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MCT Formal Lesson Observations Feedback

Student teachers name: Zainab

Unit/Lesson: English 27 students

Grade Level:3
Date: 8.3.16

E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal and US = Unsatisfactory

Competency Area


Planning for Learning (including Knowledge and
Understanding of Content)

Implementing and Managing Learning (including behaviour

management, language and delivery)
Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation

Critical Reflection

Strengths of the lesson:

Modelling directionality.
Introducing the LO and activities for the lesson. Highlighting the key vocabulary.
Asking the children to define/describe the meaning of the words. Telling them there is no right or wrong
to encourage children to answer.(compare their suggestions to the ones they find)
Staged the questions how do we find a definition, to tell me how to use it (checking their
Using a timer to keep tasks on track.
You have differentiated by task both the reading and writing tasks.
You have included literacy LOs on the planning but make sure they are specific e.g. which aspect of
reading are you improving? Writing?
Reinforcing the vocabulary/meaning throughout the lesson.
Model writing at the end but several students were not paying attention.

Areas for development:

Be prepared e.g writing the LO on the whiteboard as you had time to do this before the class. Use the
complete word vocabulary. Explain the LO rather than just read it.
Have the dictionaries ready (MST brought them in) and distribute them evenly as one table only had
one so many children become spectators. You need to put in rules e.g. take it in turns to find a word.
Put more enthusiasm into your voice as its very quiet and monotone. /
Do some pre-reading work to orientate them to the text.
Rather than saying I will ask you a question, just ask it.
Use language structures in your planning rather than just vocabulary e.g. find the definition.
Make sure all children are paying attention before continuing with the lesson. Lots of talking when a
child was reading the definition again when matching the words (second activity) no one was listening..
Be more commanding, keep them with you. Rather than ask do you want another activity say what
they will be doing.
Give instructions clearly as one group didnt know they needed to write the definition.
Use more strategies for behavior you used show me you are reading,
There are too many little activities, plan to do a longer activity that will support the LOs, you ran out of
time before doing the writing activity.
Fill the planning sheet in correctly in guided group work there is a whole class activity.


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