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Lesson Plan Template




5 senses


Number of Students/ Grade



Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

Get control over the whole classroom.


Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to Identify 5 senses and learn how it
help us.

Power point, picture, orange.

Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time_______

Question (Blooms Taxonomy)

Opening/Introduction: (Bullet points)

Give them orange and let them eat it.

Remembering (low level):

Active Engagement: (Bullet points)

Dance with song

Link: (Bullet points)

Link senses with daily life how taste what we smell
Why we touch and so on.

Tell them story about child who had flu and can
not smell.
Understanding (low level):
Ask them through the lesson
Applying (low level):
Analyzing (high level):
explain for me how each senses help us what we
can do if we do not have a senses
Evaluating (high level):
Observe them through the activity.

Creating (high level):

Let them draw a child with five senses.

Learning Center Resources or Materials

Learning Center 1
Match picture with

Learning Center 2
Sort picture with

Learning Center 3

Learning Center 4

Draw a face for child

with five senses

Small Group Learning Centers: Time______

Closing activity: Time: ______
Allow children time to discuss how we could life with sense.
Assessment for Learning:
through the discussion. And through the activities

General Comments

Learn how to deal with special need students.

Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus
Raise my voice.

SWC Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson taught)

Five senses





Al- Ansar



MST Tamara


Firstly, discuss one aspect that YOU feel you did very well. Try to analyze why you think it worked well
and what hints you would share with other teachers about the successful strategy/
resource/activity/management style etc.

I feel that I do very well is when I do the story for the children and explain them the lesson by doing
using our finger to point on our senses.

Secondly, elaborate on the aspect identified by YOU that requires attention. Discuss what the problem
was, why it occurred and what action you intend to take to be more successful in the next lesson.

The power was saved on CD point did not open so I have to save it in extra flash.

Personal focus for next lesson:

Next time I want to be more organize have big flash card to explain the lesson.

I teach the student lesson about senses. It was very easy lesson. The students
understand the concept of the lesson. The activity was very good for the
students. I link the concept to daily life. I feel that I do very well is when I do
the story for the children and explain for them the lesson by doing using our
finger to point on our senses. They know how senses help us by giving them
examples. I think that next time I should have big flash card than small so
students can see it clearly. The power was saved on CD point did not open so I
have to save it in extra flash.

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