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Lesson Title: Waves lesson 2

Date to teach: 3/22

Focus: Sound Waves


Develop and use a model to
describe that waves are reflected,
absorbed, or transmitted through
various materials.

Explain mechanical waves need a

medium to travel through.
Explain the speed of waves through
different mediums
Actively participate in listening activity
of sound waves through different

Teacher Materials:

Activity worksheet
Ziploc bags
Wood block

Student Materials:

Instruction Plan:

Refer back to the notes the previous day about transverse and compressional waves need a
medium to travel through.
o Have students explain to me what a medium is
Do the activity dealing with sound waves to determine the speed of waves through different
o Have groups of two and have everyone listen to the sound waves through different
Pull up the pHet visual to describe what happens when a sound wave has no medium to
travel through it.
Draw the particle arrangements of the three phases of matter and explain how the sound
wave travels through the different particles. Draw the particle arrangement of space, and
explain that since there are no particles the sound wave cant transfer so we dont hear
anything in space


Formative Assessment:
Filling out the worksheet with the activity to
keep track they were doing the activity


Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)




Multiple Means of Representation

Multiple Means of Expression


Multiple Means of Engagement

Options for Perception

Options for action/interaction

Options for recruiting interest

Using the simulation and the

activity of using different mediums

Options for Language/Symbols

Students will have a variety of

options to have a say in the visual at
hand, the activities/demonstrations
we will do.

Options for Expression

Options for Sustaining Effort &

Working with a partner to stay on
track, and doing the activity that
requires different mediums

Options for Comprehension

Options for Executive Function

Options for Self Regulation

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