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Flight 308(flight of dreams)

Characters:12 passengers , 1 pilot, airhostesses 2, airhost 1,



Airhostess 1:-Passangers, Please play attention. Air ambition is proud to take you
from the land of today to the land of limmitless possiblities on our flight 308, Flight
of dreams
Airhostess 2:-We request our passangers to stand up in attention for the bahrain
and indain national anthem before we take of
Airhostess 1:-please sit down and fasten your seat belts
Airhostess 2:- umm... (name here), we dont have seat belts.
Airhostess 1:-Just imagine you are fastening your seat belts as we may face
(plane takes of with bag ground sound )
[people act like they are facing turbulence]
Pilot;- We have reach crusing height you may unfasten your seat belt
{pilot walks through the poeple to go to the back of the plane}

Airhostess 1:-Dear passangers, I regret to inform you that we have lost contact with
our captain Mr Dreams and the plane is out of control and is losing altitute
exponentially. We may crash in 15 mins
Airhostess 2:- wait, are you saying that we are going to crash??
(everyone screams)
comp p1:-GUYS STOP, We have barely 14 mins lefts and I for one dont want to
spend it screaming
Comp p2:- J boarded this plane thinking that it would take me to the land of dreams
but I think our dreams will never be forfilled
Comp p1:- Not yet, we still have time. Does anyone have dream which hasnt come
to fruitition?
karthik:- Well, Im a sucessful enginner but J always wanted to be a singer
{passangers stay seating}
[background sound of wind blowing][transition of dream]
[song and vedio plays]
[benionin and co enter]
Comp p1;- 1 down many more dreams to go. Who wants to go next
karun:-I could never express my sself properly. So today I would like to convey my
{gives speach}
airhostess:-(snifs) that was beautiful karun.

Need help to make some comedian guy to make it funny, its not needed but if we
need stuf to put we can put it here
make everything relating to it please sam....

airhost;- looking at the altitude and speed we have roughly 7 mins... anyone else??

skit guy;- since i was a kid i always wanted to be a actor but i could never really
dedicate my self to my dream......
{help with prayer intro}
{pilots hears peopel prayign and walks in from the back}
passanger;- awww look the pilot...
airhost;-where do u think you were Mr we were so worried (trying to make it look
like she is shouting like his mom)
pilot:- sheesh mom, i was just back there in the bathroom
airhost;- for so long???
poilet;- yea, I been plauing plan for 20 yeas and 20 years areoplane food isnt good
for your stomach, and relax everything is fine..
{voilent jerks}
pilot;- i guess not everythinh is fine, BRB.
{runs bacl}
{plane faces turbulence then its fine}
pilot:- this is your captain speaking sorryy for the inconvianc, we iwll land shortly
sam/tought for the day guy:- you know what is this short span of 20 mins we gave
biryth to singers, orators, commediance and actors and waht not. If impeading
death could do this 20 wonder what determination and persiverance would do to
our life
{sams speeech}
airhostest;- Let us all take a pledge to fufill our dreams and aspirations with shreyas
{extro to hand over to minakshi maam}

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