Post Activity For Practicum

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Post-Activity Assignment
Brandi Sullivan
Bon Secours Memorial College
On my honor, I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment or test, and I
pledge that I am in compliance with the BSMCON Honor System.

Post-Activity Assignment

Post-Activity Submission

May we hope that when we are all dead and gone, leaders will arise who have been personally
experienced in the hard, practical work, the difficulties and the joys of organizing nursing reforms, and
who will lead far beyond anything we have done (Nightingale, 1893). The Care-A-Van is a mobile

health clinic that offers free care to those in need; it is generally setup at local churches. The
Care-A-Van in my area services the Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Newport News area residents. The
only criterion is that a patient may have no insurance coverage in order to be treated.
During my time with the Care-A-Van, I noticed quite a bit. I visited a total of 6 locations that the
Van provides local care to residents. I observed three practitioners providing care throughout the
locations. I saw these providers treat anywhere between 8-10 walk-ins and 6-8 appointments in any given
day. Our patients were being seen for a common cold to knee injections. During this experience I heard
many patients who were so grateful for the visit, the medications, and the time that the staff spent
educating them on their diagnosis. Initially, when I began going to the Care-A-Van I was simply
observing what everyone and their role in the Care-A-Van team. I was able to spend time with each
individual to see how imperative their role in the organization was. After, my first visit when I had a little
more information about everyone and their responsibilities, I began helping out in different ways. I helped
with teaching and education of diabetic patients. I made referral appointments for Mammograms, Pap
Smears, Neurology, Dental, and Gastroenterology. The Care-A-Van is blessed to have local support from
Bon Secours Physicians that can offer a variety of services at free or reduced cost to patients. Patients
who have limited resources and require certain medications for their disease management are able to
submit a Patient assistance Paperwork (PAP) form for help with free medications. During my time, I
would help patients fill in some of their paperwork to submit to the staff. From the time a PAP form is
submitted it can take an entire month before the patient is approved for coverage and the covered
medications arrive back to the Care-A-Van. Overall, this experience far surpassed what I expected. I knew
we would be helping the uninsured, homeless and poor. What I didnt expect was the gratitude from the

Post-Activity Submission

patients and the Church Congregations that help the Care-A-Van to provide care for these individuals.
Very Impressive organization and functional model used.

My values are to help those who need help. This organization is the epitome of that value.
After this experience I realized I was slightly hardened when I returned back to the Acute
Hospital event. I spent days with staffs who all were engaged with one another and patients who
couldnt have been more grateful even when they had to wait several hours to see a practitioner,
to return to the hospital where staff is not quite as team unified and Patients complain for waiting
5 minutes for anything. I really wanted to head right back to the Care-A-Van. The only problems
I found is that our area have two actual vans; the one in Newport News needs to be updated. It is
very small compared to the other van across the water and continually has problems such as
breaking down and from a fellow student experience had high levels of Carbon Monoxide in the
van! I also noticed that with only one Registered Nurse, if she couldnt get the lab draw then they
had to send the patient to the closest Bon Secours hospital to have labs drawn. The solution to
this problem would be to have a vein finder as a tool on the van. Patients they are seeing are
dehydrated and sometime frequent drug users so there veins are not in the best shape. The nurse
who I watched actually sent a patient back into the church with water and snacks to hydrate so
she could try again prior to sending her to the hospital for lab draws; thankfully she was able to
get the sample.
The gifts I offered to this community were my time, patience, knowledge and empathy. I
also brought a positive attitude and I tried to jump in and assist wherever I could to help both the
staff and the patients. This is a proud community that is interested in having care they just cannot
financially afford their health needs and disease management. The communities really need
better diabetes management in all the areas. Portsmouth location is very blessed that they

Post-Activity Submission

received a $10,000 grant from the city which they provide all Portsmouth residents with free
meters, lancets, alcohol swabs, and strips to aid in their monitoring of their own health. The
Care-A-Van can provide free insulin for all their patients who qualify for the PAP. The
collaboration of this city and the Mission of the Care-A-Van help to maintain compliance for
their residents.
When reflecting on what this practicum has added to my academic life, it allowed for me
to explore the disparities amongst older adults who are not quite the age for Medicare and not
disabled to benefit from Medicaid. This lesson directly corresponded to my Gerontological
lessons for this semester. This experience has affected my personal life by remembering to be
more gracious, that life may not always deal you the best hand, but that there are people who
choose to be supportive and will help as much as they can.
Overall, I could not have asked for a better experience. I am so blessed and happy that I
chose this as my community practicum and as said earlier far surpassed how I thought the
experience would be. I felt very proud of the impression I presented of myself and was asked by
staff if I would like a job with the Care-A-Van when they have an opening. I will always cherish
the experience of how the Care-A-Van changes lives for the better.

Post-Activity Submission


Nightingale F. (1893). Sick Nursing and Health Nursing. In: Billings JS, Hurd HM, eds.
Hospitals, Dispensaries and Nursing: Papers and Discussions in the International
Congress of Charities, Correction and Philanthropy. Section, Chicago.

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