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Create a Short Story Collection 4 Performance Task

The Texts in this collection focus on how individuals see things, both from a
scientific viewpoint and from a more subjective, emotional perspective. Look back
at the anchor texts, What of This Goldfish Do You Wish, The Lottery, The
Metamorphosis, The Fall of Icarus, and The Night Face Up and the other short
stories that we have read. Synthesize your ideas about them by writing a
suspenseful or surprising story.
An Effective short story

Begins by introducing a setting, a narrator, and a main character

Has an engaging plot with a central conflict that the characters try to resolve
Provides a clear sequence of events
Uses a variety of narrative techniques to develop characters, plot, theme,
and suspense or surprise
Sets a pace that keeps the reader curious about the next plot event
Includes sensory language and descriptive details
Ends with a logical and satisfying resolution to the conflict

Your short story should revolve around one of the following prompts:
2nd period
The Fall of Icarus
Imagine that your main character has been imprisoned somewhere
magical. How will they escape from their prison?
The Metamorphosis
Your character wakes up one morning to discover that they have
turned into ________. What happens next? They cannot be an insect of
any kind.
3rd period
What of this Goldfish Do You Wish?
One day your main character happens upon a talking _______. What
kind of adventures happen next?
The Fall of Icarus
Imagine that your main character has been imprisoned somewhere
magical. How will they escape from their prison?

7th period
The Lottery
Your main character is participating in a lottery, not using death, what
are the possible outcomes?
The Night Face Up
Your main character realizes that they are trapped in a dream. Where
are they and what happens next?
8th period
The Metamorphosis
Your character wakes up one morning to discover that they have
turned into ________. What happens next? They cannot be an insect of
any kind.
The Lottery
Your main character is participating in a lottery, not using death, what
are the possible outcomes?

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