Sharp Fall in The Number of Road Accidents in Malaysia From 2021 Cases in 1990 To 102

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PART A 2203 may 2013

1. (a) sharp fall

There was a sharp fall in the number of road accidents in Malaysia from 2021 cases in 1990 to 102
cases in 2000.
(b) increased
The number of road accidents in Malaysia increased sharply from 2021 cases in 1990 to 5102 cases in
The reported cases of snatch theft in the country increased dramatically from 220 in 2010 to 2200 in

2. refer 7.4: pg 139

A Gantt chart is used for scheduling and tracking key events that are necessary to complete a project.

3. a) Choosing the right words in letter writing enables a writer to get his points across accurately.
b) It also helps to avoid ambiguity as the message in the letter is written and not spoken. No further
explanation is attached in a letter.

4. Pg 112
Bad news letter has to be first written with a courteous opening.
Next, the writer needs to explain the situation fully and clearly.
Then, state the bad news and finally, close with a positive paragraph.

5. a) i) Could I take your message please?

b) Could you ask X to call me back please? / Could you pass a message to X please?



Claire Lopes,
123,Jalan Hang Tuah,
42100 Petaling Jaya,
21 JULY 2013
The Marketing Department,
Jaya Institute of Excellence,
321 JalanMuda,
42012 Gombak,
Dear Sir,
I am writing in response to your advertisement in The Star newspaper dated 19 July.
I have just completed my form five and wish to enquire about the types of courses available in your institute.
I would also like to obtain relevant information on the course schedule, fees and duration of each course.
Please send me the relevant brochures if you have any.
Your cooperation and prompt action are greatly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,



The Marketing Department
Jaya Institute of Excellence
321 Jalan Muda
42012 Gombak
25 JULY 2013
Claire Lopes
123 Jalan Hang Tuah
42100 Petaling Jaya
Dear Madam
On behalf of the institute, we would like to thank you for your interest in the courses offered.
Since the establishment of the institute in 1983, Jaya Institute of Excellence is now capable of offering 25
courses which cater to the various needs of science, commerce and arts stream students.Typically, the most
popular course at present is Bachelor of Pharmacy in which we have almost 250 students from within and
outside the country.
For your information, all courses are scheduled to commence in May and November each year. Those who
miss the first intake on the first of May could enrol for the second on the 15th of November.
In terms of fees, they vary based on courses that an undergraduate wishes to pursue. A course in pure science
for instance, may take up as much as RM 8 000 per semester for 8 to 10 semesters while a course in arts may
range from RM 4 000 to RM 6000 per semester for 7 to 8 semesters.
There are many advantages of enrolling in this institute. First, it is strategically located near a township where
banking facilities, transportation and food are easily available. As accommodation is not provided by the
institute, students need not worry as arrangement can be made with our marketing department prior to their
registration with us free of charge. We can assure you that there are no hidden charges.
Enclosed herewith are the brochures requested or just visit our website address for more information at
We are looking forward to hearing your a favourable reply.
Yours faithfully
The Marketing Manager

2. Pg 100
(a) There 3 categories of letters: good news, neutral and bad news letters.
(b) Pg 99 : Checklist for writing good business letter.
1. FIRST, Decide on the purpose of letter
Ask yourself why you are writing this letter and stay focussed on this purpose
2. NEXT, Decide what you want to say
Only include information relevant to the purpose
3. THEN, Note down all ideas in point form
This is to ensure that you have included all relevant points and are not relying on memory alone
4. AFTER THAT, Order all ideas in point form
Arrange the information in an order appropriate for the purpose
5. BESIDES, Write the first draft using plain English
Avoid jargon, clichs, unfamiliar words and long structures
6. MOREOVER, Read the letter to ensure that you will achieve your purpose
The recipient should be able to respond in the manner desired
7. FINALLY, Rewrite if necessary
Check the order of information and details, including grammar and spelling

3 (a). MEMO

All junior employees of Subs Sandwiches


Amir Ahmad, the sales manager


21 July 2013


Training course on Customers are our Priority

It is compulsory for all junior employees working as cashiers and waiters to attend the course on 23 rd of
August in Kamelia Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
All expenses such as food and transportation will be borne by the company.
Please send me a show cause letter by 5 of August should anyone be unable to attend the course on the said

3 (b) e-mailPg 154


Mr Amir Ahmad (

From: Cynthia Lopes (


Mdm Ana (

With reference to your memorandum dated 21st of July, I hereby confirm my attendance to the said course on
23rd August in Kamelia Hotel.
BTW, I shall inform another staff who was on leave yesterday about the course.
Be looking forward for the course.

Intro: date of visit, whom have you gone with, obj (read the question)
2.0 site assessment
2.1 Location: Near to a gas station?Palm oil plantation?SUITABLE or not? Smoke emitted by the factory /
wasteland: foul smell, health : rats, mosquitoes : aedes, snakes, water that seeps into the land that will
eventually affect our water resources
2.2 No facilities nearby, road accessibility , no electricity & water; no township nearby
3.0 not feasible to develop the area

Question 2

1.0 Introduction
The graphs below display/show/portray the training courses conducted from 2000 to 2010 and the
productivity level of the staff who attended the courseduring the same period.
2.0 Training Courses and Productivity Level
2.1 Trend with regards to the number of training courses from 2000 to 2003
Clearly, there was afluctuation in the number of courses offered from 2000 to 2003. Starting with only
two courses in 2000, 2001 saw a surge in the demand of courses reaching to eight. However, it dropped to
only four in 2002 but increased significantly to 12 the following year.
This trend in the fluctuation of training courses offered seems to be similar in the productivity level of
staff. With only 20% of productivity level in 2000, it increased significantly to 24% when training courses
were correspondingly increased. Likewise, the productivity fell to 21% when training courses were
decreased. In the same way, when trainings were again increased in 2003, the productivity level of staff
also jumped to 26%.
2.2 Trendswith regards to the number of training courses from 2007 to 2010
During the three-year-period from 2007 to 2010, training courses remained static with 20 from 2007 to
2008. This did not help in the productivity level when in fact, it dropped slightly to 31% in 2008 from
32% a year before. Nevertheless, when training courses were intensified in 2009 with 26 courses and then
increased to 33 in 2010, productivity level of staff rose substantially to 38 in 2009 and peaked at 39 in
2.3 Trends with regards to productivity levels from 2003 to 2006
The 2003 to 2006 period was the worst in terms of productivity levels of the staff. There was a
stagnant level of productivity with 26% in both 2003 and 2004 but it plunged to the lowest at 12% in
2005 but then recovered to 29% in 2006. This trend is probably influenced by the training courses offered
in the same period of time. When training was cut down to 11 in 2004 from 12 in 2003, it did not impact
much on the productivity level. But when trainings were further reduced to 10, productivity level was
hugely affected when it reached the lowest in the year with a mere 12%.
3.0 Conclusion
All in all, when training courses were reduced, the productivity level of the staff would drop. Likewise,
when trainings were intensified, the productivity would be increased. Therefore, the productivity level of the
staff is influenced by the number of courses offered in a year.
4.0 Recommendations
As training programmes are important to an organisation to improve its productivity level, it is therefore
recommended that all organisations should take up the initiative to invest on trainings to enable its staff to be
more productive and professional in their workplace.

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