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For your final culminating project, you are required to complete different activities from the
various topics. All of the activities demonstrate different acquired learning from this unit. This
activity falls under the Called to Journey unit.

PF1.06: Describe how faith in Jesus Christ challenges his disciples to love and respect others
PF1.10: Evaluate how to live in and challenge society based on the model of Jesus

Depictions of relationships are all around us, especially in the media. Analyze a
relationship you see in some form of media using the Beatitudes as a criteria (the
basis of what we are comparing). This should be approximately 2 to 3 pages (doublespaced).
Select a relationship in a medium of your choice newspaper article, television
show, movie, etc. You could pick a specific example or something general like
disagreements between friends, conflicts due to difference, etc.
In your first paragraph, describe the situation that has occurred. This should be
done in 3 to 5 sentences. Try to consider answering who, what, where, when and
why (if possible)
Next, explain how the Beatitudes were OR were not lived out. Select 3
Beatitudes and explain how each applied to the situation. Emphasize how they
were lived OR suggest ways how the Beatitudes could be lived.
Conclude by explaining what difference would or did living the Beatitudes make
in this situation.

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