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December 6 2015

CZ Master Association Board of Directors.

C/O Sandra Hidalgo
29883 Santa Margarita Parkway, Suite 600
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, 92668
RE: Failure to Comply with Request to Inspect Records Lawyer Expenses
I am in receipt of your letter dated November 3, 2015. It is such a good illustration of the LIDDD
approach, now apparently perfected by the dynamic duo of James Harkins and Keystone, that I am going
to suggest Mr. Joseph Miner uses it as Exhibit A in his lawsuit. LIDDD stands for Lie, Ignore, Deflect,
Deny, Dis-inform. I do not quite understand if this is done out of gross incompetence or sheer evil.
I do not know what they teach in HOA communications class, but seems to be a mixture of leegaleze and
a foreign language I will provide examples below
For starters, you continue to conflate two separate requests: 1. One request is to inspect Lawyer
Expenses and 2. The second one is to inspect CHP patrol hours. I will continue to address the two issues
In item 3 of the aforementioned letter you state that I refused to pay for staff time and failed to come into
the officer and view these records I did not refuse to pay and I did not fail to go to the office. I clearly
stated that to not waste my time, I wanted a copy of the instructions used to redact the requested records.
You FAILED to provide such request. You then go on to include useless attachments of what you are not
going to do. The redacted papers you sent me are incomplete, and while you failed to send me the4
instructions used to redact the papers, the issue is moot: Our forensics experts have been able to view
the original information.
To be clear, you have FAILED to be responsive to my request because the information provided is

As a reminder, the reason I have requested the information is because the CZ Master Association is the
most litigious HOA in Southern California. Further, Harkins has charged an HOA $30,000 for a simple
Small Claims Court case, and a resident lost his condo due to an improperly parked RV. In your case, a
simple request for records is taking months, and God knows what Keystone is charging the CZ Master
association, but in the end, it is us the residents who pay, regardless of the quality of response

To reiterate, while, the CZ Master Association has not been responsive to my request for legal records, it
is clear that given the Keystone/Harkins approach, I will not be able to get to the bottom of the issue
unless I get to inspect the chart of accounts and or the team is compelled to do so by a court of law.

Merry Christmas

Joseph Lewis Aguirre

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