Reflection On Interview

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In my Life History Interview, I talked with someone who was an African American
with Native American and Jamaican roots. Going into the interview, I had assumptions
on what his cultures and acknowledgement of his cultures would be like. I assumed that
as an African American, he would feel discriminated against more than anyone else. As
a Native American, I assumed he would be very involved and very ready to talk about
his heritage. As a Jamaican, I assumed he wouldnt know much about an island so far
away. However, I was very wrong in almost all of these assumptions. Living where we
live in Utah, I believe, has sheltered him from many of these things. This was an
absolutely fascinating interview to conduct. It raised and answered many questions,
many I wished I had asked long ago. It helped reshape my view of many different
people, and helped me to understand the fear of deculturalization.

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