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Madison Martin

Professor Marcum
UWRT 1103-052
March 20th, 2016
Part One:
I have practiced these concepts before class in my AP classes in
high school. I would also say that I have used these concepts in classes
beyond just writing and English classes. In my Creative Writing class is
where I developed the large majority of my writing process and the
way I compose a piece. My teacher, Dr. Griffin, was a huge influence
on my writing and the way I think about and prepare to write for school
and also for myself. I think these concepts are very important, because
a piece of writing has to start somewhere and needs to be a solid base
for the rest of the work. As the old saying goes, a house is only as
strong as its foundation. I personally believe that everyone needs to
have these skills and they can apply to every career. No matter what
field of work a person chooses to go into they will be preparing and
having to have a thought process at some point in time. Having a
composing process doesnt just mean how you write a paper it could
be anything, an email, a letter, a proposal, and even a text message.
There are several instances I can see myself using this concept beyond
college. I am in the process of perusing a carrier in advertising and
company branding and although, UNCC doesnt offer a major in Speech
Communications or Speech Pathology, I am still taking classes as

prerequisites in case I decide to attend a graduate school to pursue

being a speech therapist. In both jobs I mentioned I would be using the
composing processes, not just for the job itself but also to
communicate with clients and coworkers.

Part Two:
A time outside of this that is still very present in my memory that
I used critical reading would be in my AP European History class my
senior year of high school. About half way through the semester we
started doing writing assignments called DBQs. I had never done one
or heard of that in my life. I got a hundred on my first one, and I
believe I owe that to critical reading skills I had developed over the
years. We were giving a complicated document that was usually 10
pages, an hour and a half, and a pencil. We were told to construct an
essay that answered several questions that were presented and also
give a POV of one of the people from the text, and everything we did
needed to be labeled and highlighted. Needless to say, a lot of
students struggled with this, and Im not going to lie and say it was
easy for me either. I worked for my grade, because they were weighed
close to a test and a lot of stress, sweat, and hand cramping went into
each one. Obviously, I think this skill is important, I wouldnt have
graduated with the honors or grades I had if I hadnt had learned and
developed these critical skills. Everyone should have these skills no

matter what career just for the sheer fact of being able to stay
informed and read between the lines so that they know exactly what
someone is saying or what they are reading. I can absolutely see
myself using these skills far beyond college, because they are
necessary for a lot of things in life. Whether its just reading the paper
or reading a contract a person needs to be able to read critically in
order to get the full meaning and impact of a piece.

Part Three:
The final draft literacy memoir best corresponds with rhetorical
knowledge. When I began writing I had to realize that I was not just
writing for myself but also for an audience of my peers as well as for
you as the professor. I had to think about how to word what I wanted to
say, and how to say it in a way that would retain the audiences
attention. In the process of writing I also had to think about purpose,
because I would want to get off track. I needed to focus on the task at
hand and try to keep my writing within those lines.
The daybook best relates to critical reflection. I used to notebook
to reflect on how I felt about assignments and how things would go
with peer review. I also used it to organize things I needed to fix in my
literacy memoir; by doing this I was literally critically reflecting on a
piece of work I had writing and thinking of ways to improve upon it.

The blog responses to questions from the class reading

assignments best corresponds to critical reading. I say that because
the questions never asked simple or obvious questions. They always
required us to read between the lines and to really dig into the text for
the deeper meaning. We needed to decipher between what the author
wrote and what they were actually thinking when they wrote it. You
have to be able to critically read to get the true meaning of what
someone was trying to say.
All of the drafts before the final copy of the literacy memoir best
relates to the composing process. During the three or four drafts I
wrote I was constantly revising and changing my piece. I was thinking
about what I could add to make it better, or sometimes I would think of
a new piece when I was in the middle it of it all. I would find a place the
new memory fit and then edit it to fit into the story line. I often times
would write big chunks all at once and then would go back and fix the
things I didnt like; that is all a part of the composing process.
Lastly, the readers guide best reflects knowledge of conventions.
When writing a blog that is published on the Internet that anyone could
stumble upon it makes one more aware of conventions like spelling,
and other mechanics. When doing research you need to cite all of your
sources, and explain why you chose them and think about how they
influenced your research as a whole. When creating a web page you
also think a lot about the organization. You dont want to create a solid

wall of text, because the reader will be overwhelmed and no longer be

interested in what you wrote. You may also want to include pictures or
videos to engage the reader further into your research and make them
care about it as much as you do.

Part Four:

Peer review critical reflection

Miscellaneous reading assignments critical reading
Research for the readers guide critical reading
Reverse outline critical reading
Invention draft composing process/rhetorical

knowledge/knowledge of conventions
Revised paragraph knowledge of conventions
Acts of sponsorship knowledge of conventions

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