On Facebook by Me

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‘’ON FACEBOOK’’ by Sayar Merve

1-What are the contributions of Facebook to your own teaching competence or


<< first of all, knowing something about facebook is so important. why? Because of the
students! I learned that from my students with whom i study in ‘Türkiye Eğitim Gönüllüler
Vakfı’’. Even if they are too young for such kind of things, all have a facebook account and
they are talking about it all the time, they ask if we have an account, they want to add us as a
friend. After this experience i understand you better about ‘digital natives’
In this study, facebook is really useful, using facebook for such kind of thing is a very
intelligent act. The sole drawback is that some of us don’t have internet accession all the

2-Do you think FB has allowed you to receive some feedback from your friends before
and after your performance? How?

<< exactly! Reading peer evaluations about my demo is very enjoyable!

3-Does FB allow you to look at the issues about your competence (teaching knowledge)
from different dimensions? How?

<< yes. For axample ı watched my own presentation for the first time. İ saw how i seem on
the stage. Efore this study, i received feedback from only Gülşen hoca, but now i read my
friends’ feedbacks on facebook. İt provides a different perspectives for my own evaluation on

4- What other things could be done to take more advantage of FB in this regard?

<< I have no ideas yet. I should think about it. I need time. 

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