Evidence of Student Learning Rational

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Evidence of Student Learning Rational

The Evidence of Student Learning project required me to select and assess a group of
students, and to develop and implement lesson plans aligned with common core standards and
individual goals. Each student had an IEP with specific accommodations and modifications
which I incorporated into my instruction. I analyzed the data to look for trends in student
learning; upon completion, I summarized the findings and provided reflective recommendations.
This connects to CEC standards 1 (Learning Development and Individual Learning Differences),
3 (Curricular Content Knowledge), 4 (Assessment), and 5(Instructional Planning and Strategies).
This project provided me an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in learning
development and individual learning differences (CEC standard 1). I taught the same math unit
to seven different students who all learn differently and have varying abilities. I had to be sure
that I met each students unique needs while ensuring that the curriculum was taught.
Throughout my instruction, I reflected in order to modify when needed; if something was not
working for a student, I had to make quick, effective changes. I gained knowledge and skills in
curricular content knowledge (CEC standard 3). I had to teach myself the mathematical
concepts, and be able to present them in multiple ways. This project allowed me to develop my
abilities in assessment (CEC standard 4) in multiple ways. I conducted pre, formative, and
summative assessments which consisted of observations, questioning, and independent work. By
assessing each student in various modalities, I was able to build on my ability to reflect on my
instruction. Through developing lessons geared toward individual goals, the curriculum, and
common core standards, I was able to gain mastery in instructional planning and strategies (CEC
standard 5).
The students that I chose for this project were positively affected by my knowledge and
skills in the aforementioned CEC standards. Through my reflective insights, I was able to tailor
my instruction to meet their individual needs while teaching the required material. My future
students will benefit from me having this experience in that I will be prepared with an assortment
of techniques and manipulatives. I am more confident in assessing student learning.

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