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Danielson Framework Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

Personal Professional Development Goal: Through professional development and

teacher observation, collaboration, and feedback, I would like to improve in the area of
designing coherent instruction by learning how to create meaningful learning
experiences and activities that are cognitively engaging to the students as well as learn
how to differentiate those learning experiences and activities to meet the different
learning needs of all of my students. Additionally, I want to earn my Masters Degree
in Accounting to advance my knowledge in the content I teach and to teach Dual
Credit courses which allow high school students to earn both high school and college
Rationale: Domain 1e states Planning requires the thoughtful construction of lessons
that contain cognitively engaging learning activitiesProficient practice in this
component recognizes that a well-designed instruction plan addresses the learning
needs of various groups of students. In order to help me learn how to create
meaningful learning experiences, activities and tasks that will engage students, I would
like to collaborate with other teachers, observe other teachers in their classrooms, and
have other teachers observe me in my classroom and offer feedback to me on how I
can make improvements in my lessons. I will also read a pedagogical book(s) that will
help me design coherent instruction as well as help me improve my teaching practice in
all of the domains of the Danielson Framework. And, I want to take professional
development courses that will help me learn how to differentiate my instruction in
order to meet the different learning needs of all of my students.
In addition, I would like to teach Dual Credit courses. Dual Credit courses give
students an opportunity to earn college credit[s] while in high school. In order to do
this, and to further my knowledge in the content I teach, I want to earn a Masters
Degree in Accounting. This relates to Domain 1a in that In order to guide student
learning, teachers must have command of the subject they teach. Earning a Masters
Degree in Accounting will help me learn how the discipline has evolved in the 21 st
century, incorporating such issues as global awareness and cultural diversity that I
will be able to use when I am identifying the important concepts and issues found in
the current day field of accounting. This will guide me in the planning of instructional
strategies and learning experiences I use in my practice. And, I will continue to take
the required 40 hours a year of continuing education needed to maintain my Certified
Public Accounting license.
12-Month Plan
Indicators of Success
Observe several classes in
Observe at least 5
Notes taken during
another teachers business
classes during the
observation and
education class and meet with
year for the first 3-5
reflecting on the
the teacher after each lesson
to discuss the observations.
Have another business
Be observed at least Reviewing and
education teacher observe me
3 times during the
reflecting on the
in several of my classes and
year for the first 3-5
feedback from the
meet with the teacher after
observing teacher
each observation to get
feedback on the observation.


Creating quality
lesson plans

Fall 2016

Take professional
development courses on
differentiated instruction.
Take the necessary
continuing education classes
needed to maintain my
Certified Public Accounting
5-Year Plan
Apply to the Masters of
Accountancy Program at
Texas State University.
Enroll in at least one graduate
course per semester until I

Take at least 2
courses during the
Ongoing, at least 40
hours per year.

Writing reflective
journal entries after
reading the book/
watching the
webinar and
incorporating the
knowledge learned
into the classroom
Course certificates
of completion

Spring 2019

Indicators of Success
Letter of acceptance
from the graduate

Read pedagogical books and

journal articles on designing
quality lesson plans.
Read the book The Highly
Effective Teacher: 7
Classroom-Tested Practices
That Foster Student Success
by Jeff C. Marshall and
watch the associated ASCD

Investigate the requirements

of teaching Dual Credit
courses in accounting and
other business education
Begin teaching Dual Credit

Fall 2019 and

continue until
coursework is
Spring 2019

As soon as
requirements are

Course certificates
of completion

Identifying the
requirements needed
to begin teaching
Dual Credit classes

Transcript showing
graduate credits

Reflections and Implications:

Danielson Framework Domain 2: Classroom Environment

Personal Professional Development Goal: Through professional development and
teacher observation and collaboration, I want to implement classroom management
strategies that decrease negative behaviors, promote self-discipline, and increase time
spent academically engaged. I want to create a positive classroom environment where
students feel respected and where the standards of conduct are clear to the students.
Rationale: Domain 2d states In order for students to be able to engage deeply with
content, the classroom environment must be orderly; the atmosphere must feel
business-like and productivestandards of conduct must be clear to students; they

know what they are permitted to do and what they can expect of their
classmates...when their behavior is being corrected, students feel respected; their
dignity is not undermined A chaotic, unsupportive environment is distracting to
students and disrupts the learning process.
As a new teacher, one of the best ways I can learn about classroom management is
by observing other more experienced teachers and by having other teachers observe
me. By observing other teachers, I will learn effective classroom management skills
and get ideas about classroom management that I will be able to use in my own
classroom. And, by having other teachers observe me, I can get valuable feedback on
my own classroom management skills that I will be able to reflect on and that will help
me become a better teacher. In addition to observations, I would also like to take
professional development courses that will give my new ideas and skills that I can
implement and use as a part of my classroom management plan.
One of the biggest distractors to the classroom environment that disrupts learning is
the use of electronic devices for personal use during class time. Instead of having a no
electronic device use policy in my classroom, I would like to establish rules for
allowing students to use their electronic devices in the classroom, teach my students
digital citizenship, and learn how to incorporate the use of electronic devices into the
learning process.
12-Month Plan
Indicators of Success
Observe several classes in
Observe at least 5
Notes taken during
another teachers business
classes during the
observation and
education class and meet with
year for the first 3-5
reflecting on the
the teacher after each lesson
to discuss the observations.
Have another business
Be observed at least Reviewing and
education teacher observe me
3 times during the
reflecting on the
in several of my classes and
year for the first 3-5
feedback from the
meet with the teacher after
observing teacher
each observation to get
feedback on the observation.
Take professional
Course certificates
development courses to
of completion
improve my classroom
management strategies.
Read pedagogical books and Ongoing
journal articles on classroom
managing classroom
management to help me
improve my classroom
management skills.
5-Year Plan
Indicators of Success
Read the book Managing
Fall 2017
Writing reflective
21st Century Classrooms by
journal entries after
Jane Bluestein.
reading the book
and incorporating
the knowledge

Research effective ways to

incorporate the use of
electronic devices into the
learning process in the
Take professional
development courses on
Digital Citizenship.

Fall 2017 and


Take at least 2
courses during
the 2017-2018
school year

learned into the

Successfully using
electronic devices in
the classroom to
improve student
Course certificates
of completion

Reflections and Implications:

Danielson Framework Domain 3: Instruction

Personal Professional Development Goal: Through observations, teacher
collaboration, professional development courses, and action research, I want to create a
classroom where students are actively engaged in the learning by providing the
students challenging content and tasks. I want to improve my instruction methods and
questioning and discussion techniques.
Rationale: Domain 3c states The activities and assignments are the centerpiece of
student engagementstudents are developing their understanding through what they
dothey are engaged in discussion, debate, answering what if? questions,
discovering patterns and the like. Students are motivated to learn when they are
interested in the content, when they find the content relevant to their personal lives, and
when they are actively involved in their learning through stimulating tasks, projects,
and assignments. During my first years of teaching, I want to observe other teachers in
order to learn how to improve my instructional skills and to learn new ideas that I will
be able to use in my classroom. And, by having other teachers observe me, I will get
valuable feedback that I will be able to reflect on and use to improve my teaching.
I want to improve my questioning and discussion techniques to ensure that I am
asking both fact-based and concept-based questions that will deepen my students
understanding of the content. Domain 3b states It is important that questioning and
discussion be used as techniques to deepen student understandingGood teachers use
divergent as well as convergent questions, framed in such a way that they invite
students to formulate hypotheses, make connections, or challenge previously held
views. This can be accomplished through teacher observation and collaboration and
professional development.
In order to improve the quality of my instruction and student learning, I want to
learn how to use action research in my classroom. I will start by reading the book
Guiding School Improvement with Action Research by Richard Sagor, and taking
professional development courses on action research as well as reading other journal
articles on action research. Then, I will begin using action research in the classroom to
investigate ways to improve my teaching.
12-Month Plan
Indicators of Success
Observe several lessons in
Observe at least 5
Notes taken during
another teachers business
classes during the
observation and

education class and meet with

the teacher after each lesson
to discuss the observations.
Have another business
education teacher observe me
in several of my classes and
meet with the teacher after
each observation to get
feedback on the observation.
Take professional
development courses related
to classroom instruction.
Take professional
development courses on
questioning and discussion
5-Year Plan
Learn action research
methods and data collection
techniques by taking
professional development
courses and by reading
pedagogical books and
journal articles.
Read the book Guiding
School Improvement with
Action Research by Richard
Use action research in the

year for the first 3-5


reflecting on the

Be observed at least
3 times during the
year for the first 3-5

Reviewing and
reflecting on the
feedback from the
observing teacher

Course certificates

Take at least 3
courses during the
Take at least 2
courses during the

Course certificates

Summer 2017

Indicators of Success
Creating and
implementing an
action research plan

Summer 2017

Writing reflective
journal entries after
the reading

Begin Fall 2018 and

use continuously as

Methods of
instruction and
student learning are

Reflections and Implications:

Danielson Framework Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

Personal Professional Development Goal: To improve the methods and strategies I
use in the planning, instruction, and implementation of the lessons in order to increase
student learning and grow professionally as a teacher. I also want to earn teaching
certifications in other areas besides business education.
Rationale: In order to improve my teaching methods, I will have to analyze the
decisions I made in both the planning and the implementation of the lessons I used in
the classroom. Domain 4a states by considering these elements (the planning and the
implementation of lessons) in light of the impact they had on student learning, teachers
can determine where to focus their efforts in making revisions and choose which
aspects of the instruction they will continue in future lessons. Through weekly

reflections I will be able to improve my teaching by analyzing the lessons I used and
making adjustments to those lessons to increase student learning.
In addition to writing weekly reflections, I also want to join professional
organizations and collaborate with colleagues in professional learning communities to
improve my teaching methods and strategies. Domain 4e states Networking with
colleagues through such activities as joint planning, study groups, and a lesson study
provides opportunities for teachers to learn from one anotherIn addition,
professional educators increase their effectiveness in the classroom by belonging to
professional organizations, reading professional journals, attending educational
conferences, and taking university classes.
And, because the number of business education teachers needed at some schools
can be limited to only a few, and because there are some schools that need teachers that
can teach more than one subject due to teacher shortages and other situations, I also
want to earn my math certification. This will give me more job opportunities, and help
me to meet the needs of the school.
Also, I want to take a group of students to an academic University Interscholastic
League (UIL) academic meet and start a Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
chapter at my school. When I was student teaching, I got the opportunity to go with my
cooperating teacher and several students to a UIL meet. UIL meets are a fine way to
encourage youngsters to enrich their education and expand their horizons and I would
like to give this opportunity to my students as well. The FBLA is another way I would
like to give my students an opportunity to advance themselves. The FBLA brings
business and education together in a positive working relationship through
innovative leadership and career development programs. This will give students
greater opportunities for success as they prepare for a career in business. This is
related to Domain 4d Teachers efforts move beyond the classroom duties by
contributing to school initiatives and projects.
12-Month Plan
Indicators of Success
Write weekly reflections in a Ongoing
Regular and
consistent entries in
a reflection journal
Register for membership with Fall 2016
Certificate of
Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development
(ASCD) for professional
growth and development and
to improve my teaching
Fall 2016
Certificate of
Register for membership with
the National Business
Education Association
(NBEA) for professional
growth and development and
to remain current in teaching
business education classes.

Register for membership with

the American Accounting
Association (AAA) for
professional growth and
development and to remain
current in teaching business
education classes.
Participate in a professional
learning community to work
with colleueages in the
sharing of ideas and the
planning instructional of
strategies that will improve
instructional skill.
Organize and take a group of
students to a UIL meet.
5-Year Plan
Research the requirements of
and start an FBLA chapter at
my school.
Take courses that will
prepare me to take the TExES
Mathematics 8-12 test.
Register for and take the
TExES Mathematics 8-12
Reflections and Implications:

Fall 2016

Certificate of

Spring 2017

Contributions to the
learning community
and the
implementation of
new skills learned.

Spring 2017

Compete in a UIL

Fall 2018

Spring 2019

Indicators of Success
Membership in a
FBLA chapter at my
Certificates of

Spring 2020

Mathematics 8-12
teaching certificate

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