Sir Nisar

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Nisar Ahmed Shak


Department of Business Education (DBE), Institute of Education and

Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, is providing quality education
since 1962. We believe that by equipping students with the best human and
social capital, we can shape the future of this country on progressive lines.
It has been observed generally that whenever a student is planning to opt
entrepreneurship, he/she thinks only of a new business and ignores all other
important points of success. Graduates face this difficulty because they are
not well aware of the link between entrepreneurship, marketing and human
resources. We strike to give the insights of this relationship to our graduates
to help them fill the gap between their dreams and their achievements and
brand themselves according to the demands of their dream organizations by
instructing at each step from how to make a strong CV, walk in a job
interview and to being selected.
Department of Business Education plans to organize a Business Education
Week as PARWAZ 2016. The focus of the event is to provide the young talent
with the required skills to be successful entrepreneurs and/or to be
successful in getting a good job. It will include business plan competition and
ad gala to be judged by experts in specific categories. This event will provide
the students an opportunity to learn from the market leaders.
The sessions would consist of keynotes addresses, panel discussions,
business plan competition, ad gala, poster competition, interactive exercises
and simulations, group discussions etc.
I avail the opportunity to invite your good self to conduct a session on
creativity:Think out of the box on 30 March, 2016 between 16:00-16:30 It
would be an honor for our students if you could spare some time from your
busy schedule to grace this session as a speaker.
Best Regards,
Ahmad Sohail Lodhi
Department of Business Education
IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore

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