Annotated Bibliography

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Luke 1

Annotated Bibliography

The Advent of War on the Web: The Stuxnet Start

John Luke
Professor Malcolm Campbell
English 1103
March 12, 2016

Luke 2

Annotated Bibliography
Matthew-Daniel, Tola St. "White House Fact Sheet: Cybersecurity National Action Plan."
Online Posting. News | National Cyber Security Alliance, 9 Feb.
2016. Web. 12 Mar. 2016.
This source from a reliable website pertaining to the subject of Cyber Warfare and cyber
security in general. This source primarily focuses on the details of how a recent
governmental effort was made to pave the way for better security to be established
country wide over the course of the following few years. The methods this would be
accomplished with include a raising of awareness of, a focus on privacy protection, and a
maintaining of public, economic, and national security. The Commission on Enhancing
National Cybersecurity will be established, Government IT services will be modernized
and overhauled, and over 19 billion dollars will be invested into the Cybersecurity fiscal
budget of the national government. An interesting aspect of the plan also includes a
boosting of student loan forgiveness for cybersecurity personnel entering the workforce,
thus making a form of investment into the future of cybersecurity. This is in the hopes
that a catalyst-like effect will take place, improving national cybersecurity by preparing
the workforce for the problems involved before they become problems.
This article is questionable in itself as being totally credible as it does not reference any
documents in a citations section, but it does show credentials of an organization, and the
plan itself can be found by simply looking it up in particular.
I may be using this article to show the progressive nature of America in the subject of
cyber security, but first I must do more research into the specifics of the plan that was
announced, and exactly how effectively it will legitimately be carried out.

Luke 3

Shakarian, Paulo, Jana Shakarian, and Andrew Ruef. Introduction to Cyber-Warfare: A

Multidisciplinary Approach. Amsterdam [Netherlands: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, an
imprint of Elsevier, 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2016.
This scholarly resource provides a vast and informative background in the field of Cyber
Warfare, and provides a comprehensive introduction into understanding what it is and
how it is developing into the future. This resource delves into many different aspects of
the uses of Cyber Warfare, such as its application in the use of the Stuxnet virus, as well
as how it could be used in the fields of espionage and exploitation of information.
Analyzation into the validity and credibility of Cyber Warfare is also made, thus adding a
counter view to the belief that Cyber Warfare is becoming a great threat into the near
This resource is very heavily validated with extensive research and background. The
citations and references section for just a single chapter was extensive and heavily backed
up with both historical and very current resources.
I will be using this source in order to gain as thorough an understanding of the subject
that I can. This resource will be very useful in understanding the nitty-gritty of what is
involved in what is considered Cyber Warfare. In the introduction of this source, it
provides an opposing point of view to the concept, thus I will be making use of this
source in the process of providing different perspectives on Cyber Warfare.

Luke 4

TEDTalks: Ralph Langner - Cracking Stuxnet, a 21st-Century Cyberweapon. New York, N.Y:
Films Media Group, Feb. 2011. Web. 12 Mar. 2016.
This video from the developed and popular source of TEDTalks, examines the process
that was taken in order to find the origin and purpose of the Stuxnet virus. Ralph Langner
describes the methods and thought processes used by his team when examining the virus.
Throughout the duration of several months they looked at what was relevant to the virus
in pertinence to what information they already had on it, in order to narrow down its
purpose and its target. He describes how they knew it was intended to sabotage, it was
designed with two warheads each with their own particular targets, it was aimed at
most likely a high-value target for how sophisticated and complex the written code of the
virus was, and they knew that the target was most-likely located in Iran. Through this
knowledge he describes how they began to look for common occurrences and data in the
code that they could connect to the real world. He describes that what they found was a
directed attack at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant. Further, the team was able to
connect the virus minimally to Israels Mossad, and primarily to the US. Langner
establishes that the viewpoint to be taken on this event is one of preparation. He describes
the virus as generic in its direction, and thus implies the danger that a cyber attack of such
simplistic magnitude creates.
This source is very useful due to the fact that the speaker directly worked on the Stuxnet
virus, and thus is a leading knowledge base on the subject.
I will be using the information that this source provided, and I will connect it to how
cyber warfare is becoming a new front of combat, and its implications for the future.

Luke 5

Wilson, Kelce S, and Muge A. Kiy. "Some Fundamental Cybersecurity Concepts." Ieee Access.
2 (2014): 116-124. Print.
This scholarly journal article explains some fundamental and basic concepts in
cybersecurity, and analyzes how even what was once considered wholly protected and
secure retained vulnerabilities that compromised the computing environment. A large
concept that was found to be true was that there was no one size fits all system that was
capable of complete protection of a system from attack. This article establishes a threepart system to define threat classes for computational systems. The three parts include
1.) Reverse Engineering, 2.) Tampering, and 3.) Piracy. These are defined as the three
primary methods that an attacker can use in order to assault a computational system. This
is delved into further, providing a fairly thorough understanding of the mindset of what
an attacker is aiming for when performing an attack. Overall the article points out that a
layer of security is needed for every tier of a computational system, starting with the user
access and operating system, and leading all the way into the hardware itself.
This article is very reliable and was written by two individuals who are currently and
effectively involved in the field they speak on. This article is intended for a fairly
knowledgeable audience to begin with, and builds upon this foundation.
I will most likely be using this resource to back up a description on how computers and
cyber spaces are legitimately protected. In other words, I will be using it to give a better
understanding of what it actually means to provide security for a computer system.

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