration beyond description (Pasteur).
Severe nervous twitches in whole body all day.
Twitching every few minutes ; sometimes more violently than others ; most marked in abdominal walls
Twitching of muscles throughout entire body (Rage).
Twitching of tendons with tendency to general convulsions (Rage).
Skin (Hydrophobinum)
Biting, itching in various parts of body, < by scratching.
Bluish discoloration of bitten place (after Laches).
Cancerous sores.
Dark, livid-marks where inoculations were made ; pricking sensation in them, causing him to
continually press his side, which relieved temporarily (Pasteur).
Malignant ulcers from bite of a dog.
Pustules on forehead ; around inflamed eye ; on finger (after bite).
Quick tendency of the wound to heal (the same in leprosy).
Red scar from bite of a dog.
Sleep (Hydrophobinum)
Frequent yawning without sleepiness, particularly when hearing others yawn.
In morning, after exciting dreams, much fatigued, feels tired in sacrum and back.
Inclination to yawn, with stiffness of lower jaw.
Insomnia ; sleepless in spite of narcotics (Rage).
On awaking from siesta numbness in head.
On waking is morose, inclined to be angry.
Starting in sleep, afternoon.
Fever (Hydrophobinum)
(A number of cures of hydrophobia have been reported from forced perspirations, and e. p. from
prolonged and repeated use of the Turkish bath. This is known as the Buisson treatment, from Dr.
Buisson who originated it. ).

At 9 p. m. a dripping warm perspiration from whole right hand, from wrist to nails ; afterwards hands
and fingers stiff, she can hardly bend them (Rage).
Became cold in bed at 3 a. m. , although covered with four blankets ; lasted about one hour.
Cannot bear heat of sun.
Chills intermixed and followed by heat and cold sweat.
Chilly feeling, more down right (bitten) arm.
Fever every evening, commencing at dusk and lasting until bedtime (midnight).
He feels the pulse beat through the body ; from time to time there is a surging through throat into head,
like a slow wave.
Intermittent fever.
Much better after perspiring.
Paroxysms of intense coldness with pain in spine.
Restless, skin cool, perspiring, quite conscious (Pasteur).
Sensation of heat felt internally and externally through entire body, no external warmth, it forces
perspiration out on face as from weakness, and is accompanied by lassitude and aching in legs.
Skin covered with a clammy sweat (last stage) (Rage).
Skin moist, even covered with sweat ; during spells, limbs cold and livid.

Nosode of the disease in horses called "Grease. "
Trituration of Sugar of Milk saturated with the virus.
Solution of the virus.
Clinical (Malandrinum)
Skin, unhealthy.

Vaccination, ill effects of.
Characteristics (Malandrinum)
According to Jenner, the origin of cow-pox is infection of the udders of cows by contact with grass on
which a horse infected with "Grease" has trodden.
This assertion is to some extent confirmed by the experience of homopaths, who have found in
Maland. a very effectual protection against infection with small-pox and against vaccination. Straube
made provings of the 30th potency (H. R. , xv. 145 ; H. W. , XXXV. 504).
It has been used on inferential grounds with great success in ill effects of vaccination (I have cured with
it cases of unhealthy, dry, rough skin remaining for years after vaccination) ; in small-pox, measles, and
impetigo. Burnett has cured with it a case of knock-knee in a child who was constantly handling his
Burnett's indications are : "Lower half of body ; greasy skin and greasy eruption. Slow pustulation,
never ending, as one heals another appears. " Impetigo, ecthyma, fat, greasy-looking pustular eruptions
are particularly acted on by this remedy.
Heath (Amer. Hom. , XXIV. 141) has cured with Maland. 30 fistula in a pony's neck, following strangles.
A. L. Marcey (H. R. , XIV. 530) relates a striking experience with Maland. 30. In the presence of a smallpox epidemic he vaccinated himself, taking at the same time Maland. 30 night and morning.
The vaccination did not take. It was twice repeated and still did not take ; nor was smallpox contracted.
Called to vaccinate four children in a family whose parents were recovering from small-pox, he
vaccinated all and gave Maland. 30 to three of them at the same time ; the remaining child was the only
one whose vaccination "took. " This was so severe that Maland. had to be given to modify its intensity,
which it did effectually.
The other three were re-vaccinated but none "took. " Of five children, from six to seventeen years of
age, only the eldest had been vaccinated, and he had a good scar. All except the eldest were given
Maland. and were vaccinated, and none of the four "took. "
The eldest took small-pox. Maland. was then given, and in a few days he was convalescent. In another
case of small-pox Maland. was given, and the disease only lasted a few days, the eruption drying up. In
Straube's proving the symptoms were < in evening.
The Schema is made up of Straube's symptoms. Burnett considers Maland. a very deeply acting
remedy, and one not to be repeated oftener than once a fortnight.
Relations (Malandrinum)
Compare : In bad effects of vaccination, Variol. , Vaccin. , Thuj. , Sabi. , Ant. t. , Apis, Sil.
In general ; children handling genitals, Medor. (but Maland. has deeper action).
In pustular eruptions, Hep. , Merc.
Compare also : Castor equi. , Hippoznin, Hippomanes.
Causation (Malandrinum)

Head (Malandrinum)
Frontal and occipital headache.
Impetigo covering head from crown to neck and extending behind ears.
Thick, greenish crusts with pale, reddish scabs, itching < in evening.
Eyes (Malandrinum)
Red stripes under eyes.
Ears (Malandrinum)
Profuse, purulent, greenish-yellow discharge, mixed with blood.
Mouth (Malandrinum)
Tongue : coated yellow, with red streak down middle (typhoid) ; cracked and ulcerating down middle ;
Stomach (Malandrinum)
Vomiting of bilious matter ; nausea.
Abdomen (Malandrinum)
Pains around umbilicus.
Stool (Malandrinum)
Dark, cadaverous-smelling stool.
Yellowish, foul-smelling diarrha.
Male Sexual Organs (Malandrinum)
(Child constantly handles his penis. )
Female Sexual Organs (Malandrinum)
Vagina closed with impetiginous crusts, yellowish-greenish-brown in colour.
Back (Malandrinum)
Pain along back, as if beaten.
Limbs (Malandrinum)
Run-arounds on nails of hands and feet.

Sore pains in limbs and joints.

Upper Limbs (Malandrinum)
Impetiginous crusts on extensor sides of forearms.
Lower Limbs (Malandrinum)
(Knock-knee. )
Pains, esp. in left tibia, with petechi-like patches on anterior aspect of left leg from knee to ankle.
Petechi on both thighs, < left.
Skin (Malandrinum)
(Typhoid fever.
Bad effects of vaccination (dry, harsh skin).
Impetigo covering back of head, extending over back to buttock, and even into vagina ; covering labi.
Impetigo on extensors of forearms.
Malignant pustule.
Measles ; also as preventive.
Petechial typhus. )
Small, dusky red spots on legs, not disappearing on pressure.

Nosode of Gonorrha.
Attenuations of the Virus.
Clinical (Medorrhinum)
Clonic spasms.

Eyes, inflammation of.
Gonorrha, suppressed.
Gonorrhal rheumatism.
Headache, neuralgic.
Liver, abscess of.
Ovaries, pains in.
Pelvic cellulitis.
Psoriasis palmaris.
Renal colic.
Shoulder, pains in.
Characteristics (Medorrhinum)
Medorrh. is one of the most important of the nosodes. The constitutional nature of the gonorrha
poison has within recent years been recognised in the old school as well as the new.
Noegerath of New York and Angus Macdonald in this country have pointed out a causal connection
between post-partum pelvic cellulitis and latent gonorrha in the husband.
Macdonald published several fatal cases. The effects of the poison, constitutional or acute, may be
taken as data for homopathic prescriptions ; but the virus has had an extensive proving in the
potencies, and the symptoms there recorded have been largely verified in practice.

The nosodes may be used according to their indications in exactly the same way as other homopathic
remedies, and not merely for manifestations of the disease from which they are derived. At the same
time, a knowledge of the origin of obscure disorders, especially if hereditary, will often give the clue to
the remedy required.
Deschere published a case in point : Miss X. , 23, had chronic blepharitis since eleven. Her suffering
was intense. Light, especially gas-light, was intolerable, and this prevented her from going into society.
She could not read in the evening, and in the morning the lids would be closed, and she suffered much
on getting them separated. There was much discharge. Before coming under Deschere she had been
under strict homopathic treatment all the time.
Deschere remembered treating her father for gonorrha before his marriage, and he suspected the
taint had reappeared in this form. Medorrhinum was given in high potency, single doses repeated as the
effect of each wore off, and she was entirely cured. A case of favus which had resisted all the external
applications that allopaths could devise, and which had such an appalling odour that the patient, a little
boy, had to be isolated from the family, was traced by Skinner to the same hereditary cause and cured
with Medorrhinum 1m.
Many cases of stunted growth and arrested development in children are due to latent gonorrha and
syphilis, and unless this factor is discerned and taken into consideration in prescribing, no great good
will be achieved. I have cured on this hypothesis extremely offensive body odours in children with
One important point in distinguishing between the sycotic or gonorrhal taint and that of syphilis is in
the time aggravation, and consequently in the indications for this. Syph. has < from sunset to sunrise,
as also have all the great anti-syphilitic remedies. Medorrhinum has < from sunrise to sunset ; always
brighter in evening, < in early morning hours. With Medorrhinum there is intense nervous sensibility,
especially to touch of garment or a lock of hair by any one not en rapport. Sensibility is exalted almost
to clairvoyance. As if in a dream. Starting at slightest sound. Tremor ; spasms. There is a state of
collapse and a desire to be fanned.
Among the Peculiar Sensations are :
As of sticks in eyes, lids, and inner, canthi ; as if cold wind blowing in eyes ; as if upper lid had a
cartilage in it. As if something crawling in ear and nose. Lump in stomach. Tumour right side of
abdomen. As if left lung collapsed or paralysed. As if an abscess between left pectoralis major and
minor muscles. As if blood was boiling hot in veins. As if all bones were out of joint. The pains seem to
tighten the whole body, especially the thighs. There is scarcely a spot on the body that is not full of
pain. Obstinate rheumatism. Sequel of acute rheumatism. D. C. McLaren relates in Hahn. Advoc.
(quoted Amer. Hom. , xxii. 408) a case which illustrates the power and sphere of this nosode. A young
French Canadian of delicate constitution, after working in a factory all winter, began coughing in spring
and running down in health. He returned home and came under McLaren's care in May.
The cough persisted and prostration increased, in spite of carefully selected remedies, and the patient
took to his bed. It was then observed by McLaren that the cough and general condition was > from lying
on the face. This, coupled with a knowledge of there being a syphilitic taint in the boy's parentage,
suggested Medorrh. , which was given. The next day a profuse gonorrhal discharge appeared, and the
cough and all threatening symptoms promptly disappeared. Exposure to contagion had occurred
several weeks before, but from lack of vitality the disease could not find its usual expression and was
endangering the patient's life.
Ernest Nyssens ("La Sycose de Hahnemann," Jour. Belge d' Hom. , VI. 244) quotes some important
observations by old-school authorities on constitutional gonorrha. Wertheim in a case of gonorrhal
cystitis watched the entrance of the gonococcus into the blood stream.
With the gonococcus taken from the blood of this patient he made cultures to the fifth generation. A
youth who had never had venereal disease volunteered for inoculation with this. The subacute urethritis
which resulted was so grave, and, in spite of all, became complicated so cruelly with cystitis,
epididymitis, prostatitis, synovitis, and pleuro-pneumonia, that Wertheim asked whether the
gonococcus did not redouble its virulence by passing into the blood. Louis Jullien and Louis Sibut
(from whose paper Nyssens quotes the above) witnessed the following case in Saint Lazare hospital :

Louisa M. , 17, entered the hospital June 8th with urethro-vaginitis, and was treated with tampons
(tiges) of Ichthyol dissolved in glycerine (1 to 5). The urethritis ran a normal course till July 6th, when
this condition was reported : The patient has had sufferings in the abdomen for a week, but has made
no complaint. However, they became so acute the previous night that an injection of Morphia was
given. Rectal temperature 100. 2. Tongue saburral. Right side abdominal pain. In spite of rigid
contraction of the recti muscles there seemed to be a swelling deep down, but the observers were not
certain it was not a swelling of the muscles themselves. Intestinal functions normal ; rectum empty. An
eruption of roseolous spots appeared on the body, abdomen, and chest, so exactly like those of
typhoid that the possibility of this was discussed.
There was also acute pain in muscle of right calf. This pain persisted the following day when the
abdominal pains had disappeared. July 9. Right knee painful, swollen. At same time synovitis of left
wrist, dorsal aspect, the tendons attacked being the extensor proprius of thumb and index.
Temperature normal. July 10. Very few and slight traces of the eruption. Right arm the seat of acute
lancinating pain, especially at the level of the deltoid "V," deep down near the bone at the insertion of
the tendon (probably a hygroma). On examining the tendo Achillis, pain at the level of the left ankle,
nothing to the right at the same level, but the pain is above all acute along the inner border of the right
tibia, to five or six centimeters from the flat surface.
This part is dematous and painfully sensitive. Another painful spot in the abdomen is behind the right
anterior superior iliac spine, and beside the navel (probably muscular). The urethral discharge
contained abundant bacilli besides gonococci. Treatment by daily injection of one centigramme of
Merc. cor. was commenced. The next day there was sharp fever, saburral tongue.
The abdominal pains were frankly muscular. Trace of albumen in the urine. Next night there was
delirium, and epistaxis in the morning. This case went on to recovery. Another case, also in a girl of
seventeen, of phthisical history, and even complicated with syphilis, presented the same order of
symptoms, along with epistaxis, hmoptysis, albuminuria, endocarditis with suffocative attacks and
violent palpitations, ending in permanent disablement. These cases may be regarded as provings of
Medorrhinum from the homopathic stand-point.
The rheumatic symptoms are of extreme intensity, and Medorrhinum will cure many cases where the
symptoms correspond. I have cured many cases of dysmenia with it, following Burnett. Burnett cured
with Medorrhinum 1m : (1) A patient who had fits at every menstrual period, the fits coming on in the
early morning. (2) A man who had clonic spasms, the legs suddenly shot up from the bed. (3) A case of
right wrist rheumatism. (4) Polypi having their origin in a chronic suppurating discharge. (He regards
Medorrhinum as "the mother of pus and catarrhs"). (5) Masturbation in children. (6) Albuminuria when
the urine contains some mucus as well. (7) Sycotic asthma, < 2 to 4 a. m. (8) Psoriasis palmaris. Gilbert
(Trans. Amer. Inst. , 1895, quoted H. R. , XI. 71) traces rickets to hereditary gonorrha ; there are often
in these cases glandular enlargements, and the patient is > at seaside. In such cases he gives
Medorrhinum (When there is syphilitic paresis and the patient is > in the mountains, he gives Syph. ). In
acute bowel troubles in rickety children he finds Medorrhinum of great value.
Thomas Wildes (H. P. , XII. 70) considers that favus and scald-head and ophthalmia tarsi simplex
(margins scaly, scurfy, often angry red, falling of lashes) are due to suppressed gonorrha in one or
both parents. The red, angry condition of skin may extend from face or scalp, down neck and back to
perineum and genitals. (1) Girl, 11, had been treated by many physicians with salves and ointments to
the general impairment of her health. Face mottled with a profusion of red scurfy sores, eyelids
involved and nearly denuded of lashes ; hairy scalp one diffuse mass of thick yellow scabs, from
beneath which oozed a highly offensive mixture of ichor and sebum. Passing down neck, back,
perineum and involving genitals and pubes was a fiery red band as broad as the child's hand, oozing a
pale yellow serum which caused the clothing to stick to the body. Wildes told the mother he could cure
the case, but it would certainly get worse the first three months.
This was not objected to. Medorrhinum c. m. (Swan) was given, one dose on the tongue. The external
appearance grew rapidly worse, but appetite, sleep, and general health steadily improved, and in nine
months she was completely well. (2) Child, 6, since infancy horribly disfigured with tinea capitis. Scalp
a mass of dense scabs exuding fetid ichor, the only semblance of hair being a few distorted stumps
ending in withered roots. One dose cured in a few months, and at the time of Wildes' writing patient was
a healthy and extremely talented young lady and the possessor of a luxuriant head of chestnut hair.

Wildes thinks that suppression of favus when derived from gonorrha in the father leads to
hydrocephalus, capillary bronchitis, severe teething diarrhas, cholera infantum, &c. ; if derived from
the grandfather, suppression leads to consumption and lingering diseases. Fiery red rash developing
about the anus in babies a few days old ; constipation with hard, dry stools ; when the nurses say
"baby's water scalds it terribly," the indications for Medorrhinum are clear.
Wildes regards the latent gonorrhal taint as the true explanation of many of the diseasemanifestations included by Hahnemann under Psora. Burnett in a way confirms this, as he traces gout
to a sycotic origin. Wildes regards Medorrhinum too dangerous a remedy to give in acute cases
whether of gonorrha, rheumatism, or scarlatina, on account of the intensity of the aggravation it is
liable to cause ; though single doses are often useful when there is a tendency to sinking in dangerous
cases of cholera infantum.
Among other diseases Wildes traces to the same source are : Vascular meningitis in infants and
cerebro-spinal meningitis. In the former the efficacy of Medorrhinum is doubtful, but in the latter it is
very efficacious after Act. r. has allayed the first acute symptoms. In the convalescent stage Lyc. has
been his chief remedy. He quotes from old-school authorities the following conditions traceable to
latent gonorrha communicated from husband to wife : Ovarian tumours, oophoritis, salpingitis,
metritis, parametritis, endometritis, and even peritonitis,
Medorrhinum is the remedy in single doses, but it is rarely if ever to be given in the acute stages of a
disease. In general motion <, rest >. Lying on face or stomach > cough. Stretching out <. Leaning head
forward <. Leaning far back > constipation : can only pass stool so. (I cured with Medorrhinum 200 a
most aggravated case of constipation on this indication.
The patient said he was obliged to lean far back on the seat or he could not get rid of the stool. He was
passing urine containing long white mucous shreds. Many years before he had had gonorrha. )
There is great sensitiveness to draught of air ; takes cold easily. At the same time there is great desire
to be fanned. < In the sun ; by warmth of bed ; entering a warm room (cough). Salt-water bathing > sore
throat and cold in head. Damp weather > pain in limbs. Craving for ice. Chronic rheumatism of joints is
< inland, > near sea. The early morning < (especially 3 to 4 a. m. ) is a leading characteristic of
Medorrhinum and all sycotics.
Relations (Medorrhinum)
Antidoted by : Ipec. (dry cough) ; Compatible : Sulph. (especially when stool drives out of bed).
Compare : Pic ac. (inability to walk right ; priapism) ; Camph. and Sec. (collapse, skin cold yet throws
off all covering) ; Verat. (collapse with cold sweat) ; Syph. (reverse aggravation sunset to sunrise) ; as
if in a dream, Ambr. , Anac. , Calc. , Can. i. , Con. , Cup. , Rhe. , Stram. , Val. , Ver. , Ziz. > By leaning
back, Lac c. Fish-brine odour, Sanic.
Mind (Medorrhinum)
Cannot speak without crying.
Could not read or use mind at all from pain in head.
Dazed feeling ; a far-off sensation, as though things done to-day occurred a week ago.
Difficulty in concentrating his thoughts on abstract subjects.
Dread of saying the wrong thing when she has headache.

Fear of the dark.

Feeling as if he had committed the unpardonable sin and was going to hell.
Forgetfulness : of names ; later of words and initial letters.
Great selfishness.
Irritated at little things.
Is always anticipating ; feels most matters sensitively before they occur and generally correctly.
Is in a great hurry ; when doing anything is in such a hurry that she gets fatigued.
Is sure she is going to die.
Loses constantly the thread of her talk.
One night saw large people in room ; large rats running ; felt a delicate hand smoothing her head from
front to back.
Seems to herself to make wrong statements, because she does not know what to say next, begins all
right but does not know how to finish ; weight on vertex, which seems to affect the mind.
Sensation as if all life were unreal, like a dream.
Spirits in the depths, weighed down with heavy, solid gloom, > by torrents of tears.
Thinks some one is behind her, hears whispering ; sees faces that peer at her from behind bed and
Time moves too slowly.
Very impatient.
Wild and desperate feeling, as of incipient insanity.
Head (Medorrhinum)
Aching pain in base of brain, with swelling of cords of neck.
Brain exceedingly tender and all mental work irksome.
Brain seems weary ; slightest sound annoys and fatigues her.
Constant headache < while coughing ; light (through the eyes) seems to hurt it.
Dull pain in cerebellum.
Frontal headache : with nausea ; feeling of a tight band across forehead, < leaning head forward ; as if
skin were drawn tight ; with fluent coryza ; with pressure back of eyes, as if they would be forced out ;
extending over brain to neck.
Hair lustreless, dry and crispy ; electrical.

Head feels heavy and is drawn backwards.

Intense burning pain in head, < in cerebellum.
Intense cerebral suffering, causing continual rubbing of head in pillow, rolling from side to side.
Intense headache for three days, with inflammation of eye.
Intense itching of scalp ; quantities of dandruff.
Pain circling through head and around crown.
Pain in back of head and in right eye.
Pain in centre of brain ; in evening sharp pain through temples ; pains commence and cease suddenly.
Pain in left parietal bone when the wind blows on it.
Sensation of tightening in head causing intense vertigo.
Tensive pains in head as if she would go crazy ; could not read or use mind.
Terrible pains all through head in every direction, with continuous and violent vomiting, followed by
aching in sacrum and down backs of legs to feet.
Vertigo : when stooping ; slightly > lying ; < on movement.
Wakes with headache over eyes and in temples ; < from sunlight.
Eyes (Medorrhinum)
A blur over things ; numberless black, sometimes brown spots dancing over her book ; sees objects
double ; things look very small ; sees imaginary objects.
Feeling of pain and irritation, and sensations of sticks in eyes, lids, and esp. inner canthi, redness and
dryness of lids, congestion of sclerotics and sensation of a cool wind blowing in eyes, esp. inner
Hardness of upper lid, as if it had a cartilage in it.
Neuralgic pain in eyeballs : when pressing eyelids together ; < when rolling them.
Ptosis of outer end of both upper lids, particularly left, requiring exertion to open them. Decided
tendency to irritation of edges of lids.
Swelling under eyes.
When eyes were shut, felt as if pulling out of head to one side or other ; when open all things seemed to
Ears (Medorrhinum)
Nearly total deafness of both ears, with very little noise ; had to use a trumpet.
Partial or transient deafness ; pulsation in ears.
Quick, darting pains in right ear, from without inward ; pains followed each other in quick succession.

Ringhole in left ear sore and almost gathered.

Singular sensation of deafness from one ear to the other, as if a tube went through head, while yet there
was an over-acuteness of hearing.
When whistling, the sound in ears is double, with peculiar vibration as when two persons whistle thirds.
Nose (Medorrhinum)
Coldness of end of nose.
Entire loss of smell for several days.
Intense itching in nose, internally near point, had to rub all the time.
Nose goes to sleep.
Nose inflamed, swollen.
Posterior nares obstructed, > by hawking thick, greyish mucus, followed by bloody mucus.
Soreness and crawling feeling, as of a centipede in left nostril in morning.
Very great burning in both nostrils when breathing through them.
Face (Medorrhinum)
Blotches on skin.
Enormous fever sore on lower lip near left commissure.
Face covered with acne ; dry herpes ; freckles.
Fever blisters near corner of right upper lip, small but very sore.
Flushes of heat in face and neck.
Greenish, shining appearance of skin.
Neuralgia of right upper and lower jaws, extending to temple.
Sweat of face ; on upper lip.
Tendency to stiffness in jaws and tongue.
Teeth (Medorrhinum)
Sore teeth, particularly eye teeth ; feel sore and soft.
Teeth have serrated edges, or are chalky and easily decay.
Yellowness of teeth.
Mouth (Medorrhinum)

Blisters on inner surface of lips and cheeks, skin peeling off in patches.
Dryness of mouth ; feels burnt.
Foul breath in morning.
Small sores, pustules (canker sores) on edge, tip, and under tongue, very painful ; also inside lips and
in throat.
Stringy mucus comes out of mouth during sleep.
Taste : coppery on rising ; disagreeable ; bad in morning.
Tongue blistered.
Tongue coated : brown and thick ; thickly in morning, with bad taste : white at base, the rest red ; white,
with papill showing through.
Throat (Medorrhinum)
Back part of throat constantly filling with mucus from posterior nares.
Sore throat and cold in head > by salt-water bathing.
Throat : scraped ; sore, stiff ; dry ; swallowing painful.
Appetite (Medorrhinum)
Appetite : ravenous, immediately after eating ; lost.
Craves : salts ; sweets ; hard, green fruit ; ice ; sour things ; oranges ; ale.
Thirst enormous ; for liquor.
Stomach (Medorrhinum)
In pit of stomach : sensation of pins forcing through flesh ; sick gnawing not > by eating ; trembling ;
In stomach : feeling of lump after eating ; cramps ; clawing, < drawing up knees.
Intense pain in stomach and upper abdomen, with a sensation of tightness.
Nausea : with frontal headache ; after drinking water ; after dinner ; always after eating ; before eating.
Sensation of sinking and agonising sickness at stomach, with a desire to tear something away.
Violent retching and vomiting for forty-eight hours ; first glairy mucus, then frothy and watery, and
lastly coffee-grounds ; accompanied by intense headache, with great despondency and sensation of
impending death ; during paroxysm was continually praying.
Vomiting thick mucus and bile ; black bile without nausea, tasting bitter and sour, with considerable
Abdomen (Medorrhinum)

Beating as of a pulse in abdomen vertically.

Cutting in right lower abdomen running into right spermatic cord ; right testis very tender.
Darting pain from centre of right ovarian region to lower edge of liver.
Grasping pain in liver and spleen.
Intense agonising pain in solar plexus ; surface cold ; eructations tasting of sulphuretted hydrogen and,
after eating, of ingesta ; applied right hand to pit of stomach and left to lumbar region.
Tensive pain in right side of abdomen, as of a hard, biconvex body ; with heat and gnawing aching pain,
continued a short time ; it was between spine of ilium and recti muscles.
Terrible pains in liver, thought she would die, they were so acute.
Stool and Anus (Medorrhinum)
Bilious diarrha, verging on dysentery, with mucous stools.
Black stool.
Can only pass stool by leaning very far back ; very painful, as if there was a lump on posterior surface
of sphincter ; so painful as to cause tears.
Child, t. 15 months, brought on a pillow to clinic, apparently dead ; eyes glassy, set ; could not find
pulse, but felt heart beat ; running from anus greenish yellow, thin, horribly offensive stool.
Constriction and inertia of bowels with ball-like stools.
Oozing of moisture from anus, fetid like fish brine.
Pains of most intense kind (threatening cramps) in upper abdomen (darting and tearing pains) coining
on at stool ; stool diarrhic, thin and hot, but not copious ; after stool, profound weakness and mild
cramp in left calf.
Profuse bloody discharges from rectum, sometimes in large clotted masses, followed by shivering.
Stools tenacious, clay-like, sluggish, cannot be forced, from a sensation of prolapsus of rectum.
White diarrha.
Urinary Organs (Medorrhinum)
After urination, syncope.
Dull pinching pain in region of supra-renal capsules at 11 a. m. ; fingers cold at same time ; great
pressure in bladder, greater than amount of urine warrants ; urine scanty and high coloured.
Intense renal colic ; severe pain in ureters, with sensation as of passage of calculus ; during kidney
attack, great craving for, ice.
Pain in renal region, profuse urination >.
Slow flow ; cutting across root of penis transversely just as last drops are voided ; intermittent.

Urine : high coloured ; strong-smelling ; covered with thick, greasy pellicle ; intensely yellow.
Male Sexual Organs (Medorrhinum)
(Suppressed gonorrha).
Emissions during sleep : watery, causing no stiffness of linen ; transparent, consistence of gum Arabic
mucilage, too thick to pour, and voided with difficulty ; thick, with threads of white, opaque substance.
Intense and frequent erections day and night.
Pains along urethra while urinating, drawing burning.
Female Sexual Organs (Medorrhinum)
A burning pain in lower part of back and hips during menses.
A great deal of pain in left ovary, with a sensation as if a sac was distended and if pressed would burst ;
sensation as if something was pulling it down, causing it to be sore ; pain when walking passed to left
groin, as if leg pushed something, with a great amount of heat.
After very profuse menses, neuralgia in paroxysms in head, with twitching and drawing in of limbs and
cords of neck, which were like wires ; pain in lower abdomen, with profuse yellowish leucorrha.
Breasts and nipples very tender to touch, also inflamed.
Breasts as cold as ice to touch, esp. nipples (during menses), rest of body warm.
Distinct soreness and nervous pain in one spot in lower part of uterus on left side, < walking or moving
left leg.
Great sexual desire after menses in a single woman.
Intense menstrual colic, causing drawing up of knees, with terrible bearing-down, labour-like pains,
with pressing of feet against support, as in Labour.
Intense, excruciating, neuralgic pains in whole pelvic region, extending downwards through ovarian
region to uterus ; cutting like knives, forcing tears and groans.
Itching of vagina and labia, thinking of it makes it <.
Large but not painful swelling of left breast.
Profuse menses ; dark clotted, stains difficult to wash out ; also bright blood, with faintness and some
Short, shooting pains, passing outwards, chiefly in breasts.
Small chancres on edge of right labia (had no sexual intercourse for three years, never had venereal
Soreness of nipples, a gummy secretion drying on orifice ; when picked off nipple bleeds freely.
Tense pains passing diagonally in right ovary, followed by a bubbling sensation.

Respiratory Organs (Medorrhinum)

Breath hot, feels so even when breathing through the nose.
Bronchial catarrh spreading into larynx, swelling of tonsils and glands of throat extended also into ears,
causing transient deafness.
Choking caused by a weakness or spasm of epiglottis, could not tell which ; larynx stopped so that no
air could enter, only > by lying on face and protruding tongue.
Cough < on lying down, > lying on stomach.
Cough from tickling under upper part of sternum.
Dryness of glottis, very annoying, with pain during deglutition ; great hoarseness.
Expectoration : yellow white, albuminous, or little green, bitter balls ; ropy, difficult to raise ; as if
flecked with infinitesimal dark spots.
Great oppression of breathing every afternoon about 5 p. m. ; sense of constriction.
Has to fill lungs, but no power to eject air.
Hoarseness, esp. while reading, with occasional loss of voice.
Incessant dry cough, < at night ; wakes just as she is falling asleep ; < from sweet things.
Sensation of a lump in larynx ; severe pain on deglutition.
Soreness in larynx, as if ulcerated.
Tenacious mucus in larynx.
Terrible, painful cough, as if larynx would be torn to pieces and as if mucous membrane was torn off,
with profuse discharge of viscid greyish mucus, mixed with blood.
Chest (Medorrhinum)
Chest sore to touch, at times burning extends over chest ; cold seems to < it ; a piece of ice seems to
cool it for an instant, then it is hotter ; lung feels as if beaten or bruised.
Constricted sensation at bottom of both lungs ; dull, heavy pain at top of left lung.
Coughing gives great pain in chest, as if it was painfully contracted.
Great soreness to pressure of muscles of lower left chest front and back, soreness when moving left
Incipient consumption.
Pain and soreness through chest and mamm.
Pain in right shoulder as though it came from left straight through.
Sensation of an abscess between pectoralis major and minor.
Sharp pain in bottom of left lung.

Singular sensation through chest, bounded by a line drawn across lower end of sternum and another
about middle ; as if there was a cavity extending from side to side, filled with burning air, which dilated
in puffs in all directions and could be felt impinging on walls of cavity.
Heart (Medorrhinum)
Burning in heart, went through to back and down into left arm.
Feeling of a cavity where heart ought to be.
Intense pain in heart, seemed to radiate in different parts of left side of chest ; < from least movement.
Pain in heart : acute, sharp, quick ; dull ; quick.
Palpitation after slight exertion.
With heat in chest, heart felt very hot, beat very fast and felt large, accompanied by a bursting
Neck and Back (Medorrhinum)
Contractive pain from superior angles of scapul, passing to seventh dorsal vertebra, drawing
shoulders back tight as if bones would be crushed ; < moving shoulders, neck, or arms.
Drawing in cords of neck, causing desire to throw head back.
Heat in medulla and spine for a whole week.
Intense burning heat, commencing in back of neck and extending gradually down spine, with a
contractive stiffness extending into head and seeming to thicken the scalp.
Lumbago caused by straining or lifting.
Pain in back of hips, running around and down limbs.
Pain in sacrum and coccyx.
Spasms of neck muscles, notably sterno-mastoid, drawing chin firmly down to breast.
Weak, stiff, aching back.
Whole length of backbone sore to touch, also ribs of left side.
Limbs (Medorrhinum)
Almost entire loss of nervous force in legs and arms ; exhausted by slightest effort.
Eruption under and on toes and on hands and feet.
Numb sensation in left arm, hand, and leg ; left leg goes to sleep.
Upper Limbs (Medorrhinum)
Backs of hands rough.
Brown, itching eruption on left shoulder.

Burning of hands, wants them fanned and uncovered ; always cold hands.
Cold numbness outer side of arms just below elbow.
Consumptive incurvation of nails.
Cracking of joints, esp. elbows.
Much pain in left arm ; cannot hold a paper ; veins become enlarged ; < raising arm.
Rheumatic pain in (right) shoulder and arm.
Rheumatic pain in top of left shoulder, < from motion ; occasional little darts of pain if kept still.
Small yellow spots on hands.
Transverse depression on nails, as if they were bent.
Trembling of arms and hands.
Lower Limbs (Medorrhinum)
Aching in legs with inability to keep them still in bed, < when giving up control of himself, as when
trying to sleep (> after Lil. t. ).
Ankles turn easily when walking.
Burning in feet, wants them uncovered and fanned.
Cold feet with chills all over.
Cold, sweating feet.
Corns very tender.
Cramps in soles and calves at night.
During heavy thunderstorm very sharp pains in knees start upwards ; pains < by stretching.
Great toe covered with tettery scales.
Legs heavy as lead ; walking difficult, esp. up and down stairs.
Longs to stretch legs.
Numbness, paralysed feeling, in left leg from knee to hip.
dema of feet followed and > by diarrha.
Old foot-sweats, < during winter for seven years.
Soreness in ball of foot under toes.
Sudden intense pain in left ankle, back of joint, on going to bed, could not move limb or body without
screaming ; could find no position of comfort.
Trembling in legs from knees down (< left), burning in feet.

Woke with sharp pain in left hip, preventing stooping, walking difficult ; like a stiff neck.
Generalities (Medorrhinum)
Epileptiform spasms, foaming at mouth.
Risus sardonicus.
Skin (Medorrhinum)
Copper-coloured spots (syphilitic) remaining after eruptions, thin yellow-brown and detach in scales,
leaving skin clear and free.
Fetid odour of body.
Fiery red band passing down neck, back, and perineum, and involving genitals and pubes.
Fiery red rash about anus in babies ; "the water scalds it terribly. ".
Intense and incessant itching, fugitive, < towards night, sometimes confined to one side.
Itching (and pricking) all over, < back, vagina, labia, and < thinking of it.
Small pedunculated warts, with pin-heads, like small button mushrooms, on various parts of body and
Tinea capitis, eyelids involved.
Yellowness of skin.
Sleep (Medorrhinum)
Asleep, but hears everything, answers questions as if awake.
Bites tip of tongue in sleep.
Can only sleep on back with hands over head ; if she lies on either side, the contents of lower part of
chest and abdomen seem to press on each other and cause discomfort.
Dreams : horrid ; painful ; exhausting ; that she is drinking ; of walking ; of ghosts and dead people.
Great restlessness at night ; sleepy but could not sleep.

Sleeps at night on her knees with face forced in pillow.

Sleepy, yawning, chilly.
Spasmodic yawning, cannot suppress it ; followed by spasm of glottis.
Wakeful ; slept towards morning.
Fever (Medorrhinum)
Chills : up and down back ; several times a day.
Chilly 3 to 4 p. m.
Cold hands with coldness extending all over body.
Coldness : right hand, then left ; a slight flush of heat succeeded, then sensation of a foreign substance
in right eye, then in left.
Creepy chills running down back and all over body in a zigzag course.
Fever : with or without thirst ; with gushes of perspiration in face ; followed by languor ; with nervous
restlessness from midnight to 3 a. m. ; at 11 a. m. preceded by cold feet ; fell asleep during fever ; after
fever, sweat on palms, feet and legs ; with rapid pulse at night ; in afternoon ; and malaise. < 10 a. m. to
1 p. m.
Flashes of heat alternating with chills.
Great tendency to sweat on exertion ; sensitive to cold.
Must be fanned all the time, throws clothes off, yet surface is cold ; burning mostly subjective of hands
and feet, wants them uncovered and fanned.
Profuse sweat about neck.

The nosode of Eczema capitis.
Dr. Skinner's Fluxional Centesimal attenuations.
Clinical (Melitagrinum)
Crusta lactea.
Eczema capitis.
Characteristics (Melitagrinum)
Dr. Skinner has given a brief account of this nosode, introduced by him, in H. W. , XVII. 89.
He prepared it from the lymph and blood of a case of eczema capitis.

Cases treated by Dr. Theobald with Melitagrinum, given to him by Dr. Skinner, were published in H. W. ,
XVII. 19.
Very severe cases were cured with Melitagrinum c. m. (F. C. ) given in single doses at considerable
In one case there was an initial aggravation.

Nosode of Plague.
Trituration of the virus.
Clinical (Pestinum)
Characteristics (Pestinum)
The prophylaxis and treatment of plague with injections of more or less modified virus of plague by oldschool practioners affords evidence that the nosode of plague is available, like other nosodes, for the
treatment of cases of the disease from which it is derived.

The nosode of Psora.
The product of "Psora sicca" (epidermoid efflorescence of Pityriasis) by Gross.
The salt from a product of Psora by Hering.
The sero-purulent matter of a scabies vesicle was used by Hahnemann.
Clinical (Psorinum)
Anus, itching in.

Cholera infantum.
Cornea, ulcers of.
Crusta lactea.
Crusta serpiginosa.
Diphtheria, after-effects of.
Eczema ; rubrum.
Eruptions ; moist ; itching.
Hair, dry ; tangling.
Hay fever.
Head, congestion of.

Liver, affections of ; chronic inflammation of.
Melancholia, religious.
Nose, redness of.
Odour of body, fetid.
Ophthalmia, scrofulous.
Otorrha ; fetid.
Peritonitis, tubercular.
Plica polonica.
Skin, affections of.
Spina bifida.
Spleen, affections of ; induration of.
Throat, mucus in.
Tinea capitis et faciei.

Tonsils, concretions in.

Characteristics (Psorinum)
As Sulphur has been the chief remedial agent in both schools in the treatment of itch and itch-like
eruptions, it is natural to find in the nosode of Psora, or constitutional itch, a close analogue of Sulph.
Psorinum has been proved entirely in the potencies, and I know of no more trustworthy proving in the
materia medica.
I have frequently seen Psorinum develop some of its own symptoms in patients whom it has benefited
in other ways. A man who complained of "cloudiness of mind and difficult thinking," and who had
among other symptoms, "Left foot colder than right," received Psorinum 30. It removed these
symptoms ; but whilst under its influence these new symptoms appeared : Heavy headache across the
eyebrows ; greasiness of face and forehead. A woman to whom I gave Psorinum 30 complained that
after each dose she had a feeling "as if something in the head were being screwed up and drawn" ; one
of Hahnemann's symptoms is "Spasmodically contracting headache. "
A patient who took Psorinum 500 complained that it had a "filthy taste. " From Psorinum 20m (F. C. ) I
have seen produced an eruption of boil-like indurations in both axill, first (and worst) in left then in
right. The general symptoms were very greatly relieved at the same time. One great mark of distinction
between Sul. and Psorinum is that the Psorinum patient is exceedingly chilly, likes to have a fur cap on
in summer ; whilst the Sul. patient is predominatingly hot.
H. C. Allen gives another : Psorinum is indicated in chronic cases when well-selected remedies fail to
relieve or to permanently improve (in acute diseases Sul. ) ; also when Sul. seems indicated but fails to
relieve. Psorinum is specially suited to : (1) Scrofulous, nervous, restless persons who are easily
startled. (2) Psoric constitutions ; lack of reaction after severe diseases. (3) Complaints of psoric origin
; patients emit a disagreeable odour. (4) Pale, sickly, delicate children. (5) Peevish, unhealthy-looking
children, who have a disagreeable odour about them. (6) Dirty people in whom the body has a filthy
smell which no amount of washing can remove. (7) Those subject to diseases of the glands and skin ;
and who have had eruptions suppressed.
The chief of the keynotes of Psorinum is : Lack of vital reaction ; prostration after acute disease,
depressed, hopeless, night-sweats. Hopelessness, despair of perfect recovery is part of the jack of
reaction ; emaciation and foul body odour may accompany it. "Foulness" may be considered the
second keynote of Psorinum Eruptions have offensive discharges ; the otorrha, is horribly offensive.
The diarrha (especially of cholera infantum) is profuse, watery, dark brown, and even black, and is
putrid-smelling like carrion.
The Med. Visitor (XI. 378) collected a number of cases illustrating the action of Psorinum (I italicise
some of the characteristics) :
(1) W. A. Hawley reports a case of cholera infantum which seemed to defy every remedy. Stools very
thin and watery, dirty greenish, smelt like carrion. Child very fretful, had no sleep for two days and
nights. Psorinum 42m (Fincke), one dose in water. In two hours the child went to sleep ; in four days it
was well without repetition of the dose.
(2) Another case of Hawley's : Miss N. , 20, had an eruption in bends of elbows and knees, dry, scaly,
with little pointed vesicles round the reddened edges ; disappeared entirely in summer and reappeared
when cold weather set in ; violent itching, < by warmth of bed or by scratching. Psorinum 42m, two
doses at six weeks' interval, cured. No return the following winter.
Psorinum also cured(3) Headache preceded by dimness of sight or spots before eyes (Haynel). (4)
Headache and eruptions, < during changeable weather (W. P. Wesselhft). (5) Always very hungry
during headaches (W. P. W). (6) Miss C. , convalescing from typhoid fever, reported : left Stationary, no
appetite. " Psorinum 400 produced immediate change and ravenous appetite (J. B. Bell). (7) Mr. P. , 50,
complained of nothing but weakness ; no appetite ; least exertion puts him into a perspiration.
Psorinum 40 cured rapidly (J. B. Bell). Mr. X. , 21, was obliged one day to run till nearly exhausted.

Though strong and well before he now became weak, perspiring easily, severe pains right side, < by
coughing, laughing, and motion. Psorinum 40 cured rapidly (J. B. Bell). [I have frequently verified the
action of Psorinum in liver affections with pains as in the last case. ] (8) Extreme dullness ; fears
inflammation of brain ; > by nose-bleed. Headache following darkness before eyes. Black spots before
eyes. Psorinum cured (Haynel). (9) Horribly offensive, nearly painless, almost involuntary, dark and
watery stool ; only in night and most towards morning (H. N. Martin). (10) Mr. C. , 43, spare, dark.
Hypochondriacal. "Nervous" nine months. Had to give up business. Took much Quinine and other
drugs. Complains of very disagreeable feeling about the head and manifests mental depression ; thinks
he will never recover ; has lost all hope. Cannot apply his mind to business. Seems confused ; cannot
reckon. Numbness of legs and arms, < left side ; < going to bed, formication and crawling with prickling
and smarting on scalp, and same on extremities. Tongue coated white. After three months treatment
was stationary. It was then ascertained that he sweated easily on least exertion, and somewhat at night,
and had loss of memory. Psorinum 400 soon caused improvement, and enabled the patient to return to
business (J. B. Bell). G. A. Whippy (Am. Hom. , XXIII. 391) cured the following case with Psorinum 200, a
dose every third night : Carpenter, 40, long-standing discharge of reddish cerumen from left ear, < at
night. Sensation of valve opening and shutting in left ear, < afternoon. Buzzing in ear, which stopped
suddenly and was followed by violent itching. Dull, heavy pain in base of brain in afternoon, with
sensation as though skin of abdomen was greatly relaxed and drawn down. Face sallow and greasy ;
several pustules on chin and neck which itch intensely and bleed when scratched.
Other leading indications of Psorinum are :
A symptom not seldom met with in practice and useful to remember is : "Feels unusually well day
before attack. "
Acne < during menses ; from fats, sugar, coffee, meat.
Dry, lustreless hair ; plica polonica.
Great sensitiveness to cold air, change, storms ; to sun ; restless for days before a thunderstorm.
Headache > by eating ; from suppressed menses ; > by nose-bleed.
Profuse sweat after acute diseases, with > of all suffering.
Psorinum has cured more cases of hay fever in my practice than any other single remedy.
Quinsy, throat burns, feels scalded, cutting, tearing, intense pain on swallowing, profuse, offensive
saliva ; tough mucus in throat ; must hawk continually ; tendency to quinsy.
Sick babies will not sleep day or night, but worry, fret, cry ; or good and play all day, restless,
troublesome, screaming all night.
Skin has dirty look as if never washed.
Weakness from loss of fluids ; after acute disease ; with or without organic lesion.
Whole body painful, easily sprained and injured.
Many cases have a psoric basis, and when the basic taint is corrected the irritating agents have no
effect. Nasal polypus I have also cured with Psorinum when the general symptoms indicate the remedy.
Peculiar Sensations are :
Arms as if paralysed.
As from heavy blow on forehead.
As if brain had not room enough in forehead.

As if brain would protrude.

As if frightened.
As if he heard with ears not his own.
As if he would lose his senses.
As if head separated from body.
As if intestines hanging down.
As if piece of wood lying across back of head.
As if sand in eyes.
As if stupid in left half of head.
Back of head as if sprained.
Cheek-bones as if ulcerated.
Condyle of jaw as if lame.
Everything in chest as if raw, scratched ; torn loose.
Eyes as if pressed outward.
Hands and feet as if broken.
Hip-joint as if ulcerated.
Joints as if encased in armour ; as if would not hold together.
Plug in throat.
Right side of occiput as if dislocated.
Teeth as if glued together.
Throat as if narrowing.
Tongue as if burnt.
The pains of Psorinum may be erratic and alternate (headache and toothache).
The symptoms are < by touch ; pressure (of truss) ; rubbing ; scratching ; riding ; bandage ; blow ; fall.
Slight emotions = severe ailments. (Psorinum cannot bear to have the limbs touch each other at night ;
or weight of arms on chest. )
> When eating ; < immediately after (rush of blood to head).
< After cold drinks (pain in chest).

Drinking = cough. > Lying down (most ailments, especially of chest ; but < cough, and = gurgling at
heart). < Lying right side (liver). < Riding in carriage or exercising in open air ; (riding > short breath). >
By rest and in room.
Overlifting = thoughts to vanish. < Walking ; moving. < Evening and before midnight night ; morning on
Open air < (> taste ; cough ; itching) nose sensitive inhaling. < Before thunderstorm (restless for days
Winter = cough. Summer = diarrha ; itching eruptions. < During full moon (enuresis). < Periodically.
Relations (Psorinum)
Antidoted by : Coffee.
Compatible : Carb. v. , Chi. , Sul. (if Sul. is indicated but fails to act give Psorinum).
Followed well by : Alm. , Borax, Hep.
Complementary : Sul. , Bac. (Bac. is the acute of Psorinum), after Lact. ac. (vomiting of pregnancy) ;
after Arn. (blow on ovary) ; Sul. after Psorinum in mammary cancer.
Inimical : Lach.
Compare :
As if parts separated, Ars. (body at waist), Bap. (limbs).
Axillary affections, jug. c. , jug. r. , Elaps.
Convalescence, profuse sweat, K. ca. (K. ca. has not the hopelessness of Psorinum).
Crusta lactea, Melitagrinum.
Despair of recovery, Chi. , Lauro. (chest), Caps. , Op. , Val. , Amb.
Drinking <, Dig.
Drinking = cough (> Caust. ).
Earthy, greasy face, Nat. m. , Bry.
Effect of thunderstorm, Pho.
Erratic pains ; < from fats, < evening, Puls.
Eruptions easily suppurate, Hep.
Explosion in ear, Alo.
Hay fever, Gels. (morning sneezing), K. iod.
Headache preceded by dim vision, Lac d. , K. bi.
Headache with hunger ; > while eating, Anac. , K. ph. ; > nose-bleed, Melilot.

Hunger at night, Chi. s. , Pho. , Sul. , Ign. , Lyc.

Lack of reaction, Op. (patient not sensitive), Lauro. (over-excitable and nervous), Carb. v. (emaciated,
weak pulse ; Psorinum psoric diathesis).
Offensive, cheesy concretions from throat, K. mur. > By sweat, Calad. , Nat. m. > Lying down and
keeping arms stretched far apart (Ars. opp. ). < Mornings on waking and evenings lying down, Pho. ,
Pediculosis, Ped. , Bac. , Nat. m.
Plica polonica, Lyc. , Bar. c. , Sars. , Bac.
Sick babies fret day and night (Jalap) ; good all day, screams all night (Lyc. opp. ).
Teeth stick together (Tub. teeth feel jammed together).
Tongue as if burnt, Sang.
Causation (Psorinum)
Mental labour.
Repelled eruptions.
Stormy weather.
Mind (Psorinum)
Anxiety : when riding in a carriage ; with trembling of hands and restlessness.
Despair : fear of failing in business ; wishes to die in spite of the best hopes.
Disinclination to work ; to ride in a carriage, then desire to ride all the time, even in bad weather.
Driven to despair by excessive itching.
Every moral emotion = trembling.
Excitable before sleep.

Excitable, vexed with everything.

Good-humour in morning ; works with pleasure ; enjoys everything.
Ill-humour : in morning ; and constant thoughts of dying ; could weep about everything.
Inability to rid himself of ideas which first appeared to him in a dream.
Melancholy : religious ; she could commit suicide, then is full of phantasms, peevishness, and
lachrymation ; alternating suddenly with liveliness.
Memory lost ; so that she does not recognise the room after looking out of the window.
Thinking that he understood what he had read he tried to explain it, and found that he did not
understand it.
Thoughts vanish after over-lifting.
Head (Psorinum)
Always hungry during headache.
Averse to having head uncovered ; wears a fur cap in hot weather.
Boring in left temple.
Cloudy feeling in night on waking, as if he had been intoxicated in evening, with stupor and tumbling
Congestion of blood to head immediately after dinner.
Congestion of brain, > nose-bleed.
Crusta serpiginosa.
Drawing in forehead extending to nose.
Drawing in sinuses as in coryza.
Feeling as of a cord around skin, < about occiput, which feels as if pressed outward.
Fulness during mental labour.
Fulness in vertex as if brain would burst, with formication in head followed by heavy sleep.
Hair : dry, lustreless ; tangles easily ; glues together.
Headache : in evening ; with eructations ; with thirst, coldness, and dryness of mouth and lips ;
intermittent ; spasmodically contracting ; as if a hammer were beating in head, esp. unilateral (in a
herpetic patient) ; as if everything would protrude through forehead towards evening.

Headache < by change of weather ; if it changes in night the headache wakens him.
Heaviness in morning.
Humid eruptions.
Humid, scabby eruption, full of lice.
Intermittent pain in a spot in vertex.
Pain as if brain had not space enough in morning on rising, > washing and breakfast ; contracting pain.
Pain in centre of forehead ; with weakness of it.
Pain in occiput as if a piece of wood lay across from right to left.
Pain in sinciput, < temples, < steady mental exertion, > motion, esp. in open air, < morning and evening,
with heaviness in sinciput, often it suddenly passes off and attacks left molars.
Pain in temples : after mental exertion ; hammering ; crampy, in skin of right at 7. 30 p. m.
Pinching in upper forehead beginning morning in bed, < morning and evening, with heaviness,
sometimes whole sinciput aches and then temples feel pressed in, afterwards it alternates suddenly
with pain in molars, < walking in fresh air.
Pulsation of blood during mental labour.
Rawness and soreness behind ears.
Right side of head and right eye swollen and painful as if it would burst.
Sensation as if head separated from body.
Shooting from left temple into head.
Spot of white skin with white lock of hair becomes natural colour under Psorinum.
Sticking in head, with weakness, had to lie down towards 7 p. m. , and soon fell asleep, copious sweat
at night, which >.
Sticking in left side of forehead ; in right side extending into eye.
Strained pain in right side of occiput at noon.
Stupefied feeling in left forehead in morning.
Tearing in head (which he formerly had) this time with fever and general arthritic pains.
Thrusts in head.
Tinea capitis et faciei.
Vertigo : mornings ; everything turns around with him ; with headache, confusion, roaring in ears.
Viscid sweat about head.
Weakness of head.

Eyes (Psorinum)
All objects in room appear to tremble.
Biting in eyes.
Dazzling in evening when walking in street.
Eyes : gummy ; surrounded by blue rings ; glassy, with pain in them ; agglutination in morning.
Inflammation of right eye.
Itching : of right lid ; left lower lid, from one side to other ; of canthi ; inner canthi, with heat.
Lachrymation : towards evening ; on looking long at one object.
Ophthalmia, with pain as from sand in eyes, and lachrymation at night.
Pain as from sand, or foreign body (in right evening when closed).
Pain in eyes with burning, in evening when looking sharply it something, and by candle-light.
Pain in right eye as if it would burst.
Pimples : like hordeola on upper lid ; red, like fresh hordeola on margin of upper lids, and sensation as
if something were moving before the eyes, as if one were playing with his fingers before them.
Right eye feels melting away.
Sticking : in left eye ; pain in right eye, < touch.
Swelling of lids and of face.
Tired in evening as from much reading by candle-light.
Vision blurred suddenly.
Vision of sparks.
Ears (Psorinum)
Biting in left ear.
Buzzing in ears.
Coldness in right ear, then sticking.
Discharge of fetid pus (left).
Discharge of reddish cerumen from left ear.
Feeling as if stuffed with cotton, forenoons.
Feeling in right ear as if he heard with the ears of another person, evening.
Intermittent tearing through external meatus, as from temporal muscle to styloid process.

Itching in right ear.

Left concha inwardly inflamed, with suppurating pimples.
Otorrha, with headache.
Pain : in right ear, in morning ; ulcerative, in left, and at the same time on right ear a pimple appearing
like healthy skin, but split into four parts by a cross like a wart, in the centre a deep indentation.
Ringing : in left ear, evening ; in right or left, with buzzing in head so that she hears hardly anything,
and behind ears in region of sterno-cleido-mastoideus, a sore pain, sometimes heat extending to
vertex, < towards, evening, when she feels as if pulled by the hair.
Roaring so that he feels stupefied.
Sensation as if something burst suddenly when eating or swallowing saliva.
Sensation in left ear as if breath came from it instead of from respiratory organs.
Sticking : towards noon ; in left lobe in evening ; in left after the buzzing ; in meatus internus,
transiently > boring in with finger, frequently returning, < evening during rest.
Nose (Psorinum)
Boring in right nostril, then sneezing.
Clear, watery fluid pours out, < left nostril, < stooping.
Coryza : with cough and expectoration of yellowish green mucus ; dry ; dry with obstruction of nose ;
fluent ; fluent, from left nostril.
Drawing extending up to frontal sinuses, with pain in eyes as if coryza would set in, then discharge of
fluid from nose.
Dry coryza ; nostrils nearly dry, and sensitive when breathing through them.
Inflammation of septum, with white pustules.
Nose red.
Scratching crawling towards root of nose as if coryza would set in.
Sneezing ; without coryza.
Sticking in left nostril when boring in with finger.
Stoppage of nose.
Tough mucus, he can hardly do a minute without his handkerchief, without coryza, with feeling of a
plug high up in nose, which nauseates him, > stooping.
Face (Psorinum)
Burning of lips ; painful and seem swollen.
Clear vesicles on inner surface of lower lip.

Congestion to head, cheeks and nose red and hot.

Coppery eruption on face.
Corners of mouth sore, often ulcerated ; sycotic condylomata.
Crusta lactea.
Dryness of lips ; and brown and black colour.
Face pale ; sickly looking ; yellow.
Pain as if lame in condyle of jaw.
Pain in zygoma on touch as if bone were suppurating, in evening.
Painful itching on right half of upper lip as if swollen.
Pimple on upper lip.
Roughness of skin of face ; eruption on forehead between eyes ; offensive stools.
Sticking in lower jaw.
Swelling of upper lip.
Vesicles around corner of mouth, and outwardly above them larger sore spots, exuding a fluid which
seemed to originate from scratching the vesicles, and cause continual scratching.
Yellow vesicles on red edge of lower lip sore on touch.
Teeth (Psorinum)
Blood suddenly escapes from a hollow molar.
Looseness of teeth, < incisors, so that he fears they will fall out, the pain < by touch, > open air, with
much mucus of an offensive odour in mouth.
Sticking from one side to the other, extending to head, then burning pain in right cheek, which is
Sticking in a carious right upper tooth as if it would be pulled, at dinner, then grumbling and hammering
pain in all right teeth, only in daytime, > fresh air.
Stitching in teeth on touching them in order to remove something lodged between them.
Tearing ; jerking in left molars, sometimes only slight pain alternating with headache.
Teeth seem on edge in afternoon when smoking.
Mouth (Psorinum)
Adhesion of tough mucus to posterior wall of soft palate, tasting like old cheese, coming from choan.
Dryness of mouth.
Increase of the nauseous taste after eating and smoking tobacco.

Inflammation of gum of a posterior right hollow lower molar, vith swelling and crawling pain, < touch.
Scratching in back part of mouth, and when leaning backward asthmatic feeling.
Sticky taste.
Swollen sensation in palate.
Taste : bitter mornings before eating, > eating ; when not eating ; > eating and drinking ; bad, finally
coppery ; like cat's urine to bread and butter in morning ; oily to the dinner ; flat, insipid ; foul, she
drinks to get rid of it ; filthy.
Thick, tough mucus from choan ; of nauseous taste ; teeth stick together.
Tongue : coated ; white ; yellowish white.
Tongue : dry ; at tip, as if burnt, painful ; burnt feeling from tip to middle, so that he has hardly any
Ulceration of right gum after toothache.
Ulceration of tongue and gums, with sore throat.
Throat (Psorinum)
Angina, on right side an ulcer, with sore pain deep in throat and burning in palate.
Burning in throat ; extending farther downward.
Dryness of throat : in morning, with scraping ; of fauces, with moisture in mouth.
Hawks up cheesy balls, size of pea, of disgusting taste and carrion-like odour.
Intermittent pain and difficult swallowing.
Pain in left tonsil, with swollen feeling.
Pain on swallowing saliva.
Painful pimple on fauces.
Quinsy, intense pain to ears on swallowing, profuse, offensive saliva ; tough mucus in throat, must
hawk continually ; tendency to quinsy.
Scraping in throat as if she would become hoarse (in a herpetic patient) ; with suffocation, causing dry
Sensation of plug in throat, impeding hawking.
Soreness with difficulty in swallowing ; can take without difficulty only cold food.
Stitches : in left tonsil ; in left sinews on turning head.
Submaxillary glands swollen and painful to touch, also a painful pustule below left lower jaw.
Swollen feeling in fauces.

Tickling in throat : mornings ; causing cough ; then empty eructations.

Appetite (Psorinum)
Appetite diminished.
Aversion to smoking after breakfast, but when he begins smoking is relished.
Desire for acids.
Desire to smoke in evening, but when not smoking the desire for it ceased.
Disgust for pork.
Drinking = cough.
Easily satiated though he has a good appetite.
Eating (dinner) = congestion to head.
Hunger great ; in afternoon, with thirst for beer ; in evening after a walk : in evening ; for breakfast.
Hunger without appetite.
Loss of appetite, but constant thirst.
Thirst : during dinner ; after the chill, then heat in mouth ; with dryness and burning in mouth ; for beer.
Stomach (Psorinum)
Contracting pain in epigastric region.
Cramp in epigastric region ; cutting.
Eructations : tasting like rotten eggs ; sour ; rancid in evening.
Hiccough : after eating ; when smoking a pipe after eating.
Nausea : during the day, a kind of vomiting of sweet mucus every day at 10 a. m. and in evening ; in
morning ; in pit of stomach in morning ; after all food ; after supper, > eating something roasted.
Pyrosis ; after drinking water ; when lying down, colic > eating.
Sticking in pit of stomach.
Vomiting : sour ; of sour mucus, so that teeth are on edge, in morning before eating ; of food, then of a
sour, slimy fluid.
Waterbrash on lying down, > getting up.
Weakness and pressure.
Abdomen (Psorinum)

Abdomen bloated : after eating ; after eating frozen things.

Bearing down towards pubes, with tenesmus and painful burning micturition.
Constant feeling of emptiness and looseness of abdomen ; sensation as if intestines were hanging
Cramps in abdomen in morning in bed.
Cutting in abdomen ; in evening, > passage of offensive flatus ; as from a purge.
Cutting in umbilical region.
Deep-seated, stitching, pressing pains in region of liver, < external pressure and lying on right side ;
pain hinders sneezing, laughing, yawning, coughing, deep inspiration and walking.
Foul-smelling flatus.
Frequent sticking to left of umbilicus during rest.
Griping : when driving ; in women, < pubic region.
Gurgling in small intestines.
Pain as from canine hunger, < epigastric region, an hour after supper, with accumulation of flatus.
Pain in abdomen towards evening, > eating ; after eating, > emission of flatus, with nausea and in
lumbar vertebr, with flatulent troubles, pain in spermatic cords and testicles as if filled with blood, a
soft, difficult stool.
Pain in right inguinal ring.
Pinching in abdomen in morning, so that he has to run for the closet, > stool.
Rumbling in morning ; gurgling and roaring.
Sticking : in sides of abdomen ; right side ; region of spleen ; under last left rib ; in hepatic region ;
region of spleen, > standing still, renewed by walking, later felt even during rest.
Sticking in inguinal glands.
Swollen sensation horizontally across below short ribs when sitting.
Twitching in right groin after driving.
Stool and Anus (Psorinum)
Burning hmorrhoids in anus.
Burning high up in rectum.
Chafed sensation in rectum and anus during a drive.
Diarrha preceded by colic ; green, bilious, mixed with mucus ; four times a day, without pain.
Ineffectual urging.

Involuntary stools during sleep.

Itching in anus.
Obstinate constipation, with severe pains.
Sensitive hmorrhoidal pain in rectum.
Soft, difficult stool ; and copious.
Spasmodic pain in rectum.
Stool : fluid, dark brown, foul-smelling ; thin, watery, dirty greenish, like carrion ; horribly offensive,
nearly painless, almost involuntary, dark and watery ; only in night, < towards morning.
Stool wanting.
Stools : either costive or mushy : of normal consistency, in small balls, almost involuntary, at night,
with violent emission of flatus ; two in forenoon ; four or five a day, preceded by colic ; sometimes
shooting away as from a syringe, at another time it is mushy, sometimes of normal consistency.
Urinary Organs (Psorinum)
Burning during micturition with cutting.
Discharge of prostatic fluid before micturition.
Frequent micturition at night.
Sticking inwardly from orifice of urethra.
Tenesmus urin and discharge of a few drops when he thinks he has done.
Urine has a red sediment and a pellicle of fat.
Male Sexual Organs (Psorinum)
Absence of erections ; even with lascivious thoughts, afterwards morning erections and pollutions,
with satyriasis.
Aversion to coitus.
Burning pain at tip of penis on beginning to urinate.
Chronic gleet.
Chronic painless discharge from urethra, staining linen yellow.
Drawing in testicles, but more steady in small of back.
Frequent tightness of penis, with drawing.
Glans inflamed, with an ulcer on it, testes swollen and heavy.
Hydrocele : from repeated inflammation caused by pressure of truss (Puls. cured the inflammation).

No discharge of semen during coition.
Painful suppurating vesicle on scrotum.
Relaxation of genitals ; with indifference to sexual affairs.
Female Sexual Organs (Psorinum)
Amenorrha ; in psoric subjects ; with phthisis.
Breasts swollen ; nipples red ; burning and itching pimples about nipples.
Cutting in left groin.
During pregnancy : congestion ; ftus moves too violently ; tympanites ; nausea, vomiting ; obstinate
Dysmenorrha ; near climaxis.
Intolerable itching from anus to vagina, with knotty stools, < at night.
Left ovary indurated from a blow.
Leucorrha ; large lumps ; unbearable in odour ; violent pains in sacrum and right loin ; great debility.
Mammary cancer.
Menses too late ; and scanty.
Sensitive knotty lump above right groin.
Ulcers on labia.
Respiratory Organs (Psorinum)
Breathes easily when doing some light work, as trimming trees.
Cough in evening, > keeping quiet, with pain in chest and throat, talking = cough.
Cough with weakness of chest ; so that he could not remain in bed at night, with weakness and vertigo.
Cough, < morning on waking, and in evening on lying down, with expectoration of green mucus, nearly
like matter, with nausea, chest is affected and expectoration is difficult ; with copious expectoration ;
sometimes of mucus streaked with blood ; with salivation and vomiting of acid mucus.
Dry cough : all day, with nausea and retching and tickling in throat from tickling in trachea, as if
narrowing ; with soreness under sternum with heaviness on chest.
Dyspna in evening.
Hoarseness ; when talking phlegm sticks in larynx.
Inclination to cough, with sensation of coldness.
Short breath ; in fresh air, > riding and lying down.

Suffocating, crawling sensation in larynx, producing a paroxysmal, dry, hacking cough.

Suffocation in larynx when sitting bent backward, with crawling, causing paroxysmal, dry, hacking
cough, and at same time contraction and heaviness in chest and pain in upper part of sternum.
Talking is very fatiguing.
Tickling in trachea, with cough.
Want of breath on walking in fresh air ; < sitting, > lying, with pain in chest.
Whistling respiration on waking, with constriction, again in evening whistling in chest.
Chest (Psorinum)
Boring in right chest, with oppressed breathing.
Chronic blennorrha of lungs.
Cutting as with knives ; in evening, with burnt feeling in throat, eructations, then emission of flatus.
Dull feeling in chest, with pain in back.
Feeling as if everything in it were torn when lifting.
Hot sensation in chest.
Oppression ; pressure ; contracted feeling in chest.
Pain as if a lung had been torn loose and something were pressing it down.
Pain on spots ; ulcerative pain under sternum ; pain as from a load, < bending head forward, with want
of breath.
Pain under sternum when coughing as if something would be torn away, extending to throat.
Sticking : in left chest ; left mamma ; under left false ribs ; in right side on coughing or breathing ; even
when not breathing ; in sternum on deep breathing, and on touch a pressing and bruised pain.
Suppuration of lungs.
Twitching through left chest, anterior side.
When in bed has to remove the arms as far as possible from chest, otherwise they increase the pain.
Heart (Psorinum)
Gurgling in heart region esp. noticeable when lying down.
Pain in heart > lying down ; thinks the stitches will kill him if they continue.
Palpitation ; with anxious oppression.

Pulse : weak ; irritable, indicating a return of abscesses on neck.

Stitches in cardiac region, low gurgling extending to heart, for a moment breathing is impossible.
Neck and Back (Psorinum)
Aching in back ; bruised feeling in evening, cannot straighten it.
Backache : with constipation ; after suppressed eruption.
Boring in dorsal vertebr ; pain between second and third in afternoon.
Boring in nape, with stiffness.
Boring in vertebr in morning, with colic, as from rheumatism.
Cutting in loins so that she could not walk alone.
Drawing in loins, and sometimes in testicles.
Drawing pain extending to shoulder, after waking.
Glands of neck swollen, and on touch bruised pain extending to head.
Herpetic eruption on side of neck extending from cheek.
Nape excoriated by discharge from eczema capitis.
Pain in loins ; and itching ; like molimina hmorrhoidalia, < motion, so that he could not walk straight
comfortably ; as if third vertebra from below were wanting or broken.
Pain in muscles of right neck, in their upper sinewy part, as from sudden tension, on turning head to
right backward or sideways, > pressure.
Pain in nape in afternoon, only in the house, when supporting head with hands it feels as if it had no
body, as if he could pass through it with the hands.
Scapul : sticking between in morning ; tearing ; rheumatic sticking tearing in and between, down
Spina bifida.
Sticking : in loins extending to knee in morning ; in os pubis during bodily exertion.
Sticking in back ; extending towards chest on coughing.
Sticking in neck, with pustules.
Tearing in nape.
Tensive pain in nape after waking, as if he had lain in an uncomfortable position.
Tightness in ischii when walking, extending to knees.
Weakness of loins.
Limbs (Psorinum)

Tearing : in left knee and shoulder ; intermittent, in joints, in humerus, knee, and toes, > motion.
Trembling of hands and feet.
Wandering pains, < tibi and soles, also in finger-joints, at times in right patella, > motion.
Weakness of joints as if they would not hold together.
Upper Limbs (Psorinum)
Arm and shoulder swell up from an old eczema.
Copper-coloured eruption or red blisters on backs of hands.
Eruption in bends of elbows and around wrists.
Herpes on palms.
Itching between fingers ; vesicles.
Itch-like eruptions on wrists, with rheumatism in limbs.
Nails brittle.
Patch on left wrist, and immediate relief follows dose of Psorinum (R. T. C. ).
Pustules on hands, near finger-ends, suppurating.
Sensation in left arm, in morning in bed, as if asleep with crawling in fingers ; with numbness of three
first fingers and half of hand.
Spasmodic pain in bones of left arm in evening at rest.
Sticking in left index.
Sweat on palms, esp. at night.
Swelling and tension of backs of hands and of fingers.
Tearing in arm ; intermittent sticking in left arm.
Tearing in elbow ; right in evening.
Tearing in left shoulder in afternoon and evening when resting.
Tetter on arm, with small, millet-like eruption, exuding a yellow fluid ; itches intensely in heat.
Trembling of hands.
Warts, size of pin's head, on left hand and fingers.
Lower Limbs (Psorinum)
Cramp or spasm in toes, < left great toe, when stretching them or taking off boots.

Feet, trembling ; inclination to turn left inward when walking, with sensation as if he really had turned it
the wrong way.
Gouty pain in left foot.
Leg on which he lies in bed too weak to endure the pressure of the other, he has to change his position
Legs, < tibi and soles, pain as from too much walking, mornings in bed, > rising, with restlessness of
Pain in feet < during rest, with itching.
Pain in hip-joints as if dislocated, < when walking, with weak arms.
Paralysis of legs from suppression of eruption on arms.
Sciatica : tension down to knee while walking.
Sensation in right leg as if it would go to sleep.
Sticking in right ankle in morning on every step with strained sensation.
Tibi and soles feel bruised, as after a tiring walk, mornings in bed.
Generalities (Psorinum)
> Morning ; in fresh air ; when lying.
Gouty pains in left toe, both knees, and back.
Heaviness of whole body as before intermittent fever.
Hot trembling over whole body in morning during rush of business.
Looks pale, exhausted, thin, his clothing is too large for him.
Right side of body full of burning pains.
Sensation when in the sun as if it pushed her down, she had to rest in the shade in order to walk on.
Stormy weather affects him, = restlessness in his blood a few days beforehand ; makes him sick and =
hmorrhoidal troubles.
Weakness : towards evening, > going to bed ; after riding in a waggon ; from a little labour.
Skin (Psorinum)
< Of the itching, which he had had for years on knees, < left, and the herpetic eruption begins to
become pustular.
A scab on nose which commonly fell off when coughing is now adherent and hard.
An old rhagade near right styloid process suppurated, itched, and was surrounded by blisters filled
with clear water, these soon changed to pustules, which healed under a crust.

Boils on chest and loins ; on buttocks, with burning itching, soon disappearing, leaving crusts.
Burning like heat-rash below eyes ; causing itching, smarting pain, burning after scratching, and feeling
sore (in a herpetic patient) ; and ulcers, from which watery fluid oozed for hours after being opened, <
hands, wrists, and palms.
Crawling on all limbs, with falling asleep of them.
It < herpes and causes smarting and itching.
Itching : on forehead ; tip of nose ; left arm ; biceps of left arm ; right elbow ; soles in evening after a
glass of Muscat wine, with tickling and heat ; of face, neck, and hands on touch ; over whole body after
rubbing papules and vesicles ; between fingers, and vesicles filled with lymph ; on right carpus, with
red spots ; voluptuous, where a flea had bitten, with white, hard blisters on a red base.
Itch-like eruption on face, hand, back, and leg, and agglutination of eyes.
Nodules on face, neck, and legs.
Pimples : on forehead ; on neck and mamm ; with black points in centre, painful when scratched ; on
external throat.
Pustules on nape, with sticking.
Rash : above left brow and on left cheek ; red, on external throat, beginning with sticking.
Vesicles : on face ; quickly filling with yellow lymph, sore to touch on forehead, face, and behind right
ear ; filled with lymph, painful to touch on various parts, some forming itching papules.
Sleep (Psorinum)
Cannot fall asleep in evening.
Cannot sleep on the habitual right side, but sleeps on left.
Dreams : anxious in morning, of robbers, travels, and dangers ; uneasy, earnest ; that he is on the
closet, and thus nearly soils his bed of his business and of his plans.
Gnashing of teeth at night, so that he wakes.
Restless sleep ; and unrefreshing.
Restless sleep on account of disquiet dreams.
Sleep restless but refreshing.
Sleep unusually sound.
Sleeps when she sits down.
Sleepy all the time ; in daytime ; early.
Yawning : at noon ; and shivering pale blue rings, with tearing and spasmodic pains in umbilical region
in evening ; in evening, with early sleepiness.
Fever (Psorinum)

Burning : in head ; in forehead ; in nose, transiently > by discharge of mucus.

Burning in face, then vesicles.
Burning in nose, then fluent coryza.
Burning in right ear with itching.
Coldness < evening, with hot flashes, debility, and sleepiness.
Coldness with heat, thirst, and sweat.
Creeping coldness in afternoon, with internal shivering.
Feet cold all night.
Heat : in afternoon ; in evening when riding in a carriage, with sweat ; of whole body suddenly, at meals
and in evening, with trickling sweat all over face, frequent thirst, dryness, and burning in mouth.
Heat in evening, as if she would lose her senses, at night delirium, thirst, and sweat, then she feels well.
Internal coldness towards noon, with shivering and horripilation.
Sweat : on waking ; in morning when out of doors : with consequent debility, and taking cold easily ;
sweat on palms ; on face ; on palms at night ; perinum on moving about.
Want of sweat, dry skin.

Nosode of Septicmia (Swan).
Attenuations made from contents of a septic abscess.
Clinical (Septicminum)
Camp diarrha.
Typhoid fever.
Characteristics (Septicminum)
Skinner (H. W. , XXXV. 246) gave a supply of Septicaeminum 10m (F. C. ) to a volunteer going to South
Africa, with instructions to take a globule every four hours if attacked with anything like sinking or
typhoid fever.
The young man wrote home that "Septicmin is like magic in diarrha and dysentery in camp life," and
asked for more, as his supply was largely drawn on by his friends.

Compare : Pyro. , Malar. , Bapt.

A nosode.
Syphilitic virus.
Clinical (Syphilinum)Abscess ; succession of abscesses.
Alcoholism ; hereditary craving for alcohol.
Anus, fissure of.
Breasts sensitive.
Crying of infants.
Deltoid rheumatism.
Headache ; syphilitic.
Hoarseness ; before menses.
Leucorrha ; infantile.
Mouth, ulcerated.

Ovaries, affections of.
Psoas abscess.
Rectum, stricture of.
Spine, caries of.
Teeth, carious.
Throat, ulcerated.
Tibia, pains in.
Tongue, cracked, ulcerated.
Characteristics (Syphilinum)
I learnt the value of this nosode from Skinner, who has made with it some very brilliant cures. It has
been proved by Swan in the potencies, and Hering's Schema, from which mine is taken, comprises also
disease symptoms marked "(n)" and cured symptoms, which have generally the name and the
disease appended. Cured cases of secondary syphilis I have marked "(s. s. ). "

The widespread distribution of syphilis, acquired and hereditary, and the virulence and persistence of
the virus, give this nosode a high degree of importance in homopathic practice. It has been mainly,
almost exclusively, employed by those who are familiar with the use of high attenuations. I have used
no potency lower than 200, and rarely repeat the dose oftener than once a week.
The leading features of the disease are the keynotes for the use of the remedy, and (1) first in
importance is the "Night <" : "Pains from darkness to daylight ; begin with twilight and end with
daylight. " "All symptoms < at night. " "Terrible dread of night, on account of mental and physical
exhaustion on awaking. " This night aggravation will be found in a large proportion of the cases
needing Syph. ; in ophthalmia, the pains are < at night, and during the night the lids grow together.
Neuralgia, and headache, asthma, coughs < from sunset to sunrise, whether syphilitic or not, will be
benefited by Syph. Sleeplessness is itself a leading indication for Syph. , which vies with Sul. as a sleep
restorer. (2) Next to the Night <, is Ulceration : this may affect mouth, nose, genitals, or skin, and the
ulcers have greyish bases ; in the nose they produce the most offensive form of ozna with discharge
of fetid clinkers. In such cases I have found Syph. of the greatest service. Fetid discharges from the ear
come in the same category. (3) Abscesses with foul secretions. (All pus-formations of Syph. are fetid. )
Succession of abscesses is one of the grand keynotes of the materia medica. Eyes, teeth, and skin give
other leading indications. In ophthalmia neonatorum the lids adhere during sleep ; pains < 2 to 5 a. m. ;
pus profuse ; > cold bathing. Iritis, syphilitic or rheumatic, has been cured with Syph. Ptosis ; sleepy
look from drooping lids. Diplopia, one image seen below the other.
Teeth decay at the edge of the gums and break off ; are cupped, have serrated edges ; dwarfed in size
and converge at their tips. The typical eruption of Syph. is copper-coloured spots, but it covers many
other forms, including pemphigus. The glandular system is affected throughout and nutrition impaired,
leading to extreme emaciation. Burnett has recorded in his book on Delicate Children many instances
of the power of Syph. to free stunted children from this constitutional blight.
Further indications for Syph. are : Pains < and > gradually ; are shifting, and require frequent change of
position. Leucorrha ; profuse, soaking through napkins and running to heels. Craving for alcohol in
any form. Hereditary tendency to alcoholism. (Bacchus and Venus are close allies). The orifices of the
body are all affected by syphilis, and Syph. has a great sphere in rectal pain and constipation.
"Obstinate constipation for years ; rectum seems tied up with strictures ; when enema was used the
agony of passage was like labour. " Bones are affected, and especially bones of head and tibi. Nodes
on the head.
H. C. Allen says : "Syphilitics, or patients who have had chancre treated by local means, and as a result
have suffered from throat and skip troubles for years, are nearly always benefited by this remedy at
commencement of treatment unless some other remedy is clearly indicated. " Thomas Wildes (H. P. , xi.
267) gives his experience with Syph. In chancre he gives Syph. 1m (Swan)according to Skinner's
calculation this is much lower than 1m of the centesimal scale one dose every night.
The chancre increases for the first two weeks and then gradually fades away, not being followed by
secondaries. Where the edges of the chancre assume the appearance of proud flesh in the third or
fourth week, and become everted, jagged, and angry dark red, he gives Lac can. cm (Swan) every night
for ten to fourteen days, until the sore takes on a more natural appearance, when Syph. 1m is again
given to finish the case.
For any remaining induration Nit. ac. 30, four times a day, is given. Headaches in great variety he cured
with it ; aphasia ; ptosis ; paralysis of tongue ; facial paralysis ; hemiplegia ; "persistent pains in any
part of the body ;" catarrhal and nerve deafness ; itching of nostrils ; dark purple lines between al nasi
and cheeks. Itching scabby eruptions on face or breast ; singly or in clusters, looking like herpes. Pain
and pressure behind sternum. Epilepsy.
Wildes cured with Syph. 1m a bookkeeper who for many months had had a piercing, pressing,
excruciating headache over right eye extending deep into brain. It was so severe, he was losing
continuity of thought and memory. Under Syph. every night the headache disappeared entirely in ten
days and the mental faculties were fully restored ; but in six weeks the whole eyebrow on that side
broke out into a sickly, yellow, syphilitic eczema with a red, angry, and oozing base extending under the
arch to the lid from canthus to canthus up into forehead and down the side of the nose. The cure of this
was tedious, because, Wildes thinks, he did not stick to Syph. , but changed the remedy. This man had

had syphilis a few years before. In 1879 a lady, 26, extremely bright and intelligent, came to Wildes with
a dreadful ozna. She had also curvature of the spine and congestion of right ovary.
Always delicate from a child. Syph. cured the ozna and improved the health, but it "drove out a saddle
to which the Sepia saddle is but a shadow" a furious inflammatory mass of syphilitic sores, scabs,
and eczema, red and angry, with a fiery base extending from one malar prominence to the other, across
nose up to eyes and forehead. This took eighteen months to cure.
The ozna never returned. A boy, 4, had an obstinate rash, a combination of prurigo and herpes, on
chin, lips, cheek-bone, forehead, and hairy scalp ; on arms, chest, back, bends of joints and on the
joints, and on fingers and hands, nowhere profuse. In spite of authorities to the contrary, Wildes
maintains that syphilitic rashes may itch, and that prurigo is infectious and is one of the initial stages of
leprosy. This boy had a spot of eruption on the left thigh the size of the top-joint of a man's thumb. This
was distinctly a leper spot. Syph. 1m caused the rash to come out strongly all over the body in patches,
the face was one-third covered with a thick, yellow, scabby eruption. The remedy was continued and
the boy got well, wonderfully improved in health, no longer nervous, growing well ; sleeping well ;
appetite good. Girl, 16, had measles a year before which did not come out properly. A year and a half
prior thereto subject to neuralgic headaches. Ailing about two years ; very despondent, wants to die,
headaches growing more violent.
During the headaches the temple veins stand out, has pains all over the body, is very irritable, restless,
walking about much of the time, does not wish to be soothed, violent on being opposed, has tremors
and seems on the verge of convulsions, dazed, absent-minded, and almost insane. Always washing her
hands. Was formerly constipated, but now subject to "a kind of diarrha. " Menses never have come on
properly, and for the past year have been very irregular, much delayed, scanty, and always extremely
painful. Often feverish. Sleep anxious, distressed, and often wakeful and violently restless.
The italicised symptoms indicated Syph. , and under this she steadily recovered. A young lady
contracted "lepra-syphilis" from vaccination. She had an immense blood-boil on her arm which would
not heal. Face broken out with a lumpy fiery rash. With Syph. 1m at bedtime she recovered rapidly ; the
arm healed quickly and her face became free from eruption. Boy, 3, had cluster of yellow blotches on
fingers and roots of nails, distorting the nails. The boy's father was epileptic.
The boy was helped with Fluor. ac. and cured with Syph. , the nails becoming straight. Many persons,
says Wildes, after taking Syph. for a few days, complained of heavy, crushing, cutting pains across the
base of the cerebellum ; others of heavy aching and stiffness from base of neck up through muscles
and cords of neck and into the brain ; others of a heavy, clouded, dull feeling at base of brain with
physical lethargy, and sometimes with dizziness, sometimes with confusion of thoughts and often a
feeling as if going insane or about to be paralysed. Sometimes a far-away feeling, with a feeling of
indifference to the future. Accompanying these there may come a heavy, dragging, dull feeling in
lumbar region, with stiffness and want of elasticity.
Peculiar Sensations are :
A far-away feeling with apathy.
A number of linear pains have been observed in Syph. cases.
A seething feeling as if hot water or hot oil running through all veins of the body, all night long.
As if a worm in tooth.
As if bitten by bugs.
As if blood went to right inner canthus and temples and could get no further.
As if bones were sawed.
As if going insane or about to be paralysed.

As if head were pulled back by a weight.

As if rectum were tied up with strictures.
As if right eye were wide open and cold air were blowing in it.
As if sand in eyes.
As if she would suffocate with rough.
As if skin were drawn up in centre of chest on drawing back head.
As if sternum was being drawn towards dorsal vertebr.
As if teeth had got out of place.
As if teeth were loose.
As if throat tearing to pieces.
As if toes on right foot were disjointed.
As if top of head were coming off.
As if urethra had been stuffed up and clogged.
As of a nervous chill commencing in anus and running down legs.
Coccyx as if swollen.
Distress as if in omentum.
Fluttering as of something alive in teeth.
Like growing-pains in limbs.
Palms and soles as if pricked by needles.
Tongue feels as if paralysed.
G. H. Carr (M. A. , XVII. 162) relates this case : An old man had been troubled two or three winters with
an intense cold pain in both legs ; it came on every night on lying down ; and lasted all night, the only
relief being by getting up and walking. Magnetic leggings had given most relief. Syph. mm, one dose
daily, was given. He lost the pain for six weeks, when it returned in milder form. Syph. cmm was given,
and he had no more pains all the winter.
This medicine, he said "made his genitals ache so that he couldn't sit still. " This lasted over a month.
Syph. cm cured (ibid. ) a lady of "asthma" that she had had for twenty-five years, the attack coming on
only at night after lying down, or during a thunderstorm. Swan (M. A. , XXVIII. 239) says he gave crying
infants, when they developed the propensity immediately after birth and did not cease, one dose of
Syph. cmm, and it was difficult to make them cry after that. Yingling (M. A. , XXIX. 135) reports this case
: Rev. D. , 30, dark, free from venereal taint, had a constant dull, heavy ache above inner angle of right
eye, very distressing, with an occasional thrust as of an iron rod from the same spot through to lower
part of occiput.
This thrust was excruciating. He was due to preach next day, but the pain quite incapacitated him,
hence his appeal for help. Haggard look. Syph. cm, one dose, was given. He was free from pain before
he reached home, next morning was perfectly well.

The symptoms are < by touch (tibia ; os uteri). Pressure = pain in spot middle of thigh ; > throat ;
pressing teeth together > toothache. No position suits. Motion <. Raising arms laterally <. Walking >
pain in hips and thighs. < At night. Warmth and cold < and >. Warmth > headache ; of stove > pain in
swollen wrist and big toe. Hot or cold things < toothache. Cold water > ophthalmia pains. Damp weather
; warm, damp weather ; thunderstorm ; seaside <. > In mountains. < Winter.
Relations (Syphilinum)
Compare :
< At night, Aur. , Merc. , Sul. (Med. and Sycotics < early morning).
< At sea-shore ; > inland (Med. opp). < At seaside ; averse to consolation, Nat. m.
As if teeth out of place (Tub. as if jammed together).
Constipation with labour-like pains. Lac d. , Tub.
Deep-in headache, Bac.
Dentition troubles < night (Med. < early morning).
Dysmenorrha, Med.
Emaciation, Abrot, Iod.
Fears suffering from exhaustion on awaking, Lach.
Fissure in anus, Thuj.
Hereditary syphilis ; dentition, Kre.
Hereditary tendency to alcoholism, Asar. , Pso. , Tub. , Sul. , Sul. ac.
In bone diseases and syphilitic affections, Aur. , Asaf. , K. iod. , Merc. , Nit. ac.
Lancinating pains in heart (from base to apex), Med. (from apex to base), Spi. (from base to clavicle or
Ozna with offensive clinkers. Sep. , Pul. , Pso. , K. bi.
Pains increase and decrease Slowly, Stn.
Ptosis, Caust. , Graph.
Shoulder rheumatism < raising arm laterally, Rhus, Sang. (right shoulder), Fer. (left), Urt. ur.
Succession of abscesses (Anthrac. , succession of boils).
Syphilitic stomatitis, Lach. , Lac c. , Merc. Nodes, K. iod. , K. bi. , Mang. , Merc.
Thunder, effect of, Pho.
Vertigo < looking up (Sul. , looking down).
Causation (Syphilinum)

Damp weather.
Mind (Syphilinum)
A far-away feeling, with apathy and indifference to future.
Cross, irritable, peevish.
Crying infants, who begin immediately after birth.
Feeling as if going insane, or about to be paralysed.
Irritable, excited, walking much of the time, does not want to be soothed, violent on being opposed, has
tremors, seems on the verge of convulsions, dazed, absent-minded, always washing her hands.
Loses remembrances of passing occurrences, names, dates, &c. , while all occurrences previous to
inception of disease are remembered as distinctly as ever (n).
Loss of memory (n).
Periodical neuralgia in head (neuralgia).
Terrible dread of night ; always < as night approaches ; leaves her about daylight, which she prays for
(spring cough).
Very despondent, does not think will ever get better (s. s. ).
Very nervous, weeping without cause.
Head (Syphilinum)
Bursting sensation in vertex as from severe cold.
Constant linear headache, commencing at both angles of forehead and extending in parallel lines
backward a precursor of epileptic attack.
Coronal headache (s. s. ).
Dirty eruption on scalp.
Great loss of hair (n).
Headache : linear, from or near one eye backward ; lateral ; frontal ; from temple to temple ; deep into
brain from vertex ; as from pressure on vertex ; in either temple, extending into or from eye > by warmth
; in bones of head ; < by heat of sun ; after sunstroke.
Headache through temples, thence vertically like an inverted letter T.
Headaches accompanied by great restlessness, sleeplessness and general nervous erethism.
Heavy, clouded, dull feeling in base of brain.

Heavy, crushing, cutting pain across base of cerebellum.

Lancinating pain in occiput, invariably < at night (n).
Neuralgic headache causing sleeplessness or delirium at night, always commencing about 4 p. m. ; < at
from 10 to 11 and ceasing at daylight.
Pain from eyes through to occiput, with sensation of weight in occiput drawing head back ; or as if it
were pulled back ; eyes ache and smart.
Sick-headache, pains intolerable, arteries of head full and pulsating violently ; high fever, frequent
retelling on trying to vomit ; menses regular, but very scanty.
Sore, one and a half inches in diameter, on occipital bone, covered with a thick, yellow-white scab.
Suffusion and full feeling in face, throat, and head, with innumerable small enlarged cervical glands.
Syphilitic headache for many months, piercing, pressing excruciating over right eye ; extending deep
into brain ; losing continuity of thought and memory ; makes repeated mistakes in figures.
Vertigo on looking up, seems to be caused by heat.
Eyes (Syphilinum)
Acute ophthalmia neonatorum (n).
Both eyes glued in morning ; conjunctiva injected ; photophobia, constantly wears a shade.
Chronic recurrent phlyctenular inflammation of cornea ; successive crops of phlyctenules and abrasion
of epithelial layer of cornea intense photophobia ; profuse lachrymation ; redness and pain well marked
delicate, scrofulous children, esp. if any trace of hereditary syphilis remains.
Diplopia, one image seen lower than the other.
Eyes dull.
Infantile syphilis.
Left eyeball covered with fungus-like growth, pain intense, < at night.
Myopia (n).
Neuralgia every night, beginning about 8 or 9 p. m. , gradually increasing in severity until it reached its
height about 3 or 4 a. m. , and after continuing thus for two or three hours gradually decreased and
finally ceased about 10 a. m. (rheumatic ophthalmia).
Ophthalmic pains, < at night, > by told water.
Pain in right inner canthus as if blood went there and could go no farther, also in right temple
(rheumatic iritis).
Ptosis : paralytica ; eyes look sleepy from lowering of upper lid.
Right eye alone affected congestion of conjunctiva and sclerotica, with some chemosis ; lids inflamed,
esp. at outer canthus ; sensation of sand in eyes ; lids agglutinated in morning ; great photophobia
(hereditary syphilis).

Red papulous eruption round left inner canthus, with isolated pimples on side of nose, cheek and
eyebrow ; these pimples were red, with depressed centre, circumscribed areola, became confluent
where they were most dense ; pimples bleed when scabs come off ; agglutination of lids.
Redness and swelling of outer half of both lower tarsal edges.
Sharp, pulsating pain, occasionally at outer end of superior border of right orbit, apparently in
Strabismus paralytica, eye turning inward, and pupil can only be turned outward as far as median line.
Syphilitic iritis, intense pain steadily increasing night after night ; < between 2 and 5 a. m. , coming
almost at the minute and ceasing same way (s. s. ).
Upper lids swollen.
Ears (Syphilinum)
Calcareous deposit on tympanum.
Catarrhal or nerve deafness with marked cachexia.
Complete deafness ; nothing abnormal to be seen.
Deafness gradually increasing until she could scarcely hear at all.
Gathering in left ear which discharges a great quantity of pus (hereditary syphilis in a child).
Intense earache in right ear, incisive pains thrusting into ear ; purulent watery discharge from ear with
Small, acrid, watery discharge occasionally from ears, no deafness (ozna).
Nose (Syphilinum)
Attacks of fluent coryza.
Itching in nostrils.
Left side of nose inside and out very sore, likewise lips and chin ; sores itching and scabbing over.
Left side of nose, inside ala, itching.
Nose stuffed up and burning.
Offensive, thick yellow-green nasal discharge ; during sleep dry scabs form in both nostrils ; following
an application of salve for sore eyes ; left submaxillary gland, which had been swollen and indurated,
softens, discharges and, after forty-five days, begins to heal slowly.
Ozna syphilitica ; (Syph. brought out an eruption of sores with a fiery-red base on nose and over
frontal sinuses).
Face (Syphilinum)
An old gentleman has had for some years cancer on right malar bone ; no rest, his agony excruciating
in extreme (relieved).

Dark purple lines between al nasi and cheeks.

Face drawn to one side, difficulty of speaking, masticating, blowing (n).
Face pale.
Facial paralysis right side, thick speech, hemicrania, jactitation of right eye and lid.
Itching, scabby, eczematous eruptions singly or in clusters, looking like herpes.
Lips and teeth covered with bloody mucus.
Nose and cheeks covered with eruptions and scabs in layers rising to a point.
Sores on lips and chin, esp. left side scabbing over.
Spasmodic twitching of many muscles, esp. in face (paralysis agitans), with great melancholy and
depression of spirits.
Teeth (Syphilinum)
Children's teeth are cupped.
Felt like a worm in tooth, could not tell which tooth.
Single small lun cleft in upper incisors, permanent set, which incisors are dwarfed in their general
dimensions, and converge at their tips ; inherited syphilis (n).
Singular feeling as if teeth had all got out of place, and on closing jaws teeth do not come well together.
Teeth decaying at edge of gum and breaking off (n).
Mouth (Syphilinum)
Aphasia, difficulty of finding words ; debility.
Fetid breath.
Herpetic eruption in mouth, tonsils, hard palate and fauces, completely covering inside of mouth and
throat, making it very difficult to swallow even liquids.
Putrid taste in mouth before epileptic fit.
Syphilitic destruction of hard and soft palates.
Tongue coated ; white, edges indented by teeth.
Tongue feels as if paralysed.
Tongue red and thick ; two deep cracks running lengthwise in it ; one on each side of median line.
Tongue thickly coated, dirty, edges indented or serrated by teeth (n. ).
Tongue very red and thick ; covered with herpetic eruption, two deep cracks running lengthwise on
each side of median line, making it difficult to swallow (s. s. ).

Twenty ulcers in mouth, every part involved, top and under side of tongue, lips, buccal cavity, fauces
and nose ; septum of nose threatened, both al nasi very painful, smarting with burning as if on fire ;
pains and burning prevented sleep ; hungry but could eat nothing but fluids as mastication was
impossible ; tongue heavily coated white, large quantities of stringy, viscid, saliva running from mouth
of a sweetish taste ; a putrid, sickening odour filled whole house ; all symptoms < toward night (s. s. ).
Throat (Syphilinum)
Acute pharyngitis (s. s. ).
Chancrous ulcer extending across velum palati to left pillar of pharynx (s. s. ).
Chronic hypertrophy of tonsils (hereditary syphilis).
Appetite (Syphilinum)
Appetite indifferent and capricious (psoas abscess).
Aversion to meat.
Dyspepsia ; flatulence, belching of wind ; nervous dyspepsia.
Tendency to heavy drinking ; alcoholism.
Total loss of appetite for months, little or nothing satisfies him ; formerly was generally ravenous.
Stomach (Syphilinum)
Heartburn with pain and rawness from stomach to throat-pit, often with cough.
Vomiting for weeks or months due to erosion from superficial ulceration of lining of viscus, herpetic, of
syphilitic origin.
Abdomen (Syphilinum)
Feeling of heat internally in hypogastric region.
Inguinal bubo.
Large painless bubo in right groin opened and discharged freely (s. s. ).
Pain in right groin followed by swelling of glands.
Pain or distress deep in abdomen as if in omentum.
Slight lancinating pain in one groin, < at night.
Stool and Anus (Syphilinum)
Bilious diarrha at seashore, painless, driving her out of bed about 5 a. m. ; stools during day, later
causing excoriation ; face red, suffers from heat ; occasional painless, whitish diarrha when at home,
always > by going to mountains.

Bowels torpid for five weeks (periodical neuralgia in head).

Chronic constipation, with fetid breath, earthy complexion, gaunt appearance.
Fissures in anus and rectum.
Obstinate constipation for many years ; rectum seemed tied up with strictures, when injections were
given agony of passage was like child-bearing.
Stools very dark and offensive (infantile syphilis).
Two indurated ulcers at mouth of anus somewhat sore ; slight itching of anus (primary syphilis).
Urinary Organs (Syphilinum)
A sensation, in morning on going to urinate, as if male urethra were stuffed up or clogged, about an
inch from orifice.
Frequent urging to urinate all night, at least from 7 p. m. until 5 a. m.
Itching in orifice of urethra.
Profuse urination after chill ; passed during night nearly a chamberful.
Rich lemon-yellow scanty urine.
Scalding urine.
Urination difficult and very slow ; no pain, but a want of power, so that he has to strain.
Urine infrequent, not oftener than once in twenty-four hours, scanty, of a golden-yellow colour.
Male Sexual Organs (Syphilinum)
Aching of genitals, could not sit still for over a month.
After suppressed chancre, disease attacked testes and scrotum, which became painful and swollen ;
this was supposed to be cured, but ever since, every few weeks, if exposed at all to damp weather
would be seized with pain as if in kidneys, seemingly traversing ureters, but instead of passing into
bladder followed spermatic cord, down groins and into testes ; pain agonising, chiefly in cord, in
present attack in right ; pricking in chancre.
Burning in chancre size of a split pea, on prepuce above corona glandis ; edges raised, bottom covered
with lardaceous deposit ; glans purple, on left side covered by an exudation.
Chancre on penis, third in two years, all on same spot (s. s. ).
Chancre on prepuce.
Chancroid, phagednic, spreading rapidly ; buboes commencing in each groin.
Inflammation and induration of spermatic cord.
Female Sexual Organs (Syphilinum)

Acrid discharge causing violent itching and inflammation of external organs, < at night from warmth of
bed, parts very tender ; itching and inflammation > during menses.
Left ovary swollen, during coitus, at moment of orgasm, a sharp cutting pain like a knife, and twice
there was smarting as of a sore ; ovary swelled so much that its size and shape could easily be felt
through abdominal walls (caused by Buboin).
Mamm sensitive to touch, feeling sore ; during menses, and at other times.
Menstruation painful, two weeks too soon ; pink-red, bright, profuse, running free for some days ;
napkins wash easily.
Nocturnal < of right ovarian pain, preventing sleep.
Ovaries congested and inflamed ; tendency to ovarian tumours.
Painful menstruation.
Profuse yellow leucorrha, < at night ; in sickly, nervous children (inherited syphilis).
Sensitiveness of os uteri, < to intolerable pain at menses, or on introduction of finger or penis ;
frequently causes abortion (n).
Sharp zigzag shooting pains in region of uterus.
Sore aching in left ovarian region, extending to right with darting pains.
Sore on right labium majus, extending to left (s. s. ).
Soreness of genitals, and muco-purulent discharge, in a child.
Uterine and ovarian diseases with pronounced nervous disorders, esp. in married women.
Uterus and all surrounding parts loose, soft and flabby ; profuse, thick, yellow leucorrha ; constant
pain across small of back.
Yellow offensive leucorrha, watery or not, so profuse it daily soaks through napkins and runs to heels
of stockings if much on her feet.
Respiratory Organs (Syphilinum)
Attacks of spasmodic bronchial asthma for twenty-five years ; they come on only at night after lying
down or during a thunderstorm, producing most intense nervous insomnia, entirely preventing sleep
for days and nights.
Cannot lie on right side, as it causes a dry cough.
Chronic asthma, in summer, esp. when weather was warm and damp ; most frequently in evening,
passing off at daybreak.
Cough : hard cough < at night, when it is continuous, preventing sleep.
Diseased cartilages of larynx (tertiary syphilis).
Dry, racking cough, with thick, purulent expectoration, caused by a sensation of rasping or scraping in
throat, always at night.
Expectoration without cough, quite clear, white, feels like a round ball and rushes into mouth.

Hard, constant cough, with thick, yellow, tasteless expectoration.

Hoarse, almost complete aphonia, day before menses.
Muco-purulent expectoration, greyish, greenish, greenish-yellow, tasteless.
Pain and oppression at bifurcation of bronchia and in larynx, it hurts her to breathe.
Violent attacks of dyspna, wheezing and rattling of mucus, from 1 to 4 a. m.
Whooping-cough with terrible vomiting.
Chest (Syphilinum)
Angina ; ptosis left eye ; facial paralysis left side, slight aphasia ; impotence (relieved).
Eczematous herpetic eruptions on chest.
Lack of sleep produces a sudden faintness and sinking sensation in chest ; three spells succeeded
each other during a single night.
Oppression of chest to such an extent as almost to arrest breathing ; asthma caused by sensation as if
sternum were being gradually drawn towards dorsal vertebr ; expansion of chest difficult ; confusion
of mind as if unconsciousness might follow.
Pain and pressure behind sternum.
Pain in centre of chest as if skin were drawn up, on drawing the head back.
Rattling in chest and throat.
Sensation of pressure under upper part of sternum.
Soreness of chest, with great anguish and inability to retain a recumbent position ; in winter, severe
bronchial cough succeeded asthmatic attacks ; a regular type of chills and fever developed ; suffered
from this many years ago.
Heart (Syphilinum)
Lancinating pains in heart at night, from base to apex (Medor. has reverse).
Valvular disease of heart.
Neck and Back (Syphilinum)
A heavy, dragging, dull feeling in lumbar region, with want of elasticity.
Caries of cervical spine with great curvature in same region, directly forward ; pain in curvature always
< at night (no proof of syphilis).
Caries of dorsal vertebr with acute curvature, for five months, every night most intense neuralgic
pains, commencing generally from 5 to 7 p. m. , and never terminating till about 5 a. m. ; < by least
motion, and slightly > by warm poultices.
Enlargement of cervical glands and a number of pedunculated pin-head warts on neck, cured by Sycosyphilinum (hereditary syphilis ; girl, 10).

Enlargement of glands in different parts of body, particularly abundant about neck ; indurated and
slightly painful, causing a sensation of fulness and suffusion in face, throat and head (n).
Enormous swelling of glands of head and neck (Hodgkin's disease).
Great pain in back in region of kidneys, < after urinating (s. s. ).
Heavy aching and stiffness from base of neck up through muscles and cords into brain.
Nocturnal < of pains in back, hips and thighs.
Pain at coccyx at its junction with sacrum, sometimes in lower sacral vertebr ; < on sitting, with a
sensation as if swollen, though it is not.
Pains commencing in sacral regions internally, and apparently coming around to uterus.
Psoas abscess first left then right
Rigidity of muscles.
Limbs (Syphilinum)
Aching pains in limbs like growing pains.
Excruciating arthritis ; swelling, heat, and redness intense.
Feeling of numbness in palms and soles, at times a prickly sensation as if numb parts were punctured
by a great number of needles.
Gradual rigidity of all joints after eruption ; flexors seem contracted.
Rheumatic swelling of left wrist and big toe, bluish red, with pains as if somebody sawed at his bones
with a dull saw ; > by heat of stove ; < from sundown to sunrise ; no appetite ; has lasted two weeks
Rheumatism, muscles are caked in hard knots or lumps.
Upper Limbs (Syphilinum)
Always washing the hands.
Can only raise arms to a right angle with axilla ; trying to force them higher causes muscles to suddenly
become paralysed and they drop pendant (n).
Fingers and thumbs have runarounds (infantile syphilis).
Hands badly ulcerated on backs (s. s. ).
Lameness and pain of arm on motion, < on raising arm up in front as if reaching ; pain located about
insertion of deltoid in upper third of humerus, not painful to pressure.
Rheumatism of shoulder-joint or at insertion of deltoid, < from raising arm laterally.
Right second finger swollen and stiffened (s. s. ).
Lower Limbs (Syphilinum)

Bubo with pain in spot on middle of right thigh in front, only when standing and on deep pressure,
which seemed to touch spot, which was apparently on periosteum.
Cannot sit in a low chair, or squat down, owing to loss of control over knee and hip-joints (n).
Contracted, painful feeling in soles, as if tendons were too short.
Dull pain over backs of feet to toes, began soon after getting into bed, lasting until 4 or 5 a. m.
For two or three winters intense cold pain in both legs, < in left, came on every night on lying down,
lasting all night ; > by getting up and walking, and in warm weather.
Osteosarcoma in centre of right tibia the size of half an ostrich egg, pains agonising at night, growth
irregular, spongy, partly laminated, very hard (s. s. ).
Pain in three toes of right foot as if disjointed.
Pains in long bones of lower extremities, also in joints (n. ).
Pains in lower extremities, excruciating, completely banish sleep ; < from hot fomentations ; > pouring
cold water on them (n).
Redness and rawness with terrible itching between toes (s. s. ).
Slight contraction of tendons beneath right knee (psoas abscess).
Swelling of legs from knees down, soles painful when standing on them ; swelling goes down in
morning, comes back at night.
Tearing pains in hip and thighs, < at night, > about daybreak, > by walking, not affected by weather
Two ulcers larger than a crown piece, dirty stinking, slouching, with jagged, elevated edges, one on
thigh above patella another on head of tibia ; two large pieces of bone came away from head of tibia (s.
s. ).
Generalities (Syphilinum)
Dwarfed, shrivelled-up, old-looking babies and children.
Epileptic convulsions after menses.
Utter prostration and debility in morning.
Skin (Syphilinum)
After healing of chancre a fresh pustular eruption appears on different parts of body, which, when
pustules have discharged an ichorous liquid and healed up, leaves fresh coppery pockmarks Medorr.
removed it permanently, causing it to turn yellow-brown, dry at edges and scale off, leaving skin
permanently clear and free.
Biting sensation in different parts of body, as if bitten by bugs, at night only.
Macul ; copper-coloured (s. s. ).
Pemphigus, looking like a pock, often confluent and persistently reappears.

Pustular eruption on different parts of body ; in patches on certain places, particularly on wrists and
shins, where bones are nearest cuticle, and isolated other large pustules on other parts, these break,
discharging an ichorous fluid for one or two days, then heal, leaving characteristic pockmark cicatrice ;
patches take longer to heal, discharging same fluid till healing process commences.
Skin bluish.
Syphilitic bull discharging freely on cheeks, under chin, on back of shoulders, on scalp and other
parts of body (infantile syphilis).
Syphilitic rash, very prominent on forehead, chin, arms and front of thorax, an abundance of fine scales
peeling off ; large prominent spot on centre of forehead, filled with fluid, as also are some smaller
patches (s. s. ).
Sleep (Syphilinum)
Absolute sleeplessness (vies with Sul. in producing quiet, refreshing sleep).
Great restlessness at night, impossible to keep leg in one position.
Wakes soon after midnight and cannot sleep again till 6 a. m.
Fever (Syphilinum)
After retiring nerve chill beginning in anus, running down legs ; desire for stool, > by profuse urination
and by eructations.
Fever : dry, hot, shortly after going to bed, parted lips, great thirst ; 11 to 1 daily.
Great pains in head, whole body extremely cold, looked blue ; wanted to be covered with blankets or
couldn't get warm ; no appetite ; sleeping almost continually, could not be roused (s. s. ).
Nervous chills preceded by pains in head, esp. occiput and scalp of that part ; pains below waist, in
pelvis, legs, esp. tibia, which is sensitive to touch ; bowels torpid ; cross, irritable, peevish ; pains begin
every day 4 p. m. , culminate at midnight, disappear at daylight.
Sweat : profuse at night, sleepless and restless ; esp. between scapul and down to waist, with
excessive general debility.

A glycerine extract of a pure cultivation of tubercle bacilli (human).
Liquid attenuations.
Tuberculin of Koch.
Clinical (Tuberculinum)

Bones, caries of.
Catarrhal pneumonia.
Cornea, opacity of ; ulceration of.
Heart, affections of ; palpitation of.
Lungs, dema of.
Menses too early.
dema glottidis.
Pneumonia, acute.

Characteristics (Tuberculinum)
I consider it best to reserve the name Tuberculinum for this preparation of Koch, as it is universally
known by that name. Burnett's "Bacillinum" is now accepted as the name of the original homopathic
preparation, and though its originator, Swan, named it Tuberculinum, it owes its present position in
therapeutics to Burnett, and it will simplify matters if we make the term Bacillinum cover the
homopathic nosode and Tuberculinum the preparation of Koch.
When Koch's Tuberculinum was first launched the medical papers were teeming with reports of cases
undergoing the injection for various diseases. Of the reported effects, curative and pathogenetic, I
made a collection. These will be found in H. W. , XXVI. 155. I have there given the authority for the
observations and the nature of the cases in which the effects were observed.
These symptoms will be found arranged in the Schema, and each symptom has appended to it the
initial of the observer, or an indication of the disease from which the patient was suffering when the
observation was made.
Koch's own observations are marked (Koch) ; Virchow's, (Virchow) ; Jonathan Hutchinson's, (Jonathan
Hutchinson) ; Ewald's, (Ewald) ; Albrand's, (Albrand) ; Watson Cheyne's, (Watson Cheyne) ; Lennox
Brown's, (Lennox Brown). The names of other observers are given in full. Lupus cases are marked (lps.
) ; observations made on a leper (lpr. ). In Jour. Belge d' H. , 1894, 236, Mersch published a
pathogenesis of Tub. compiled mainly from the same sources as mine, but giving some additional
symptoms. These I have included and marked (Mersch). A few cured symptoms are put in brackets.
The undistinguished symptoms are from a proving by Nebel, of Montreux (H. W. , XXXV. 397). The
provers were tuberculous individuals, mostly workpeople, and only pathogenetic symptoms are
recorded. Tub. 30 was used, the preparation having been obtained from Hausmann's Pharmacy, St.
Gall. I do not find any appreciable difference between the action of Tub. and that of Bac.
My own impression is that they are practically identical, and that the one will answer to the indications
of the other. Nebel has used Tub. in exactly the same way as Burnett and others have used Bac. , on the
indications Burnett laid down and with Burnett's results. In H. W. for May, June, and July, 1901, I have
copied from H. R. of the same year articles by Nebel giving his experiences with Tub. : (1) Boy, 13, had
diphtheria with fearful headache extending from neck to vertex, with swelling in back of neck and
occiput, due, it was supposed, to an affection of the middle ear. Seven weeks passed without
improvement. Paracentesis of the tympanum resulted in the evacuation of pus for a day or two. Nebel
found the face bloated ; strawberry tongue coated white at the root ; mastoids not sensitive to even
strong pressure. Swelling of occiput and neck down to fifth dorsal vertebra.
The head is held fixed sideways towards the middle of the clavicle. If the boy wants to move his head he
has to seize it with both hands and turn it slowly, with painful distortion of facial muscles, until it
reaches the position desired. Even the slightest pressure on first, second, or third cervical vertebra was
very painful ; the skin on them was reddened and the periosteum was swollen ; glands in neck
enlarged. Tuberculosis of atlas and second and third vertebr consequent on diphtheria was
diagnosed. Tub. 1m. was given, five grains, during the day.
Two days after the dose the boy could move his head more freely, the swelling of the neck diminished,
appetite returned, and in a short time he was able to get up and run about. Five weeks after the dose,
the swelling had altogether gone, and the boy's condition was altogether changed. (2) Swelling of tibi
two inches below the knee, in a lady who had had cough for twenty years. Cured chiefly with Tub. 1m.
This patient had offensive sweat in axill, strawberry tongue, lack of appetite. Distaste for milk,
constipation, and bad sleep. [Mau, of Kiel, treated the following cases with Bac. (H. W. , XXXVI. 316) I
introduce them here for comparison : (1) Vigorous man, tall and of well-developed appearance, was
very liable to get pneumonia in cold weather, and spent the winter in some sanatorium or other in order
to escape. His father had died of pneumonia, his mother of consumption, and a sister was consumptive.
He perspired much, took much fluid nourishment, partly alcoholic. Sleep poor. Almost constant fever.
Enlarged glands. Three months' treatment with Bac. removed all the symptoms, and, moreover, made
his tissues less watery and reduced his corpulence somewhat. (2) A distinguished author, 50,
complained of dreadful pains in the head, almost total insomnia, and great debility.

His brother and sisters had mostly died of dropsy of the brain ; he himself had congestion of the right
lung, due probably to healed cavities, as he has frequently had hmorrhages. For this he had had a
lengthened treatment in the South, and had been pronounced cured of consumption. Softening of the
brain and loss of reason were now feared.
The headache was attended with a sensation as if his head was being tightly squeezed behind with an
iron ring. Hands trembling ; but he, was most uneasy from a sensation in, his back as if his clothes
were moist. In less than a month, under Bac. , the headache, insomnia, and sensation in the back had
all vanished. Another patient of Mau's, a child, had "screaming out in sleep and great restlessness at
night," which were cured, along with peevish, irritable, taciturn disposition. ] In 1892 B. S. Arnulphy
(Clinique, XVI. 629) began giving Tub. 6x. and 8x trituration internally in tubercular cases, acute and
chronic, and with encouraging success, but with at times undesired aggravations ; with 12x and 30x
these were avoided. In one case, originating in grippe, both apices were affected, the right one breaking
down ; and abundant pleuritic effusion on the left side. Six weeks' treatment with Tub. brought about
recovery, and seen a year later the patient was quite well except for retraction of the left side.
Arnulphy considers (Clinique, XVII. 86) that Tub. is frequently the remedy for bronchitis, catarrhal
pneumonia, lobular pneumonia, tubercular pleurisy, parenchymatous nephritis, and grippe. He gives
(Clinique, XVII. 457) two cases of acute lobular pneumonia with characteristic symptoms and high
temperatures quickly resolved by Tub. One was in a boy of three who received the 12x ; the other was a
man, 78, being a sufferer from chronic bronchial catarrh. The latter was taken with grippe, pneumonia
developed, and he was in a very serious state. Tub. 30x made, an almost immediate change for the
better, and recovery followed. Arnulphy relates that in this cage an abundant perspiration took place
(the skin had been dry) during the night and he had observed this in all cases of pneumonia when Tub.
acted favourably.
I have found Tub. 30, loop 200, and 1m the best general antidote to the chronic effects of influenza
poisoning. B. G. Clark (H. W. , XXIX. 349) reports the case of a lady, 60, who had had for some time a
mild form of tuberculosis of the skin of the face, and, more recently a small growth (lupus) on the side,
of the nose on a line with the inner canthus of left eye. It had grown much in six. mouths. Tub. 200 F. C.
, six powders given, one to be dissolved in twelve teaspoonfuls of water, one teaspoonful every two
hours. The six powders were taken in this way on successive days. On the fifth day the growth began to
dry up. On the tenth it fell off. Another dose of Tub. was given after this with marked improvement to
the older affection of the face. A curious use has been made of Tub. by Jauregg, of Vienna, in a case of
insanity (H. W. , XXX. 196).
Having observed that cases of insanity are always benefited by an attack of an acute infectious disease,
especially if it is accompanied with high fever, the idea occurred to him of utilising the fever produced
by Koch's Tuberculin injections. He tried it on some patients, and though the decidedly, favourable
symptoms, soon disappeared after the fever subsided, still there was a steady clearing of the confused
sensorium. Insanity is very frequently a manifestation of the consumptive taint and there is something
more than a pyrexial power in Tub. [Burnett has cured with Bac. a case of insanity, being led to give it
by a ringworm-like eruption on the body. ]
Among the Peculiar Sensations noted under Tub. are :
"Sensitive to music" was observed in one of Nebel's patients ; another had pains in the region of the
appendix vermiformis, which should lead to serviceable action in appendicitis cases.
"Shivering when beginning to sleep" is a peculiar and interesting symptom ; also "cold feet in bed,"
which is common in persons of low vital reaction.
As if the brain were squeezed with an iron ring.
As if the clothes on the back were wet (Bac. ).
As if the teeth were jammed together and were too many for the mouth.
Fatigue, faintness, profuse debility are frequent symptoms.

Great weakness in the limbs after dinner : this at times amounts to paralysis.
Of mucus in the throat ; of a tumour in the throat.
Pressure in stomach going to throat as if the clothes were too tight.
The circulation is always disturbed, chills and flushes alternating.
The symptoms are :
< After dinner (flushing ; drowsiness).
< Beginning to sleep (shivering).
< By slightest exertion (it = excessive fatigue ; sweat).
< Evening (heat in head ; cough preventing sleep ; severe pains in breast at beginning of menses.
< Evening in bed (itching ; feet cold).
< From 10 to 3 p. m. (frontal headache).
< Morning (much purulent expectoration ; sickness and nausea ; loss of appetite ; thirst ; fatigue).
< Night (sweat ; from 3 a. m. sleep disturbed).
Every movement = sticking in chest and back.
Raising himself up = palpitation.
Rubbing = itching to change place.
Sensitive to music.
Walking = pains in loins (fatigue).
Relations (Tuberculinum)
Burnett recommends to give the Tuberculinum high if there is a strong tubercular element in the case ;
if that element is small, 30 is better.
Compare :
Analogous constitutional remedies, Pso. , Med. , Syph. , Thuja.
Bacillinum (including Tuberculinum of Swan), Bacil. test. , Aviaire.
In tubercular meningitis, Iodf.
Irregular distribution of circulation ; constitutional remedy, Sul.
Pain in region of appendix, Ir. t. , Ars. , Lach.
Pains in breasts at menses, Con. , Calc.
Phthisis, insanity, Thyroid.

Sensation of an iron band compressing brain (Thuj. hoop round forehead).

Sensitive to music, Thuj.
Compatible :
Hydrast. , "it actually seems to fatten up tuberculous patients" (Burnett ; confirmed by Nebel), Calc. ,
Calc. iod. , Calc. ph. , Phos. , Thuj. , Sep. , Puls.
Sensitive to music, Aco. , Amb. , Nat. c. , Nux, Pho. ac. , Sep. , Thuj. , Vio. o. (> by music, Trn. ).
Mind (Tuberculinum)
Anxiety, gloomy, melancholy humour.
Aversion to all labour, esp. mental work.
Does not like to be disturbed by people ; trembling of hands.
Has lost melancholy expression she formerly had (lpr. ).
Is disposed to whine and complain ; dejected mind, anxiety.
Nervous irritation. ; aversion to labour.
Sensibility to music.
She is very sad.
Head (Tuberculinum)
(Sensation as if brain squeezed with iron band. Bac. )
Colossal hypermia of pia mater and brain substance ; extreme engorgement of vessels on the
surface, internally dusky red ; tubercles presented no retrogressive changes (arachnitis. Virchow).
Frontal headache in morning.
Great heat in head ; flushes of heat after dinner ; sensation of heat in head in evening.
Headache : deep in forehead ; deep in temples ; on vertex with sensation of heat ; from neck to
forehead ; in morning, passing away in afternoon.
Headache from neck to forehead ; burning, piercing.
Headache in evening ; in afternoon.
Headache in morning with bleeding of nose.
Headache with obscuration of sight.

Headache with rushing in ears.

Headache with vertigo.
Piercing headache.
Piercing pain in forehead from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Sensation of heaviness on vertex.
Vertigo : esp. in morning ; heavy with obscuration of eyes ; is obliged to lean on something ; by
bending down, esp. by rising after bending down ; with palpitations ; with headache ; with nausea ; with
headache in morning ; after dinner.
Eyes (Tuberculinum)
Amblyopia with irregularity and complete paralysis of pupils (in an alcoholic).
Breaking down of cicatrices of old corneal ulcers (Stoker).
Clearing of corneal opacity the result of old tuberculous corneitis (Stoker).
Conjunctivitis ; herpes on lids (Mersch).
Dullness and heaviness of eyes ; darkness before eyes.
Obscuration of vision with vertigo.
Opens right eye (which had been closed. Watson Cheyne).
Phlyctenul appeared where none existed before (Maschke).
Right eye much swollen, conjunctiva inflamed (lps. ).
Swollen lids ; headache with swollen lids in morning.
Tuberculosis of eyelids, small grey and yellow nodules, existing in conjunctiva of outer sections of lids,
increased in size, ran together, then suddenly disappeared (Albrand).
Ears (Tuberculinum)
Great aching in ears and teeth.
Headache with rushing in ears and pressure on vertex.
Rushing in ears with heavy head.
Sticking pain from pharynx to ears.
Tinnitus (lps. ).
Nose (Tuberculinum)
Aching of ears and teeth with coryza in evening, with headache.
Bleeding of nose.

Comedones on nose, surrounded with minute pustules (lps. ).

Increased secretion of mucus, with frontal headache.
Secretion of mucus from nose, viscid, yellow-green.
The nose, which used to feel "hot and burning," has lost this sensation (lps. ).
Face (Tuberculinum)
After the tenth injection his left moustache, which was kept cut to prevent scabs from gathering, ceased
to grow, every hair fell out, and for a month the left upper lip was perfectly denuded of hair, and had all
the appearance when seen under a lens of being depilated ; however, the hairs began to grow well
before he left the Home (lps. , Hine).
Clonic convulsions of musculus orbicularis inferior, acute.
Convulsions in region of facial muscle, esp. buccinator.
Flushing of cheek of same side as lung affected, during the reaction (Borgherini).
Herpes on lips and eyelids (Heilferich).
In one case the inflammation of the lupus (on face) presented unquestionable erysipelas of a rather
severe type, and the patient was for some time in danger (Jonathan Hutchinson).
dematous, pale face.
Upper lip and nose become swollen during the first two or three reactions, the lip becoming cracked on
inner surface (Watson Cheyne).
Teeth (Tuberculinum)
"Feeling as if the teeth were all jammed together and too many for his head" (lps.).
Gums turgescent, felt swollen (lps.).
Inflammation of gums, scurvy-like.
Sordes on teeth (lps.).
Teeth felt loose (lps.).
Vague toothache.
Mouth (Tuberculinum)
Aphth on tongue and buccal mucosa.
Breath offensive (Mersch).
Coating on soft palate and tongue (Mersch).
Dryness of lips.

On lips black blisters.

Palate : granulations enormously swollen and vascular (lps.).
Taste : salty, purulent.
Tongue dry (lps.).
Tongue foul, furred.
Tongue much coated (lps.).
Throat (Tuberculinum)
Aching extending from throat to ears.
Aching in pharynx and larynx.
Burning pain in throat.
Dryness in throat ; tonsillitis ; general inflammatory condition of pharyngeal mucous membrane
Dysphagia increased ; later diminished (in laryngeal phthisis. Lennox Brown).
Heaviness and sensation of rattling in throat.
Retropharyngeal abscess (Mersch).
Scratching in pharynx.
Sensation of a tumour in throat.
Sensation of constriction in throat ; in larynx.
Sensation of mucus in throat.
Tickling in throat exciting cough.
Appetite (Tuberculinum)
Loss of appetite, esp. in morning.
Thirst : extreme, day and night ; burning in morning.
Stomach (Tuberculinum)
Cramping pain in stomach.
Eructations and sensation of fullness over stomach.
Nausea and sickness in morning with heaviness in stomach region.
Nausea and vomiting, nausea with efforts to vomit with colic and diarrha.
Nausea in morning.

Nausea with pains in umbilical region with diarrha.

Nausea with racking and stirring in stomach and increased thirst.
Nausea, vomiting (K, 5h. ).
Pressure in stomach, going to throat, as if the clothes were too tight.
Sickness in stomach and pressing.
Sticking pains in stomach region.
Transitory sickness and vomiting after dinner.
Vomited severely with > to headache (lps. ).
Vomiting after every meal.
Abdomen (Tuberculinum)
Aching (sticking) in region of liver, spleen, ovaries, spermatic cord, testicles (esp. left), in hip-joints, in
Colic with diarrha and heaviness in stomach.
Colic with great thirst.
Cramping pains in stomach and abdomen.
Discrete papular rash over chest and abdomen (Watson Cheyne).
Fatigue and sickness in region of stomach and abdomen ; sticking pains deep in spleen ; severe pain in
region of liver.
Mass of enlarged glands, in right iliac fossa much smaller (Watson Cheyne).
Pains in region of appendix vermiformis.
Perforating ulcer in intestines (Virchow).
Sensation of constriction in abdomen.
Six pustules at different parts of skin of back and abdomen, and after discharging have healed (Watson
Stool and Anus (Tuberculinum)
Constipation ; stool hard, dry, with wind and colic.
Diarrha with pinching and burning pains.
Itching sensation in anus.
Pain in rectum.
Pressure and constriction in rectum.

Urinary Organs (Tuberculinum)

Abundant viscid mucous discharge.
Diminished quantity of urine.
Excess of urates (Mersch).
Hmaturia with renal pain (Mersch).
Is obliged to urinate very often, esp. during changes of weather.
One tenth albumen in height of reaction ; disappeared afterwards (Watson Cheyne).
Peptonuria in man, 33 (Maregliano).
Specific gravity of urine increases from 1016 to 1023 with an excess of urates and ropy mucus.
Male Sexual Organs (Tuberculinum)
Pains in testicles, and cord of left side.
Female Sexual Organs (Tuberculinum)
Blood lumpy, menstruation lasting more days than usual ; menstruation antepones eight days.
Burning pain in ovarian region.
Burning pains in external genitals ; sharp leucorrha ; pains in sacral and ovarian region to hip-joints.
Cramps in uterine region with pains in sacral and ovarian region.
Menstruation with pains in lumbo-sacral and ovarian region.
Menstruation, returns fourteen days after parturition.
Sensation of heat in genitalia externa, with increased leucorrha.
Severe pains in breast in evening at beginning of menstruation.
Sticking pain in lower abdomen ; pains in lumbo-sacral region < when walking.
Weakness in genital region ; painful menstruation.
Respiratory Organs (Tuberculinum)
A sort of whooping-cough.
After much cough sensation of mucus in pharynx, mucous secretion being easily ejected.
After ten injections, larynx markedly affected, inflammatory swelling and ulceration (Lennox Brown).
Copious watery expectoration usually seen during the reaction (Wilson).
Cough and expectoration lasting four months, from a wetting (removed, no bacilli found).

Cough and sputa.

Cough prevents him sleeping in evening.
Cough with viscid mucus.
Cough, secretion of phlegm, esp. by walking, with sticking pains in lungs and, palpitation.
Crackling rles at right shoulder behind (lps. ).
Decided effect in laryngeal cases, mostly beneficial (Lennox Brown).
Difficulty in breathing speedily increased (K, 3 to 4h. ).
Dry cough ; in night.
Enormous swelling of arytenoids appeared (Lennox Brown).
Exfoliation at right vocal cord, appearance extravasated below its posterior part (Lennox Brown).
Expectoration diminished (Heron).
Extreme rapidity of respirations without dyspna, 60 to 90 in the minute ; if the patient is spoken to, the
rapid breathing ceases at-once (as with a dog panting in the sun. Heron).
General infiltration of mucous membrane of larynx, high red colour, brighter than normal (Lennox
Hypermia of cords intensified and covered with minute ulcerating points.
Inclination to cough (K, 3 to 4h. ).
Irritating cough, < in night.
Is obliged to take deep inspirations ; dyspna.
Little cough in night with aching in side and blood-tinged sputa.
Marked feeling of suffocation (lpr. ).
Palpitation and pains in back with cough.
Sensation of pressure on chest.
Severe cough in evening with pains below mamma on right, side.
Severe cough with muco-purulent secretion in morning.
Tuberculous outgrowth (Lennox Brown).
With every increase of dose he suffered from asthmatic fits, lasting from three to seven hours.
Chest (Tuberculinum)
Abscesses in the lungs (Virchow).
Aching in side in night.

Bronchitic sounds in both lungs (Watson Cheyne).

Caseous pneumonia or caseous hepatization the lung appearing like blood-pudding studded with
pieces of lard ; (the patient, an architect, 33, had six injections, the last four weeks before death. At the
beginning he had induration of one apex only. The treatment was suspended because of persistent
fever and infiltration of lower lobe. Virchow).
Catarrhal pneumonia was found, but it differed from ordinary catarrhal pneumonia (in which the alveoli
when squeezed out have a gelatinous appearance) in that the contents of the alveoli were very watery
and turbid a turbid infiltration ; it resembles a phlegmonous condition (Virchow).
Developed a cavity on side opposite to that first affected (Ewald).
Development of fresh tubercles : small tubercles giving rise to new ulcers have suddenly appeared,
esp. in pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum (Virchow).
Dullness r, apex (Lennox Brown).
Hmorrhagic infiltration of the walls (Virchow).
Heat in chest (Mersch).
In fatal cases of ulcerative phthisis the lungs esp. , and also the pleur, showed extensive and severe
recent changes-pleurisy, for the most part very severe, simple and tuberculous, frequently
hmorrhagic, and not infrequently bilateral (Virchow).
Metastasis, bacilli mobilised (Virchow).
New deposit of tubercles on pleura (Ewald).
Nightly pains on chest.
Pain from clavicles to throat.
Pain in apex pulmonis radiating to axilla and arm.
Pain in axilla, esp. when elevating arm.
Pain in left apex and in region of the spleen.
Pain in left lung to axilla.
Pain on left side going to back.
Pains in both sides of chest going to back.
Pains in left side, must take deep inspiration.
Pains in left side.
Pains in subclavicular region with cough.
Palpitation, caused by deep inspirations, aching in back with pains under ribs.
Perforating abscesses in respiratory organs (Virchow).
Pressure in chest, sticking pain an both sides of chest, in back.

Recent hmorrhage observed in the cavities.

Sensation of constriction in the prcordial region.
Sensation of pressure in chest.
Severe pain in back, in axilla and arms.
Soft hepatisation, which differs from ordinary catarrhal hepatisation in that in the midst of the patches
foci of softening become developed, leading to rapid breaking down and excavation (Virchow).
Sticking in side.
Sticking pain : in lungs with cough and palpitation.
Sticking pain in chest and in back, < from every movement.
Sticking pain in chest, esp. at the apex of left lung.
Sticking pain in chest, on right and left side.
Sticking pain in left lung.
Sticking pain in left side in morning and afternoon.
Sticking pain in lungs when laughing.
Sticking pains : in lungs ; in left side, pains between scapul.
Sudden, profuse hmoptysis, ends fatally (Ewald).
Surface of old pulmonary cavities showed unusually intense redness of granulation layers (Virchow).
Heart (Tuberculinum)
Aching in heart.
By deep inspirations severe palpitation.
Death from paralysis of heart (Libhertz).
Palpitation early in morning.
Palpitation in night, < when raising himself up.
Palpitation with cough and sticking pains in lungs.
Palpitation with pain in the back.
Sensation of heaviness and pressure over heart.
Neck and Back (Tuberculinum)
(Sensation on his back as if the clothes were moist. Bac. ).
Aching like needle-pricks in the back.

Cervical glands much smaller (Watson Cheyne).

Glands cannot now be felt, except the largest, which is now reduced to size of a pea (lps.).
Glands in neck and scars swollen and very tender, various lupus points about them showing yellow
fluid under epidermis (lps.).
Pain in back with palpitation.
Prickly feeling in skin of back (lps.).
Scars in neck softer and flatter ; no lupus nodules now perceptible (lps.).
Sticking in back.
Sticking pain over both scapul ; pain in region of spleen ; vague pains in back and on chest, with
sensation of pressure.
Three red patches on left side of back became much deeper (lpr.).
Tuberculosis of sacrum greatly improved (Kurz).
Violent reaction, during which severe pains in loins < by pressure ; (case of Addison's disease ; two
injections given. Pick. ).
Weakness in lumbo-sacral region.
Limbs (Tuberculinum)
Great weakness in limbs after dinner.
Pains in limbs (K, 2nd d. ).
Pains in limbs, fatigue (K, 3 to 4h. after injection).
Pains in ulnar nerve and calves of legs and knees, left great toe much affected, and became very red
and turgid (lpr.).
Sensation of fatigue and faintness in all limbs.
Sensation of formication in arms and legs.
Trembling of limbs (in an alcoholic).
Twitching in the limbs (Mersch).
Upper Limbs (Tuberculinum)
Aching in forearms ; vague, sticking pain.
Diminution of inflammation above elbow-joint ; disappearance of abscess over olecranon ; sinus
connected with radius discharging freely a thick yellow pus (Watson Cheyne).
Sensation of luxation with severe pains in right carpal joint ; < by effort to move it ; ceasing by rest.
Trembling of hands.

Lower Limbs (Tuberculinum)

Aching in the hip-joints.
During night pain referred to right knee ; right leg rotated in and flexed slightly at hip and knee ;
movement of right hip-joint free ; 1 p. m. , left hip much more painful and tender, more flexed, abducted
and rotated out (disease of left hip in girl of five. B. M. T. ).
Pain in right knee without swelling (Heron, a non-tubercular case).
Swelling and tenderness of both knee-joints (Heron).
Tenderness in right ankle-joint (Heron).
The knee became easily movable and could be bent to a right angle (tuberculous affection of right
Generalities (Tuberculinum)
Acts principally by very acute irritation of internal organs affected (in the same way as in external
organs), causing intense redness and great swelling (Virchow).
Actual inflammatory processes (not mere hypermias), and esp. active proliferations, occur to an
intense degree, in (1) edges of existing ulcers ; in (2) neighbouring lymphatic glands, esp. bronchial and
mesenteric (Virchow).
Children bear the treatment well (Wendt).
Emaciation (lost six pounds in fourteen days, twenty pounds in five weeks).
Enormous dangerous swellings in parts near ulcers (even where the surface of the ulcer becomes
clean), causing dangerous constriction (Virchow).
Feeling of fatigue (K, 2nd d. ).
Feeling well, but decidedly losing flesh (lps.).
General excessive fatigue after a short walk, so that he must lean on his companion.
General fatigue in morning ; sensation of faintness ; great weakness in lower extremities, esp. from
knees down to feet.
In parts affected throbbing pain.
Leucocytosis : various infiltrations of white blood corpuscles over affected parts, esp. round the
tubercles themselves (Virchow).
Leucocytosis ; diminution of oxyhmoglobin (Mersch).
Lymphatic glands present a quite unusual degree of enlargement, and notably that form of medullary
swelling, characteristic of acute irritations, which is caused by rapid proliferation of the cells in the
interior of the glands (Virchow).
Malaise, depression, headache, somnolence, oppression of breathing, tightness of chest, nausea (lps.).
Oxyhmoglobin first diminished then increased (Henoque).

Phlegmonous swelling resembling erysipelatous dema of glottis and retropharyngeal abscess

Syphilitic cases are refractory to reaction Heron).
Terribly tired, so that she can scarcely walk.
Where tubercle is associated with any other specific disease, reaction is so slight as to be scarcely
discernible (Heron).
Skin (Tuberculinum)
"Rash on chest and abdomen similar, patient says, to what came out when disease first appeared" (lpr.
Bronze finger-points.
Erythema with subcutaneous indurated nodules (Mersch).
Erythematous blush confined to lupus parts, which were the seat of throbbing pain.
Erythematous eruption like measles or scarlatina (Mersch).
Finger-points as if touched by Argentum nitricum.
Great bronze patches on the forehead and temples.
In two cases, at least during the febrile action, old chilblains became again inflamed (Jonathan
It has repeatedly caused general erythematous eruptions on the skin, and, in some, nodular effusions
into the cellular tissue (Jonathan Hutchinson).
Itching all over the body in the evening in bed ; changing place after rubbing.
Nose swollen, tense, erysipelatous-looking epidermis in lupus patch raised by yellow fluid.
dematous condition of eyelids.
dematous condition of upper lip.
Rash on abdomen and back, commencing very red ; speedily becoming brownish, resembling ordinary
skin eruption of secondary syphilis (Lennox Brown).
Site of injection slightly painful and red (K, 2nd d. ).
Slight attack of jaundice (several cases. Watson Cheyne).
Sleep. (Tuberculinum)
Cold feet in bed.
Great desire for sleep ; drowsiness during day ; after dinner.
Inclination to sleep in mornings.

Many dreams ; disturbed sleep, interrupted by fearful dreams ; gloomy dreams ; dreams of shame ;
cries out in dreams.
Shivering when beginning to sleep.
Sleep disturbed from 3 a. m.
Sleeplessness on account of constant coughing.
Troubled sleep ; sleeplessness.
Fever (Tuberculinum)
A little walk and slight efforts produce sweats.
Feverish, nausea, thirsty, with headache, no vomiting (Heron).
Flush of heat from back to head.
Flushes of heat after eating.
Freezing and heat alternately ; cold and heat for moments.
Freezing during whole day.
Freezing on the back in evening.
High temperature, abating in twelve hours (Koch).
Lowering of temperature after each injection (Heron).
Lowering of temperature before a rise (Heron).
Much sweat, esp. on head in night.
Profuse sweat after light exertion.
Profuse sweats during slight exertion.
Sensation of heat in evening in bed.
Shivering, when beginning to sleep ; cold feet in bed.
Short sweats in morning, while awaking.
Sweat in the night.
Temperature seven hours after injection, 103. 8, accompanied by thirst, rigor, increased cough,
headache, and pains in joints (Heron).
Violent attack of ague, lasting almost an hour (K, 5h. ).


A Nosode.
Trituration of vaccine matter.
Clinical (Vaccininum)
Characteristics (Vaccininum)
Vaccinia, Small-pox, and Grease of horses are inter-related diseases, and the nosodes of each are
available for the treatment or prevention of manifestations of all three.
The vaccine poison is capable of setting up a morbid state of extreme chronicity, named by Burnett
Vaccinosis. And it may do this without causing the primary symptoms : when the vaccination
apparently does not "take. "
The symptoms of vaccinosis are protean, and are for the most part identical with the symptoms of the
Sycosis of Hahnemann. Vaccinosis is a sycotic disease. Neuralgias, inveterate skin eruptions,
chilliness, indigestion with great flatulent distension, are leading features of the vaccinal dyscrasia, and
therefore indications for the nosode.
There is another disease to which vaccinia is related, and that is whooping-cough. Some years ago an
old-school observer vaccinated for some reason a child whilst suffering from whooping-cough, and the
whooping-cough vanished. He repeated the experiment in other cases, and with such signal success
that he wrote to the journals to recommend it as a routine practice in the case of unvaccinated children.
On the other hand, homopathic observers have seen whooping-cough follow immediately on
vaccination, and have cured it with Thuj. 30. Turiansky (B. M. J. , December 12, 1891) tried hypodermic
injections of freshly collected calf vaccine in a series of cases of tuberculosis of the lung apices, and
states that they were "invariably, though somewhat slowly, followed by most decided amelioration both
of the subjective and objective phenomena. "
The temperature became normal, appetite and sleep improved, night-sweats, dyspna, muscular
weakness, and painful sensations decreased ; cough lessened or disappeared ; sputa became thicker
and whiter, pulse slower ; urine increased ; body weight increased ; bacilli decreased and degenerated.

The exact amount and form of the injections is not stated. Here is a case in the potencies : Garrison (N.
A. J. H. , quoted H. R. , x. 278) was consulted by a lady, 50, of phthisical family. She had consolidation
of both apices ; had been losing flesh for three months ; severe night-sweats ; almost constant, hacking
cough, with considerable expectoration at times. Vacc. 200, one dose. In a week she reported that she
had not had a severe coughing spell since the dose, and for the last three days hardly any cough at all.
She received one dose of Vacc. a week, and at the end of six weeks returned to business. If a child has
a nvus it is the rule, when possible, to vaccinate on the nvus. The inflammation and subsequent
scarring destroy the growth. But that does not completely explain the cure : vaccinia is causally related
to the production of new growths. Over a year ago a young lady came to me shortly after having been
revaccinated under some Government rule.
There had been nothing abnormal in the course of the vaccinia, but after the scabs fell off there was
much pain in the arm, and each of the scars began to grow, and when I saw them were well-developed
cheloids. Thuja removed the pains but did not arrest the growth. Under Malan. 200 they have now all but
disappeared. Frlich (B. M. J. , October 15, 1898) relates the case of a child, 6 1/2, who had welldeveloped nephritis seven days after vaccination with calf vaccine. The first symptom was puffed
eyelids, then pain and swelling of scrotum ; on the fourteenth day the urine contained blood, inguinal
glands enlarged and tender, slight dema of legs.
The urine contained blood and alumen for another month, when recovery took place. Other cases of
this kind have been observed. The symptoms of the Schema are partly pathogenetic and partly cured.
Peculiar Sensations are :
As if bones of leg were broken and undergoing process of comminution.
As if forehead were split.
As if heated or over-exerted in lower extremities.
Burnett says the < time of Vacc. is the early morning.
One symptom is : "Waked in middle of night by pain in forehead and eyes as if split, and stinging in
temples. "
Relations (Vaccininum)
Antidoted by :
Thuj. , Apis, Sul. , Ant. t. , Sil. , Malan.
Compare :
In small-pox, Var. , Malan. , Thuj. , Ant. t. Sarr.
Nephritis, Apis, Merc. c.
Phthisis, Bacil. , Tub.
Whooping-cough, Thuj. , Meph. , Coc. c. , Coral.
Mind (Vaccininum)
Ill-humour, with restless sleep.

Morbid fear of taking small-pox.

Nervous, impatient, irritable ; disposition to be troubled by things.
Head (Vaccininum)
Eruption like crusta lactea.
Forehead felt as if it would split in two in median line from root of nose to top of head.
Frontal headache.
Stitches in right temple.
Eyes (Vaccininum)
Inflamed eyelids.
Keratitis after vaccination.
Redness of eyes and face, with small pimples on face and hands.
Tinea, tarsi and conjunctivitis in a woman, t. 28, remaining as result of variola in infancy, conjunctiv
painfully sensitive.
Weak eyes ; feeling in forehead as if it were split.
Nose (Vaccininum)
Bleeding at nose preceded by a feeling of contraction above and between eyebrows, soon after eating
meat ; menses rather profuse and too frequent ; cured by revaccination.
Full feeling of head, with running at nose.
Face (Vaccininum)
Redness and distension of face, chill running down back.
Swelling of neck under right ear (parotid gland) with sensation like being cut.
Mouth (Vaccininum)
Dry mouth and tongue.
Tongue coated, dryish yellow, with papill showing through coat.
Appetite (Vaccininum)
Appetite gone, disgust to taste, smell, and appearance of food.
Coffee tastes sour.
Stomach (Vaccininum)
Aching in pit of stomach, with short breath.
Abdomen (Vaccininum)

A stitch in hepatic region, at margin of last lower rib, axillary line.

Blown up with flatulence.
Stitch in splenic region.
Urinary Organs (Vaccininum)
Nephritis with albuminuria, hmaturia, and dropsy, developed eleven days after vaccination ; child
Respiratory Organs (Vaccininum)
Short breath with aching in pit of stomach, and pressure in region of heart.
Chest (Vaccininum)
Stitch in left side of chest, anteriorly, under short ribs.
Stitches in right side under short ribs in front from right to left, then at corresponding place in left side,
but from left to right, lasting five minutes, felt in liver and spleen.
Heart (Vaccininum)
Febrile action of heart and arteries.
Back (Vaccininum)
Aching pain in back, < in lumbar region, extending around waist.
Upper Limbs (Vaccininum)
Cheloids on re-vaccination marks.
Rheumatic pains in wrists and hands.
Severe pains in left upper arm at vaccination mark, could not raise it in morning.
Lower Limbs (Vaccininum)
Legs ached immoderately, hardly able to get about, a break-bone sensation, and a feeling as if bones
were undergoing process of comminution.
Soreness of lower extremities, as if heated or over-exerted.
Tearing in left thigh downward.
Generalities (Vaccininum)
Child wants to be carried.
General malaise.

Languor, lassitude.
Many persons faint when being vaccinated.
Tired all over, with stretching, gaping feeling ; unnatural fatigue.
Skin (Vaccininum)
A general eruption, similar to cow-pox.
Eruption of pustules with a dark-red base and a roundish or oblong elevation, filled with pus of a
greenish-yellow colour, resembling varioloid, some as large as a pea, some less, without depression in
the centre, coming with a round, hard feel in the skin (like a shot), very itchy.
Red pimples or blotches in various parts, most evident when warm.
Skin hot and dry.
Small pimples develop at point of vaccination with fourth dilution.
Tingling burning in skin over whole body, most intense in skin of forehead and in lower and anterior
portion of hairy scalp, which parts are tinged with a scarlet blush, or efflorescence, similar to the
immediate precursor of variolous eruption.
Vaccininum 6, in water, for one day with strict diet, repeated after eight days, acted as preventive in six
hundred cases.
Treated a great many cases of variola and varioloid during last eighteen years, some of them of the
most desperate character, and yet never lost a case when employing vaccine virus as a remedy ;
moreover, none of the cases so treated were ever troubled with hmorrhage, or with delirium, or
secondary fevers, or were ever disfigured with pitting.
Vaccininum 200th quickly > severer symptoms of variola occurring in a child, t. six months ; two days
before appearance of eruption had been revaccinated (after an interval of eight days) on a nvus near
right nipple ; deglutition difficult through implication of tongue and fauces ; pustules, many of large
size, scattered over scalp, face, body, and limbs.
Sleep (Vaccininum)
Waked in middle of night by pain in forehead and eyes as if split, and stinging in temples.
Fever (Vaccininum)
Chill with shaking.
Fever, with heat, thirst, tossing about, crying, aversion to food.

Nosode of Small-pox.
Trituration of matter from small-pox vesicle.


Clinical (Variolinum)
Headache ; occipital.
Herpes zoster.
Testicle, swelling of.
Characteristics (Variolinum)
The cardinal symptoms of small-pox are the keynote symptoms for the use of Variolinum. The backache
of small-pox is about the worst backache known, and Var. has cured in my practice a number of bad
backaches that nothing else seemed to touch. Var. was Burnett's chief remedy in shingles ; it generally,
as he expressed it, wiped out the disease, eruption and pain as well.
It will also cure neuralgia left by herpes. Var. has aborted many cases of small-pox, and has proved an
efficient preventive against small-pox contagion and vaccinal infection. G. M. H. (H. W. , XXXII. 546)
records this experience : Var. 6 (three pilules) was given to the mother and children of a family, one of
whose members was taken with small-pox and removed to an isolation hospital, with his mother to
nurse him.
The patient (who did not receive Var. ) was dangerously ill for a month. Neither the mother who nursed
him nor any of the other children took small-pox. Vaccine was sent by the Government and all the
family were vaccinated, but it did not take with any of those who had taken Var. , although the
vaccination was repeated. Moreover, G. M. H. himself, who had taken a dose of Var. , submitted to
vaccination, but "although four thorough inoculations were given, they healed up immediately, and did
not even itch or smart. ".
These are cardinal indications for Var. : Severe cold ; chill ; chilly creepings as if cold water were
trickling down the back ; violent fever with extremely hot skin, with or without high pulse. Violent
headache. Nausea. Pain in epigastrium. Pain in limbs as if in bones. Severe backache.
There may be rash or there may not. Here is a case of Swan's, who is a pioneer with nosodes (H. W. ,
XVIII. 205) : Miss H. , 21, healthy, hearty ; complained of the following symptoms : Confusion of head as
if going crazy, with a sensation as if it was all in the back of the head and running down spine, followed
by intense, heavy, hot headache in back of head and neck and region of medulla ; sensation as if head
weighed a hundredweight, with a tendency of it to fall backwards ; deathly nausea in throat-pit during
During headache hands and feet icy cold, particularly the hands ; tongue coated yellow in morning, with
bad, disgusting taste in mouth ; no appetite ; knees feel weak as if they would give way, especially on
going down stairs ; pains in thighs and hips ; severe aching, burning pain in small of back ; skin hot
and dry ; pulse not feverish. Var. cm (Swan), in water, cured in six hours, the confusion of the head

ceased after the pain did. A school of two hundred children was "internally variolated" with Var. cmm
(Swan) on the evening of February 18th and the morning of February 19th. Of two schoolmistresses one
was not at all affected ; the other was two days in bed ill.
On 21st many of the children were ill ; by the 23rd all except forty were, the symptoms being the usual
preliminary symptoms of small-pox, and later Swan found pustules on many. After the varioloid had
passed off, but before the patients had recovered their vitality, twenty-three children were vaccinated
without Swan's knowledge. All but one took and had terrible ulcers on the arms, and had to be
remedied by Vacc. (cmm, Swan).
Sensations of Var. are :
As if a band tightly encircled head.
As if throat were closed.
As of a lump in right side of throat.
Crazy feeling through brain.
Like streams of ice-water running down back.
Pain as if back were broken.
The symptoms are < By motion.
Relations (Variolinum)
Antidoted by :
Malan. , Thuj. , Ant. t. , Vacc. , Sarr.
Compare : (Variolinum)
Herpes, Mez. , Rhus, Ars.
Causation (Variolinum)
Contusion (enlarged testicle).
Mind (Variolinum)
Delirium with the initial fever.
Head (Variolinum)
Crazy feeling through brain, hard to describe.
Forehead very hot, face red and bloated, carotids pulsating violently.
Headache : with or after a chill ; all over head ; particularly in forehead ; severe in vertex ; as if a band
tightly encircled head ; severe lancinating, throbbing ; < with every pulsation.
Intolerable pain in occiput.

Syncope in attempting to rise.

Eyes (Variolinum)
Chronic ophthalmia with loss of sight.
Keratitis, with small-pox and after vaccination.
Pupils contracted.
Ears (Variolinum)
Face (Variolinum)
Jaw falling when asleep, with trembling when aroused.
Skin of face and neck deep dark-purple hue.
Teeth (Variolinum)
Teeth covered with thick brown slime.
Mouth (Variolinum)
Thick, dirty yellow coating on tongue.
When asleep tongue protruded, black coating, when raised it is with difficulty drawn back ; looks like a
mass of putrid flesh.
Throat (Variolinum)
Diphtheria with horrible fetor oris.
Painful deglutition.
Pharynx and fauces deep purplish crimson, with gangrenous appearance ; breath horribly offensive.
Sensation as if throat were closed.
Sensation as of a lump in right side of throat.
Throat very sore, redness of fauces.
Appetite (Variolinum)
Food, esp. water, tastes sickish sweet.
Stomach (Variolinum)
As soon as he drinks milk he vomits it up.
Frequent bilious vomiting.

Severe pain in prcordial region, frequent nausea and vomiting of bilious and bloody matter.
Soreness in pit of stomach and across epigastric region.
Stool (Variolinum)
Several brown, green, at last grass-green stools, painless, loose, of intolerable fetid odour ; no thirst ;
last stool slimy, with small quantity of blood.
Thin, bloody stools.
Urinary Organs (Variolinum)
Urine : high-coloured, like brandy ; turbid and offensive ; stains a rose tea-colour, difficult to remove.
Male Sexual Organs (Variolinum)
Enlargement of testicle.
Hard swelling of left testicle in consequence of a contusion.
Respiratory Organs (Variolinum)
Hawking up thick, viscid slime, smelling bad.
Oppressed respiration.
Troublesome cough, with serous and sometimes bloody sputa.
Neck and Back (Variolinum)
Chills like streams of ice-water running down from between scapul to sacral region.
Intolerable aching in lumbar and sacral region.
Pain in base of brain and neck.
Pain in muscles of back like rheumatism ; < on motion.
Stiffness of neck, with tense drawing in muscles, < on motion.
Upper Limbs (Variolinum)
Hands icy cold during invasion.
Swelling of arm which had been half-paralysed.
Lower Limbs (Variolinum)
Muscular rheumatism ; < on motion.

Skin (Variolinum)
Exanthema of sharp, pointed pimples, usually small, seldom large and suppurating, dry, resting on
small red areol, frequently interspersed with spots of red colour, sometimes severe itching.
Petechial eruptions.
Var. 1m in water every two hours, given on third day of eruption of a confluent case cut short the attack.
Var. 30 warded off an attack of small-pox after intense sickness of stomach had been caused by the
smell of a case.
Fever (Variolinum)
Fever with intense radiating heat, burning hot to touch.
Hot fever, no thirst.
Intense fever, commencing with chills running down back like streams of cold water, causing shivering
and chattering of teeth.
Very profuse, bad-smelling sweat.
Very severe chill, followed by hot fever.

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